Conan's Helping People

Chapter 234 Too Miserable

Chapter 234 Too Miserable

system hint:
[Special task 'Mr. A's Test ①' has been completed, points +100. ]
[Special task 'Mr. A's test②' has been completed, points +100. ]
Two hundred points arrive in the account.

Hinata's reasonable mood rose sharply. He stared at the system prompt for a few seconds, and pulled out the special prompt for the previous task: [This task is a special recruitment task, and the rewards will vary with the host's recruitment speed. Please try hard to recruit! ]
The mission just now was completed very perfunctorily, basically taking the route of coercion and lure... mainly coercion.

Hyuga Ryo has actually made preparations for how to relieve her grief after seeing the prompt of [points +1], but the result is +100?

Did he complete the task 100%?

Those two guys really only eat threats?
Or is 100 just the base score?
Considering the stinginess of the system, Hinata rejected the last guess reasonably and decisively, taking it for granted that those two guys were just taking threats.

Oh, human.

The task was completed, he didn't bother to care about these two guys, he simply exited the state of torture to extract a confession, directly suppressed his smile, turned around calmly, and walked towards Qin Jiu.

While walking, he lowered his head and opened and closed his hands repeatedly.

Just now, he tried his best to leave all the blood on his hands to Zhu Fu Jingguang, but there was still some blood left on his hands, because the amount was small, but it became more viscous and more obvious.

Hinata's rationality is somewhat intolerable.

He urged Gin, "Let's go."

Gin responded, then turned his head and walked out of the alley.

He did not walk in front of Gin, nor did he walk side by side with Gin, but squeezed out of Vodka's place, and slowly fell behind a few steps.

Then he reached out and grabbed the hem of Gin's long trench coat.

The other party paused and looked sideways.

The silver hair is very clean, and the blood can't touch it. It's too conspicuous. Hinata just grabbed the black windbreaker, and he complained without changing his face: "Next time, don't turn on the street lights, the alley is too dark, I can't see clearly .”

Vodka was behind a certain distance, but clearly saw Hinata's reasonable actions: "..."

He hesitated to speak, stopped and hesitated to speak, and finally pretended he didn't see it.

Forget it, anyway, if you report it, the boss will remember his own hatred, and Icewine will also remember his own hatred.

Qin Jiu sneered, "It doesn't look like you couldn't see your marksmanship just now."

"It was just now, and now is now." Hinata continued to keep his face unchanged, he let go of one hand and took a look, changed his position with satisfaction, and continued to grab the long windbreaker, "Besides, your subordinates are too useless. "

"It's also your subordinate." The other party was not ashamed and defeated the magic with magic without changing his face.

If Hinata reasonably thinks that Gin is his subordinate, then in essence, those trash are also Hyuga's reasonable subordinates.

There is indeed some truth to it.

Hinata pondered rationally for a moment, then slowed down a bit, and turned into Gin striding ahead, dragged by the hem of the long windbreaker.

He found another way, "It doesn't matter, they are no one's subordinates now, and they are not wastes."

But corpses.

As soon as this was mentioned, Gin frowned, "Next time, try not to suddenly shoot and clean up the members of the organization."

"...and try not to continue to shoot after the task is completed to clean up other people."

"Just now, it was necessary to kill chickens to warn monkeys." Hyuga rationally retorted casually, "Besides, I didn't clean up other people casually a few times."

Maybe?I don't have much impression, that is [the number of times of cleaning other people at will is 0], it is the scheming marshmallow yay who is slandering him.

Get used to it, alas.

He quickened his pace, took the opportunity to get rid of the last bit of stickiness on his hands, and then walked briskly side by side with Gin, perfunctory him, "However, I think what you said makes sense."

Gin Jiu glanced at him, slowed down his pace, and took a step back, "You were very skilled at what you did just now."

Whether it's coercion, coercion, or coercion, Hinata is very easy to handle, especially when picking up bullets with a knife.

Obviously that guy had agreed to join the organization, but Hinata continued to coerce and lure him contrary to his usual method of appeasement.

Write as menacing, read as torture.

And the smoothness of taking bullets...

The feeling of gin is the same as when Hinata was dragged to the gun practice at the beginning, but found that this guy's marksmanship was too outrageous, it was a little subtle.

The marksmanship is barely a game, which is understandable. After all, the game also requires aiming operations. After removing the recoil, it seems to be almost the same as the real world, so you can believe it.

There is a 1% chance that this is the case.

But the operation of digging bullets by hand, without practicing it a hundred times by yourself, absolutely does not have this level of proficiency.

Gin has repeatedly recalled, thinking for a while about the tasks that Hinata Ryo has done before, and recalled whether there has been a situation like "people died, and the corpse was used, so that Hinata Ryo's marksmanship and knife skills were improved together".

Maybe not.

Unless Hinata is really boring and turns things into a mess, such as the Tokyo sniper incident, other situations are just ordinary mission routines. This mission routine may have added members of the organization who were implicated innocently and gangsters who passed by... ...that's all.

There is nothing special about a dead body becoming a dead body.

Even if there is, it is not something that can be practiced in one or two missions. If there are too many missions, no matter how perfunctory the police officers are, they will find that they did not collect clues properly and form a serial murder case.

So, how did Hyuga Ryo practice the bullet-taking technique?
Gin's gaze swept across Hinata Reasonable's body, and landed on the nape of the other's neck, back, arms, and legs in turn, and there was nothing unusual about it.

He looked at the opponent's arm again.

Hinata is wearing short sleeves, most of her arms are exposed, and there are no minor wounds or scars on them, not even the most critical wrists.

The gaze was too obvious, Hinata retracted his fingers reasonably as if nothing had happened, and looked at him confidently.

This question is a bit difficult to answer, and the very directional gaze is also difficult to ignore. Hinata rationally retracted his fingers again, and answered perfunctorily: "That gunfight game has an injury effect. After being shot, the bullet can be taken out to stop the bleeding. , can restore a small amount of blood."

Before Gin started to speak, he predicted in advance, "You are busy with work, I don't think you want to play."

Gin: "..."

Gin nodded slowly.

There was an alley ahead, and Masami Hirota was still waiting under the streetlight, she had been staring at Ryo Hyuga, and was relieved to confirm that he was not injured.

Once out of the alley, Vodka went to drive first.

Gin pondered for a while, and then continued the topic, "If you are interested in medicine, you can go to a medical university or find some teachers in related fields to verify and practice on them."

"Don't practice on yourself."

Rational Hinata: "?"

what are you saying?
He glanced at Qinjiu's dark long trench coat, and felt that the other party had noticed his innocuous little action just now, and now he was pissing himself off, so he accepted the opinion with humility and generosity, and tolerated the other party politely, "Okay."

Gin: "..."

Before he could speak, a black Porsche drove up, successfully breaking the conversation.

After getting in the car, Gin brought up a new topic, "Do you like interrogation?"

Feeling my conscience, it was indeed not subjugation just now, but an interrogation.

Hinata rationally asked subconsciously: "Why do you say that?"

The moment he asked, he realized why Gin suddenly asked him this question.

When he was in the alley just now, Hyuga Ryo kept smiling, spoke very kindly, and behaved very politely.

Of course, some corpses who are no longer subordinates or waste may have objections to this.

"I don't like it," he said casually. "Laughing is a habit. Certain normal behaviors appear at inappropriate times, which will have a contrasting effect, and it is easier to break through the psychological defense line."

Horror films also like to play with this kind of contrast.

What's even more amazing is that it seems that all human beings have learned this method without a teacher. When they torture others, they are always well-dressed and understated. In contrast, the trembling and bloody flesh of the tortured person is compared.

Ryo Hyuga learned these methods from those FBIs. He has encountered FBI torturers, and it is the simplest and most direct method to get started directly. The more common method is to play fishing, fishing bait on a pile of humanoid objects Above, let the bait feel the humanoid desire for him.

There are also common methods of boiling eagles and the like.

And no matter which method you choose, whether it is the FBI or ordinary people, when they are interrogators, they will always smile.

He tried a few times, and found that a light smile could really break through other people's psychological defenses, so he bundled 'smile' and 'interrogation' together.

When he was in the alley, smelling the familiar smell of gunpowder smoke and blood, Hinata rationally entered the state, and as soon as he entered the state, he habitually smiled.

...Hey, it seems that the fact that he was really intimidating the whole time was exposed/revealed.

Hinata paused reasonably, finished the general idea, and added a confident sentence at the end of the sentence, "However, I was not interrogating just now, but subduing."

He also blamed, "Maybe it's because although he was seriously injured, he still has basic resistance and backhands, so you have an illusion."

Gin's brows twitched. Since the facts were really clear, he didn't justify, but simply explained, "I asked more than 20 members of the organization to round him up, and in the end only those few people in the alley were left, and everyone else Killed by him."

No, the last one is not left.

Hinata reasonably ignored this cryptic reverse accusation, quickly grasped the point, and continued to accuse, "You didn't participate in the roundup at the beginning?"

"Participated," Gin Jiu paused, and sneered, "but he didn't forcefully approach that guy's gun like a silly roe deer."

That is the stupid behavior of other organization members.

More than 20 people rounded up one person, but they were beaten down to five or six... No wonder Gin didn't stop the shot just now.

Hinata reasonably estimated that even if he didn't shoot, those members of the organization would not have any good fruits such as "completed the task, good job, give rewards". Don't try to get out of the alley alive, Gin will take care of them himself.

Qin Jiu continued to talk about this topic, and reminded him, "That guy is very dangerous. There is a high probability that he didn't really join the organization, but was forced to hibernate."

"When you tame him later, be careful."

Indeed, excluding the fact that the members of the organization are too useless, that guy is also very powerful.

Hyuga rationally didn't answer the sentence of "be careful when taming him later", he nodded subtly, glanced out of the car window, and estimated how long it would take to reach Miyano's house based on the street outside.

There is still a little while.

He nodded slowly, "It's been subdued, I'll send a report to that gentleman."

Then he bowed his head and typed, quickly edited a message and sent it over, and added a general sentence at the end of the sentence 'ah, I asked Gin to help, but he made a lot of noise, you must have known about it, but you know After all, I still want to report to you personally.

After pressing the send button, he looked up nonchalantly, "I'm done reporting... Hey, are you injured?"

Gin's hair was too long, covering part of his face, and he was wearing a complete set of black clothes, and he had just come out of an alley full of gunpowder smoke and blood. When he first smelled blood, Hinata was reasonable. I don't care much yet.

Until he finished sending the message and looked up, he found that Gin was looking out the window.

From this angle, there is a faint trace protruding from the silver hair around the ear, which is the trace of being scratched by the bullet.

"Huh?" Qin Jiu turned around when he heard the sound, raised his right hand nonchalantly, and touched the mark on his left face, "It's just a scratch."

Are you not left-handed?Why do you raise your right hand subconsciously?And since just now, it seems that there has been no major movement.

Hinata took a reasonable look at the front seat, Vodka was driving intently, Hirota Masami was looking out the window, both of them looked like 'I didn't listen to your conversation'.

His eyes jumped a few times, and caught the top of the window glass of the passenger seat. There was a very small mark, about one-third the size of a fingernail.

It should be that when the window was opened, a bullet hit the top of the glass. Now that the window is raised, it is not so conspicuous.

After capturing that point, Hinata rationally retracted his gaze, and he looked at Gin's left arm.

There was no damage on the long windbreaker, but again, there was no dust or anything like that, and it was clean as a whole... except for the hem of the back.

It doesn't look like the clothes that just went through a hunt, it's too clean.

This is, after the left arm was injured, did you change your clothes?
Hinata took a reasonable sniff and confirmed that he had left the alley for a while, but there was still a faint smell of blood lingering inside the closed car.

No smell of alcohol or potions.

He slowly said: "...Actually, my wound treatment skills are very good, especially in taking bullets."

Gin glanced at him, "The bullet has been taken out and the bleeding has stopped."

"Oh," Hinata responded slowly, and moved to the left again, so as not to accidentally touch the wounded wound, "That's good."

……That's horrible.

It was so miserable.

Leading more than 20 people to round up a person, not only was the other party killed a dozen of his men, but he was also injured.

Although there is an order to capture the other party alive, it is inevitable that the hands are tied and it is not easy to start, but the other party can shoot without hesitation.

If you are injured, you can only pretend to be strong on the surface, otherwise you will not only lose face in front of your enemies, but also lose face in front of your colleagues.

It's so miserable, it's so miserable, it's a shame.

No wonder I didn't wag my tail today. It turned out that I was hit hard both psychologically and physically, during a period of depression.

Hinata thought about it, and comforted dryly: "It's okay, I will avenge you."

According to the peaceful world to understand his previous caring behavior of habitually taking bullets, and rounding it up a little, it is he who avenged Gin.

"..." Qin Jiu glanced at him, "I guessed it."

(End of this chapter)

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