Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 872 In team battles, you have to challenge the cross-bat?

Chapter 872 In team battles, you have to challenge the cross-bat?

"so boring…"


"Do something?"

do something?
Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin, who were lying on the Kabymon, turned their heads at the same time and looked at Suiyan.

"Do something?"

Sui Yan, who was lying on the belly of the wind speed dog, shook his head: "No way."

After hearing this, Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin turned their heads at the same time, enjoying the rare warm sun in winter again.

It's been less than two weeks since New Year's Eve.

And now they have been bored for three full days.

After registering all those noble Pokémon, Lu Ze has been completely idle.

Basically nothing else to do.

He went to find Uncle Ziyu and King Gao Jiatong.

It's a pity that what they have in their hands is Z pure crystal, and there is no brilliant stone.

What can we do without the glow stone?
Of course there is nothing to do.

He had no choice but to tell his grandfather.

This stone, which is similar to the Super Evolution Stone, should also be used similarly to the Super Evolution Stone, both of which require a medium.

The medium of the super evolution stone is the super evolution keystone.

But now this Z pure crystal has no medium, so it can't be used temporarily, and I can't study how to use it.

Lu Xingguo thought about the time when the Super Evolution Stone first came out, when the Super Evolution Stone was still called the Colorful Stone.

Those who don't have the super evolutionary keystone haven't been able to find out how to use it after studying for so long.

Later, after the appearance of the super evolutionary keystone, they quickly studied the method and function of the super evolutionary stone.

After thinking of this, Lu Xingguo could only nod helplessly, and then continued to study new Pokémon.

If there is no medium, it cannot be used, and if it cannot be used, it will not know what effect it has.

So although Mo Qiancheng and Zhuge Ziyu didn't really think about it, they could only choose to give up first.

So Lu Ze ushered in his own boring period.

"Would you like to go to the temple fair?"

After being hooked by Lu Ze, Sui Yan also felt bored.

He doesn't want to bask in the sun.

"Don't go, there's nothing to see in the temple fair."

Lu Ze shook his head, although this year's temple fair has already started.

But Lu Ze, who has been to the temple fair, really doesn't want to go again this year.

"The temple fair is like that every year. It's really not much fun."

Tang Yunqin did not choose to go home this year either.

Because her parents went out to travel.

It's a beautiful name, you are too old, it doesn't matter if you don't go home for a year.

So Tang Yunqin was left behind.

But before returning home last year and the year before last, Tang Yunqin also went to the temple fair.

It's a pity that there is no innovation in the temple fair, and she is a little tired of the same routine every year.

"A Pokémon battle?"

Sui Yan made another suggestion, but seeing Tang Yunqin and Lu Ze turn their heads in disdain at the same time, you can see what the suggestion is.

"It's better for us to have a match between us and let them fight by themselves to see their strength and rank them."

As Lu Ze said, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Suiyan.

Sui Yan obviously wants to be with Lu Ze too.

The moment their eyes met, they nodded abruptly.

"Then it's decided!"

The two shouted excitedly at the same time.

"What? What has been decided?"

Tang Yunqin at the side looked bewildered, she sat up abruptly but she didn't know why the two of them made the decision without saying anything?

Don't know what to decide.


"Forget it, Latios, you go and call them all over."

Lu Ze was going to let Victini go.

But after seeing Victini sleeping soundly on the body of Kirby, he turned his head and called Latios who was lying on the grass next to him.

Latios glanced at Lu Ze resentfully, but Latias, who was forcibly pulled over to bask in the sun, laughed happily.

However, Latios didn't hesitate, and he got up and flew towards the place where the forked bat was training.

Find the forkbat first, and then notify the forkbat together, which reduces the workload by half.

I am such a genius!

After Latios praised himself in his heart, he found the forked bat.

The forked bat is doing its own evasion training at this time.

A group of chino chinchillas brought back from the secret realm by Lu Ze were either on the ground or standing on trees.

The Kino chinchillas wrapped the cross-bat in the middle, and then used the [seed machine gun] on the cross-bat.

Quickly and a large number of [Seed Machine Guns] were released.

The dense Latios saw that the seed attacks that gave him a headache all hit the forked bat in the middle.

But the forked bat didn't respond.

The ultrasonic wave was released, and after accurately judging the position of each seed, it began to act.

After the seed attacks were avoided one by one, the forked bat breathed a sigh of relief.

"what happened?"

After relaxing, the cross-word bat turned to Latios and asked.

She discovered Latios when the ultrasonic waves captured the movement of the seeds just now.

But the most important thing at that time was to avoid the attack of [Seed Machine Gun].

"Ozawa said to let you all go over."

After Latios finished speaking, he thought about the distances of the other Pokémon.

"I'm going to find the Charizard and the Electric Shock Beast, and you're going to find the Iron Claw Lobster and the Onion Ranger."

"it is good."

After the cross-bat nodded in agreement, he asked Kino Chinchilla and the others to gather together.

After distributing the prepared fructose one by one, the forked bat left.

The remaining Chino chinchillas happily ate candies and left to do their own things.

After training the crossbat every day, there will be candies of various flavors to eat.

They have been used to this for the past two days.

All in all, I still leave work early today.

The Kino chinchillas left happily, and Latios happily went to inform the Charizard and the Shocking Monster.

The cross-word bat on the other side also called the iron claw lobster and the onion ranger, and walked towards Lu Ze.

Sui Yan was sitting on the grass, and the wind speed dog went to inform his Pokémon.

He has no place to lie down.

Beside him are only the Wind Speed ​​Dog and the Coal Turtle who is unwilling to move.

I can only let the pillow wind speed dog go.

You can't let the coal turtle go, can you?
There are already two people lying on the Snorby on the opposite side.

It would be fine if there was only Lu Ze.

Both Tang Yunqin and Lu Ze were lying on the Snorlax, he was really embarrassed to go over and squeeze it.

Soon both of their Pokémon returned.

Although Tang Yunqin heard from Lu Ze and Sui Yan that they will have an internal qualifying match.

But she was not together.

Forget it yourself, watching the excitement is not boring.

"Next, we will have a qualifying match within the team. You can choose your opponents yourself, or I can choose your opponents for you. How about it?"

After the cross-word bats and the others came back, Lu Ze asked them with a smile on his face.

The fire-breathing dragon looked at Lu Ze, then at the forked bat, his eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his hand to Lu Ze!
It's not a day or two since he wants to challenge the forked bat!
As a younger brother who was mischievous and disciplined by his sister since he was a child, now he has the opportunity to challenge his sister's "authority".

Lu Ze was happy, he naturally understood what the fire-breathing dragon meant.

Of course, he also saw the careful thinking of the fire-breathing dragon.

Not only him, but even Kirby and Forked Bat can see it.

Only a few Pokémon who joined the team behind Charizard were left with blank faces.

After all, when they joined the team, the Charizard had already grown up, past the age when they were mischievous and then picked up by the forked bat.

"Okay, then the first round will be Charizard and Forked Bat, no problem?"




After all the Pokémon nodded, the crossbat and charizard entered the stage.

Compared with the excited fighting spirit in the fire-breathing dragon's eyes, the forked bat is much better.

The forked bat looked at the fire-breathing dragon very playfully at this time.

It's true that the younger brother has grown up and dared to resist the elder sister?
Let me show you now, your sister is still your sister!


Following Lu Ze's order, the two Pokémon flew into the air at the same time.

Before the game, Lu Ze asked the fire-breathing dragon if he wanted to choose super evolution.

The fire-breathing dragon is very confident, saying that he will defeat the eldest sister in this way!

So the fire-breathing dragon is not in a super-evolved state at this time.

For the choice of the fire-breathing dragon, the cross-word bat is actually very admired.

So she decided that she would not be merciful when it comes to fighting!
The cross-word bat took the lead, tentatively flinging out a criss-cross purple blade of light.

[Cross Poison Blade]!
However, the fire-breathing dragon didn't have the idea of ​​testing anything with the forked bat.

The flames evaporated on its body, and in an instant, the fire-breathing dragon turned into a huge fireball and rushed towards the forked bat.

【Cross Poison Blade】Before hitting the fire-breathing dragon, it was instantly evaporated by the flames on the fire-breathing dragon.

Seeing this scene, the forked bat was immediately happy.

【Flash Charge】?
A bit reckless!

The cross-word bat smiled, but it didn't mean to be careless.

She knows Charizards well.

There must be calculations behind the recklessness.

This guy and his younger brother, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon, have been fighting wits and courage for several years, and they have already honed several minds.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon rushing over, the cross-word bat did not hesitate.

Not to mention the [Storm] directly rolled up, he also flew into the sky, leaving the position just now.

[Storm] lies between the fire-breathing dragon and the cross-bat. If the fire-breathing dragon wants to attack the cross-bat, it must break through the block of [storm].

Looking up at the tornado storm in front of him, the fire-breathing dragon dived into it without hesitation.

As long as he can get close to the eldest sister's head, he has a chance to defeat her!
After the fire-breathing dragon gritted its teeth and entered the [Storm], the flames on its body were absorbed by the violent tornado and turned into a flame tornado.

The fire-breathing dragon resisted the damage caused by [Storm], and rushed out directly with the feeling just now.

The thunder light flickered, but the punch that the fire-breathing dragon rushed out missed.

He had already thought about it, as long as he rushed in front of the eldest sister, it would be [Thunder Fist] plus [Fire Abyss].

It is best to have [Paralysis], if there is no [Paralysis], [Burn] is also fine, and it will be easy to use up the physical attack ability of the big sister first.

My long-range attack ability is definitely not comparable, and the eldest sister who has been disabled in close combat is definitely not my opponent.

In this case, won't victory be at hand?
But he really didn't expect that after trying his best to get out of the [Storm], there was no big sister's figure?
What he didn't know was that after the release of [Storm], the forked bat left the position just now.

Lu Ze could clearly see that the forked bat was at the top of the tornado.

No, not now.

After the fire-breathing dragon's flame was absorbed by the tornado just now, it was a little hot, so the forked bat left.

But at this time, the forked bat is still watching the joke of the mindless fire-breathing dragon below.

After the cross-word bat smiled, it directly used the enhanced skill.

After the [Trick] was over, the [Very Poison] of the forked bat was injected into the body of the fire-breathing dragon.

Startled, the fire-breathing dragon quickly looked up.

The cross-word bat is looking at the fire-breathing dragon below with a smile on its face in the sky!

The fire-breathing dragon felt cold, but quickly raised its fighting spirit, and rushed towards the cross-shaped bat in the air.

The forked bat flapped its wings, and a large amount of purple poisonous substance appeared in front of her, and then smashed hard at the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth [Big Character Explosive Flame] while dodging to the side.

He was not sure whether his [Big Character Explosion Flame] could block the [Sludge Bomb] on the head of the big sister.

Escaping is the best option.

But his opponent is the forked bat.

[Venom Shock] is ready for him.

The moment the fire-breathing dragon rushed up after dodging, the purple venom once again chilled the fire-breathing dragon.

【Venom Shock】!
The fire-breathing dragon froze for a moment, something was wrong!
The fire-breathing dragon turned its head and felt scared, and immediately left here and flew towards Lu Ze.

"what happened?"

Lu Ze looked blankly at Fighting and Fighting who suddenly came to him, and asked the aggrieved fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon pointed at the forked bat that came back, and then sat down in front of Lu Ze.

The meaning is obvious.

He conceded.

After Lattios laughed for a while, he began to translate.

"The fire-breathing dragon said that the cross-bat knew him too well, and he didn't know when he strengthened it once. He felt that there was something wrong with his physical exertion. This battle has already come to an end."

After hearing what Latios said, the fire-breathing dragon turned his head away in embarrassment, not looking at Lu Ze and the forked bat.

Lu Ze didn't expect the fire-breathing dragon to be so "decisive".

Although he was a bit dumbfounded, Lu Ze still announced that the forked bat won the first battle.

"Then, which one of you wants to come to the second game?"

After appeasing the fire-breathing dragon and instantly detoxifying him, Lu Ze turned his head and asked the other Pokémon.

The electric shock beast's eyes lit up, and then it took a step forward.

His target is not someone else, but the head of Sister Forked Bat!
"Are you going to challenge the forked bat too?"

Lu Ze looked at the electric shock monster with a strange face.

Haven't you seen what the Charizard looks like now?

The electric shock monster nodded firmly.

My attributes are restrained!
【Pray for rain】After that, add 【Thunder】!
Sister, no matter how fast you dodge, can you quickly pass the locked lightning under the rain?
"Forked Bat, what do you say, do you want to take a break?"

(End of this chapter)

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