Chapter 1521 Secret
"If you want to survive, tell the reason clearly."

"Otherwise not only you will die today, but your brothers will also die."

Lin Qian slowly came to Vincent Adams. He looked down at him from above, and he asked again.

Ever since he owned Gaia, as long as it was something Lin Qian wanted to know, Gaia would collect it for Lin Qian. However, there was an accident with Vincent Adams today. All internet and electronic searches turned up nothing as to why Vincent Adams defected from the Rangers.

Regarding this, Lin Qian felt extremely curious. He felt that there must be some big secret hidden in Vincent Adams, and this secret might be closely related to the US Emperor, otherwise it would only be a dozen or so How could a defected soldier have attracted the search of many forces in the United States for several years.

It would be fine if Lin Qian hadn't met Vincent Adams, but since the other party happened to crash into Lin Qian's arms by accident, Lin Qian naturally wanted to dig out this secret and see what it was like It is worth spending so much energy on the various forces of the US imperialism, and at the same time, satisfying his curiosity and desire to explore.

"A game in a game?"

"Who are you?"

"Is it from the FBI? Or from the CIA?"

"Did someone betray us?"

Vincent Adams clutched his chest. He asked Lin Qian one after another. Obviously, during the period just now, he must have made a lot of assumptions about Lin Qian's real identity.

Facing many inquiries from Vincent Adams, Lin Qian did not answer, allowing the other party to make various brainstorming.

"Do you really want to know the secret?"

"I can tell you, but I sincerely advise you, it's better not to know about this matter, because if you know this secret, then my today may very well be your tomorrow."

Seeing that Lin Qian didn't answer, Vincent Adams laughed miserably, then looked at Lin Qian calmly, and said to him.

"I don't need you to worry about my tomorrow."

"Go ahead."

Lin Qian said calmly, without any fluctuations in his heart.

"it is good."

"Since you want to know, I'll tell you."

"I've been carrying this secret for almost five years, but I didn't expect it to fall in the end."

Vincent Adams dragged his stump and leaned himself against the wall, and then a look of reminiscence appeared on his face.

"Five years ago, I was ordered to lead a team to a certain place in Maryland to carry out a secret arrest mission. The information given to us at the time showed that our arrest target was a traitorous biologist who had stolen state secrets."

"After we arrived at the destination, the 26 members of our squadron were divided into 13 groups and searched fan-shaped in the primeval forest. After three consecutive days of searching, my team members and I were the first to find the traitorous biologist. Family."

"When I found the traitorous biologist, he knelt down on the ground and begged me for mercy. He told me that there was a virus leak in the biological laboratory where he worked, and everyone in it except him Everything else is dead."

"He survived because of the antibodies produced in his body, and the US emperor sent us to catch him just to extract the antibodies from his body and kill him by the way."

When Vincent Adams said this, he paused, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

"But at that time, I was a soldier with firm belief."

"I only believe in my country, so I don't choose to believe what he says at all."

"After tying him up, we took him out of the primeval forest."

"During the period, he never gave up persuading me. I whispered a lot in my ear. He said that before he escaped from that biological laboratory, he activated the absolute protection mechanism of the entire biological laboratory, making the entire biological laboratory It is in an absolutely sealed state, and if you want to start that laboratory again, you can only open it with a key."

"In addition, he also told me the location of the biological laboratory, and many other fundamental secrets related to the state, but although I was listening at that time, I didn't take his words seriously, I only took him It’s scaremongering, trying to trick me into letting it go.”

Lin Qian's kick caused Vincent Adams to suffer serious internal injuries. Every time he said a few words, he would cough violently, often accompanied by blood, which made Lin Qian a little worried that he would not Before the meeting was finished, he died due to excessive vomiting of blood.

"It took two days to get out of the primeval forest."

"According to the requirements, we fired the signal flare on the spot."

"Soon, a gunship flew over from a distance. The people in the plane were all wearing airtight protective clothing. They picked up the biologist and gave us an order to camp in place and wait for the next step. step-by-step order."

"We obeyed the order and camped directly on the spot, but what we waited for was the cannon fire of eight gunship helicopters and the raid of a squadron of SEALs."

Speaking of this, Vincent Adams paused for a moment again, and a flash of deep regret flashed in his eyes.

"It was the night when we sent the biologist away. Facing the cannon fire of eight helicopter gunships and the surprise attack of a squadron of SEALs, we suffered heavy losses in an instant. Many brothers were beaten to death by the cannons while they were asleep. sieve."

"We didn't know why our comrades suddenly opened fire on us, but in that situation, we had no choice but to run away."

"Fortunately, the place where we camped was on the edge of the primeval forest, and we had just come out of it, and we were familiar with the terrain inside, so I took the remaining dozen or so brothers and fled frantically in the primeval forest, and And stop the pursuit of the SEALs."

"In this way, we hid and hid, fought and fled, and finally succeeded in throwing off the pursuers of the SEALs."

"So far, there are only 26 of our original 12 brothers left."

"Later, we got lost in the virgin forest. It took us a month to get out of the virgin forest, and then we found that we were on the wanted list of the military, FBI, CIA and other forces. And so began the exile."

"We hid in remote places, while hiding from the hunt, we secretly searched for the truth, and after years of searching, the truth has surfaced."

This matter may have been held in Vincent Adams's heart for too long, so that he couldn't stop talking about it, and finally confided the whole matter to Lin Qian...

(End of this chapter)

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