Chapter 1525 FBI
The first floor of the original Harry Winston official experience store was full of glass booths with luxurious jewelry, which were luxurious, bright and elegant.However, after the gun battle, the glass was scattered all over the ground, and it directly became the Syrian style, with bullet holes and burnt black after the explosion.

In addition, there are many corpses lying on the ground, some are under Vincent Adams, and some are New York special police. Under the premise that the equipment and numbers of the two sides are completely unequal, the battle damage ratio can reach nearly 1: 1, this result surprised Lin Qian a little.

However, thinking of the identities of Vincent Adams and others, Lin Qian felt relieved about such a result. After all, Vincent Adams and others were all special soldiers in the Ranger Corps, the special forces of the US Army, and It is not uncommon for a person who successfully escaped from the pursuit of the world's top special ace force, the SEALs, to have such a record.

If Vincent Adams hadn't been unlucky enough to meet Lin Qian, relying on their strength, they might have fled elsewhere with a full load of jewels at this moment through the tunnel they had prepared in advance.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in this world.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Lin Qian, who was holding Emma Watson in his arms, did not have any fluctuations on his face, and his eyes were full of indifference, which made the New York SWAT walking beside Lin Qian secretly amazed.

Soon, Lin Qian walked out of the official Harry Winston experience store.

At this moment, because of the robbery of the Harry Winston official experience store, the entire Harry Winston official experience store is covered with densely packed police cars, and there are two police cars in mid-air with searchlights on. police helicopter.

On the brightly lit Fifth Avenue, these various police cars flashed their lights at the same time, which looked really spectacular. The last time Lin Qian saw this scene was when he scored five stars in the GTA5 game I just saw it.

As for the surroundings of many police cars, there are many media reporters who have heard the news and many passers-by who join in the fun. It seems that the momentum at the scene is extremely strong. After all, armed robbery is carried out on the most prosperous Fifth Avenue in New York. Among the many criminal cases in recent years, it should be regarded as the most arrogant one.

"Boss Lin!"

"Are you alright!"

The moment Lin Qian just walked out of the official Harry Winston experience store, Zhang Qiang and Wang Hu, who had been guarding the door all along, rushed to Lin Qian immediately, with anxious expressions on their faces. .

At the same time, they were well aware of Lin Qian's low-key personality, so they immediately handed Lin Qian the cap and sunglasses they had prepared in advance.

"Do not worry."

"I have nothing to do."

"It's just that Emma was a little surprised and fainted, but it's nothing serious."

Lin Qian asked Zhang Qiang to put on the peaked cap and sunglasses for him, and then replied to the two of them.

Surrounded by many New York special police officers, Lin Qian quickly arrived in front of many police cars with Emma Watson in his arms, and saw Robert Iger as expected.

"Boss Lin!"

"Are you alright!"

"I just received a call from your bodyguard, Zhang Qiang, and learned that you were hijacked by robbers while visiting Harry Winston. It almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Fortunately, you are fine!"

Robert Iger walked up to Lin Qian quickly. He sized Lin Qian up carefully. After confirming that Lin Qian was really unharmed, he immediately became very excited.


"It's really unlucky to say."

"Emma and I were just tired of shopping and wanted to find a place to rest our feet, but it happened by accident. Fortunately, I brought my bodyguard Lin Zhan, and my own The skill is not bad, otherwise I might really have to be carried out this time."

Lin Qian pretended to sigh, his tone sounded a little sad and thankful.

"The gang of robbers are really daring!"

"How dare you commit crimes on Fifth Avenue, the busiest place in New York!"



When Robert Iger heard this, he immediately followed Lin Qian and angrily reprimanded him.

"We in China have a word called black under the lamp."

"Because all of us think that Fifth Avenue is the most prosperous place in New York, it should be the place with the best law and order and the least possibility of robbery in New York, so over time, the law and order here gradually began to relax, because here The Patrolman thinks so too."

"This group of robbers took advantage of this loophole and carried out robbery in places where everyone thought it was impossible to rob, which allowed them to succeed. If it wasn't because my bodyguards noticed something strange and called the police in advance, they might have Just let them make it."

Lin Qian put Emma Watson, who was in his arms, on the cart pushed by the nurse, and asked the doctor and nurse to give her a simple examination. At the same time, he said this to Robert Iger.

"It really is."

"That's what happens when you're too confident."

Robert Iger nodded slightly, agreeing with Lin Qian's words.

While Lin Qian and Robert Iger were talking, the whole scene was a little chaotic.

The New York special police were on guard at the scene, the New York forensic doctor entered the scene to conduct an autopsy, the New York police successively took the hooded robbers out of the official Harry Winston experience store, and the New York firefighters were solving fire hazards...

However, when many departments at the scene were dealing with the crime scene in an orderly manner, suddenly a dozen black off-road vehicles, with an extremely rough attitude, broke into the encirclement of the crime scene after passing through numerous roadblocks.

The sound of friction between the tires and the ground caused by the rapid braking attracted the attention of many people on the scene. Then, under the attention of everyone, dozens of men and women wearing blue clothes with FBI letters printed on them came from The car got off one after another.

These people are tall and straight, their eyes are as sharp as eagles, and their actions are extremely capable.

Looking at the clothes these people were wearing, the scene quickly fell silent.

Obviously, these people should all be agents of the FBI, otherwise no one would dare to wear such clothes to show off in the street, it would be a proper act of death.

"I am the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Section of the New York Field Office of the FBI. My name is Celine Glade. From now on, the FBI will take over this case. All government personnel on the scene will be temporarily transferred by us. In view of the Confidentiality regulations, except for special circumstances, everyone is not allowed to leave the scene for the time being!"

Facing the attention of everyone, a woman wearing sunglasses slowly walked out of these well-trained agents...

(End of this chapter)

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