I can extract side effects.

Chapter 654 The Human Clinic Finally Opens

Eagle Country on the other side of the ocean.

Dr. Charlie walked through a large fir forest and walked along the driveway to the familiar iron gate again.

He was not in the mood to look at the beautiful forest park outside the manor, nor did he take a second look at the tulips in full bloom in the garden.

The black car rampaged along the driveway, and with the screeching of the tires, it stopped in front of the magnificent palace with a whoosh.

Dr. Charlie jumped out of the car in a hurry, before he even had time to close the door, he rushed in.

"Mr. Merck, I have good news for you!"

This time, there was no beautiful blonde to greet him. He quickly came to the study, but he saw the door was half-closed, and there were faint voices coming from inside.

He quickly stepped forward and tapped twice on the door, and Mr. Merck's old and loud voice came from inside immediately.

"Oh, Charlie, just in time for you. Get your fat ass on my couch."

Dr. Charlie walked in and saw Mr. Merck with white hair but ruddy complexion at first sight, followed by Bill with a smile on his face all the time, and of course the beautiful Catherine.

The three looked over at the same time, but their reactions were different.

Bill's eyes were full of curiosity, Catherine's expression was calm, and Merck's eyes were full of scrutiny.

"Charlie, hurry up, you have the best news, tell me, is Sanqing's organ transplant experiment successful?"

Merck immediately yelled loudly.

Charlie sat on the sofa opposite the three of them and nodded respectfully.

"According to the latest information I have, the organs implanted in pigs survived for 3 days in brain-dead patients with all normal functions and without any rejection."

"Currently, Sanqing has recruited several brain-dead patients, and the experiment will continue. When enough experimental data is collected, the clinical trial approval will be obtained."

Bill couldn't help thinking: "In this case, Sanqing's overseas clinical practice in Yingguo may come to naught, and the FDA will definitely be very disappointed."

Charlie smiled humbly, a little helplessly.

"Originally, it was difficult for Sanqing to conduct experiments on brain-dead patients, but Mr. Wei's popularity in China has far exceeded our expectations. He just said a few words on the Internet and recruited enough fans volunteers."

"It seems that we can't count on Sanqing's overseas clinical practice. If it were me, such an important experiment could be done in my own country, and I don't want to go overseas."

Mr. Merck waved his hand heroically: "This is not a problem for me. My medical foundation can subsidize a few poor patients to go to China to participate in clinical trials."

"Organ transplantation is not as simple as taking a few pills a day. Now artificial organs have brought more choices to patients. I don't think there will be too many patients who can voluntarily participate in clinical trials of organ transplantation."

Charlie praised: "You are right, I agree with you very much. Since Sanqing has enough technology, we should try our best to promote the clinical realization of this technology."

At this moment, Catherine, who only understood the situation after listening to the conversation between the two, had eyes burning and couldn't help but marvel.

"My God, in less than five years, has Sanqing been able to create human organs? This Mr. Wei is really a genius."

"The last time he brought us a surprise, it seemed like it happened yesterday. That time was the clinical news of the artificial heart. This time, he actually planted a real heart directly in the pig's body."

Bill also couldn't help sighing: "Mr. Wei is indeed a great person. The whole world will benefit from his research. How lucky are human beings to have him."

"Fortunately, his heart is as broad as his mind, and he is willing to share all the great achievements with the world instead of blocking technology."

"Bill, the Mr. Wei you mentioned was not as likable as you said when he collected the fee."

Mr. Merck said with some dissatisfaction: "I have to pay him a large amount of protection fees every year."

"Over the years, I have figured it out. He is collecting high protection fees from rich people who are afraid of death, and then using them to help the poor in China."

Bill laughed loudly: "Old man, you are richer than God, but you are as stingy as a devil. Money is valuable only when it is spent, otherwise it will always be just a number on the bank account."

"What do you care what he does with your money? You are a customer, not an investor."

"Don't talk about you, I'm healthy and healthy, and I still have to send him a large sum of money every year. This is called taking precautions before they happen."

"Besides, if you didn't spend so much money, how could you look so rosy and younger than me?"

Merck suddenly turned angry into joy: "Really, then it seems that the protection fee is not in vain."

He turned to look at his granddaughter, his eyes full of tenderness: "Catherine, my poor baby, grandpa is going to use your pocket money for charity again."

Catherine blinked mischievously, and said coquettishly, "Grandpa, I am willing to use all my pocket money in exchange for your eternal health and safety."

Merck laughed loudly: "It's still my little heart that can make people happy."

After speaking, his complexion changed immediately, and his eyes became sharp.

"Bill, I'm just old, but I'm not old. I'll be 90 soon. You're still young. You can afford to wait. I can't wait a few years."

"These Chinese people are too slow, I don't know what they are thinking all day long, such a magical technology, instead of doing human experiments immediately, instead of going slowly, and delaying to enter the clinic, I can't stand it anymore. "

"The organ transplant project must be accelerated. I will use all my influence to make it clinical as soon as possible."

"Only by doing more experiments on the human body, can we discover its hidden dangers and defects, and make continuous improvements to make the technology more perfect and mature."

He stretched out his hands towards Bill and asked expectantly.

"Bill, would you like to come with me?"

Bill was silent for 3 seconds, then suddenly laughed, and tightly held those old palms that were as old as bark.

"as you wish!"

Kunming, Sanqing Headquarters.

"Huang Bo, the hospital is calling, good news!"

A subordinate hurried into Huang Qin's office, pushed the door open and entered without even knocking on the door.

"What? The hospital said they recruited 12 brain-dead volunteers to participate in the experiment?"

Hearing the subordinate's report, Huang Qin raised his head in surprise, and couldn't believe his ears.

It took him a long time to react, and he was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Wow, after Mr. Wei went out in person, the effect is really good."

"It's like a hundred responses. I couldn't find suitable volunteers before, but now there are 12 volunteers at once."

"Actually, there are more, but the hospitals behind have all rejected them." The subordinate added with joy.

"The progress of the experiment can be greatly accelerated now." Huang Qinteng stood up and rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Fortunately, enough experimental piglets were prepared before, otherwise it would be embarrassing if there were not enough organs."

"Let's go, let's go to the laboratory and come alive!"

He acted immediately as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and wanted to complete these experiments as soon as possible and advance the project to the human clinical stage.

With the joint efforts of the team members, it took only one month to complete all the experiments on brain-dead patients and come up with a satisfactory preclinical research report.

"A total of 13 brain-dead patients, their transplanted organs survived for 3-5 days, which is enough to prove the effectiveness and safety of implanted organs in the short term."

"I think such data should be enough for us to apply for human clinical trials."

"Of course, there may be some concerns in the ethical management meeting, but the overall problem is not big."

Huang Qin took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement deep in his heart, and said to Ding Mian.

"I also think that the conditions are ripe, let the gears of fate start turning! Hallelujah! Yay!"

Ding Mian raised his fists excitedly, looking eager to try.

"When I think of being able to transplant human organs grown from pigs into patients and save their lives, I seem to feel the adrenaline pumping frantically from my body, never stopping."

"There is no doubt that in the future, humans will be able to harvest not only delicious pork belly, but also strong and healthy organs from pigs."

"Organs from pigs will be a sustainable, renewable source of transplanted organs."

"They are like solar energy for new energy sources for organ transplantation, which is a new virgin land waiting to be developed."

When Huang Qin heard this description, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed. Wonderful pictures flashed in his mind, and a feeling of longing suddenly arose spontaneously.

After his emotions gradually calmed down, he calmly thought about the next clinical experiment process, and said slowly.

"However, it will take a certain amount of time to achieve the effect of customizing exclusive organs for patients."

"First of all, it must be clear that the recruited volunteers must have a survival period of more than half a year."

"Even for ordinary organ transplantation, there is still a waiting process for matching. The shortest time is a year and a half, and the longest time is more than ten years, not to mention such a high-tech organ transplantation technology."

"Our organs don't grow automatically from the ground, but we need to culture cells first, and then develop from pigs. It takes at least several months. It's not like a person can have an organ transplanted to him right away. "

"For brain-dead patients, the transplanted organs only need to be human, because they only need to survive for a few days, and there is no need to consider the matching problem."

"But to transplant into healthy people and survive long-term, in order to minimize immune rejection, it is best to use the patient's own genome to grow them a perfectly matching organ."

"That's the beauty of organ transplants."

"After recruiting suitable patients, extract their somatic cells and transform them into pluripotent stem cells, then combine with genetically modified pigs to generate embryos, then put them into sows to grow and develop, and finally raise the piglets to be suitable for adult transplantation size."

"The whole process will take about half a year at the fastest."

"We need to perform an organ transplant operation on the patient, and then observe the patient for six months to one year after the operation to determine the patient's survival period."

"In general, the time required for clinical trials alone is about one to one and a half years."

Ding Mian shrugged, and said: "It seems that I have to continue to improve the technology, otherwise it will take a long time to achieve large-scale popularization and application."

Huang Qin pondered and said: "Improving technology is one aspect, but from another perspective, we can give priority to children patients, who need a shorter time to complete clinical trials."

"Generally speaking, children's bodies are still in the growth stage, and the survival rate after organ transplantation is much better than those middle-aged and elderly people who have more underlying diseases and their bodies are in the aging stage."

"Especially now that organ transplantation is limited to adults only, organ donation from children is prohibited, and most organs from adults are too big for children under the age of ten and cannot be cut, otherwise they will lose their function."

"That's why many children are unable to receive organ transplants, and can only die in the arms of their parents."

"But if implanted organs are used, there is no such limitation."

"The most important thing is that the size of the organs grown on the donor pigs can be controlled."

"The miniature pigs used in the laboratory are small in size. After genetic modification, its size and the entire growth cycle are controllable."

"The weight of a pig at birth is about 1 to 1.5 kilograms, and it gains two to three hundred grams every day. As long as you know the growth pattern of the donor pig, you can successfully transplant organs of appropriate size into children."

"The transplanted organs can continue to grow in pediatric patients until they reach full maturity."

"This is much better than artificial organs. Many artificial organs cannot be put into children's bodies because of their size."

"Children with organ failure are terminally ill, and there are no organs that can be transplanted. If they want to survive, even if they live for a few months, this is the only way to survive."

"I don't think the family members will refuse such a miraculous life-saving plan."

Ding Mian's eyes lit up immediately, and he cheered loudly: "Yes, your idea is wonderful, let's do it like this."

"Come on, let's design a clinical trial plan in this way, focusing on recruiting patients with acute liver failure and children."

"For the former, we have ready-made organs for transplantation. We don't need to customize organs for patients from scratch. We can directly transplant them for a period of time. After the patients have passed the acute crisis period, their own livers will probably grow to the same size by then."

"In the latter case, the organ needs to be customized from scratch, but the time can be shortened by one or two months."

"That's right." Huang Qin added with a smile.

"The most important thing is that these two are basically terminally ill. There is no good treatment plan at present. Ours is an innovative treatment. If the experiment is successful, the approval rate is very high."

The two quickly formulated a clinical experiment plan and submitted it together with the experimental data of patients with early brain death.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long.

The higher authorities quickly passed the approval.

Just two weeks later, in the midst of a lot of attention.

Human clinical trials of implanted organs have finally officially started. (end of this chapter)

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