Conan's Helping People

Chapter 233 Chapter 224 Two unlucky eggs

233 Chapter 224

The sense of existence of the task target is too strong.

He was seriously injured, the whole alley was lingering with his bloody smell, and he was still breathing heavily. After the air flow came out from the nose, it brushed Hinata Reasonable's palm, and sprayed Hinata Reasonable's neck and half-squatted calf.

And because it is leaning sideways on the palm of the hand, the palm feels not only the breath, but also the eyelashes, and the wrist also has a slight shunt of breath, and the slight heat is drilled into the sleeve along the palm and wrist.

There is also blood flowing out from nowhere, dripping down the arc of his chin, gathering drop by drop in Hinata Reasonable's palm, and quickly moistening the place where their two skins touch.

On top of that, he's hot and heavy.

This hand has just fired a gun, and it was already a little uncomfortable, and now it is still a little bit unable to hold the dog's head.

Hinata thought rationally for a second, if he withdrew his hand in an instant and dismissed it in disgust, would this subordinate who had just expressed his surrender instantly become murderous and directly commit crimes.

The disgust of this action seems to be quite obvious, and it seems that there are not many people who can swallow their anger, so forget it.

He then asked the seriously injured guy in his palm, "What's your name?"

The heat flow intensified, and the task target took a few breaths, seemed very weak, and reluctantly replied in pain: "Zhu Xingda."

"Okay, Zhu Xingdai," Hinata rationally moved his hands, restraining the desire to get him up quickly, "You can call me..."

He raised his head, exchanged a glance with Gin, smiled again, and casually spit out his code name, "Icewine."

It is absolutely impossible to have a real name.

Although there is a high probability that the other party already knows his real name... just read the news, thanks to the big news, many people have an impression of him.

"This is my code name."

The palm was touched again, and those dark green eyes blinked several times quickly.

This posture is not all the disadvantages of being able to clearly feel the presence of the other party, but there is still an advantage.

That is, the other party is expressing surrender, so he gave up all resistance, and also gave up covering up his behavior. Hyuga Ryo can easily feel the other party's life.

The other party put his chin in his palm, and he could feel the warm skin, heavy breathing and blood vessels of the other party.

Those things were all clinging to his palm, brushing up the sense of existence little by little, and constantly brushing up the sense of dominance.

As long as he wanted, he could attack and end this guy's life in a sudden attack at any time.

This posture can completely control the other party, and it also has the illusion that you can control the other party's life at will.

That's the only benefit.

Hyuga rationally released the other hand that had been placed on the back of the opponent's neck, placed it under the hand that was holding the opponent, then adjusted his posture and sat cross-legged on the spot.

"Mr. Zhuxing," he bowed his head, called out this polite address, paused again when Akai Xiuyi raised his eyes, and corrected himself, "Mr. Zhuxing."

I just played the emotional card vaguely, and it seems too unfamiliar to call Mr. Zhu Xing, so I will use this title tomorrow.

He lowered his eyes and asked softly: "You are seriously injured, can't you get up?"

The warm breath felt in the palm of his hand intensified a bit.

The other members of the organization took a few steps back instinctively, and stood against the wall with their eyes on their noses and their hearts on their noses.

Qin Jiu also took two steps back before saying with a sneer, "This guy has been shot five times and has lost his ability to move."

Answering the call is very good, don't answer it next time.

Hinata turned his head reasonably, looked at the caring and understanding Gin, and said politely: "I see, thank you, you solved my doubts."

Gin took two steps back again.

Ah, so you realized that you said the wrong thing?Really not on purpose?
Akai Shuichi is very sensible, even when he should hear "you are great, I appreciate you very much, and I will treat you well in the future" when the boss comforts the younger brother, he didn't become angry with embarrassment, but just blinked tiredly After a few glances, he put his good hand on the ground and barely propped himself up.

He half sat up, his black hair was also soaked in blood, and strands of hair slid down his shoulders, dangling in the air, catching his eyes.

Hyuga rationally stared at the strands of hair for a few moments, and didn't subconsciously grab them, but continued to move his gaze down, and quickly took a look at the other party's situation.

Akai Shuichi's abdomen was also bloody red, he must have been shot there, and there was also a wound on his leg. Judging by the wetness of his hair, his back should also be injured... How did the blood on the knitted hat come from?Got a bullet in the head?Or someone else's blood?

While thinking about it, Hinata rationally completed a brief assessment of the opponent's injuries, then reached out his hand again, rummaged through the opponent's body skillfully, and took out a dagger.

The dagger is very sharp, and there is a blood groove, there are some bloodstains on it, but the traces are stained, it should be Akai Shuichi's own blood.

He twirled the dagger and said relaxedly, "Shall I dig out the bullet for you?"

Akai Shuichi's expression didn't change much, blood flowed from his forehead, passing through his eyebrows and eyes, staining them a little wet, his breath was still heavy and weak, but his tone was calm, "Okay."

Then he stretched out the right hand that was the most injured. Two bullets were shot in that arm, one was hit on the shoulder and the other was hit on the inside of the elbow. Beach of blood.

Wow, how miserable.

Injuries of this degree were common in the past, but now, Hyuga Ryo hasn't seen such a serious injury for a long time.

He skillfully cut open the sleeve with the knife, and the tip of the knife naturally turned around on the opponent's skin. At the moment when the arm subconsciously tensed, the tip of the knife broke through the obstacle lightly and slipped smoothly. go in.

Akai Hideichi snorted, and immediately relaxed his arm as much as possible, and the tip of the knife just squeezed out a hard bullet wreckage with ease.

The whole set of movements was smooth and flowing, like drinking water, which couldn't be simpler, without even a little warning, just stabbing the knife in, digging out the bullet, and retracting the knife very simply.

Hyuga rationally reached out to catch the wreckage of the bullet. He stared at his wet and dirty palm for a while, then looked up at Zhuo Xingdai, and saw a paler and more serious face with wrinkled brows.

The other party was clearly enduring the pain.

He belatedly realized one thing.

Wait, due to the difference in the world, helping the other party to take the bullet with bare hands at the first time is not an act of caring, but torture!

From the other side's point of view, not only did he not use anesthesia or painkillers, he didn't sterilize the dagger, and he didn't even apply follow-up wound medicine. He was definitely deliberately torturing and severely crushing the bones of his hands.

Hyuga rationally spun the dagger a few more times, letting the red light jump between his fingers, he thought about whether to explain, but then looked at the expression of the other party who obviously had no objection and just endured silently, and swallowed the explanation back.

If you say some sincere explanations at this time, such as 'I'm used to this, I dug it out on the spot, I'm very sorry', it always feels more like a sweet date after a slap.

Or bad sweet dates eaten up by insects.

He can only give an explanation that is very unintentional but that the other party may accept, "Sorry, that bullet stuck too deep. If you wait for these wastes to take you to the hospital, your right hand will have sequelae."

'I was worried that your right hand would be left behind, really, trust me'.

Akai Hideichi took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and stabilized his voice before speaking calmly, "Well, I believe in you."

... what do you believe in?
His voice was even hoarse, as if it had been forced out of it.

Hyuga could understand rationally. He ignored the insincerity of the other party's language and extracted the true attitude expressed by the other party's voice. He felt that the other party was still a little dissatisfied with his cruel operation of recognizing his younger brother.

This is normal.

If you don't care about your heart, you must use sincere actions to verify it.

He raised his head and stretched out his hand to Zhu Fu Jingguang.

The hand was wet, and there was a lot of blood on it. Bloodstains of varying severity outlined the outline of a chin, and there was also a bullet wreck that was just taken out of a human body, which was also wet.

It belongs to the level of terror that normal people would have nightmares at night, even if it is Hinata's reasonable face, it can't weaken the level of horror, but adds a bit of horror.

Zhu Fu Jingguang glanced at the hand, Hyuga rationally didn't explain what he was going to do, so he hesitated to pick up the remains of the bullet.

The hand was still in mid-air, and the fingers moved.

Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated again, looked at the pair of bright green eyes, and slowly raised his hand.

"...Give me the gun, thank you." Hinata reminded reasonably.

A few seconds later, he got the gun, continued to look sincerely at Hideichi Akai, and shot without blinking. In the sound of a member of the organization being shot and fell to the ground, he calmly said: "That guy just held down your arm. Shoulder?"

On the surface, he was not guilty, he was calm and righteous, and his tone was light, "I have avenged you."

Then stand up.

He casually asked again, "By the way, who searched Zhu Xingjun's body just now?"

There was no sound in the alley, and the few remaining members of the organization did not move, looking at each other with their eyes.

After waiting patiently for a few seconds, Hinata rationally heard the sound of shoes rubbing against the ground. A member of the organization stood up bravely and explained, "Just now..."

Ryo Hinata is familiar with the gun that FBI agents like to use. Its magazine can hold fifteen rounds of bullets.

In the sound of explanation, he pulled out the magazine and took a look, and found that there were still five bullets in the magazine.

Excluding the two shots he fired, Zhu Xingda had fired eight shots with this gun before, plus the pocket gun hidden in the opponent's calf, the blood-slot dagger hidden in the back of the waist, and the small dagger hidden in the left wrist.

Hinata reasonably and roughly estimated that if there was no gin and him present, Zhu Xingda would definitely be able to get away easily with his eyes closed, even if the opponent had already been shot five times.

In fact, until now, Zhu Xingda still has accumulated physical strength and resistance ability. When he suddenly dug the bullet with a knife, the opponent could forcibly endure it. It is normal to endure the existing injuries on his body and counterattack. But that's all.

The simpler and more normal fact is that the members of these organizations are not only fish-mongers, but also waste.

They didn't even find these things, and just now they were so vigilantly suppressing Zhu Xingda, as if they had really restrained the other party.

...It is estimated that even if he is caught, it is Zhu Xingda's tactic.

If the person who came to see Zhu Xingda was not him, then the other party's next step would be to fight back violently and wipe out the group of people directly.

Hinata sighed calmly, counted the bullets one by one, put the magazine back, and turned the gun.

Hyuga Ryo is proficient in dealing with desperadoes, and he is also proficient in dealing with waste.

The member of the organization continued to explain, to the effect that he only had time to restrain Mr. Zhu Xing and did a simple body search, but the search was not so thorough. I am really sorry blabla.

Just listening to the beginning, Hyuga Ryo had expected the following words, he nodded deeply, as if he agreed deeply.

Then raise your hand and shoot.

After a simple and crisp 'bang', the member of the organization stopped explaining.

Before the other members of the group reacted and began to run away, and before the echo of the gunshot disappeared in the alley, Hinata continued to shoot reasonably calmly.

Gunshots sounded again and again in the alley, and the echoes of the gunshots overlapped. The first gunshot and the fourth gunshot sounded like a snake biting its tail, layer upon layer in the alley. Swing away.

Gin frowned and didn't move. The remaining members of the organization moved one after another and fell down one by one.

The recoil of this gun is really not that strong. Even if you shoot four shots in a row, the impact on your body is similar to that of a single snipe... It's been too long since I sniped, and Hinata rationally felt that he was doing well again.

He squatted down again, continued to look at Akai Xiu, and said softly: "I hate trash."

"However, it's fine if you don't notice the target's dormancy. A guy who can't even search for a weapon is not even a waste at all."

"Rather than let this kind of guy continue to live and be..." Hinata paused for a while, swallowed the 'humanoid object' lightly, subtly bited and called it again, "Enemy, conquered."

"It's better to kill them before then to avoid future troubles."

He turned the gun around, letting the muzzle keep turning in front of Shuichi Akai and himself, "What do you think, Mr. Zhuxing?"

Zhu Xingda looked at him, and seemed to realize that this was an intensified threat after being cruel, so his expression subtly changed.

He frowned, and his expression was fierce for a moment, then he immediately regained his composure, gritted his reply, and said word by word: "I think what you said makes sense."

This kind of desperado, no matter how much he cares about 'family affection', 'family affection' is just a rope that can wrap around the other party's neck, and the other party can easily break free, and will never let him do whatever he wants.

Hinata reasonably understands the dangers of taming wild animals.

Only a more powerful, more threatening, more deadly and abnormal existence can make the wild beast fearful.

He smiled at the other side, stopped turning the gun, stuffed it into the other side's intact left hand, and then paused subtly.

He touched the rough gun callus with his fingertips.

No wonder this guy's right hand suffered such a heavy gun. It turns out that his left hand is his usual hand.

Hyuga rationally blinked his eyes, and said softly, "There is one bullet left, and I will give it to you, Mr. Zhuxing."

It was really not killing chickens and monkeys just now, it is now.

"I hate waste, but I like you, I hope you don't let me down."


Trash is annoying, but so are menacing beasts, neither of which Hinata Ryo doesn't like.

Akai Shuichi's pupils flickered, he and the smiling Hinata looked at each other reasonably for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice: "I see."

It's time to call it a day.

Hinata smiled rationally, stood up easily, and casually directed the only non-code member in the audience except the victim, "Hero, send him out to deal with his injuries."

He stretched out his hand to Zhu Fu Jingguang again.

Zhu Fu Jingguang handed over his gun.

"..." Hinata rationally smiled again, and said softly, "Give me your hand."

He held the opponent's hand and found that the opponent's body temperature was actually low. Compared with his, Zhu Fu Jingguang's hand was a bit cold.

But it doesn't matter, the next words have nothing to do with whether the hands are cold or not.

"You gave me a bullet, I was very impressed." Ryo Hinata said in a gentle tone as if she was shaking hands with Samoyed, "I don't want to return what you gave me."

"Can you understand?"

He and the other party looked at each other, and found that the other party's Adam's apple rolled a few times, obviously in fear after being threatened by a lunatic.

The other party replied in a low voice: "...Yes."

It's a pity that the opponent's leg was not injured, and raising his hand to touch his head required a big movement. Hinata rationale could only let go of his hand regretfully, and encouraged and comforted the two unlucky ones, "Don't worry, I have always had a strong feeling for my subordinates who are not trash. patience."

For example, the blond Hero, although he hates the other party very much, the other party is not a waste, but a short-term competitor, and Hyuga Ryo has not personally slammed the other party.

It's just a pity that the black-haired Hero didn't seem to believe the truth of this sentence, so he just lowered his eyes and replied again: "Yes."


Hinata chose to be tolerant reasonably and generously. It was the luck of these two guys to meet him for three lifetimes. It is estimated that they have been criminals for dozens of lives, so they will get their retribution now.

 Don't fight, don't fight, it's a blessing for both parties x
(End of this chapter)

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