I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 902 Good Morning, Tokyo

Chapter 902 Good Morning, Tokyo

"Good morning, Tokyo."

Just when everyone was discussing, the camera of the live broadcast quickly moved up...

"Introduce yourself."

Standing above the heads of the row of men in black robes, a man wearing a big crimson tengu mask spoke unhurriedly.

"We are the Aum Shinrikai who stand above the secular world and reshape the glory of the true God."

His deep and hoarse voice came from countless playback devices, layered and intertwined.

"Today is to break this hopeless and sad reality, and lead you to escape the day-to-day, boring, and depressing life, and step into the real world!"

"The man in front of you, named Akio Hibi, is 34 years old..."

As the camera cuts, a bare-chested, skinny man kneeling on the ground appears in the center of the screen.

"He originally ran an offshore breeding company with a happy family and a happy life. However, due to the leakage of wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the breeding area was destroyed, the company went bankrupt, and he himself suffered from cancer..."

"Even so, the indifferent government opened its eyes and denied that everything he encountered had anything to do with the leakage of nuclear wastewater, and refused to pay even a penny of compensation!"

An object wrapped in a rune bandage was thrown in front of a man named Akio Hibi.

"When his wife and children were separated, his life was dying, and he was forced by a loan shark company to make an action movie to pay off his debts, he joined our Aum Shinrikyo... Now, he has used the greatest piety in his life to pray to the true God for seven seven 49 sky!"

Akio Hibi, who had folded his hands on his chest, lowered his head and closed his eyes, and was chanting silently, opened his eyes in ecstasy. He fell to the ground like a vicious dog rushing for food, and grabbed the thing in his hands...

"Next, keep your eyes open and witness... even if you fall into the abyss called 'life', as long as you join the Aum Shinrikyo and pray to the true God sincerely, there will be a 'miracle' coming!"

As the rune bandage was torn off layer by layer, what appeared in the eyes of the people watching the live broadcast was a dark, dry, wood-grained stick.

"That, is that... the wood carving O Jinjin?!"

"Could it be, is this some kind of massive online root festival?"

"Hey, posting this kind of content publicly already violates the relevant provisions of the Anti-Obscenity Law!"

"There are still minors here, is Mr. Mosaic off work?"

Just before the surprised "audience" had time to identify it carefully, Akio Hibi had already shown amazing profound skills, swallowing the exaggerated "wood carving" in his hand whole!

Then, his whole body arched on the ground, trembling slightly in pain.


Wisps of dark green wood grains began to emerge from the surface of his whole body...


Akio Hibi's originally shriveled and weak body became fuller and tighter as the wood grain spread.

"……Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the laughter that was shriveled like a piece of wood rubbing against each other, he, whose whole body was covered with wooden textures, stretched his body and floated into the air...

"My piety...passed the experience of the true god...God's favor, let me, who is like a bedbug, achieve detachment!"

As if he had lost the shackles of gravity, the reborn Akio Hibi was like an astronaut, spinning and jumping freely in the air...

"This crappy action, have you never seen Diao Weiya before?"

"It's so boring, I strongly request to change the channel!"

Just when the "audience" became impatient because of the ordinary "special effects", the camera moved away from Akio Hibi who was laughing wildly and swept away in the air, and returned to the black man wearing the big red tengu mask on the roof of the proud car. on the gown.

"Have you seen it? This is a 'miracle'... It is enough to save anyone from the abyss of despair, from birth, old age, sickness and death, love and hate, and a life of mediocrity, to achieve a leap in the level of life..."

A fine black whirlwind sprang out from his fingertips...

"At the same time, it is also the high-ranking royal family and the government that have been concealing and controlling it alone, the truth!"

"Huh? Is this... a miracle?"

"Please, this script is too old-fashioned, I don't even use the cult in the Dahe drama..."

"Hey, do you think it's still the era of 'learning mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and religious MLM going all over the world'?!"

"I know that you, who have been fooled by the royal family like livestock and kept in captivity for thousands of years, must be full of disdain now, right?"

As if anticipating the dumbfounding reactions of the "audience" in front of the screen, the kneeling people in black robes slowly got up...

"...It doesn't matter, as I said before, the existence of our Aum Shinrikyo is to smash the falsehood and expose the truth...Listen, what do they say?"

"Wait, these people are..."

"I, am I not mistaken?"

The hoods and masks on their heads were lifted by the wind, revealing faces that are very familiar to the "audience".

"I, Masako Mori, as the Minister of Justice and member of the National Assembly, guarantee that everything you have seen and heard just now is true!"

"Koike Yuriko, as the former governor of Tokyo, solemnly informs everyone that the 'Obon Festival tornado natural disaster', 'Toyama Park mudslide disaster', 'Tokyo red moon coma incident', 'Hokkaido black The "snow disaster" is not what the government calls a "natural disaster" at all, but a fig leaf for the incompetent government that failed to solve the evil spirits in the first place!"

"I, Suzuki Naoto, announce my resignation as governor of Hokkaido, and appeal to everyone as a member of the Aum Shinrikyo... Wake up, the false gods who lie in the world have been treating us as animals who can take whatever they want and die. Only those who believe in the true God can embark on the road of transcendence and become residents of the new world!"

"My humble Minister of General Affairs, Sanae Takaichi, I would like to vouch for the words of the above-mentioned people with my personality. The royal family has known the existence of vengeful spirits, monsters, and gods for thousands of years, but they have always chosen to conceal them...The reason why the government persecutes the Aum Shinrikyo is exactly It is to cover up the truth and continue to hold the 'miracle' firmly in my own hands!"

Anyone who has participated in elections and voted, or is concerned about politics on weekdays, all immediately recognized these "political elites" who have long been ranked first in the congressional elections and have a large group of loyal followers.

"Look, history has proved time and time again that the real 'elites' will always be aware of the truth of the world one step earlier, and rush to join the tide of the times..."

"Tired of a life of despair and depression? Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to... really live? You who don't want to stay in this garbage life for a second, what are you waiting for... join the Aum Shinrikai! "

(End of this chapter)

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