Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 219 Shrek Academy!

Chapter 219 Shrek Academy!
Barak Kingdom, Shrek Academy

From a distance, this is a small village that is too dilapidated.

As soon as you walk into the village, you can smell the stench, and there are piles of cow dung on both sides of the street.

It seems that this place is really poor, so poor that there is not even a place to dry cow dung.

But this is the status quo of medieval villages, not to mention villages, even some poor small towns.

If you walk in patiently, you will find that there is a college in the deepest part of the village.

On the top of the gate of the academy, there is a dilapidated plaque, on which the words Shrek Academy can be vaguely seen.

The college opened its doors, and an old man was lazily lying on a bench and yawning.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, the old man picked up the fisherman's hat covering his face and looked lazily at the person who came.

"Let's go, this year's enrollment is over, come back next year." He yawned deeply.

Shrek Academy only enrolls once a year, after this opportunity, no matter how many gold soul coins are given, no more students will be admitted.

"I'm looking for your principal."

Han Xiao looked at the rude old man and said lightly.


Hearing this, the old man sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked at the boy in front of him again.

"Little kid, go home quickly, what's wrong with you if you have nothing to do?"

Seeing Han Xiao's handsome face, he became impatient.

Seeing this, Han Xiao didn't intend to stick his teeth with this person, and walked directly towards the academy.

"Hey, wait!"

The old man got a little angry, and stood up directly, with a threatening look in his eyes.

"Boy, I don't want to say something to the old man a second time. From now on, I will treat you as if you didn't see me when you leave here."

While speaking, the old man secretly radiated the soul power from his body.

What surprised Han Xiao was that the gatekeeper turned out to be a soul emperor.

But that wasn't why he was surprised.

More importantly, isn't the soul emperor's soul power too weak?
Compared with Chen Mo, it's like a heaven and a world.

"How are you going?"

Han Xiao looked at the old man curiously and asked.

The old man snorted coldly and stood in front of Han Xiao, "Boy, don't say that I bully children. If you take another step forward, I will educate you for your parents."

"I don't have parents."

Han Xiao moved his muscles and bones, and had no intention of retreating.

Just during this period of time, I was busy rushing on the road, and my hands were itchy.

"I said how can you be so uneducated!"

The old man snorted coldly, took a step forward, and stretched out a hand to grab Han Xiao's collar directly.

Facing the child, he still kept his hands, and didn't even release his martial soul.

But even so, the terrifying aura of the Soul Emperor is real.

Looking at the big hand rushing towards his face, Han Xiao stepped back abruptly.

The soul emperor is still the soul emperor, even if the old man's soul ring configuration is different, the difference between the two sides is two realms.


This grab caught the air, and the old man let out a cry of surprise.

Although he withdrew his strength from this blow, it was basically difficult for a soul master of this age to resist.

But what he didn't expect was that Han Xiao's speed was so fast.

However, what shocked him even more was that Han Xiaotu was up and down, and a roundabout actually launched an attack on him.

With a soft sound, the old man only saw a near-transparent dagger appearing in Han Xiao's hands at some point.

Only when the short sword was about to stab the old man's eyebrows did he react.

"not good!"

Just the edge of the sword made a gap between the old man's eyebrows, and blood flowed down.

The old man had no choice but to release his martial spirit, and slapped Han Xiao again, trying to force him back.

However, I saw Han Xiao's figure twisting at an incredible angle in the air, his feet shoveled fiercely towards the old man's lower body with loess mixed in, and Taotie appeared in his right hand and slashed towards the old man's neck.

These two sharp weapons pierced the old man's vitals one after another, so fiercely that the old man was forced to retreat again and again.

"You dare!"

The old man's face was burning hot. After living for so many years, he was suppressed by a boy.

Six soul rings, one white, one yellow, three purple, and one black, surrounded his body, and this soul emperor was forced by Han Xiao to release his soul skills directly.

Seeing this, Han Xiao, who had two thorns in his hand, also released his soul ring.

Three purples, one black and four soul rings, the extremely terrifying configuration shows Han Xiao's talent.

"how is this possible?!"

The old man's complexion changed drastically.

He has never seen such a terrifying soul ring configuration.

"I'm looking for the dean of your college."

Han Xiao quietly stepped back half a step, stopped looking at the old man, and said lightly.

The old man coughed twice in embarrassment, and withdrew his martial soul.

"Little brother, it's not that I stopped you from seeing the dean, but that they are not in the academy at all now."

The old man smiled wryly, and slapped his waist: "Three months ago, Dean Flender took a group of students and teachers to the Star Dou Forest to hunt martial souls for those little monsters, and they haven't come back yet."

Hearing this, Han Xiao frowned.

I didn't expect that I came at the wrong time.

"Since your dean has left, there is no person in charge in the academy?"

This Shrek academy is really unprofessional.

"If you have anything, just tell me."

The old man lay stiffly on the bench, with a painful expression on his face, as if he had flinched in the battle with Han Xiao.

"I'm here to invest."

Han Xiao looked calm and said.

"What did you say?" Hearing this, the old man sat up again, suddenly remembered that he had a back injury, and grinned in pain.

Han Xiao said it again: "One year later, the All-Soul Master Elite Competition will be held, and I want to invest in your academy."

This time the old man heard clearly, looked at Han Xiao with a dull face, and opened his mouth.

He has never met anyone who is willing to invest in their Shrek Academy.

We must know that the Academy can survive until now, relying on Flender's small coffers, as well as the assets of the master who joined halfway and the assistance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Without these two, Shrek Academy would have been gone long ago.

After all, it takes a lot of gold soul coins to train a soul master, and ten times more gold soul coins to train a monster.

"Hey, let's not sit here, this way please."

The old man seemed to have changed his face, and pulled Han Xiao in with enthusiasm.

Although he said so on the surface, Han Xiao could still see the vigilance in his eyes.

After all, as long as there is no problem with the brain, people generally will not invest in this kind of school.

After Han Xiao settled down, the old man was a little bit troubled.

After all, he was just a gatekeeper, and it was Flender who was really in charge.

But the old man didn't know when Flender would come back.

"Be safe and don't be impatient. If you really can't live with us for two days, it's not bad to live a rural life."

Fearing that Han Xiao, who was taken advantage of, would run away, the old man planned to stabilize Han Xiao first.

Han Xiao nodded, closed his eyes and rested.

Now that he has come here, Han Xiao does not intend to waste any more time.

(End of this chapter)

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