Chapter 500 Reversal
The catastrophe of the demons is a blessing for mankind, and everyone in the Federation rejoices.

The vast majority of federal soldiers and civilians don't know that the federal army has carried out a virus attack, but this does not prevent them from being sincerely happy that the end of the demon army is coming.

In the Spring Festival of 2048, although most human beings are still immersed in the grief of losing their loved ones, there is also a bit of buoyancy of seeing the sunrise when the clouds open.

February 2, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

It was snowing heavily in Kunlun City, and it was freezing cold.

The flow of people flocking to Kunlun City from all over the earth, mainly from the original Huaxia region, finally thinned out.

In more than five months, nearly 10 billion federal people were evacuated to other human colonies in the solar system through the space ladder of Kunlun City-Sky Palace.

It can be called the largest immigration wave in human history, bringing a large number of working people to the human colonies of Mars, Venus, Mercury and even the asteroid belt.

However, as the situation of the war with the demons on the earth has improved, the number of federal people who want to escape from the earth has decreased significantly, and most human beings are still reluctant to leave their homes on the earth.

In a conference room of the Federation Headquarters in the Kunlun Building, the top military and political leaders of the Federation are having an emergency meeting.

The meeting was to discuss how to deal with the bad news from the front line. A severe infectious disease appeared in the frontline troops of the Federal Army who were preparing to launch the final battle against the demon army.

Since three days ago, individual frontline officers and soldiers had symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, but they did not pay attention during the war.

It was not until a large number of officers and soldiers began to fall ill that the front-line commanders reported to the Federal Army Headquarters.

The expert team sent by the Federal Army Command determined that this is a brand new viral infectious disease, which was named U virus.

Although the U virus is not the same as the X virus, it also has the characteristics of strong transmissibility and high pathogenicity, but the fatality rate is slightly lower.

The latest situation is that almost all the federal troops in contact with the demon army were infected, but there were no deaths, but they have temporarily lost their combat capabilities.

Zhong Cheng had no choice but to stop the attack on the demons and ordered the officers and soldiers to be treated as soon as possible.

But the news that Zhou Hu received this morning made people worry. Cases of ordinary people being infected by the U virus came from all over the world, and it also spread from the area in contact with the demon army.

Liu Yuzhu spoke on behalf of the Kunlun Research Institute, suspecting that there is a certain relationship between the U virus and the X virus, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence that the federal army had just attacked the demon army with the X virus, and was immediately backlashed by the U virus.

Most of the participants agreed with Liu Yuzhu's opinion, but the protagonist Qin Wenyu was not present, so no one refuted it.

Zhou Hu reported that Qin Wenyu's team was busy researching the U virus and developing targeted specific drugs at the same time, so they could not come to the meeting.

In the end, the emergency meeting had to formulate some normal prevention and control measures, but it was difficult to prevent and control the situation when there was a large number of population movements during the war and the lack of grassroots government organizations.

Zhong Cheng felt like he had shot himself in the foot with a rock, and he didn't doubt the relationship between the U virus and the X virus at all.

But I don't regret using the X virus, because if I don't use the X virus, the earth will fall into the hands of the demons in less than half a year.

Now I can only hope that Qin Wenyu can develop a special medicine as soon as possible. As long as human beings survive the sequelae caused by the X virus, victory is in sight!
Three days later, the U virus has spread around the world, and has spread to human colonies outside the earth through immigration.

Death cases have begun to appear among ordinary people infected, and the trend is getting worse!

The speed at which the U virus spread was beyond everyone's expectations, and even surpassed the X virus from this point of view.

However, the first batch of patients in the army recovered on their own, which proved that U virus is far weaker than X virus in terms of morbidity and mortality.

However, ordinary people, especially the elderly, cannot compare with the physical fitness of soldiers. As of February 2, the U virus has caused more than one billion people to be bedridden and millions of people have died.

Even Zhong Cheng's parents were infected by the virus, and at their advanced age in their 90s, it is difficult to rely on their own recovery.

While the top federal officials were anxious, good news finally came from the Biological Research Center of the Kunlun Research Institute. A specific therapeutic drug for U virus has been developed, and Red Star Biotechnology Company is fully producing it.

On February 2, the first batch of U-virus specific medicines came out, which brought Zhong's father and mother back from the brink of death, and made Zhong Cheng's heart drop to the ground.

In the next few days, the U virus specific medicine was distributed to all parts of the world, and the raging U virus was finally contained.

But there are still a large number of seriously ill patients, mainly the elderly, who cannot be treated, and the death toll is still increasing rapidly.

2 month 28 day.

Shi Hanxing reported a bad news to Zhong Cheng, the demon army is resurgent.

Although the federal army was resting in place, it did not relax for a moment in the reconnaissance of the demon army.

The X virus caused a devastating blow to the demon army. Most of the Warcraft warriors died, and none of the huge army of more than 5000 million survived.

However, most of the Xel'Naga demon warriors survived the attack of the X virus with extraordinary physical fitness, and began to regain their vitality.

What is even more desperate is that the newly born monsters from the hatchery of the demon army are immune to the X virus.

In just a few days, the demon army increased from the remaining 300 million to 800 million, and the individual strength became stronger, and the number of Xel'Naga demon fighters also reached more than 100 million.

The Federal General Staff assessed the current combat power of the two sides. The current 900 million troops of the Federal Army on Earth are no match for the Demon Army.

But unless the forces of the Jupiter United Fleet are transferred back to Earth, the Federation has no more qualified soldiers.

Moreover, with the breeding speed of the demon army, tens of millions of troops will be formed in less than three months.

Due to the outbreak of the U virus in the human world, the federal army lost the chance to give the demons a final blow when they were at their weakest, giving them a chance to breathe.

Now the federal army can no longer deal with the demons on earth with conventional force!
Coming to such a conclusion, even with Zhong Cheng's firm mind, he felt despair.

Of course, the Federation still has the last resort, which is to use high-yield nuclear bombs to overturn the earth and destroy the demon army along with billions of human beings.

In this way, the Federation still has more than one billion people on other planets in the solar system, and it is entirely possible to win the final victory of this war.

But such an ultimate means, until the last moment, no one can make a decision.

But at such a juncture, do humans still have the opportunity to use nuclear bombs?

And with the tenacious vitality of the demons, can a nuclear explosion really wipe them out?

For the first time since the outbreak of the war, Zhong Cheng wavered about whether he could win the war.

The physical fitness and reproductive ability of the demons all show the power of life itself.

Is it true that human beings can't defeat the demons, and that technological civilization can't compare with the civilization of biological evolution?

Was it wrong for mankind to embark on the development path of scientific and technological civilization from the very beginning?
Zhong Cheng felt extremely painful and guilty. Those sacrificed friends like Lu Yao handed over the Federation to him, but he failed their expectations.

He has tried his best, but still can't defeat the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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