My love options are a bit difficult

Chapter 38 Repair Blocking Help

Chapter 38 Repair Blocking Help
Although the consortium of island countries is centered on the bank, it has never pursued the core in business operation, but adopted a decentralized and flat governance, emphasizing the "three-in-one" strategy of sustainable development.

Each consortium of island nations includes at least three business sectors: financial system, general trading company and industrial industry.

The financial system is the capital base of the consortium and a convenient channel for financing. The general trading company is like a sensitive nose of the market, providing development guidance for the consortium. The industrial industry is like the executor, investing material resources and producing products along the consortium’s ideas. Complete the economic operation of the consortium.

"Three heads in one" makes the island nation's consortium sufficient ammunition, clear direction, strong motivation, and tends to be perfect in terms of organizational form.

For example, the famous consortium bank has Mitsubishi Bank, but the deep well consortium mainly develops industries and trading companies, and its popularity is not as wide as the other ones.

If you compare the Korean consortium with it, there is really no small difference. After all, the national conditions are the ecology, and the different national conditions of the two countries determine the different situations of the consortium.

Regardless of land area or population, the island country is larger than Korea, and it has a first-mover advantage in social development for decades, and has achieved a huge economic volume.

For a country, a large body is a good thing. When the pond is deep, it can produce big fish. The cake is big enough, and the consortium can eat part of it, and others can also eat it.

The island nation's consortium took the lead in implementing the "lifetime employment system", which has captured the hearts of the people. In Korea, small things are rare and the cakes are small. If the consortium eats it, others will not be able to eat it.

Small businesses can't eat it, and the people can't even eat it. The complaints are full of complaints, and the people's grievances are boiling.

The Korean consortium is far less generous than the island country consortium in terms of social contribution.

The number of consortium enterprises accounts for only 0.2% of the total number of enterprises in Korea, which cannot bring enough jobs.

This has led to very few upward channels for young Koreans, and the competition is particularly cruel.

It's just that all this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Natsume Feng. After all, he doesn't want to compete with others. If he can salt the fish, he will never stand.

Stepping into the bright and spacious hall in the building, I can't help but be amazed at the simple and connotative decoration. The hall is hollow, and the top is hollowed out for about ten meters, which looks very atmospheric.

The seven-to-eight-meter-long crystal chandelier hangs, emitting a soft white light in all directions. Those who don't know it think it is a certain western palace.

Looking at the wide hall, Natsume Feng calculated in his heart. Based on the area of ​​this hall, he bought it at a price per square meter in the port area.

A group owns an office building, which is extremely rare even in China, not to mention in the port area where every inch of land is expensive.

Seeing Natsume Feng walking in casually in work clothes to look around, a man in a suit standing at the front desk noticed him, walked over quickly and shouted:
"Hey, it's off-duty time, what are you doing?"

"I'm a worker who came to repair the posters on the roof." Natsume Feng heard the sound and stopped himself and explained to the person who came.

"Worker? Have you filed a record at the front desk?"

The man in the suit thought for a while, then asked again.

"No." Natsume Feng replied simply.

For the record?

You don't have a case filed by the Metropolitan Police here!
He felt a little speechless in his heart, can it be said that it is the force of the rumored consortium?
Since Xia Mufeng said so, the man in the suit also stretched out a hand to stop him, and said very simply: "Then you can't enter."

Xia Mufeng couldn't help but ask: "Didn't your own people notify you in advance?"

Don't they have no internal qi when it comes to repairing their own company building? It's really outrageous, and this kind of work efficiency and process is what a consortium should be like?Natsume Feng couldn't help but wonder if there was any problem within the consortium.

But no matter what he said, it would make the man in the suit say expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, I didn't receive any notification, please come back."


People are quite dedicated. If Natsume Feng opened a company and could recruit such kind of people, he would be very relieved, but what should I do now that my job is the key?You can't go back just because the other party won't let you in.

After tossing back and forth for two hours, he drove over without even having a meal, and was turned away. The gas money was enough for him to feel distressed for a while.

Looking at the expression of the man in the suit in front of him, he also understood that if he didn't show evidence today, he would definitely not be able to get in. However, he didn't know the name of the foreign service worker who called him, and there was no note on his phone.

After continuing the conversation for a few more words, the other party was still unmoved, and Natsume Feng reluctantly prepared to take out his mobile phone and call that person to see if the other party could convince the person who stopped him in front of him.

However, his attitude during the day is so cold, and now he can't even get in the door, but instead calls him, it's really a bit embarrassing
Even Natsume Feng had some doubts about whether the foreign affairs officer deliberately made people stumbling on him. If so, he would definitely quit immediately.

But just when he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and the phone number was about to be called, a gentle old grandmother's voice came from the back right of his body.

"I know that person, the worker who came to fix the poster last time."

The two looked sideways at the same time, looking at a plainly dressed grandma pushing a cleaning car.

"I saw this little brother last time. It was the person who was hired by Araki-san from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to repair the poster, and today he was talking about finding someone to repair the poster. After all, if Mr. Mitsui's poster is defective, it is also a detrimental thing to his image. , will definitely be anxious."

"And today, my wife said something to the secretary-general because of this. I think the secretary-general must have arranged for Araki-san to find this little brother."

The old grandmother had a kind smile on her face, her wrinkled face showed her working time, her gray hair had obviously experienced the baptism of years, and her tone was also very gentle, just looking at it made people feel good.

"Did the madam say this?" The expression on the man in the suit was a little unbelievable.


The grandmother nodded.

There was silence for a while.

The man in the suit turned his head and glanced at Xia Mufeng, then nodded to the grandmother, pondered for a while, and then said, "If that's the case, that's fine, but let's do it as soon as possible."

The grandmother nodded with a smile, and the man in the suit turned to look at him with questioning eyes.

Xia Mufeng: "No problem, about half an hour is enough."

"In that case, let me take this little brother upstairs. He may not be familiar with this place."

"Then trouble you."

The man in the suit nodded, bowed slightly to the grandmother, glanced at Xia Mufeng, and returned to his post.

Seeing that he didn't move, the grandmother who was pushing the cleaning cart couldn't help but give him a look. Xia Mufeng was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and then followed in the footsteps of the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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