Conan's Helping People

Chapter 220 Are You Courteous

Chapter 220 Are You Courteous
The video ends when the two of them look at each other.

It may be a problem with the lighting or personal filters. In this video, the smiling Miyano Elena has a radiant feeling, like a crystal clear and beautiful gem.

This is definitely not Toru Amuro's own illusion. He confirmed the way Hinata raised his head and looked at Miyano Elena reasonably at the end of the video, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Every child's first love is probably his mother
...Of course, this 'first love' does not refer to the first love in the true sense, but the object of affection of the opposite sex with a joke, without any meaning of love.

After watching the third video, Toru Amuro's premonition that "this is not the organization's confidential information, mainly to record Hinata's rationale, but with some secrets attached" strengthened again.

He rationally clicked on the idea of ​​watching the third video again, and only confirmed the time of the third video, and found that it was about the same time as Miyano Elena moved out, and it was right.

Then click on the fourth video.

The fourth video is a surveillance video. It is at a corner and aimed at a room.

That room was completely transparent, not so much a room, but rather a nutrition tank or a petri dish, which was filled with transparent liquid, and there were no oxygen cylinders or anything like that, only glass and liquid enclosed around it.

And a black-haired kid inside, is Hinata reasonable.

He was quietly soaking in the liquid, as if he didn't need to breathe at all, or had stopped breathing.

A few seconds later, a small figure emerged from the corridor facing the room. She walked briskly a few steps, walked to the glass, and looked at Hyuga Reasoni curiously.

The moment she appeared, Toru Amuro recognized who she was, Akemi Miyano.

The monitoring is silent, he can only see Akemi Miyano saying something with a smile, while stretching out her hand and sticking it to the glass,

Her smile is bright, like a summer flower blooming.

At the other end of the glass, Hyuga Ryo also stretched out his hand and put his hand over it. The two children observed each other curiously.

This silent interaction lasted for a while, and then jumped to the next monitoring section, which was Miyano Akemi and Hyuga Ryo sitting in a white room. Hinata's reasonable face.

The fourth video is pieced together from a series of short surveillance videos. It is basically the daily life of Miyano Akemi and Hyuga Ryo. It almost makes their relationship clear. From the beginning of their acquaintance , Gradually get acquainted later, and then completely become friends.

...It really doesn't look like an organization secret at all, although after careful analysis, there is indeed some amount of information almost every minute.

The person who recorded this video may have regarded Hinata as his own child, maybe.

Toru Amuro pondered for a while, then continued to play the fifth video.

As soon as the video starts, he sees the same helmet he saw in the first video again.

A staff member was helping the black-haired child put on a helmet. While wearing it, he said solemnly: "This is a device for detecting the brain. You have seen it before, right? It is used to test your current IQ."

As soon as this remark came out, Toru Amuro realized instantly: No matter what that helmet is, it is definitely not what the other party introduced.

The black-haired child didn't speak, and the staff asked again: "Is that right, the section chief of the mountain village?"

Outside the camera, the middle-aged man responded vaguely, without any clear response.

The staff put on the helmet, pressed the side of the helmet, and an arc-shaped light screen popped up, blocking Hinata's reasonable green eyes.

After finishing, the staff hurriedly retreated.

Nothing happened in the screen, it seemed that it was simply quiet for a while, and the video did not speed up. After a few minutes, there was a change. The black-haired child suddenly covered his neck and fell back, as if Trying to avoid something, but his movement was fixed by the chair and he couldn't move.

A few seconds later, his hand suddenly loosened, his body suddenly lost strength, and his whole body was shaking.

The light screen flickered a few times and turned red.

The staff member immediately stepped forward to remove the helmet, took an oxygen mask and asked Hinata to take a few deep breaths, and handed him a glass of water, and when he managed to calm down, he asked, "What did you just see? "

The black-haired child didn't take the water, and just ignored it. He covered his neck for a while, and then whispered: "I saw a strange woman strangle me with a rope."

"Then can you feel the pain and suffocation of being strangled?" the staff asked.

"Yes." The black-haired boy replied.

The staff breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned to the middle-aged man and said: "He can't tell the truth from the fake. When he thinks he is injured, he will really feel the pain, and his body will respond accordingly."

"Let's start the experiment, Section Chief Yamamura?"

From the beginning to the end, this staff member paid attention to making his appearance appear incompletely in the video, at most only showing the lower half of his face.

Toru Amuro memorized the lower half of his face and continued to read.

After getting the acquiescence, the staff turned their heads, first removed the helmet completely, and then removed the five or six restraint belts on the chair, which bound Hinata's reasonable legs, shoulders on both sides, waist and neck respectively.

After the release, he took Hinata Reasonable's hand and walked to the other end of the room, and the camera also shifted to other parts of the room.

This is a big, big white room, some facilities look very high-tech, and in the middle of the room is a base console similar to that in science fiction movies.

The staff took Hyuga Reasonable's hand, walked to an egg-shaped cabin, and let him lie down.

After the waiting compartment is closed, the camera shifts again, aiming at the screen on the console.

On the screen was a fake green grass field, on which Hyuga Ryo stood. He looked around and didn't move.

A few seconds later, a blurred silhouette of a woman was outlined by the light. After the light dissipated, a familiar person came out. She had long light golden hair, glasses on her face, and a smile on her lips. .

It's Elena Miyano.

It was Miyano Elena who was shining with light and stiffened countless times, obviously not her own.

There was a sense of incongruity in the muscles of her face, and the whole person had an AI temperament rushing towards her face, and she was not gentle when she smiled, but rather a sense of terror.

"Dolly,"'AI Miyano squatted down with a stiff smile, and stretched out his hands to Hinata, "Come to Dr. Miyano."

Not only is the smile stiff, but even the voice has a not-so-obvious electronic sound.

Toru Amuro adjusted the headset, and found that Hinata Ryo did not resist, but actually walked towards 'Miyano Elena'.He also hugged each other, and asked doubtfully, "Dr. Miyano?"

'how are you here? Before the words were asked, another light was drawn on AI Miyano's hand, and when the light finally dissipated, that hand was holding a dagger,
Without blinking, she stabbed directly into her arms, Hinata Reasonable's voice stopped, and instead of his voice, it was the blood from the back of her heart.

Toru Amuro: "???"

He was in the same mood as Hinata in the video, both stunned and dazed.

In the video, the staff immediately opened the cabin and fished out Hinata rationally. There was still fresh blood on his clothes, and he was extremely weak, in a weak and bleeding state after suffering a fatal attack.

Then, the video seems to reach the link of 'Hinata's reasonable ways to die'.

On the lawn, in the white room, in the hallway, in the laboratory, in the normally decorated bedroom, in the lively amusement park...

In short, in various virtual places, the same AI Miyano was wearing a white coat, with a stiff smile on his face, calling Hinata rationale countless times, and killing him the moment he came over.

Hyuga Ryo went from being stunned at the beginning to calmly accepting the setting of "Once she gets close to Miyano Elena, she will kill herself", flashing dozens of different scenes in the past, AI Miyano's stiffness It also weakened rapidly, and the texture light on her body was also extinguished, gradually becoming similar to ordinary people.

In the last virtual scene, they were sitting on the Ferris wheel, and Hinata was sitting in the corner reasonably and silently, wary of the AI ​​Miyano.

When the Ferris wheel reached the top, AI Miyano turned his head, showed the same smile as before, and said familiar words, "Dolly, come to Dr. Miyano."

She opened her arms, and there was a galaxy of bright lights outside. The light blurred the lines of her cheeks that were no longer so blunt, and her smile that was less than rigid.

Toru Amuro frowned, looking at Hinata on the screen with a relaxed expression.

The black-haired child hesitated for a long time, AI Miyano's smile remained unchanged, he finally walked over, "Dr. Miyano..."

AI Miyano hugged him with a smile, she raised her hand, a dagger was outlined in her hand, just when she was about to stab it down, Hinata Reasonable in her arms suddenly exerted force and pushed her.

Her shoulder shattered the glass, and she fell outwards, only to be hugged again by Hinata Reasonable.

The two of them fell in the sky.

The faint stars above the head, the slowly rotating Ferris wheel, and Hinata's reasonable green eyes are intertwined in AI Miyano's eyes.

"I can't tell whether you are the real Dr. Miyano or the fake Dr. Miyano," the wind shattered Hinata's reasonable voice, scattered it through the headset, and passed it to Amuro Toru's ears, "I only know , you are Dr. Miyano who will smile at me, mine."

In the picture, AI Miyano's hair is blown up, in the state of Schrödinger wearing or not wearing the model, her eyes widen in astonishment, the pupils dilate, and all kinds of intertwined lights are reflected in the eyes.

Hinata repeated reasonably: "You are mine, and you cannot obey other people's orders."

"No," he said emphatically.

In AI Miyano's eyes, something seemed to be broken suddenly, she blinked, and the dilated pupils slowly returned to normal.

She also hugged Hinata Reasonable, and hugged the child strangely.

When they were about to fall to the ground, the video suddenly turned black and suddenly became quiet.

A few seconds later, someone said in astonishment: "Alice? Alice???"

There was chaos, and different voices of various people came in disorder,
"How did you activate the self-destruct program, Alice?!"

"Section Chief Shancun, the artificial intelligence has activated the self-destruct program!!!"

"Quickly pull the brakes, pull the brakes!"

These voices also gradually weakened, and finally fell into darkness.

The video doesn't fast-forward, and Amuro doesn't manually fast-forward it.

The darkness lasted for 3 minutes before it suddenly turned on again, which was also a surveillance screen.


There is a long, long corridor in front of me, which seems to have no end, and everything around is blurred.

Ryo Hinata was walking along this corridor.

At the end of the corridor, a figure walked over, and there was a low sound of high-heeled shoes in the distance, very rhythmic.

After walking forward with each other for a while, Hinata first confirmed that the other party had long light golden hair, and then confirmed that the other party was wearing a white coat and shoes were high heels.

When he got closer, Hinata could reasonably see that the other party was wearing black-rimmed glasses, and he could also see clearly the pair of beautiful eyes under the glasses.

The blond woman's footsteps slowed down a beat, and the rhythmic sound of high heels stopped, obviously hesitating.

Hinata rationally felt himself stop.

After hesitating for a while, the blond woman continued to walk forward, reaching into her pocket and feeling around while walking, but she didn't come up with anything, so she finally gave up.

She walked up to Hinata Reasonable and called out tentatively, "Dolly? Lily? Eiswein?"

Hinata did not move.

The blond woman breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down, and looked over with those eyes like gentle lake water, "Do you not like me calling you Dolly?"

She apologized, "Sorry, I took the liberty to call you by that name before you told me."


This dream was very sudden, and these words were also very sudden. Hinata Reasonable didn't know what to say, and his body didn't intend to speak by itself, it seemed that he wasn't a mature body yet.

He remained silent for a while, only carefully looking at the blonde woman.

The blond woman parted her blond hair, "Mingmei said, you recently..."

Halfway through, she gave up the topic and said instead: "Eiswein, this is the first time for me to be a human being, and it is also the first time to be friends with you."

"I have a lot of unfamiliar and unskilled things, and I also have some offenses." She lowered her eyes gently and looked over. "These are too difficult, Eiswein, can you teach me?"

"I have done something wrong, or my attitude is not correct, you must point it out."

Rational Hinata: "...?"

The blonde woman promised with a smile, "I will never call you Lily again, Eiswein, forgive me?"

Congratulations, the body seems to have suddenly matured, becoming a mature and sensible body that can socialize on its own. Hinata rationally felt that she opened her mouth, and made a tactful voice of rejection, "Sorry, Dr. Miyano."

"However, to you, I'm just an ordinary kid, at best a 'colleague'."

"You didn't do anything, why do you come to me again and again? Recently, I can't tell you apart, and I don't want to see you."

The blond woman blinked in surprise, but instead of getting angry, she asked gently, "Then what am I to Eiswein?"

The mature body suddenly dropped the line, and had no intention of answering by himself.

Hinata also blinked tactically.

The blond woman looked at him encouragingly.

He heard himself say, "To me, you are 'Dr. Miyano.'"

It's very strange, "Dr. Miyano" should be a somewhat unfamiliar and indifferent title, but the moment he pronounced it, Ryo Hinata felt weird and awkward.

That kind of feeling is like the complex feeling of a child who is having trouble with his mother, gently calling out "Mom", a little bit reluctant, feeling surrendered, and a little bit ashamed.

It was okay to call me 'Dr. Miyano' before, but now it's weird to be called out by the other party's gentle coaxing.

What's even more amazing is that the blond woman seemed to understand the title and how he felt at the moment, her eyes were bent again, and she answered the previous question, "Because, you are also a unique gem to me, just like Akemi and Shiho are the same to me."

So even if she doesn't know why Hinata is suddenly cold and avoids her and Miyano Akemi, she will come to Hinata again and again.

Even more than once or twice, as long as Hinata reasonably ignored her, she could persist in looking for it.

After finishing speaking, the blond woman stretched out her hand to Hinata, and said in a cowardly tone, "Do you want to hold Dr. Miyano's hand...Eiswein?"

Rational Hinata: "..."

I didn't understand at all.

But he looked at the other party's smiling face and began to waver.

The blond woman stretched out her hand and waited for a few seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds.

Her smile gradually faded.

The moment she put her hand down, Hinata rationally felt that she reached out, grabbed her hand, and hugged her forward.

The other party was pleasantly surprised: "Eiswein!"

Then kiss the side of his cheek.

At the moment when the feeling of being kissed came from the side face, Hinata Ryo woke up from the bed.

He looked at the ceiling blankly, subconsciously rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand, and looked at the time in disbelief, only to find that it was only past five o'clock.

It's not time to wake up yet.

But I can't fall asleep, that dream...

Why did I suddenly start dreaming again? I haven't listened to the radio for a long time?
Hinata stared at the ceiling rationally, recalled the dream, and cut off the memory rationally.

He struggled to and fro for a while, thought for a while, took out his cell phone, and dialed Gin's number.

In the next second, Gin said, "Hello?"

The phone was answered in seconds, it can be seen that Qin Jiu didn't sleep at all, and was still working overtime all night.

Hinata was overwhelmed with rationality, and instantly felt that she was full of happiness, "It's nothing, good night, bye."

Doing tasks is very happy, being exploited is painful, but watching others being exploited is happiness X2.

He hung up the phone and fell asleep smoothly.

Gin: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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