Chapter 901

"Yes, let's be so grateful and honored. You who came here, as well as the believers who are 'preaching' everywhere in Tokyo, will join me in witnessing the birth of history!"

Looking at the group of fanatical "ants" under his feet, the "Master President" at the top of the train showed a playful smile in his eyes.

"In that case..."

He gently stretched out his hand and pressed down.

The boiling "black tide" on the platform suddenly calmed down and became silent.

A row of men in black robes quietly appeared under the locomotive, kneeling at the feet of the "Master Chairman".

"I declare..."

After glancing at the men in black robes who were fiddling with the "small film shooting equipment", and receiving the gesture of confirmation from the other party, the "Master Chairman" announced in a solemn tone: "The Hundred Ghosts Night Festival is officially opened."


At 4:20 in the morning, the faint morning light has awakened the sleeping Tokyo.

The intricate subway lines that run through the entire city like blood vessels also leave the station one by one with the departure trains, starting a busy day after day.

When most people were deep in sleep and unable to extricate themselves, many people who took the first train had already gathered in the subway carriages.

Small vendors rushing to Tsukiji Market to stock up...

Social animals and students who live outside the Tokyo metropolitan area and have to commute a few hours earlier...

A taxi driver with a tired face after working all night, but still has to take the subway home...

A cowherd with disheveled clothes and frivolous steps...

No matter what kind of reluctance you have, this city with the highest life function index and the lowest monopoly of happiness index will always have countless ways to wake you up in a hurry in the morning and catch up with the first subway.

"Good morning, viewers, this is NHK's 'Good Morning Japan' program! Let's take a look at the first news today...Last night, the snowstorm that lasted for several days in Hokkaido has completely stopped, and most of the power system has returned to normal operation , is currently in full swing to implement the post-disaster reconstruction plan..."

In the crowded subway car like sardine cans, it is as quiet as ever and suffocating.

"Currently, a natural disaster investigation team composed of experts from the University of Tokyo has gone to Hokkaido to investigate the cause of black snowflakes, the inner connection between snow disasters, magnetic field anomalies and mirages, and the 'human-to-human' transmission mechanism of the new type of rabies..."

Only the small TV set on the wall of the carriage broadcast the news of the day as usual.

"Next, let's play the next piece of news... A few days ago, a series of crimes involving public obscenity, assaulting the police, speeding, jailbreaking, and vandalism near Miyashita Park in Harajuku were filmed by netizens. The well-known wanted criminal Araki Sousuke is still at large, because of his rich criminal experience, skillful techniques, and tough skills, the police have not been able to arrest him so far.”

"The general public is asked to raise their awareness of self-protection. Once they see a suspicious man with blond hair, wearing a one-eyed eye patch, a large area of ​​tattoos on his body, and a habit of naked activities, call 110 immediately..."


After the sudden sound of electric current, the news broadcast stopped abruptly, and the screen turned into pitch black.

Even so, people wearing earphones and masks in the car and staring at their mobile phones are still immersed in their own world.

Subway trains run back and forth on the ground and underground, and it is very common for news broadcasts to be interrupted due to poor signal.

"Hey, what is this, a new advertisement?"

"The name looks like some kind of costume festival?"

"Didn't the cosplay event of the Hyakki Night Festival take place during the Obon Festival?"

After a while, only a small number of people began to notice that in the center of the pitch-black screen, there was a row of crimson distorted small characters...

Aum Shinrikyo·Hyakki Night Festival·comingsoon.

"Could it be because it was forced to stop at that time, so I made up for it now... But, this early in the morning..."

"Wait, isn't this 'Aum Shinrikyo' the cult that the police have been looking for recently... What does the countdown below mean?"

And under the line of small characters, "03:44" is displayed, and the time is still counting down.

"What's the matter, YouTube is forcing you to watch the live broadcast now? Refund my membership fee!"

"Something's wrong, Netflix and DailyMotion's home page recommendations have all become this page!"

"Wait, even P, U, A station and tiktok are all live broadcast pages... What are you kidding, today is not April Fool's Day... The server was hacked?!"

Next, people discovered one after another that all the pages of major long and short video websites were forced to jump to this crude and bloody preview screen.

At the same time, in Niiza, Ginza, Akihabara, Shibuya, Odaiba, Omotesando, Ikebukuro, Kichijoji and other major business districts that are still bathed in the morning light, the giant screens on the streets turned into one after another like a power outage. black……

These screens, which usually make a lot of money by playing various commercials and idol performances, are all quietly switched to the background of the same dark painting.

"Husband, did you order some late-night paid program, so you owe the bill... Why does our TV only have one channel back and forth?"

"Who said, except for NHK, everyone else is paying well, and there will be no extra charge for the 'Madden R18 Midnight Package'..."

Even the housewives who got up one after another and turned on the TV while cooking began to complain.

Because, no matter which channel the TV switches to, it will always be a dark countdown screen.

"It's about to start..."

"Finally, wait until this moment!"

In the dark corners of the streets and alleys of Tokyo, figures in black robes and masks are scurrying around restlessly.


Just when the early risers in Tokyo were all dazed because of the "hijacking" of TV, Internet, outdoor advertisements and video signals...


In the faint countdown sound similar to the hands of a clock, the series of countdowns quietly came to "00:00".

Under the spotlight, a row of men in black robes kneeling quietly appeared on the screen.

"What is this? I haven't played enough of the terrible 'sorrow and music' performance of the Olympics, so do I need to add it to the live broadcast?"

They raised their heads slowly, and behind the mask covered with weird runes, a pair of fanatical eyes stared at the crowd across the screen.

"Boring, what kind of rich idol group used the name of birthday to let fans crowdfund, and paid a sky-high price for all the live broadcasts of this time period...I bet [-] yen, they will immediately tear up their clothes and start dancing topless Hip-hop!"

"However, even if the outdoor screen and the video website are contracted, the signal of the TV station will not be hijacked, right?!"

At the same time, whether it is a commercial street, subway, TV or mobile phone...

Throughout Tokyo, wherever there are screens, they are all covered by the images of these men in black robes.

(End of this chapter)

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