Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 835 Reunion with Suicune

Chapter 835 Reunion with Suicune

On the ship that was emitting pollutants, the three were laughing loudly.

"It's a pity, if it's not...forget it, it's meaningless to say this now, let's settle down slowly."

The leader shook his head involuntarily as he watched Suicune getting closer on the sea.

After subduing Suicune, Entei is next.

Unfortunately, if Hanbei Takenaka and Kantaro Takenaka hadn't disappeared suddenly, I wouldn't need to rely on the thunder cloud of the Emperor's family this time.

What a pity, what a pity!
If it weren't for the sudden disappearance of the two of them, Suicune, Raikou, Entei and Cresselia, they would be mere Emperor's family.

The leader of the Takenaka family patriarch couldn't help but sighed.

I have been in the church for so long, and I agreed to help my family become the new generation of the emperor's family in Japan.

As a result, for such a long time, there is not much support.

I really don’t know if it’s right or wrong for my family to join the church.

However, the Takenaka family has now become the second largest family in Japan.

The situation is already very urgent. If you can't reverse it, you will only die.

Chief Takenaka sighed, but seeing Suicune approaching from a distance, his heart was once again excited.

Sui Jun, who followed the boat to purify the water all the way, could not help revealing a hint of anger in his eyes when he saw that he was getting closer to this "pollution source".

Discharge pollutants in seawater!

And it's still going on!

To be honest, Suicune was already a little angry.

Especially looking at those people on the boat and the green sewage continuously discharged from the drainpipe of the boat under their feet.

Seeing Suicune getting closer, the smiles on the faces of Chief Takenaka and Tanno Sachiyo became more and more excited.

"it's time."

As Patriarch Zhuzhong's voice fell, raindrops began to slowly fall from the sky.

Raindrops fell, and slowly, a heavy rain covered the entire boat.

Not only that, but the range of rainwater is constantly expanding.

The three people on the boat held umbrellas and watched Suicune approaching.

"Cry me!"

Suicune let out a low growl, let's ignore the sewage in the sea, and deal with the source of the sewage first!

After Suicune made his decision, he didn't care about the rain falling from the sky, and rushed in directly.

After seeing Suicune rushing into the range of the rain, the three people on the boat became even more excited.

"You cast yourself into a trap."

"It was your plan."

Amidst the mutual compliments of the two, a thick thunderbolt fell from the sky.

The golden light illuminated the excitement and greed on the faces of the three of them.

At the same time, lightning also landed on Suicune who rushed in.

"Cry me!"

Suicune's wailing sounded, and he fell directly into the water from the surface of the water.

The clouds in the sky shone with the light of thunder and lightning, and a blue-white figure stepped out of it.

"Thunder cloud!"

Lu Ze, who was not far away, also saw what just happened.

He still has a good impression of the Pokémon Suicune.

Not to mention the fact that he was caught by a bug net on TV and lost his dignity as a beast.

Let’s just say that in his previous animation, Beifeng’s incarnation was very handsome.

Let’s just say that he is in this world, wandering around the world every day, tirelessly purifying the water sources everywhere.

Let’s just say he is the first beast Lu Ze encountered in this world!
"Liekongzuo, the wave of the dragon!"

In just a split second, Lu Ze had already made a judgment.

No matter what happened on the other side, since the other side is from Japan, then they can't do it if they want to deal with Suicune!

Whether he attacked Suicune or not.

No matter who he is attacking, I, 358... I, Lu Ze, must come to help!

Liekong sat and turned his head, looked at Lu Ze with a smile in his eyes, and then released [Dragon Wave] in the direction of the thunder cloud.

This boy dares to command me now.

Do him a favor!

[Dragon Wave] was released, and the expression of the thunder cloud that was falling towards the sea in the distance suddenly changed.

No, a familiar breath!

Lei Dianyun looked up and saw a black dragon-shaped wave rushing towards him.

Lei Dianyun was shocked when he saw the color of the [Dragon Wave].

Black [Dragon Wave]!
Raykongzao of the Dragon Kingdom!

How could it be, how could he be here!
But now he can't allow him to think too much, what he has to do now is to avoid this [Dragon Wave].

When the props carried on his body were activated, it changed from the form of a spirit beast to the form of an avatar in just an instant.

After changing into an avatar form, the speed of the thunder cloud is slightly faster.

Facing the [Dragon Wave] which was also very fast, he could barely dodge it.

The sudden attack also made the three people on board feel a little overwhelmed.

They don't understand why one of the covenant beasts of their own country, the beast Thunder Cloud of the Emperor's family, is suddenly attacked?
But before they could react, the thunder cloud in the sky let out a terrified cry.

He, saw that black Raykon sat!
That black Rayquaza that impressed him so much!
At this time, he was rushing towards him with a ferocious smile.

How is it possible, how is it possible for the black Liekongzao from Dragon Kingdom to appear here!

Must be an illusion!

Lei Dianyun laughed wildly in his heart, and rushed directly towards Lie Kongzuo.

When Lie Kongzuo saw Lei Dianyun rushing over, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

It seems that he hasn't been defeated last time?

In that case!

A fierce look flashed across Lie Kongzuo's eyes, and then a golden light shone on the dragon's claws.

Lei Dianyun keenly noticed the flash of ferocity in Lie Kongzuo's eyes.

The same look as that time!

This is real Rayquaza!
Lei Dianyun faltered in an instant, but at this moment Lie Kongzuo had already arrived in front of him.

Adding four to the speed ability value is not just for fun.


Because Lei Dianyun's instant coercion made him completely powerless to resist, he was immediately sent flying by Liekong's [Dragon Claw].


There was a loud noise, and water splashed tens of meters high on the water.

Suicune, who had just emerged from the sea water behind Splash, was a little dazed after seeing this scene.

This is…

what's the situation?
The sudden thunder and lightning knocked him into the sea.

Then when I came out, I saw a blue and white figure falling from the sky and entering the sea.

If nothing else, this guy should be the one who struck me with lightning just now.

Although it was just a quick glance, Suicune also recognized the guy who fell into the water.

Soon, the water splashed down, revealing the bewildered faces and terrified eyes of the three people on board.

Two or three bubbles rose up on the surface of the water, and soon calmed down again.

At this time, the expressions of the three Japanese on board finally changed, and they looked at the black dragon appearing in front of them in horror.

"This is Rayquaza?"

"You are talking nonsense!"

The two Japanese quarreled, and only the patriarch Takenaka's expression calmed down.

"Look at the patriarch, and then at you!"

Tanno Sachiyo looked at the fat man next to him with disdain, and quickly took two steps back to distance himself from him.

Isn't it Rayquaza, why are you peeing in fright!

"Well, why did Master Lie Kongzao come here?"

After showing a flattering smile on the face of the clan leader Takenaka, he rubbed his hands and whispered to Lie Kongzao in the sky.

Tanno Sachiyo, who had just praised the Takenaka patriarch, looked at his Takenaka patriarch in disbelief.

In my own impression, the Takenaka patriarch has never been so humble even in front of the Emperor, has he?

how now!

The corner of Lie Kongzuo's mouth curled into a smile, but he didn't speak.

"What are you planning to do?"

Just when the clan leader Takenaka was nervous, a head popped out from behind Liekong sitting.

Looking at that young and a little too much face, it took only a moment for the patriarch Takenaka to recognize who the owner of this face was.

"Lu Ze, why are you here?"

The patriarch Zhuzhong straightened his back instantly, and looked at Lu Ze angrily.

According to their investigation, Hanbei Takenaka and Kantaro Takenaka are the biggest suspect in the disappearance of this guy.

Both Hanbei Takenaka and Kantaro Takenaka had conflicts with Lu Ze.

In addition, Lu Ze has a lot of beasts, and has the ability to defeat the two colors, and then kill them!

So Lu Ze is undoubtedly the most suspicious one.

But they didn't have any evidence, otherwise they could directly condemn Lu Ze in the name of the country.

"What do you care what I am doing here, what are you doing here?"

A smile appeared on Lu Ze's face, and he pointed to Lie Kongzuo with his finger.


The patriarch Takenaka was about to get angry when he suddenly noticed.

Lu Ze seems to be riding on Lie Kongzao?
After realizing this, Patriarch Takenaka hesitated again in an instant.

"We're here to play."

As soon as he rolled his eyes, the patriarch Takenaka thought of a reasonable reason in an instant.

This is the territorial waters of their country. As Japanese people, they should have no problem coming out to play.

Lu Ze was amused, and pointed to the sewage that was still being discharged from the boat below them.

"I think you are here to seduce Suicune."

"How do you..."

The terrified fat man on the side immediately opened his mouth in horror, but before he finished speaking, Sachiyo Tanno stepped forward two steps quickly and covered his mouth.

"You don't even have to think about it."

Lu Ze snorted coldly, and Shui Jun also understood what happened now.

After looking at Lu Ze sitting on Lie Kong's back with surprise and appreciation in his eyes, his eyes were already full of anger when he turned his head.

No wonder there will be sewage again in the sea area that has just been cleaned up. It turned out to be their trick!
Suicune was very angry. If Lu Ze wasn't still here, he might have attacked the three people on the boat by now.

He has recognized Lu Ze since Lu Ze came out with his probe just now.

After all, the power of waveguide is still very rare in human beings.

Although when he first met Lu Ze, the waveguide power on Lu Ze was just a seed.

But he still has a deep memory of Lu Ze.

It's just that he didn't expect that the young boy who was accompanied by the little Kirby back then was able to sit on Liekongzao's body.

Not only that, but there are several different auras on his body, which he is quite familiar with.

"Since Suicune doesn't want to do anything, let's do it."

Lu Ze also saw Suicune's hesitation, and he thought it was because the kind-hearted Suicune didn't want to attack humans.

After all, Sui Jun, who purifies the water source day after day, seems to Lu Ze to be kind by nature.

Since Suicune doesn't want to do anything, then leave this matter to us.

After all, people in Japan are not considered human beings anymore.


Lie Kongzao grinned, and released [Dragon Wave] again, rushing ferociously towards the boat where the three chiefs of the Takenaka were.



Don't pretend to be dead now, right?

Seeing the lightning cloud rushing out of the water and blocking the attack of Lie Kongzai's [Dragon Wave], Liekongzai couldn't help laughing.

Although Lei Dianyun's face is a bit ugly, I, Lie Kongzao, are in a very good mood!
Thunder cloud, old friend!

Lie Kongzuo didn't hesitate, and rushed directly towards the thunder cloud.

The momentary charge caught Lu Ze a little off guard.

Although he has the power of a waveguide, he is still a human being after all.

Rayquaza's speed is not slow at all, plus the speed level has been increased by four just now, and Rayquaza is using the [Super Speed] skill.

The instant acceleration caused Lu Ze, who stood up excitedly, to fall from Lie Kong's back.

Lu Ze didn't panic either. Although the mini dragon is not here now, Deoxys followed him.

Deoxys protected himself enough.

But after falling for a while, Lu Ze found out that Dai Ochisis hadn't protected himself with superpowers, so he was a little confused.

No, Deoxys is here!

With Deoxys' reaction speed, he would have already caught me by now!

Lu Ze panicked, but the next second he felt that he had landed on something.


After falling, Lu Ze also calmed down and looked down.

Facing him was Suicune's gentle eyes.

"Thank you Suicune."

"Cry me~"

Lu Ze gently stroked the crystal on Suicune's forehead that he hadn't touched before, and thanked Suicune.

Shui Jun also raised his head and responded, but did not refuse Lu Ze to touch the crystal on his forehead.

After all, this is the "reward" I once gave to Lu Ze.

Unfortunately, that time it didn't work out.

It's probably back this time.

A smile appeared on the corner of Suicune's mouth, and he and Lu Ze looked at Lei Dianyun, who was being crushed and beaten by Lie Kongzao.

"Stop them."

Liekong sat pressing down on the thunder cloud, and the three Japanese behind him actually wanted to take this opportunity to escape?

Lu Ze obviously wouldn't let them escape successfully.

Lu Ze commanded to stop them, but Shui Jun thought he was commanding himself, and immediately stepped on the waves to rush up.

But in the next second, a Pokémon rushed past him.

Suicune looked up, and saw an orange-red figure that was faster than him, much faster, had already rushed towards the Japanese ship.

 Push the book!Feng Jiang's new book!
  Cycling wind!

  Finally you are here!
  Feng Jiang returns to her best comprehension, Pokémon daily life!
(End of this chapter)

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