Chapter 201
Zhong Cheng is open-minded, he is not afraid of the test, but also a little curious about what kind of judgment the system will make for him.

"Ah, isn't that bad?"

Both Fu Huaquan and Fu Huaquan were taken aback. They never dared to judge the company's leaders, especially the senior leaders.

This is a huge taboo, so even if Zhong Cheng asked for it, they still dare not.

"Or, let's go out and lead you to see the result yourself."

Liu Zhenquan immediately thought of a solution and carefully proposed it.

"Don't be so troublesome, it's no big deal, you can test it for me now!"

Zhong Cheng gave the order directly, Fu Huaquan nodded to Liu Zhenquan, Liu Zhenquan had to obey.

At Zhong Cheng's request, Liu Zhenquan transferred Zhong Cheng's personnel files, including appearance characteristics, into the Yang Jian screening system.

And all the documents and video records that the system can collect in the past eight years from the factory interview to the present have also been transferred into the system.

In less than 5 minutes, an identical "Zhong Cheng" was generated in Yang Jian's screening system, but with a stern and serious expression.

After Liu Zhenquan clicked on the character confirmation, the system began to calculate, and the result was displayed after 3 minutes.

With the capability of Super Fuxi Optical Brain, the amount of calculation is very huge.

Seeing the judging data displayed on the system, Fu Huaquan and Liu Zhenquan were shocked and dumbfounded.

The eight human qualities of loyalty, justice, bravery, selflessness, persistence, compassion, honor, and wisdom are all grade nine.

On the basis of these eight qualities, the hundreds of human quality scores subdivided are basically above the eighth grade.

In the past two years, under Zhong Cheng's suggestion, Fu Huaquan and his two have changed the character judgment of characters to the nine-rank classification method, which is no longer a black and white judgment method.

Because Zhong Cheng believes that human nature is complex and multi-faceted, and various qualities should also be graded to varying degrees.

In the past two years, Fu Huaquan and the others have judged the character of tens of thousands of people, and the average of the eight basic characters has reached the third rank or above, which is very good.

Rank five and above are rare, and Zhong Cheng is the only one who has reached rank nine.

Fu Huaquan could still hold his breath. Based on his understanding of Zhong Cheng, he thought this result was correct.

But Liu Zhenquan was a little flustered. He thought there was something wrong with the system, so he tried several times in a hurry, but the result was the same.

In the end, he accepted the result wholeheartedly, and admired Zhong Cheng so much that his eyes stared at the stars.

This is the role model of the Red Star people!

They will be extremely relieved that Red Star Company will be led by him in the future.

But Zhong Cheng was not so happy.

He noticed that the family item in the subdivided items scored only three points, which was extremely abrupt compared with almost all other high scores.

He realizes how little he has given to his family!

Although he didn't make his parents hungry or cold, how much time did he spend caring about them, understanding what they were thinking, and whether they were having a good time?
"Xiao Zhong, I personally think that the system's measurement is very accurate, and it fits your actual situation!"

Fu Huaquan saw Zhong Cheng staring at the system data in deep thought, and took the initiative to break the silence.

Zhong Cheng let go of his thoughts and said, "The judgment on me is a bit exaggerated!"

Seeing the nervous expressions of the two, he changed his tone, "However, you have done a very good job, and I will recommend it to the company and even the country."

The two became excited when they heard the words, Liu Zhenquan's eyes were red, so many years of hard work were not in vain!

"However, the use of this system must follow strict authorization and confidentiality management. The fewer people who can use and see the judgment results, the better."

"For the use department, only the basic final judgments of 'available' and 'suspicious' are displayed, and no specific data should be displayed."

"Otherwise it will cause confusion, you should know the seriousness of the consequences!"

Zhong Cheng is not unfounded. If people know that their thoughts will be exposed to the eyes of others, it is a very scary thing!

Fu Huaquan quickly assured that he would immediately formulate relevant usage regulations and hand them over to Zhong Cheng for approval.

"Don't put too much psychological burden on you. This is a sharp double-edged sword. Used well, it is a sharp weapon in our hands to judge human nature, and it is the nemesis of criminals!"

After appeasing the nervousness of the two of them, Zhong Cheng asked about the existing problems in Yang Jian's screening system.

Liu Zhenquan said that if a person is divided into past, present and future, then the current system can already grasp a person's past and present very well.

But for the future of people, that is, what actions a person will make, the accuracy rate of judgment is less than 30%.

He cited a case that happened the year before last.

An engineer from the Fighter Aircraft Manufacturing Company was named Pu Zhigao, whom Zhong Cheng still knew.

From his words and deeds in some public places, the system judged that he might betray the company's core technology.

The investigation proved that Pu Zhigao complained a lot about not being able to find a house in Longling Villa, and he had a dissatisfaction, and he was ready to take action.

The Ministry of Security stepped up monitoring of him.

Just when Pu Zhigao secretly negotiated terms with a large technology company in Haicheng, and was about to steal the manufacturing process of Zhu Rong's electric pusher.

For unknown reasons, he suddenly changed his mind and gave up on this action.

Then, his temperament changed drastically, his work became harder, and his personality became more and more cheerful.

At this time, the system's judgment on him was actually trustworthy!

At this year's year-end commendation meeting, Park Zhigao was assigned a small villa in the Longling villa area due to his outstanding contribution.

He got his wish!

After repeated confirmation, Park Zhigao definitely did not find that he was suspected or monitored, and the system's latest judgment was not wrong.

They had no choice but to file and seal this file. If Pu Zhigao continued like this, this file would never be released.

But his transformation made everyone puzzled. Fu Huaquan made a note in this file: Park Zhigao had a sudden epiphany.

Other than that, there is no explanation!
After Zhong Cheng listened, he said it was expected.

Human thinking is too complicated, and there are all sorts of strange ideas appearing in the mind at any time, and many of them are irrational and illogical.

A person cannot predict some of his own actions, let alone the system.

This is the fundamental reason for the human brain to produce wisdom. The useful ideas that happen to appear out of countless ideas are the unique creative thinking of the human brain.

If this secret is unraveled, intelligent life can be truly created.

Zhong Cheng also revealed a little about Qin Wenyu's recent research and development results on the human brain. She found that the connections between countless neurons in the human brain must be explained by quantum theory.

She basically cracked the secret of telepathy, which is a quantum entanglement effect at a distance.

He told Fu Huaquan and Liu Zhenquan that there is no need to waste time on predicting human behavior, the most urgent job now is to improve the judgment of human character as soon as possible.

He wanted to use Yang Jian's screening system in China's anti-corruption work as soon as possible.

But before that, they must ensure the reliability of the system!
It is better to kill mistakes than to let go of this kind of thing, which is not allowed in modern society.

Yang Jian's screening system must not wrong a good person, nor let a bad person go wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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