Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 259 True Dragon Throne

Chapter 259 True Dragon Throne
The Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

Rita Skeeter, who has recovered her human form from her beetle form, lowered her head and faced the seven-step platform in the center of the secret room, standing with her hands down respectfully.

On the seven-step high platform is a noble throne, and a dark green bead is inlaid on the back of the throne, emitting a faint green halo. This is exactly the seat that Xie Lin specially placed here for him.

With the growth of Schelling's strength, this seat seems to have slowly changed.

On the back of the throne, around the dark green bead, there were originally four silver-white giant snakes engraved, with long snake bodies wrapping around the bead below, and four snake heads baring their fangs surrounding the bead, as if the most loyal guards were guarding the bead, but at this moment——

The four silver pythons have disappeared.

Instead, it was a golden snake-like creature.They are different from real snakes. The scales on their bodies are no longer thin and dense with smooth edges, but more like sharp triangular points. The surface of the scales is no longer smooth, but slightly raised and strange black and red two-color lines, undulating up and down, and feels very rough. If you stare at the lines for a long time, you will feel inexplicably depressed.

The more conspicuous difference is that two rows of spines similar to the Norwegian Ridgeback grew on the surface of the skin on the back of the snake-like creature, standing upright like swords. The left and right sides of the snake-like creature's head even abruptly grew two long light brown curved horns.

This seat was built by Schelling with a lot of thought, and the materials used are not simple.

The wood inside comes from the collection of his alien ally, Prince Bathory - a treasure called "Dracula's Coffin". .

The magic practiced by the vampire royal family is a completely different system from that of wizards. They advocate death and pursue the power that is closest to the edge of death. Therefore, this coffin is filled with the power of death, which can convert any living person or creature into a living dead, which is commonly known as the undead.

If a Muggle lay in it, within a night, it would turn into a low-level vampire who lost his mind, only the desire to kill and suck blood remained in his mind;
If an ordinary dog ​​lies in it, it will turn into a black bloodthirsty sawtooth demon dog. This is an extremely terrifying dark creature. Although it is small in size, it is ferocious and fearless of death. Once there are enough of them, it can even kill a fire dragon;
If the person lying in it is a powerful enough wizard, the magic power on his body can offset the attack of the power of death to a certain extent.

Of course, Schelling would not do this, making himself uncomfortable.Sitting voluntarily in a seat that would invade one's magic power and soul at any time, without seeing any other benefits other than pretending to be aggressive, is by no means Schelling's style of doing things.

In order to neutralize the strong death force above, Xie Lin took four of the snake-language magic steles left by Slytherin, and used transfiguration to transform them into four big snakes wrapped around them.In mysticism, the big snake represents greed and ambition, and also represents devouring. The legendary ancient snake-like monsters can even devour the sun, the moon, the world, and everything.

Slytherin himself engraved the snake language magic on the stone tablet, endowing the stone tablet with the power of devouring.As the legendary great magister, Slytherin may not be weaker than Dracula.The power contained on the stele is enough to swallow the power of death in the wood used for the seat.

Death magic is originally one of black magic.

As for Parsel-language magic, even if Slytherin never admits it, it is difficult to break away from the category of black magic.

When the seat was initially designed, death and snakes were the core themes.

Through the strong power of death, he was swallowed by the big snake, and then converted into pure blood power, which was absorbed by Xie Lin who was sitting on the seat.

This blood power is not something anyone can absorb. After all, it is transformed from the snake-language magic left by Slytherin himself. This transformation process will inevitably be contaminated with Slytherin's own magic philosophy——

"Sanctimonia Vincet Semper" (Sanctimonia Vincet Semper).

This bloodline power is most suitable for the children of pure-blood families. The older the bloodline origin, the better, especially the young wizard who has awakened the bloodline talent is the most suitable candidate to receive this power.

After three magic riots and one bloodline purification ceremony, Xie Lin awakened the bloodline talents of the Malfoy family and the Black family at the same time. Today, with his bloodlines withered, the power of his bloodlines is enough to dominate the world. This power can be said to be tailor-made for him.

Now, compared to when the throne was just built, Xie Lin's strength has made great progress. After he resonated with the blood of the members of the Sleeping Dragon Club, which triggered the third magic riot, an inexplicable and unknown mysterious power emerged from him. It was time, space, and even an indescribable fate.

From then on, he sat on the throne, no longer confused and dazed, even in the depths of darkness, the darkness could not corrode him a bit.

In this way, the serpentine stele slowly evolved.

It was only then that Schelling realized what kind of chair he had built——

Although it has no sanity and no spirituality, it is a growth type——

It will change as the master's strength grows!
The giant python that the stele originally turned into is no longer a snake creature in the strict sense, but more like a new creature between the "King of Snakes" Basilisk and the subspecies of Fire Dragon (Wyrm).

Schelling naturally understood what was going on.

The essence of magic is that wishes come true. Magic is a reflection of the mind of the user. What Xie Lin pursues in his heart is nothing more than power, which is enough to protect everything he values!

The Patronus Charm is a magical magic that best reflects the mind of the user. This is why the patron saints of careerists are often snake-like animals, and the patron saints of warriors and duelists are often large cats such as ligers and tigers... and Schelling's patron saint——

It's a dragon!

The dragon represents danger as well as power.

As Xie Lin used the throne again and again, it began to be filled with Xie Lin's aura, and the python transformed from the stele also began to transform into a dragon-like creature.

The giant python sheds its snake body and evolves into a dragon shape, and the sleeping dragon is about to wake up!
Schelling gave this chair a famous name——

True Dragon Throne!

The true dragon represents the earliest ancient dragon, and it can also be called the ancestor dragon and the first dragon. It is the originator of all fire dragons and inferior dragons today.In that era, apart from the ancient giants, there was no other creature that could compete with them!

Xie Lin stood on the high platform and slowly sat on the True Dragon Throne. The green beads on the back of the chair glowed with dazzling green light. There was a faint sound of dragon chant in the void, and the surrounding air seemed to be stagnant.

Rita Skeeter, who was under the high platform, suddenly felt a coercion rushing towards her face. Her center of gravity was unstable, and she suddenly knelt down on the ground.

Her heart was like being suddenly thrust into a heavy boulder, inexplicably very heavy and oppressive, a feeling of suffocation surrounded her, making her body unable to produce any strength at all, and she couldn't even move a single finger.

Rita Skeeter is a special correspondent for the Daily Prophet.

Her reputation was so loud that she made everyone who knew her angry and cursed—except the editor-in-chief of the "Daily Prophet", because she always heard gossip and lace news from nowhere, and then deliberately exaggerated and distorted the facts of the news to slander others.

Rita Skeeter serves no one, she is just herself.She seems to have a grudge against the whole world, likes to criticize everything in the wizarding world, and likes to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

All the big names in the wizarding world have been the targets of her attacks, from star writer Gilderoy Lockhart to Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge to the greatest white wizard of this century, Albus Dumbledore.

Rita Skeeter also has a "magic weapon" - a dark green shorthand quill.

The pen has a mind of its own, and is good at falsifying people's language, embellishing it, turning ordinary sentences in Rita's interviews into unrealistic, hype sentences and automatically recording them on paper.

Most of the articles it writes are hype and rumors, exaggerating things.

For example, Rita asked a wizard: "Are you human?"

The wizard replied: "I am."

The shorthand quill will scribble on the paper and write: A certain wizard said that except him, there is no one else in the wizarding world!
(End of this chapter)

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