Chapter 834
Seeing the Pokéball shaking constantly on the sea, not only Ning Nuannuan, but also Lu Ze, who was watching the battle, became nervous.

Lu Ze's Pokémon are basically hatched from elf eggs.

Even the only iron-clawed lobster captured in the wild was captured by himself by entering the Poké Ball.

So he hasn't experienced the tension of waiting time to see if the Pokémon can be successfully subdued by the Pokémon.

"Ding ~"

With a soft sound, the elf ball stopped shaking, and was washed by the waves on the sea and shook.

"Great, I have subdued Mo Haima!"

After Ning Nuannuan shouted excitedly, Lattios was also very sensible and brought Ning Nuannuan forward.

Instead of using superpowers to bring the elf ball up, she carried Ning Nuannuan to the surface of the sea, and asked Ning Nuannuan to pick up the elf ball by herself.


Ning Nuannuan became even more excited after picking up the elf ball on the sea, and kissed Latios' neck without hesitation.

Latios froze for a moment, but soon his face turned rosy.

She...kissed me?

I... seem to be unclean!
The rosiness on Latios' face quickly disappeared.

Soon, they disappeared from the narrow eyes of Lu Ze, Liekongzuo and Latias.

And Ning Nuannuan obviously didn't understand how much psychological shock her actions just brought to Lattios, at this time she was still immersed in the joy of subduing Mo Haima.

But even with joy, she did not forget Mo Haima's injuries.

With a light tap of the finger, Mo Haima was released from the poke ball.

Sure enough, Mo Haima, who had just been hit by the humming bat using [Dragon's Dive], looked a little sluggish.

Seeing this scene, when Ning Nuannuan was still holding the healing spray in his backpack, Lattios acted.

The release of the pink [Healing Wave] not only envelops Mo Haima, but also the humming bats beside it.

After a while, the two little guys successfully recovered their strength.

The two little guys smiled happily at Latios, thanked them and returned to the elf ball.

At this moment, Ning Nuannuan hadn't reacted yet.

She didn't come back to her senses until the two little guys took the initiative to enter the elf ball.

Although the two little guys were restored by Latios using [Healing Wave], they must have regained their physical strength.

But the battle just now is quite tiring.

Unlike the machines in the Elf Healing Center, that machine was able to expel even their little tiredness.

And 【Healing Wave】obviously has no such effect.

The two little ones wanted to rest, and Ning Nuannuan had no intention of letting them out.

Ning Nuannuan, who came back to his senses, happily rubbed his cheek against Latios' neck, then straightened up full of energy and shouted.

"set off!"

After the kiss just now, Tie Tie Ladios at this time has obviously adapted very well.

At the very least, Lu Ze and Lie Kongzuo, who were staring at Latios's face closely, didn't see any special expressions.

One person, one Pokémon couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, and continued to search for Dragon Island with Latios who had already taken off.

The afternoon sun was already a little bit hot. Although Raykonza had an energy barrier to resist the sea breeze, the flight was a bit tiring after a long flight.

"Look, it's Rayquaza!"

Just when Lu Ze was lying on the back of Liekong sitting paralyzed, he suddenly heard a voice.

It seems that it also represents the accent of the three eastern provinces.

"Have we not left the country after flying for so long?"

Ning Nuannuan on Latios' body also looked up blankly.

After experiencing the excitement just now, under the sun, she instantly became a little sluggish.

Isn't it easy to tan people in this big sun?
Under this thought, Ning Nuannuan quickly buried her face on Latios's back, and her whole body lay on Latios' body.

When she heard the voice at this time, she got up and couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

Well, it's been a long time and I haven't left the waters of the Dragon Kingdom.

When will this dragon island be found?

"Look, it's really Rayquaza!"

"And Latios and Latias!"

Lu Ze looked up to where the voice came from.

"It turned out to be a ship."

Lu Ze looked curiously at the excited Long Kingdom people and people from other countries on the deck.

It should be regarded as out of the sea area of ​​the Dragon Kingdom, right?

But where are you now?
"Fuck! Rayquaza!"

"Didn't it mean that Latios and Rayquaza had a bad relationship and kept fighting? Why are they still together?"


"Couldn't it be that the fight came to us?"

Thinking of this possible moment, everyone couldn't help but panic.

Although I haven't seen it much, I also heard that the destructive power of the battle between the beasts is very large!

In case one is accidentally affected.

How to survive in this vast sea!
"Looking at their appearance, they don't seem to be fighting?"

At this time, someone finally calmed down, pointing to Liekongzuo and Latios who were approaching in the distance and said.

"And, there seems to be someone on them?"

"How is it possible? The black Rayquaza is the covenant beast of our Dragon Kingdom. How could someone ride on it!"

As soon as the gringo finished speaking, the big guy with Dongsan accent stood up and refuted.

But just as he retorted, he saw Liekongzuo and Latios stop beside them.

"Well, where is this now?"

A gentle smile appeared on Lu Ze's face, and he asked this uncle with a Dongsan accent.

"Ben, Donghai today."

The uncle was obviously also stunned for a moment, why is there really someone sitting on Lie Kong's body.

"Thank you~"

After Lu Ze thanked him, Liekongzuo and Latios took off again.

"No wonder there are still people living on the few small islands just now. It turns out to be Today's Island."

Lu Ze murmured, if he had known it was Benri Island, he should have flown above the clouds just now, and then let Liekongzuo and Latios come to a [Dragon Star Group].



"Look, I just said someone was riding on Rayquaza!"

After Lu Ze and the others left, the foreigner said triumphantly to Uncle Dong San.

I didn't lie, you just saw it yourself.

"You know a basket!"

Uncle Dong San cast a contemptuous glance at the foreigner: "Do you know who that person was just now?"


"Lu Ze!"

"The champion of the World Youth Championship, a 20-year-old heavenly king-level trainer, what happened to him riding a Liekong seat with a team of beasts?"

Uncle Dong San spoke contemptuously to the foreigner, then turned and left.

He was going to share his wonderful experience with his family.

After Uncle Dong San left, the foreigner stood there in a daze, with black question marks all over his face.

"Didn't this guy just say that the black Liekongzai is the covenant beast of their country, and it is impossible to lead people?"

"But that person is Lu Ze."

Another foreigner with a smile on his face: "Don't say that Lie Kongzao took him, your country's covenant beast Rogia has given Lu Ze too much, and it is against your British Island officials."

"how is this possible!"



"By the way, should we change direction?"

After flying out for a certain distance and seeing no one anymore, Lu Ze said to Ning Nuannuan at the side.

It's been so long since I've been flying eastward from Shangjing, do I need to change the direction next time?

After all, the largest sea area is the Pacific Ocean where it continues to fly south.

It stands to reason that there is the greatest possibility there.

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Ning Nuannuan was also a little worried.

The place grandma mentioned is in the ocean to the east of the Dragon Kingdom.

But the area of ​​the Dragon Kingdom is too large.

Taking off from Dongsan and Guangdong Province is also heading east, but it is not the same place.

What's more, they still took off from Shanghai.

Thinking of this, not only Lu Ze, but even Ning Nuannuan couldn't help but feel a little headache.


"Or, find someone to ask?"

Latios dutifully translated Lie Kongzuo's words, and asked Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan.

"Who are you looking for? You can't go to Gaioka."

Lu Ze had even more headaches. Now Manafei, the prince of the sea, is still sleeping and has not woken up.

The old patriarch of Rogia doesn't know where he is, but Rogia is now on the island of Great Britain, which is too far away.

The rest is Kyoka.

But a Kyoka and a Gulardo, these two mythical beasts are basically no different from otaku.

They have stayed in one place for thousands of years, and they probably don't know where Long Island is.

Who else can I turn to?
Although Lie Kongzuo and him, Lu Ze, are also very respectable in the group of beasts.

But you can't find it now...

Just when Lu Ze was still having a headache looking for someone, a figure walked past on the waves.


Lu Ze was excited when he saw the figure in the distance.

Although it was a little far away, he could see who it was.

It’s really another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!

Who should I look for if I was still having a headache just now? Didn't he just deliver it to the door?
After Lu Ze's voice fell, Liekong sat in a daze for a while and noticed the figure that disappeared on the sea ahead.

Although it was just a quick glance, I didn't see who it was.

But since Lu Ze let him go after him, let's go after him!

The figure was really far away, and it disappeared from the sky in just the blink of an eye.

However, Rayquaza's speed is still very guaranteed.

When Lu Ze's voice fell, he directly chased in that direction.

The sudden change made Latios and Ning Nuannuan a little confused.

But after seeing Lie Kongzuo and Lu Ze rushing out, Latios also quickly accelerated to chase after them.

After Latias glanced at Latios and Ray Kong, he followed them slowly.

Seeing Latias like this, I can understand why Lie Kongzuo and Latios flew with Lu Ze and Ning Nuannuan for so long but did not fly far.

If you don't fly a certain distance, you have to stop and wait for Latias.

Not only that, but always keep an eye out for a very curious Latias with equally curious mini dragons, Victini and Zoroya "off course".

It can be said that if it wasn't for Ladias, they should be able to fly farther now.

Latias followed Latios and Latios slowly.

But at this time, Rayquaza and Latios obviously didn't care about her.

After catching up with the person Lu Ze wants to chase, come back to Latias.

Anyway, Ladias is such a big beast, so he can't lose it.

Although Latias has become an otaku, she still has the fighting power of a beast.

At least her current combat power is better than that of Xie Mi in land form, and there is no problem.

Lie Kongzuo and Lattios fired at full power, and rushed in the direction Lu Ze pointed at just now.

At this time, Rayquaza and Latios didn't care about saving energy or not.

One maintained the state of [Extreme Speed] all the time, and the other used [High Speed ​​Movement] to increase his speed one after another.

They will still settle the account.

Although it is very exhausting now, but after finding the Pokémon I am looking for, how much unnecessary energy and time can be saved by having him guide the way.

Therefore, Liekongzuo and Lattios had no thought of saving at all, and rushed forward with full firepower.

After a while, the two beasts with full firepower saw the figure of Pokémon appearing on the distant skyline.

Liekongza and Latios understood why Lu Ze asked them to chase after seeing that Pokémon.

Except Manafei, the prince of the sea, or even Manafei, the prince of the sea.

It is not necessarily that the Pokémon in front will be more familiar with the waters, and it is more likely to know the place they are talking about.

Thinking of this, the speed of Rayquaza and Latios increased again.

But at this time, a mutation occurred.

A huge cruise ship also turned its head in an instant, and ran into the Pokémon.

"Can it be faster!"

The moment Lu Ze saw the cruise ship, the power of the waveguide gave Lu Ze a bad feeling.


Lie Kongzuo gritted his teeth, turned his head and glanced at Latios beside him.

After using [Self-Suggestion] with Latios as the target, the level [-] speed ability value that Latios used twice to use [High Speed ​​Movement] just now was also copied by Rayquaza.

Latios was a little dazed, but Rayquaza, who had increased his speed ability by four levels, turned into a black afterimage and rushed out.

"I have to say, Tanno Sachiyo really deserves to be the brains of our family!"

A middle-aged man with a beard looked at the sky-blue Pokémon on the sea not far away and couldn't help laughing.

"Indeed, if it weren't for Mr. Zuo Chiyo's plan against him, we wouldn't be so close to him."

"Wherever it is, it has to be the background of your Zhuzhong family, so we can do this."

Tanno Sachiyo, who was in the shadow behind him, couldn't help laughing when he heard the compliment.

Release pollutants on the sea surface to pollute the ocean, so that this Pokémon can be attracted.

What a perfect plan!

The divine beast is about to become my possession!
(End of this chapter)

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