Conan's Helping People

Chapter 232 All Staff Oscar

Chapter 232 All Staff Oscar

Qin Jiu glanced at them coldly, but still accepted the acting invitation, "Yes."

It just looks like it's going to stop at any moment.

After getting the reply, Hinata continued to bow his head rationally. He stared at the mission target for a while, realizing again how intense the pursuit was just now.

There were several scrapes and bloodstains on the mission target's cheeks, and there were also a few bloodstains under his body, and a strong smell of blood shrouded his body, and he didn't know where he was injured.

At least that awkward arm was definitely hurt.

Even so, the mission target can still maintain his composure, with a stern look, and his eyes are surprisingly bright, so the embarrassing dust and blood have become embellishments, outlining that ruthless image.

This is a total desperado.

Coincidentally, Hyuga Ryo is good at dealing with this kind of desperadoes, and it would be even better if they are desperadoes who have no bottom line.

He smiled at the task target, stretched out his hand to caress the other's lower eyelid, and at the same time carelessly put his knee on the other's shoulder, deliberately pressing that arm down a bit.

The wound was touched, the other party's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and endured.

The lower eyelids are real and cannot be wiped off no matter how you touch them, but it may also be a special effect makeup that requires a special makeup remover, and it doesn't matter if Hinata is reasonable.

Without raising his head, he said in a distressed tone: "I know this person."

"I met the FBI group before. This guy is not from the FBI."

The mission target also stared at him closely, his eyes moved slightly.

Gin turned his face and asked with his expression: What the hell are you going to do?

The task target can't look up, can't see.

Glancing up, Hinata rationally lowered his head immediately, and laughed again. He didn't need gin butt, so he continued to coax the steps slowly, "He has some ability, it's a pity to be a shark, how about..."

He lowered his head, looked closely at the dark green eyes of the mission target, and carefully studied the things in those eyes.

Well, the other party seems to be confused.

In other words, after seeing him from the very beginning, the other party was confused, and he was not so murderous.

Recalling the other party's information, Hinata rationally read a "family affection" silently. He gave up exploring this kind of attachment so that it would not be confusing, and turned his head to look at the alley, and said in a calm tone: "Miss Hirota is also here , she doesn't like to see blood, why not forget about it today."

The task target couldn't look up at the gin behind him, but he could look sideways at the alley. He followed Hinata and took a glance there, and saw a female silhouette in the distance.

Hirota Masami stood at the street lamp at the entrance of the alley, looking straight at this side, her face was blurred from too far away, and she could only let others fill in the emotions subjectively.

Hinata reasonably felt that it was definitely not a positive emotion.

He glanced at it and retracted it, let go of the hand touching the lower eyelid of the task target, and quickly reached into the opponent's arms. At the same time, he exerted force on his knee again, deforming the opponent's subconscious resistance.

The other party snorted.

Ryo Hyuga touched a hard object in the arms of the mission target, and he skillfully grasped that object and pulled it out.

It was a gun, a gun with beautiful and smooth curves, and a very familiar gun, with a 9mm bullet.

It is also a gun that FBI agents often wear.

This gun can be manipulated proficiently by Hinata with his eyes closed. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and moved his arm without thinking, and commented: "The gun of the FBI agent, it seems that someone from the FBI found you .”

He raised his arm and aimed at the upper floor deep in the alley, without aiming at all, and pulled the trigger without blinking after speaking.

After capturing his movement, the task target's body tensed up, and he stared at him without blinking.

A shot went off.

There was a muffler on the gun, and the sound of the gun was not very loud, but it was still deafening to the ears of other people in the alley. Even Masami Hirota at the entrance of the alley shook and walked a few steps into the alley.

The recoil of the gun is still within the acceptable range, but the drop is a bit large.

Before using this kind of gun to even discharge a clip, Hinata would not feel any discomfort, but now he can clearly feel his palms and tiger's mouth start to heat up and ache, and his shoulders are also a little sore.

He sighed calmly, continued to increase the strength of his knees without changing his face, and then threw the gun to Zhu Fu Jingguang beside him.

Gin stood up straight, looked in the direction where the bullet flew, and saw a fallen black shadow. He frowned and waved his hand, motioning for a member of the organization to check, and then looked at Hinata.

"Someone was peeping just now." Hinata explained reasonably, and then focused on the moment, he smiled slightly, "Join us, the guy wanted by the FBI?"

"All his equipment belongs to the FBI." Gin reminded.

"It means that the FBI who found him made the final contribution to him," Hinata Ryo touched the lower eyelid of the mission target, stared at those dark green eyes, and said again, "I need you."

He gave enough hints, and kept touching the lower eyelid once in a while, expressing his attitude in a subtle way: I help you to speak, not because of your ability, but because of our similar eyes, and you are not the only one who cares about this matter , I also care.

Launch a 'poke weak point attack' without talking about martial arts.

The expression of the mission target moved slightly again, and he said slowly: "You..."

The voice is a little hoarse.

Hinata rationally showed an expression of listening patiently, and lowered his head again. He waited patiently for three seconds, and heard the mission target intermittently say: "The group of people who dealt with the FBI today is related to you, you and the FBI..."

The voice next to his ear was intermittent, and it could be heard that the other party was seriously injured. When he heard the other party was about to speak to a critical point, he increased the strength of his knees without hesitation, and directly pressed the other party's shoulders hard on the ground, so that The posture of the opponent's arm was even more distorted, which also caused the wound to expand again.

The goal of this mission was not dull, and he also randomly changed the action he just made, stretched out his other intact arm, and was going to restrain Hinata in the opposite direction.

Hinata didn't move, just looked at him quietly and smiled.

A gun was held against the head of the mission target.

Standing by the side, Zhu Fu Jingguang shot without hesitation at the first moment, just in time to stop the action after the mission target changed.

"I guess, you also have a modified small pistol on your ankle." Ryo Hyuga reached out and touched the knitted hat of the mission target, and touched a hand of blood, "Some FBIs have the habit of being fully armed. The more cautious the FBI, The more you look like a hedgehog, as long as you subdue enough FBIs, you can make up a set of hedgehog equipment."

"Those FBI gentlemen like hedgehogs have been professionally trained, and they act cleanly and decisively, and can give the mission target a thunderous blow."

He slowly added a premise, "Of course, the premise is that the target of the mission is a person."

If it is not a human being, it will also give a thunderous blow, hitting the air with the speed of thunder.

The member of the organization who went to check the situation before ran back. He glanced at the smiling Hinata Ryo and the even worse-looking mission target, and consciously leaned against the corner, trotting all the way to Gin, and whispered: "There is a guy with a forehead Shot, you can see it from that angle."

"He was carrying guns and jewelry on his body. He should be the guy who broke through the empty door."

The members of the organization lowered their voices as much as possible, but the alley was too quiet, only the calm breathing of a few people and the heavy breathing of the mission target, this sound was obvious.

Hyuga rationally tilted his head and took a look at Gin, then lowered his head again, and said casually, "Ask me one last time, do you want to join us?"

He reached out to the quest target, but because he was too close to maintain a polite reach distance, he had no choice but to put that hand in front of the quest target's face.

The dark green pupils of the mission target stared at him closely, and the other party took a breath, gritted his teeth and confirmed: "Are you going to deal with the FBI?"

His tone loosened.

Hinata's reasonable mood happiness value +1.

He nodded, "There is a grudge."

The mission target continued to stare at him closely.

The alley fell into silence again, there was no sound of speaking, only the sound of breathing.

Zhu Fu Jingguang cast a questioning look: Do you want to shoot this evil guy to death?
Before Gin Jiu stepped forward, the mission target let out a breath, lowered his head, and put it on the hand that Hinata reasonably reached out, letting that hand sink under the pressure.

He turned his face in the palm of his hand as if a little tired, and lowered his eyes again, his eyelashes covered the emotion in those dark green eyes, and it lightly swept the palm of that hand a few times.

Hinata rationally breathed a sigh of relief: finally joined the organization.

The mission target also breathed a sigh of relief: finally joined the organization.

Qin Jiu glanced at them and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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