I can extract side effects.

Chapter 655 Success Is One Leap 1 Steps

Haishi, outside the intensive care unit of Ruiji Hospital.

Wu Juan, wearing a mask and isolation suit, waited anxiously outside the door.

At 10:28, the door of the ICU opened and an oxygen tube was inserted. The little girl wearing a monitor was lying on the hospital bed and was pushed out by several nurses.

She hurriedly went up to meet her, choked up and called softly: "Beibei, Beibei..."

Hearing the familiar voice, the sleeping little girl suddenly opened her eyes, staring at her mother closely with her dark eyes, and was pushed into the isolation ward like this.

Wu Juan watched her daughter disappear into the ward, feeling anxious and puzzled, and saw the attending doctor standing at the door of the ICU, as if explaining something to the nurse.

She rushed up immediately and asked earnestly, "Doctor Zhu, how is my daughter's condition?"

"She's only 3 years old, so don't let anything happen to her."

Doctor Zhu had a troubled expression on his face, and he was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"I'm sorry, your daughter has congenital nephrotic syndrome and has severe proteinuria. Currently, she can only infuse human albumin to maintain her kidney function. This disease will develop into uremia in a short time and may require long-term dialysis."

"This is caused by congenital factors. The development of the kidney itself is deformed, but it is not a genetic cause. It may be caused by medication during pregnancy or external causes. There is currently no good treatment, and we can only maintain the status quo."

"If you want a cure, you have to wait for a kidney transplant."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, Wu Juan's eyes darkened and she almost fainted to the ground.

She swayed and remembered that when she was pregnant, she took some medicine because it was not obvious at the beginning, but she stopped immediately when she found out that she was pregnant. No major problems were found during the pregnancy test, so she thought it was all right.

Unexpectedly, after the daughter was 2 years old, the evil consequences gradually appeared.

Thinking that her unintentional mistake had caused such a tragic consequence, she couldn't help feeling as if a knife was piercing her heart, and she regretted it endlessly.

Wu Juan asked eagerly: "Kidney transplant, let's do it. Do you have to wait in line? How long will it take?"

Dr. Zhu pondered and said, "Give her an HLA match first, and see if she can match."

"According to the usual practice, children are given preferential treatment in organ transplantation. If there are suitable organs, they will be given priority to children. However, your daughter is too young and her body has not yet developed well. If it is an adult organ, it may be the same size. Mismatch."

"And when it comes to the right child donor, it's just a matter of luck, and it could be years."

Wu Juan almost cried: "Ah, what should I do then?"

Dr. Zhu sighed: "Let's wait and see the HLA matching results."

Wu Juan could only nod with a confused face: "Okay, doctor, I'll listen to you."

A few days later, while waiting anxiously, Wu Juan waited for the HLA matching results.

"Unfortunately, there is currently no matching kidney, and your daughter is an immunosensitivity patient with highly sensitizing antibodies in her body. The probability of severe rejection is very high. It may be very difficult to obtain a suitable organ."

"Even if there is a suitable kidney, the effect after transplantation will be poor, and she is too young and in poor physical condition, so she is not suitable for some conventional immune desensitization treatments."

The words Dr. Zhu said were like a basin of cold water mixed with crushed ice, pouring down his head and face.

Wu Juan's body was suddenly icy cold, her heart was ashamed, and she tremblingly said: "This, this, this, what should I do!"

A trace of unbearableness flashed in Dr. Zhu's eyes. After deliberating for a moment, he said, "There is a way. It may be very risky, but it can guarantee that your daughter will get the most suitable kidney within 3-5 months."

Wu Juan was like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, her eyes lit up and she said, "What can I do?"

The phrase "the risk is great" was subconsciously ignored by her.

"Sanqing Group has developed a technology called organ transplantation, which can use miniature pigs to provide organs that perfectly fit the patient's genes. There is basically no acute immune rejection, and there is no need to wait for a long time. After transplantation, you don't even need to take immunosuppressive drugs all the time. .”

Dr. Zhu explained patiently, emphatically explaining the risks to her.

"However, this is a clinical experiment, and there may be unknown risks. We cannot guarantee absolute safety."

"Currently, there are two methods of organ transplantation. One is to wait for several years to obtain a free donated organ, and the other is to obtain the most suitable implanted organ in just a few months, but the long-term risks are unknown."

"There are two options, you have to think carefully before making a decision carefully."

Wu Juan held his hand tightly: "Thank you, doctor, I'll go back and discuss it with the child's father."

"At first I thought it was hopeless, but since there is a way, I must think about the child."

When she told her husband about it that night, he immediately became excited.

"That's great. I've heard about Sanqing's organ planting. There's been a lot of noise on the Internet. After a while, Sanqing's technology should be fine. We have to believe it."

"There is another thing. I heard that Sanqing's clinical trials are all free of charge. The surgery and medical expenses are all covered. The child has been ill for more than a year, and our economy is not rich. From all aspects, this is also a problem. best choice."

"However, the doctor said that the risk is also very high." Wu Juan still hesitated.

The husband waved his hand and said firmly, "The risk is the greatest if the child's illness continues like this."

"Are you really going to watch Beibei lie on the hospital bed and endure years of dialysis?"

"There are a lot of people waiting in line for organs now, who knows if we are lucky enough to wait for suitable organs."

"And didn't you listen to the doctor? Beibei's body is highly sensitive and has a strong immune rejection reaction. The chance of acute rejection reaction is very high when someone else's organ is transplanted. Once it happens, it is very likely that she will die within a few hours after the operation. "

"If this is the case, the consequences will be too serious. No matter how low the odds are, it will be 100% on Beibei. I dare not bet on it."

"Using Sanqing's implanted organs is the same as Beibei's own kidney. At least this kind of fatal incident will not happen."

These words finally moved Wu Juan, she wiped away her tears and agreed.

The next day, the husband and wife came to the hospital. After Dr. Zhu's careful explanation, they completely dispelled their doubts and signed their names on the consent form.

From that day on, the whole family waited for the arrival of the kidney while undergoing treatment.

One month later, Beibei's condition worsened and he started extracorporeal dialysis.

Four months later, I finally got two custom-made kidneys.

Ruiji Hospital urgently performed kidney transplantation for Beibei.

In order to reduce intraoperative bleeding and reduce the child's surgical trauma, the surgical team implemented a "2+2" parallel transplantation plan.

That is to say, two kidneys that have lost their function are not directly removed, but are reimplanted with two new kidneys to replace their functions.

After the operation, the child will have 4 kidneys at the same time.

When the new kidneys are functioning, the original two dysplastic and deformed kidneys will gradually shrink, so there is no need for surgery to take them out, and it will not affect the normal life of the child.

The kidneys of adults are generally the size of a fist, and the kidneys of an ordinary four-year-old child are also the size of an egg.

Beibei is only 3 and a half years old, and her kidneys are only slightly bigger than quail eggs due to poor development, so there is enough room for transplantation.

The kidney itself is very small, and the blood vessels of the kidney are also very slender. Suturing the blood vessels is like embroidering on an egg, and the action must be extra gentle.

At the same time, due to the "2+2" operation mode, it is equivalent to rebuilding a pipeline system for the child to ensure the normal use of the new kidney, which is technically difficult.

After repeated and detailed preoperative assessments, the surgical team finally placed two egg-sized healthy kidneys into the child's abdomen.

Fine separation, suture, intraoperative blood loss is only 40ml.

After 2 hours of intense concentration, the chief surgeon loosened the blood vessel blocking forceps, and Beibei's new kidney quickly became rosy and full.

After a few seconds, the first drop of urine came out.

The team members all breathed a sigh of relief, and there was an instant burst of warm cheers in the operating room.

After the operation, Beibei recovered well and was able to get out of bed and walk the next day.

A week later, Wu Juan and her husband walked out of the hospital gate, holding their daughter's little hand.

Both of them were filled with gratitude to Sanqing.

Beijing, Intensive Ward of the Inpatient Department of Anzhen Hospital.

The same scene also happened here.

A one-and-a-half-year-old girl was lying quietly on a hospital bed, falling into a coma.

"Mengmeng, Mengmeng..." The grandfather standing by the bed reluctantly called her name while wiping away the tears from his face with his wrinkled hands.

The mother gently flicked the oxygen mask, leaned down tremblingly, and kissed Mengmeng's forehead lightly, and the people next to her burst into sobs.

When she was only 8 months old, the little girl was diagnosed with non-compaction cardiomyopathy, and she would suffer sudden heart failure or even sudden death at any time. The only hope was a heart transplant.

A heart transplant for such a young child?
The whole family suddenly fell into painful choices.

Later, at the insistence of my mother, the family decided to fight after repeated discussions.

However, donors for heart transplants are very scarce. Children aged one and a half years old have very small chests and cannot use an adult heart. Children's donor hearts are very scarce, and the chance of obtaining a suitable donor is extremely slim.

Half a year later, seeing the child's condition getting worse and worse, severe heart failure occurred every day, blood pressure plummeted, and breathing difficulties...

The family members who waited for no results finally put all their eggs in one basket and participated in Sanqing's organ transplant clinical experiment.

After four months of long waiting, the hope of life finally came from Kunming, more than 4 kilometers away.

Late that night, a miniature pig was airlifted to the capital and arrived at the hospital.

The team of the director of heart surgery made preparations for the operation overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, Mengmeng was pushed into the operating room, and the transplant operation began immediately.

At 7:32, the director of Xinwai began to scratch carefully.

At 7:46, extracorporeal circulation was started.

At 7:55, the heart arrest was completed.

It took 33 minutes to remove the failing heart.

At this time, it was found that the entire ventricle had become fibrotic and had no elasticity, and the heart beat was very weak.

At 8:48, the heart containing the Mengmeng gene was removed from the pig and implanted in her chest cavity.

At 9:15, this life-saving heart started beating again.

At 10:30, the operation ended, which lasted nearly 4 hours.

Because the child is too young, weighing only 10 kilograms, the heart is not as big as an egg, and the blood vessels are too thin.

The doctor wore a microscope throughout the process and sewed hundreds of stitches, each with a pitch of no more than 1 mm.

Because the baby is still growing, absorbable sutures are used in many places.

In addition to blood vessel suturing, anesthesia is also very difficult for such a young child.

The child's whole body blood volume is only about 1 liter, so the amount of anesthesia must be accurately calculated, and a slight error will aggravate heart failure and cause medical accidents.

It is also fortunate that Anzhen Hospital is one of the best heart hospitals in the country. The doctors have rich experience in heart transplant surgery, so they can successfully complete such a difficult operation.

Even so, after the operation was completed and transferred to the ICU, Mengmeng also experienced a difficult test that ordinary people could not imagine.

First, severe pulmonary hypertension caused the heart to fail to run normally after heart replacement. It took a week of adjuvant treatment with ECMO to gain precious recovery time for the heart.

Then there was severe hypernatremia, and the excess sodium in the body was excreted through peritoneal dialysis, and the kidneys were rested for 3 days before slowly recovering.

Fortunately, the transplanted hearts were a good match in terms of size and HLA antibodies.

There is no need to overcome other technical difficulties, such as the problem of cramming an oversized heart into a small body.

The latter is a common phenomenon for children of one or two years old.

Generally speaking, it is almost impossible to find a donor of the same age for surgery on a 1-year-old child, and often only find a heart source that is much larger than the own heart.

A big heart needs to be stuffed into a small chest cavity. A major problem is that the chest cavity is not deep enough to close the chest. Forcing the chest to close will compress the heart.

You can only try to close the chest several times after the operation, and put it back into the chest cavity little by little.

In addition, the thickness of the blood vessels of the older child and the younger baby is also seriously mismatched, and the blood vessels that are too small need to be enlarged before they can be stitched together.

As for the concerns about immune rejection, let alone.

However, now that there is a heart grown using the patient's cells, the patient is equivalent to a direct replacement of the original heart, and immune rejection is no longer a problem.

The size of the heart and the thickness of the blood vessels are also perfectly matched, leaving only other physical problems caused by the original heart failure.

After repeated rescues, this one-year-old child finally miraculously defeated death and survived.

The country's first implanted heart transplant was even published in the newspapers.

After the incident was reported by the media, it aroused heated discussions among netizens and became a hot search.

Netizens praised and cheered for the strong little angel.

"Great doctors are sincere, and doctors are benevolent!"

"Wow, the miracle of life, this child must be a legend in the future."

"I lament the child's tenacious vitality and desire to survive. The doctor is really great. I hope the child can grow up safely and take a good look at this beautiful world."

"Fortunately, with Sanqing's implanted heart, there is no need to sacrifice another little angel."

"In the past, I was always unhappy when I saw this kind of thing, because I knew that when a miracle happened in life, another angel would always leave, but this time it was different, no one left, only a new life started .”

"Uh, let's just say, don't human beings have any gratitude for the sacrificed pigs?"

"The pig is about to cry. Who is not a baby? Is my dedication so neglected?"

"Donated piglet, I wish you no pain in the next life, and cast yourself into a human body."

"Pig: Humans are too curly, I'd better be a little pig lying flat."

"My mother asked me where such a small heart came from. I said it was donated by a pig. My mother said that our family would not eat pork in the second half of the year. I was silent at that time."

"Humans will not thank pigs, they will only take it for granted."

According to the comments from netizens, the clinical trials are progressing very smoothly.

In addition to children who need heart and kidney transplants, more adult patients are constantly joining the experiment.

Among them, there are many foreign friends. (end of this chapter)

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