Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 871 Future Fragments

Neither of the two Pokémon chose to evolve, but there was no ambiguity in the battle.

[Flame Kick] and [Comet Fist] collided head-on.

Arms and calves were in a stalemate, and both sides glared at each other, neither of them willing to show weakness.

After a moment of stalemate, the two Pokémon took a step back at the same time.

But soon, the two Pokémon rushed towards each other again.

Both Pokémon are about the same strength.

But in comparison, Lucario's attributes are relatively inferior.

But Lucario was not afraid.

The ones who fight with him every day are the iron claw lobster, the onion rangers, and several Lucarios with the strength of the king of heaven.

A mere senior level...Although he is also a senior level strength.

But he was still confident when facing the flame chicken opposite him.

"Flame Chicken, another flame kick!"

The blue-haired youth directed at the flame chicken again, but at this time Lucario closed his eyes directly.

A trace of surprise flashed in the flame corns, but they still kicked up without hesitation.


"how is this possible!"

Looking at the flame chicken flying upside down, the blue-haired young man looked incredible.

"Double return!"

The blue-haired youth reacted quickly, and immediately understood what Lucario was doing just now.

"Not bad."

"Really good."

"It's all about our education."

Seeing that Lucario had the upper hand, the three Lucarios behind him also nodded in satisfaction.

Lu Papa and Lu Xingguo's Lucario looked even more satisfied.

See, this is the player I taught.

After Lucario used [Double Return] to repel the flame chicken, he didn't hesitate, and rushed towards the flame chicken again.

The flame chicken stood up with a carp, and put on a posture to meet Lucario's attack.

But what he didn't expect was that when Lucario sprinted, his eyes were suddenly wrapped in a layer of purple energy.

In the next second, the flame chicken was lifted into the air by [spiritual thoughts].


After suddenly throwing the flame chicken to the ground, Lucario jumped in directly.

"That's not what I taught."

"It's not what I taught..."

After seeing Lucario attacking like this, Father Lu and Lu Xingguo's two Lucarios immediately turned their heads, and the complacency that was still on their faces just now disappeared.

This is really not what the two of them taught.

This was taught by Lu Ze.

Lu Papa and Lucario of Lu Xingguo both have the style of a warrior.

They don't use double swords, they are pure physical attacks, head-to-head.

And Lu Ze's Lucario has two swords.

So Lu Ze's Lucario learned from Father Lu and Lu Xingguo's Lucario.

But Lu Ze kept telling his own Lucario.

You are going with two swords, you have to take advantage of the advantage of the special attack section.

If you look at Electric Shock Warcraft, everyone thinks he is a special attack type.

But you will find out when you finally get close.

You can't beat him in close combat.

He can easily give you two big sinuses!

Lucario listened.

So in this battle he played with two swords.

Obviously, he caught the opponent by surprise.

The smoke dissipated, and Lucario stood up from the pit.

Below is the flame chicken that has lost its ability to fight.

After Lucario won, he nodded to the blue-haired young man with a sluggish face, and then walked in the direction of the three Lucarios.

But the strange thing was that, except for Lu Zhengjie's Lucario, the other two Lucario seniors had their backs to him, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Could it be that they didn't see that they had just shown their prowess?




"Yes, I'm in the nursery."


Lu Ze glanced at the phone that had been hung up in confusion.

Is Uncle Mo back?

"Uncle Mo."

After Lu Ze said something to Father Lu, he shook his head and put the phone away.


Father Lu was also taken aback for a moment: "He's back?"

"Yes, ask me where I am, I should come here after a while."

"Okay, just need a coolie."

After Papa Lu was amused, he continued to collect data.

I have to say that collecting the newly discovered Pokémon data is quite troublesome.

Features need to be tested one by one, not to mention one by one, some new features are even more confusing.

Just like the super-powerful ostrich just now, or the current Dolphin Man.

Dolphin Man has almost finished comparing the characteristics of all series, but he still doesn't know what his characteristics are.

Although everyone thinks that the characteristic of this Pokémon should be a new characteristic.

But the rigor of science still requires them to compare all of them.

There is nothing Lu Ze can do about this situation.

Just now the super-powerful beauty is all compared.

And although he knows the characteristics of this Dolphin Man, and because of the preview released by Zhu Zi, he is quite familiar with the Pokémon Dolphin Man.

But he couldn't just say it outright.

We can only wait until the battle test is carried out later.

Because many features can only take effect in battle.

Just like the super-powerful ostrich just now.

Right now his tertiary trait is still empty.

Lu Ze continued to register, and after a while, Mo Qiancheng's excited voice came from the door.

"Hahaha, Lu Ze, you can never imagine how many Z pure crystals I got!"

"Z pure crystal?"

"Z pure crystal?"

After hearing this unfamiliar word, Father Lu, Lu Xingguo and other researchers present immediately turned their attention to Lu Ze.

"What is Z pure crystal?"

Lu Ze felt dizzy looking at everyone's fiery eyes.

"My waveguide told me that it has some similarities with the super evolution stone, but I don't know what this is for."

After Lu Ze quickly explained, he turned to look at Mo Qiancheng.

Mo Qiancheng was also a little guilty at this time.

He didn't expect there to be so many people here.

"Ha, hello everyone."

"Where is Z Pure Crystal, take it out and let me have a look."

"Lu Ze also...has it."

Mo Qiancheng originally wanted to say that Lu Ze had it too, but in the end he still surrendered to Lu Xingguo's stern eyes.

There is no way, since he was raised by Lu Xingguo and his father Mo Anguo together.

He dared to contradict his father, Mo Anguo.

But for Lu Xingguo, he was a little timid.

After reaching out to take out the Z pure crystal from the backpack, he put it in Lu Xingguo's hands.

After Lu Xingguo got the Z pure crystal, a group of people immediately surrounded him.

"there's a few?"

At this time, Lu Ze also asked Mo Qiancheng who had sneaked close to him.

"More than 20, five were divided by Gao Jiatong, and more than 20 were snatched by Zhuge Ziyu."

Mo Qiancheng clenched his fists with dissatisfaction on his face.

But there is no way, this is the reward for Zhuge Ziyu's idea.

But it was also because of Zhuge Ziyu's idea, or basically all the Z pure crystals in the secret realm were obtained by them.

"By the way, how do you use this?"

After Mo Qiancheng came to his senses, he quietly leaned into Lu Ze's ear and asked.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he looked up, he saw faces approaching around him.

Lu Ze Alexander, who was stared at by everyone, had a bitter look on his face.

"I do not know either."

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, everyone dispersed speechlessly.

Thought you knew.

The result is this?

Lu Ze, who clearly saw the disgust on the faces of his father and grandfather, was also a little bit dumbfounded.

Guys, how can I tell you this?

I said that there is no glow stone, no Z bracelet, so I can’t use this?

Then how do you explain the brilliant stone?
There is no way to explain.

We can only wait until we find the glow stone later.

However, Necrozma seems to be in the hands of the church.

So how do you get the glowstone?

Are there Necrozma shards in the wild?

After Lu Ze thought for a while, he quickly put this question behind him.

Now is not the time to think about that.

After all, there are only about sixty Z pure crystals in total.

How about thinking about what to eat tonight.

After Lu Ze stopped talking, Lu Xingguo and Dad Lu on the other side gave up after researching for a while without finding anything.

Get these new Pokémon out first, and then talk about Z Pure Crystal.

Mo Qiancheng watched Lu Xingguo put Z pure crystal in his pocket without any trouble, but he dared not speak out.

Even the anger went down quickly.

After a while, Mo Qiancheng seemed to have forgotten about it, and started asking about Lu Ze.

"Are there any steel-type Pokémon in here?"

"Is there anything suitable for me and my apprentice?"


"Master, thank you for remembering me..."

Meng Fanxing, who had been here for a while, looked at his master with complicated eyes.

He felt that compared to himself, Lu Ze was his apprentice.

Not to mention how excited he was after hearing Mo Qiancheng's voice just now.

But when he raised his head excitedly, he realized that his master was looking for Lu Ze.

That's fine.

Is it okay to run past me without seeing me?
Is he his apprentice after all!
Then Meng Fanxing comforted himself, he might have something urgent to find Lu Ze, and he might see me later.

So, Meng Fanxing came to a place not far from Lu Ze and Mo Qiancheng.

Make sure that Mo Qiancheng can clearly pay attention to himself without disturbing them.


I stood for a while, but my master's eyes were always on Lu Ze.

It wasn't until he just mentioned himself that he understood.

Oh, I am indeed his apprentice.


Mo Qiancheng turned his head suddenly after hearing Meng Fanxing's voice, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Why are you here too?"


After hearing what his master said, Meng Fanxing was instantly speechless.

He didn't know how to answer himself.

Do you want to say that you have come a long time ago, but haven't you noticed me?
What a shame!

"He came earlier than you."

However, Lu Ze didn't have any worries in this regard. After explaining a sentence, he took them to watch Steel-type Pokémon.

"Hey, the one just registered, Prolum, steel-type plus poison-type."

"And this one, Tuto worm, made of pure steel."

"There is also the little blacksmith, the fairy type and the steel type."

Lu Ze introduced it to Mo Qiancheng, and the combat test began soon.

The start of the combat test means that Lu Ze's work for today is also over.

Then there is no need for him.

After Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, he pulled Mo Qiancheng aside.

"Why, I still want to see the battle situation of those steel-type Pokémon."

Mo Qiancheng looked at Lu Ze with a puzzled expression, not understanding what Lu Ze wanted to do.

"What about Z pure crystals, take them out and let me have a look."

"What are you...doing?"

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Mo Qiancheng immediately became nervous, and asked Lu Ze with a vigilant expression.

Lu Ze was speechless: "I'm different from Uncle Ziyu, I won't rob you."

He just wanted to see if there were glow stones in these Z pure crystals.

After all, if this kind of thing appears in a secret realm, it may appear together in a set.

If you have the glowstone, you can start making the Z bracelet.

Let the world enter the era of dance!

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Mo Qiancheng dubiously took out the remaining Z pure crystals from his backpack.

Minus the Z pure crystal that was just taken away by Lu Xingguo, now he still has 21 crystals here.

You know, this may be the same thing as the super evolution stone.

Think about how much the Super Evolution Stone was sold for?
Now look at it is much rarer than super evolution stones, there are only about [-] pure Z crystals, how much can they sell for?
These are all my wealth!

Although his family is not short of money, but he is short of it!


Looking at the Z pure crystal in Mo Qiancheng's hands, even though Lu Ze had been mentally prepared, he couldn't help feeling a little pity.

There is no glowstone in it.

And they are all attribute Z pure crystals, there is no Pokémon exclusive Z pure crystals.

I just don’t know if the Z pure crystal in the hands of Gao Jiatong and Uncle Ziyu is the same as this one.

After Lu Ze shook his head, Mo Qiancheng took Z Pure Crystal back with a blank expression.

"Is that the end?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want?"

After Lu Ze rolled his eyes, he stopped talking to Mo Qiancheng.

It's getting late, it's time to prepare dinner.

Looking at what it looks like today, the researchers should all be eating here.

Although you don't have to do it yourself, you still have to order meals.

"So simple?"

Mo Qiancheng scratched his head, looked at Lu Ze's back and muttered.



Church, holy city.

"How about it?"

An old voice came from the shadows, asking the young man standing below.

"Foretelling the future does not see everything..."

After the young man was silent for a while, he replied.

"It's a bit late in the past."

"And I didn't expect that such a secret place would be visited first."

"By the time I realized it, there was no passage in that place."

"After the channel is closed, there is no chance."

After the young man finished speaking, the empty hall fell into silence.

"What are you going to do next?"

After a moment of silence, the old voice sounded again, asking the young man below.

"My time is running out, the future is yours."

The old voice fell, and the young people under the stage raised their heads and looked up.

"Stay stable for a while, and wait until the future segment appears again!"

The young man looked up, and a familiar face from Lu Ze appeared in the sunlight.

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