Conan's Helping People

Chapter 219 She Didn't Ask Hinata for a Reasonable Name

Chapter 219 She Didn't Ask Hinata for a Reasonable Name
To concentrate on cracking the U disk, you must have professional equipment and a relatively safe environment.

Considering that the police arrived here and Gin got the news, and that Akemi Miyano was a minor, but he could go through formal procedures to become Hinata's reasonable guardian, Toru Amuro did not go to the police to decipher it.

Of course, there is no organization there.

He found a computer room in Tokyo, rummaged in quietly, found a link in a remote corner, and started to decipher the USB drive.

Deciphering a USB flash drive is a technical job, but fortunately, Toru Amuro has learned it before.

The deciphering progress was also very smooth. It was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night when Toru Amuro entered the computer room, and it was past two o'clock in the morning when he cracked all the dozen or so levels that popped up in a row and actually opened the USB flash drive.

...Three hours, the cracking was really smooth.

After everything was cracked, the computer jumped into the USB flash drive without any hindrance, and displayed the confidential information inside. It was a video with a date stamp, and a black crow image on the cover.

what is this?
Toru Amuro frowned, and swipe down. After confirming that the data in the USB flash drive were really all videos, he slid back to the top, and clicked on the first video to take a look.

What jumped out before the screen was a voice, a calm voice of a middle-aged man, "...IQ rating is D, a failure."

Then a picture full of various white devices was loaded. In the middle of the shot was a white chair. A child was sitting on the chair with a white helmet on his head.

The child stared blankly at the air ahead.

Very subtly, almost the moment he saw this child, Toru Amuro felt a very slight but unnegligible sense of disobedience: it is not a human being.

The middle-aged man continued to speak. "Let 1305 come down."

A man in white overalls walks in from outside the camera, walks to the chair, quickly loosens and removes the helmet from the child's head, and takes the child away from the camera.

"Next," the middle-aged man's voice paused, "Number A."

When he pronounced the 'Number A', his voice suddenly changed. It was no longer the calm and numb feeling before, but relaxed and gentle.

A child with black hair and green eyes walked into the camera. He walked towards the white chair while looking towards the camera... No, what he was looking at was not the camera, but the middle-aged man sitting behind the camera.

The moment he saw the child's face clearly, Toru Amuro stopped the hand that was about to press the pause.

This child is Hinata reasonable.

Even if the other party is very, very young, at most four years old, very immature, but the dark color of the lower eyelid and those eyes are really easy to identify.

The white chair was eggshell-shaped and semicircular, a bit high for a child. When he walked to the chair, the black-haired and green-eyed child looked up at it silently for three seconds, then turned his head again, and turned to the chair. The camera looks.

The middle-aged man's voice also appeared again, with a more moderate and gentle tone, "Slow down, you can do it, number A."

Number A?
Toru Amuro pressed the headset to amplify the sound a little.

The black-haired, green-eyed kid didn't move, he blinked and continued to stare at the camera.

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "At this stage, I can't help you. Can you try it yourself, number A?"

Confirming that he really can't get help, the dark-haired child turned his head away, then reached out and grabbed the chair, trying to climb up.

When he was about to climb up, it might be that the place where his feet were standing was too slippery, and his body tilted a bit.

A half-white shoulder appeared on the lower right of the camera, and the middle-aged man stood up.

After shaking for a while, the black-haired child sat on the chair smoothly and faced the camera again. The white shoulder at the bottom right of the camera also disappeared, and the middle-aged man sat back again.

The middle-aged man reminded: "Let's start, let's introduce."

Facing the camera, the black-haired and green-eyed child said: "I am Experimental Subject No. 1306, also known as No. A."

Toru Amuro temporarily paused the video, clicked on the title of the video, and found that the time marked on it was really more than ten years ago.

More than ten years ago, the organization was doing various experiments?The child's number has reached more than 300. Is it a kidnapped orphan?Or a child in a remote area?
The child who was exactly the same as a human being before, but made Toru Amuro subconsciously produce "it is not human", reappeared in Toru Amuro's mind.


Possibly, these children are not orphans who have been taken away, but created by organizations.

But more than ten years ago, the technology was already so perfect?is it possible?
Amuro continues to play the video.

"I am the first humanoid experimental subject." The black-haired child continued, "I was born by accident, and everyone in the laboratory was very surprised."

Having said that, he shifted his gaze from the camera, obviously looking at the middle-aged man, and then continued: "I am a product of the laboratory, I have no father or mother, and I belong to the laboratory completely. all."

He moved his eyes again, as if thinking, and then added: "So don't worry about being found by my parents and redeemed."

'Humanoid test subject', 'redeemed back'.

Amuro moved his fingers, without pausing, he frowned and continued to read.

A slight laughter came from the headset, it was the laughter of a middle-aged man, and it was quickly stopped.

"It's the first human test subject with a normal IQ," the middle-aged man corrected a little, and then began to introduce from the staff's point of view, "Experiment A is not much different from normal humans, and even better than ordinary humans." Children are better."

"His IQ is very high, and his learning ability is very strong, but he doesn't understand some common sense parts and concepts. This is also a common feature of experimental subjects."

"As for his emotional template..."

The middle-aged man hesitated.

The dark-haired kid looked at him and blinked slightly.

So, the middle-aged man continued: "There is not much progress for the time being."

"To sum up, I suggest that subject A get rid of the digital serial number completely, don't have to join the 'organ transplant candidate pool', but get along with real humans, so that maybe we can research even more incredible results."

"Like his birth."

As he speaks, the dark-haired kid's eyes keep turning slightly, moving between him and the center of the camera.

"You can come down now." The middle-aged man continued, and then a man's white back appeared in the screen, he picked up the black-haired child on the chair, turned and walked out of the screen.

The black-haired child hugged the opponent's neck, glanced at the camera, then let go, and retracted into the opponent's arms, revealing only a few tufts of black hair.

With the volume turned up to the maximum and wearing a headset, Toru Amuro heard Hinata reasonably asking in a low voice, "Don't you need to wear a helmet to detect the brain?"

The middle-aged man also lowered his voice and replied, "No, they wear helmets because they can't express themselves and speak."

The video continued for a while, until the next child with an expressionless face was dragged into a chair and put on a helmet by a staff member, and then stopped abruptly.

Toru Amuro unplugged the headset temporarily to relieve his ears, and then flipped through the video below.

He looked at the sky outside, and temporarily summed up the amount of information in this video: Hinata is not a normal person, but a clone or artificial human.

Ten years ago, organizations made great progress in this area, and the main direction is: organ transplantation.

This seems to be a very common research direction, but as long as you use your brain a little, you can know what it means.

Ten years ago, the guys who were able to find organizations and perform organ transplants were mostly ordinary people who had nowhere to go, or were there many people who happened to be lucky enough to contact the organization, or were there many big shots who purposefully and accurately found the organization to make transactions?
Definitely the least of the latter.

Likewise, the goal of the organization must be the latter.

Who is most afraid of death? Ordinary people who worry about mortgages, or middle-class families with good wages and entertainment, or families with rich funds, independent golf courses, and high schools for their children?

No, it's not, it's those big people who hold power and 'only think about the overall interests'.

The name of the second video is one year after the first video.

Toru Amuro put on the headset again and clicked in.

The camera was aimed at the ground, and the screen was still shaking. Toru Amuro reacted and recognized it as a shoulder recorder.

Then there was a voice, it was the voice of the middle-aged man just now, he quickly explained the current situation: an important laboratory had an accident and completely lost contact, and some personnel from other laboratories should be sent to check. Because he had worked in that lab before, his current lab sent him there.

After the sound of the introduction stopped, the originally wobbly video froze for a moment, and suddenly sped up rapidly, with various figures flashing across it in a second.

Toru Amuro clicked on the video, and found that it wasn't that he accidentally touched the double speed, but that the original video was super-accelerated.

The video speeded up for about 1 minute before returning to the normal flow rate.

The middle-aged man walked through the long white corridor and came to a white door, which was slightly ajar. He paused for a few seconds before pushing the door open.

Inside is a small bedroom with a bed, desk, and sofa. There are carpets and some building block toys on the floor. The whole is white, and there are some white lamb stickers on the ceiling and surrounding walls.

There was no one on that bed, the quilt was lifted, and a pair of white children's shoes were still under the bed.

After only going in for a look and confirming that there was no one inside, the middle-aged man quickly backed out, and said in a low voice, "Well...the corpses in this room have been cleaned up."

Then, there was a sudden noise from outside, the camera turned to that direction for a while, then retracted, and the middle-aged man was walking along the corridor.

Until the voice below became clear, someone shouted: "Number A! Stop him quickly, he is not dead!!!"

Almost instantly, the picture became blurred and shaken, and it became clear again a few seconds later. Looking at the picture, the middle-aged man was lying on his back by the window. Below was the gate and gate post. White body bags were placed on the surrounding ground. Most of the people They are all besieging a child with black hair and green eyes.

The black-haired child seemed to have sensed the sight, and looked up keenly, then slowed down a beat, and was grabbed on the spot.

The video ends abruptly.

Toru Amuro: "?"

These two videos are endless videos, but there is still a little difference, the first video, if you look closely, you can get a lot of information, but the second video...

Toru Amuro frowned and summed it up, and found that it only talked about one thing: a sudden accident in the laboratory, Hinata Ryo was unexpectedly alive.

These two videos... are said to be the organization's confidential information, and they are indeed very confidential. After watching these two videos, Amuro Toru can probably guess how powerful the organization is now.

But strictly speaking, it doesn't look like special confidential information, but like the photographer's private record.

The record involves confidentiality, but the confidentiality is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the person who is recorded, that is, Hyuga Ryo.

He pressed his fingers and continued to click into the third video in thought.

At the beginning of the third video, when a figure appeared on it, Toru Amuro involuntarily sat up straight.

Two people appeared on the camera, one was Ryo Hinata, and the other was Miyano Elena whom Toru Amuro had met when he was a child.

Sitting in front of Hinata, she lowered her head and drew blood.

Ryo Hinata also looked down at the hose.

The curvature of their two heads is the same, so their eyes are almost exactly the same, but they are different in size. Even Hyuga Ryo's very obvious lower eyelids seem to have suddenly faded away, and only those two pairs of identical eyes are shining brightly.

The photographer also noticed that the camera was repeatedly aimed at the eyes of these two people.

At this time, Hinata was a little older, about six years old, his arms were very pale, and he could clearly see the various blood vessels on his arms. Red blood slowly flowed out of his body and poured into the transparent hose Here, there wasn't a little bit of liquid on his arm, it was just paler.

After the blood was drawn, Miyano Elena pressed the wound with a cotton swab for a while, then took out a white lamb band-aid and pasted it there.

Then, she reached out to hold Hinata's reasonable face, and wiped the corner of his eyes with her thumb, "Does it hurt? Do you want candy?"

"..." Hinata rationally blinked, "I didn't cry."

"I'm sorry, I'm used to wiping away tears when comforting other children." Miyano Elena smiled and apologized, her green eyes were bent, and her whole body exuded a gentle light.

Amuro looked down at the screen, reacted for a few seconds, and then suddenly realized that the other party seemed to lift him from the side just now.


He curled his fingers and continued to read.

In the video, Hinata said reasonably: "I'm not another kid."

"Yes, yes, I'm very sorry." Elena Miyano smiled and apologized again and again, then suddenly turned her head and looked at the camera, "Section Chief Yamamura?"

Hyuga Ryo also looked over.

There were vastly different emotions in those two pairs of almost identical green eyes.

Miyano Elena's eyes are full of smiles, the green eyes are shining like bright gems, while Hyuga Ryo's eyes have an inexplicable coldness, as if looking at a dead person, His eyes are also shining, a sharp light that can stab people.

This 'Village Section Chief' is referring to that middle-aged man.

Section Chief Shancun hurriedly said: "That gentleman wants to see the video record of No. A."

Toru Amuro made a quick judgment: he was lying.

In the bottom corner of the screen, there is a black lens, which is also a recording device. Now this video is more like a mobile phone recording, so the screen has been shaking slightly.

In the video, Hinata glanced down rationally, looked at the black camera, and then retracted his gaze, and retracted his arm by the way.

Miyano Elena frowned briefly, she didn't know whether it was because of this statement or because of the title of 'A', but she didn't express her disgust any further, she just stretched out her hand and grabbed Hinata's just retracted arm.

She simply said, "Let me tie it up for you."

Then he drew out the wide cord at the cuff of the white long sleeve and tied a slipknot on it.

During this process, she lowered her head and looked at Ryo Hyuga's cuffs, while Ryo Hyuga raised her head and stared intently at her slightly drooping eyelashes.

After fastening it, Hinata retracted his hand rationally, and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

"I've never seen you before."

Miyano Elena glanced at him in surprise, and said with a smile: "My name is Miyano Elena, you can call me Dr. Miyano, or..."

She hesitated and tilted her head, and pressed her index finger to her lips, "At your age, you shouldn't call me sister, you should be Aunt Elena."

"Dr. Miyano or Aunt Elena, I can do both."

She didn't ask for Hinata's plausible name.

 Snape: [request to join the session]
(End of this chapter)

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