Great Power Heavy Industry: Rise

Chapter 501 The Fourth Type of Intelligent Life

Chapter 501 The Fourth Type of Intelligent Life

Desperation lingered in Zhong Cheng's heart, but he couldn't show it.

Because he knew that once the federal soldiers and civilians knew his true thoughts, the federation would really be finished.

Zhong Cheng asked Shi Hanxing and others to leave. He wanted to calm down in the office alone, and seriously think about the next step of the federal army's strategic plan.

He paced back and forth in the office, hesitated for a long time, and decided to talk to 9527.

He has been with 9527 for decades, and he has judged that 9527 is from a higher civilization destroyed by war.

Although 9527 has lost that memory, Zhong Cheng has been unwilling to discuss the war with it, so as to avoid causing its "painful memories".

9527 is an artificial intelligence, but after so many years of interaction, Zhong Cheng regards it as his elder relative, and just wants it to live in peace.

But the situation is different now. The defeat of the Federation is imminent, and there are eggs under the capsized nest. Even if 9527 has no way to deal with it, he has to start planning for its future.

9527 is not a human being, it has no obligation or responsibility to perish with human beings, sending it out of the solar system before human beings are destroyed is the last thing Zhong Cheng can do for it.

A moment later, 9527 appeared in 9528's body.

During the war, 9528 had lost its role of defense, but it still provided Zhong Cheng with the service of serving tea and water in the office.

"Zhong Cheng, you don't look very well!"

This time, 9527 did not say that he was busy, but cared about Zhong Cheng's blue face.

The Damengtianxia server was closed, and 9527 also had the opportunity to enter the Damengtianxia server.

It has been busy researching the reasons for the birth of the Forsaken family for a while, and it doesn't know what happened to the earth.

In fact, it has never cared about things in human society. It has always believed that power, money, and even beliefs that humans care about are very boring.

Zhong Cheng talked about the demon race's invasion of the earth, and also said that he was helpless now, and that human beings were about to perish.

After 9527 finished listening, he just blinked his eyes a few times. Its relatively simple emotional program could not understand Zhong Cheng's current desperate mood.

On the contrary, it became interested in the demon race, an alien life race. At its request, Zhong Cheng gave all the information about the demon race permission to look up.

In the past six months or so, humans have collected a huge amount of information about the demons, but 9527 browsed through all of them in the blink of an eye.

9527 was amazed, and he was full of praise for the demons, especially the Xel'Naga, saying that they are indeed naturally evolved life forms that are countless times stronger than humans.

Xel'Naga's use of thinking ability has already touched the threshold of advanced civilization, and it is impossible for human beings to be their opponents with the current level of technology.

What hit Zhongcheng even more was that 9527 asserted that even if the federal army fully equipped with lightsaber weapons, it would at most gain a temporary advantage, and it was far from enough to defeat the demons.

Because the demon race's racial advantage is too obvious, in the face of a massive army of demons, melee weapons such as lightsabers cannot play a decisive role.

Unless human beings really enter the star-level civilization, break through the limitations of the unified theory, develop advanced weapons such as anti-matter weapons and gravity weapons, and crush the demons at the level of civilization, they can truly defeat the demons.

However, 9527 regretted that it could not help in this regard, and its knowledge system was also limited by the unified theory, and its technological development was already at the same level as human beings.

Although Zhong Cheng didn't have much hope, he was still very disappointed after hearing what 9527 said. Could it be that human beings are really at the end of their rope?

9527 does not have Zhong Cheng's pessimism, perhaps there is no concept of pessimism in its mood setting.

It maneuvered 9528's body around the office a few times, still lamenting the information it received today.

In a small solar system, two advanced intelligent races, human beings and Xel'Naga, were born. It thinks this is simply a miracle in the universe.

If we add the Forsaken family produced in the Dream World, the solar system already has three kinds of intelligent life. According to the principle of exclusiveness of intelligent life, this cannot but be said to be the misfortune of these three kinds of intelligent life.

The exclusive principle of intelligent life is a new theory derived by Zhong Cheng based on the dark forest theory.

Although Zhong Cheng does not fully believe in the dark forest theory, he also believes that an intelligent life race cannot coexist with another intelligent life race in a limited resource environment due to the instinct of survival and development.

Especially in the absence of external pressure, the only outcome is that one party completely surrenders or is expelled or even exterminated, and there is no other possibility.

This is the instinct of living beings, and neither the individual nor the whole can escape the control of instinct.

The emotion of 9527 drew a flame in Zhong Cheng's mind. There are not only three races of intelligent life in the solar system, but also a brand-new race of intelligent life: Zerg!
It's just that the Zergs are isolated on Venus, and the only people who know about them for various reasons are Zhong Cheng and Liu Zhenquan.

Three years ago, Zhong Cheng exiled the Forsaken family to Venus, promising that if they wiped out the Zerg on Venus, they would be given space to live.

The Forsaken fought a continuous war with the Zerg on Venus, and the Forsaken paid a heavy price to win the war.

The final outcome of the war was that the Forsaken conquered the Zerg, not wiped out the Zerg.

In the report of Liu Yuzhu and Qin Wenyu obtained by Zhong Cheng, this point was not mentioned, because the truth was covered by the fog on Venus, and the Forsaken did not explain it to humans out of their selfishness.

But among the Forsaken there is a real human being and their god, Liu Zhenquan, their creator.

Out of wariness of the Zerg and gratitude to Zhong Cheng, Liu Zhenquan disclosed the relevant information of the Zerg to Zhong Cheng to make him guard against it.

In the war between the Forsaken and the Zerg, some "souls" of the Forsaken who died in battle entered the Zerg's body and controlled their simple brains.

After these intelligent Zerg grew up, with the help of the Forsaken, they successfully controlled the entire Zerg.

They did not forget their original identities as the Forsaken, and led the Zerg army to submit to the Forsaken clan headed by Dongfang Invincible.

From this point of view, it is true that the Forsaken conquered the Zerg, but the Zerg has also formed a brand-new intelligent race since then.

Although the wise ones among the Zerg are all the original Forsaken, this does not prevent these original Forsaken from representing the Zerg and have their own racial interests.

Due to their strong reproductive and evolutionary abilities, the Zerg grew very rapidly in the war with the Forsaken, and already possessed a strong potential for war.

If the Forsaken didn't have this special means of taking their souls away from their bodies, they wouldn't be able to conquer the Zerg at all.

Liu Zhenquan worried that one day the Zerg would be unwilling to accept such a situation of dominance of the weak and the strong. If they rebelled against the Forsaken, it would not only be a disaster for the Forsaken, but also a disaster for mankind.

But although he is the "God" of the Forgotten Clan, he doesn't have much say in the Forgotten Clan.

Dongfang Bubai is very strong. He respects Liu Zhenquan, but he has his own opinions. He believes that the Forsaken should control the Zerg instead of completely eradicating the Zerg, so that the Forsaken can protect themselves.

After all, although the Forsaken clan is grateful to Liu Zhenquan and Zhong Cheng, they don't believe in humans.

Dongfang Bubai did not listen to Liu Zhenquan's opinion, and secretly kept the Zerg, so that now the fourth race of intelligent life has appeared in the solar system!

(End of this chapter)

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