Chapter 874
"The energy in "Yasaka Qiongquyu" is running out, so let's see the sun directly..."

"So, what you've said up until now was all just idle chatter that wasted energy?Wait, dial, what cloud do you dial, what day do you see...』

Before Araki Sousuke turned his head, the woman quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I will tell the Enlightened Ones how to use "Yasaka Qiongquyu", so as to get rid of the evil spirits gathered in the entire Ezo Island. resentment. "

"I said just now that 'everything in the world is interrupted', isn't that still willing to help?"

Hearing the turning point in the other party's words, Araki Sousuke was slightly delighted, and then turned his face suspiciously: "It's not right, there is no free bubble bath in the world, you are so generous, there shouldn't be any strange conditions..."

"Conditions, of course there are."

The maiden nodded, showing a warm smile.

"Although I am a good citizen who does what is right, if I want to sacrifice my flesh for this kind of thing..."

Araki Sousuke was so frightened that he quickly turned his head and crossed his hands to protect his plump chest muscles.

"The condition is that the enlightened ones accept it..."

What quickly zoomed in in his sight was the beautiful face of a woman who closed her eyes and pouted her pink lips, like a ripe peach...

"I am from Gao Tianyuan's family. I have time to express my sincere gratitude in the future."


Hokkaido, Hakodate City, Municipal General Hospital.


Crisp strings sounded on the roof of the hospital.

"woo woo woo woo……"

At the entrance of the alley below the hospital, several pale figures shattered under the invisible arrows.

"In the direction of twelve o'clock, the resentful spirits will be eradicated."

On the edge of the roof, the delicate figure of the bird You Zhengong, the bowstring of the huge bone bow in his hand is still shaking.

"Roger that!"

"Continue to maintain vigilance in all directions, and report any abnormalities immediately!"

Not far from her, more than a dozen members of the disaster prevention mobile team stood around the roof, facing different directions with guns, carefully watching the situation around the hospital.

"I don't know, what's going on with Mr. Araki?"

Putting the bow back and standing up, Kotori Yumasumi looked worriedly in the direction of Goryokaku.

Since Araki Sousuke and the others left, she has been guarding the rooftop, relying on the powerful range of "Yoku" and the defense of "Akagi Senbon", to cover the continuous stream of people fleeing into the hospital.

However, under the seemingly endless black snow, the temperature continued to drop and the concentration of grievances continued to rise, so that the people in the hospital began to have a wide range of bad symptoms such as fever, loss of temperature and mental loss...

If the hospitals with good safety, warmth and medical measures are like this, I am afraid that the situation in other places in Hokkaido is already not optimistic.

If this continues, I am afraid that in a few hours, a large number of people in Hokkaido will be in danger because of the harsh environment.

"Little Bird Tour Miko, look..."

Suddenly, a team member looked up at the sky and exclaimed in disbelief.

At the same time, the black vortex cloud that originally enveloped the entire city of Hakodate suddenly began to boil, expand, and explode towards the surroundings...

Immediately afterwards, a hole quietly appeared in the center of the chaotic cloud layer, turning the original "vortex cloud" into a "nuclear bomb cloud".

Then, a mountain-like black shadow loomed in the hole in the clouds above Goryokaku.

"The snow nearby seems to have stopped!"

"Great, it should be Araki-sensei and the others who have made a new breakthrough!"

The orchid spirit power surged back and forth in Kotori Yumayuki's eyes, looking intently at the situation in the direction of Goryokaku.

"However, the snow in the distance hasn't stopped..."

The series of changes just now happened in just a few seconds, which dazzled the girl.

"Teacher Araki..."

Although the sky was pitch black at this time, and there were scattered black clouds covering his sight, seeing the huge black shadow with an extremely familiar outline in the clouds, Kou Yumaumi already had the answer in his heart.

With the appearance of the huge black giant shadow like a mountain, the "nuclear bomb cloud" that was exploding in all directions quickly shrank around it in an instant...

The night sky in Hakodate City has once again returned to the clear sky and starry sky of the past.

"Not good, the grievances on the periphery are still spreading!"

With Kotori Yumaumi's eyesight, he could naturally notice that when the vortex cloud "exploded", there were already many black clouds escaping away from Hakodate City.

"What to do, Mr. Araki has tried his best... Can the remaining grievances only be digested by time..."

Before she could let out the tight breath in her chest, a ball of brilliant gold and scorching fire suddenly rose into the sky from the bottom of Goryokaku!

"That flame, could it be..."

Looking at this slightly familiar crimson light, Kou Yumaumi was thoughtful.

"Look, what is that... a meteorite? A comet?"

"Are you confused, meteorites and comets come from the ground?"

"What else could it be, rocket? Missile? Fireworks?"

From the members of the disaster prevention mobile team on the rooftop, to the people in the hospital below, and even the people in the entire city of Hakodate lingering in darkness, severe cold and terror, they all noticed the abnormality in the sky.

In an instant, this round of "little sun" rising into the sky attracted the attention of countless people in Hakodate, piercing the dark night sky at high speed...

Then, the only "light" in the darkness crashed into the black clouds and went out.

It's like, passing by in a flash, a gorgeous and desperate comet.

Just as the hope in everyone's hearts disappeared along with that ray of light, a fiery figure of red gold, like an unyielding ember, slowly lit up where the sun had fallen...

The scorching and dazzling red light on that figure's body burned more and more intensely, submerging his figure in an instant, turning into a round of rising sun from among the clouds!
Immediately afterwards, the rays of the rising sun continued to spread toward the surrounding "darkness", spreading along a huge, looming black shadow like a mountain in the black cloud.

The huge figure floating in the clouds outlined the whole picture hidden in the darkness amidst the spreading red flames...

The rock-solid stalwart body, the dark skin with flowing runes, and the skull lotus platform under the cross-legged, were brushed by the burning red light from bottom to top, and then plated with a layer of holy red gold...

In an instant, a giant golden Buddha with three heads and six arms, golden patterns all over his body, and a birthday wheel on his back descended on the sky of Hokkaido like a newborn sun, shining brightly!
"Then, is that... Buddha?"

"Buddha... The Buddha has manifested..."


"Could it be that it's Dainichi Tathagata... In other words, it's Amaterasu God..."

Throughout Hokkaido, countless pious gazes converged on this giant Buddha that illuminates the earth.

Wisps of warm, burnt-gold streamstone light emanated from the body of the Golden Buddha and sprinkled across the entire Hokkaido Island...

People who are trapped in extreme cold, darkness and weirdness are exposed to the warm sunshine unsuspectingly.

(End of this chapter)

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