Malfoy Rise at Hogwarts

Chapter 260 Conquering Rita

Chapter 260 Conquering Rita
Rita's pungent writing, rumor-mongering, and ability to create something out of nothing are no secrets among the upper class of wizards.Even people in the Ministry of Magic secretly supported her and acquiesced in her doing so, on condition that the Ministry of Magic manipulate public opinion and eradicate political enemies.

But what many people don't know is that Rita's real strength is actually her intelligence gathering ability.

She is actually an unregistered Animagus, and it is an extremely rare insect Animagus, and her transformation form is a small beetle.This gives her the advantage of sneaking into any place, eavesdropping and intercepting any classified information.

She also has a dark secret.

She's a pretty powerful master of memory magic, much better than Gilderoy Lockhart.

She knows how to extract other people's memories, blur other people's impressions, and modify other people's memories—

Those wizards who saw through her disguise, broke through her sneaking, eavesdropping, etc. lost all memories of her illegal activities because of this, and this was the real reason why she was able to fight the crime for so long without losing it.Of course, the magic she used was not Legilimency.That requires many years of practice, as well as an outstanding spiritual magic talent.

She used orthodox memory magic, the kind that required wands and spells, such as forgetting spells, memory modifying spells, chaotic spells, and so on.

Not only that, in order to protect her various secrets that violate wizard laws, she also specially practiced Occlumency, so that her secrets will not be easily leaked out and probed by the minders.She knows how many people are staring at her, whether it is her competitors, the big figures she has offended, or those who covet her intelligence database, such as...

Sheryn Malfoy.

The moment she was caught by Schelling, although she was a little flustered, she generally didn't have much fear.

She knew that there were many people who wanted to arrest her, but very few people wanted her life. In particular, she didn't remember that she had ever written any articles that slandered or slandered Xie Lin.

If it is inferred like this, there is only one possibility for Xie Lin to arrest her, and that is to benefit——

That is, the information database in her hand.

The moment she was caught, she had already thought of various coping plans and dialogues in her mind.

The intelligence database is her lifeblood and the biggest trump card she relies on for survival in the media industry. It is absolutely impossible for her to hand it over.

At best, it is to hand over part of the information that has been screened by her - in her opinion, this is already the best result, and there is a high probability that Xie Lin will agree to this plan, after all, Xie Lin is only a young boy -

From Rita's point of view, he just wanted to know some information related to him, such as the secret information about the Malfoy family, some inside information about the Ministry of Magic, etc.

It's impossible for him to be interested in where the Weird Sisters held a concert again, Celestina Warbeck was rumored to be having an affair with someone, and Cornelius Fudge's niece was photographed having an affair in a nightclub, right?
If that's the case, she can't accept it.After all, she fell into the hands of others and exposed herself as an illegal Animagus. This is not a small crime—as long as Schelling reports her, it will be enough to send her to Azkaban for at least ten years.

In her opinion, it would be a win-win situation for everyone to be happy if the matter could be revealed at the price of paying some information.

As for Schelling's violence against her?She didn't think it was a possibility.

There was no enmity between the two, and there was even a lot of room for cooperation. For example, a few hours ago today, she reached a cooperation agreement with Schelling's brother, another little Malfoy. Draco would provide scandalous material about his old enemy Harry Potter, and she would exaggerate and polish it, and write an article to disgust Potter.

As for her most precious memory being tricked out by Legilimency?Don't be funny, how old is this young man? Even if he is a genius, it is impossible for him to learn Transfiguration, Charms, and Alchemy at this age, and still have the energy to master the extremely advanced skills of Legilimency.

Even if it was the worst case scenario - Schelling really knew a little about Legilimency (in her opinion, mastery is absolutely impossible), that would be fine.Rita is confident in her own Occlumency. There will never be more than five Occluments in Great Britain who can break through her mental defenses. This is the number after she counts Dumbledore and the mysterious man.

Unexpectedly, she still underestimated the appetite of this immature boy with a harmless smile. After Schelling made his request, Rita was completely stunned.

Yes, Schelling did agree that she didn't need to hand over her intelligence database, but he made an even more absurd request that she had never thought of——

He wanted Rita to directly hand over the intelligence network she had spent decades building up!

That's not all, he even asked her to be his subordinate, a mysterious organization called Sleeping Dragon Club, and lead the intelligence gathering task for him!
She made a mistake from the very beginning—what Xie Lin wanted and coveted was never the information in her hands, but herself!

How could she agree!

If the intelligence database is her lifeblood, then the intelligence network is more important than her life.Her intelligence network took her nearly 30 years of time and painstaking efforts to build. There are more than 10 professional senior intelligence personnel, more than 20 ordinary intelligence personnel, and countless informants all over the country.

Even if someone offered 100 million Galleons in exchange, she would say "no" without hesitation!
She was about to refuse just now, but found that her spirit was suddenly attacked, this familiar and damned feeling - it was Legilimency!
Ah, Xie Lin really knows Legilimency!
She hastily used the Occlumency Technique to block the invisible invasion out of her mind.

She succeeded.

She clearly felt that the other party's Legilimency was hitting the mental barrier she had set up hard, and she even felt the aftermath of the strong shock from the mental barrier, but she still kept her brain.

She only felt a feeling of nausea and wanting to vomit, but she was sure that the impact would only make the other party feel worse than her. After a while, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she had already noticed that the other party's mental assault was slowly receding.

At this moment, she just breathed a sigh of relief, her vigilance and the defense of her brain dropped to the lowest level, her eyes suddenly saw a dazzling red light, and then she lost consciousness.

She didn't know what happened at all, and she didn't know what method Xie Lin used. The only thing she remembered was when she lost consciousness, the pair of snake pupils that flashed red light and formed a straight line caught her eyes.

The moment she came to her senses, she had surrendered to Schelling from body to heart, from mind to soul.Everything is extremely natural, as if she was born to be Xie Lin's subordinate, serving Xie Lin is her destiny and the only meaning of her existence——

She wants to dedicate her all to the honorable master!
So there was the scene of Xie Lin sitting in front of the Dragon Throne in the last picture.

Yes, Schelling modified her thoughts, memories and even her entire personality with "absolute mastery".

Rita is not a character who is easy to attack, her Occlumency attainments can be considered quite powerful, but Xie Lin first used Legilimency to consume part of her mental power, and then seized the short moment when she let down her vigilance and lowered her mental defenses and used "Absolute Master" to forcefully break through the defenses and sneak in.

From now on, Rita Skeeter, in addition to being the most well-known special correspondent of the "Daily Prophet", she has a brand new secret identity——

The leader of the dispatched intelligence team of Sleeping Dragon Society, the loyal subordinate of Sherlin Malfoy, codenamed "Ni Lin".

【"Servant" Rita Skeeter got it!】

(End of this chapter)

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