Conan's Helping People

Chapter 247 Three-point Steak

Chapter 247 Three-point steak

Tokyo, seven o'clock in the morning, Gin smoked lightly, he exhaled the smoke lightly, frowned impatiently, and sent a message to Belmod instead.

[Don't make small moves. 】

In a sense, Hinata's rationality is actually easy to understand.

As long as he keeps giving him tasks, giving him tasks, giving him tasks, squeezing himself out and giving him tasks, and without any other accidents, his mood value will always be stable on the passing line.

This pass line is very important. In this state, Hyuga Ryo will try to find out the state of his immediate boss, and from time to time he is eager to scratch his paw or two. If the mood value is too higher than the passing state, it is hyperactivity, and the immediate boss should not think about it. An Sheng, you have to deal with all kinds of movements of that energetic guy at any time.

If the mood value is lower than the passing state, it is a low state.

Lately, Hyuga Ryo has been on a low.

And according to cats and dogs, it will be stressful when changing places... And according to Hinata's depressed state when he went on a long-distance mission last time, it can be seen that his mood value will continue to decrease when he stays away from his familiar territory and goes to another strange place. May be anxious and need extra reassurance.

When you are already in a low state, you are still suffering from the buff of 'stress' that continuously lowers your mood value, so some appropriate measures from the breeder are especially needed.

Like stuffing tasks, stuffing tasks, stuffing tasks and draining yourself to feed this energetic guy.

This trick is really effective. Gin can testify to those low-level organization members who have been squeezed dry in Tokyo. During that time, many organization members who had dissenting ideas appeared and were dealt with reasonably by Hinata.

Of course, many members of the organization who had no dissent were dealt with reasonably by Hinata.

... All in all, as a qualified breeder with normal IQ, Belmode should give some tasks soothingly at this time.

It's best to clean up all the tasks directly, and don't give tasks such as 'connect with xxx to discuss major organizational issues' or 'go to xxx to ask for information', that guy will choose to pretend to be stupid and indulge himself.

Afterwards, maybe you will be confused and say, 'Hey, isn't this a cleanup task?When you shared the task, your expression was too serious. I thought you had a murderous look towards the task target... Yes, yes, that’s the expression.

Thinking of this, Qin Jiu sent another inquiry message: [How is the preparation of the staff? 】

The code members in the organization are roughly divided into two styles, one is a solitary style, such as Belmode, and the other is a style that is in charge of a certain position and has many subordinates, such as Gin.

But even Belmode is not really a loner, she will automatically develop insiders, and she can summon a group of younger brothers by waving her hands casually.

Only Hinata is reasonable.

Hinata rationale is completely alone, Gin specially observed and found that he basically only associates with members of the organization or the police, and ignores other people at all, he is quite withdrawn and has a personality.

This also has a problem, he has nothing to belong to his subordinates.

If he is an ordinary code member with potential, then this is his personal style, but he is not, he must learn to control and manage his subordinates, and the most important thing is to understand that 'the subordinates are really not easy to pick up building blocks', nor is it a "consumable resource that will be refreshed automatically".

If he continues to maintain this contemptuous attitude of being a lone wolf and not treating others as human beings, he will definitely suffer a big fall after assuming the throne.

Don't get me wrong, it must be members of the organization like them who stumbled, not the leader who randomly built blocks above.

Is it reasonable for Hyuga to be able to recruit a group of subordinates who can be used at will by a mysterious element like Belmode?

...It is indeed possible to recruit a group of police personnel at will.

Can also summon a gin.

The movement of Gin to smoke stopped, and he lightly stubbed out the cigarette, and received a reply from Belmode.

[Manpower is being assembled, I screened a batch in advance, and only ordered a few people to come to New York for training. 】

She didn't reply to the previous warning not to engage in petty tricks, but followed up with another reply.

【Handle your own affairs by yourself, don't hand over your enemies to Icewine. 】

Just when Gin was going to pick and choose, at least a dozen targets who could exert their power, so that Hinata could be reasonably direct and unparalleled, and stabilize the state as soon as possible, Belmode counter-warned him.


He lit another cigarette and simply dialed Belmode's number.

The other party answered in seconds.

There was the sizzling sound of meat and the laughter of the typical American exaggerated variety show, Bellmode said unhurriedly: "Don't stretch your hands so long, GIN."

Gin was warned twice after only one warning: "..."

Qin Jiu calmly said: "The gentleman sent me his physical condition. He can't be in an extreme state for a long time, otherwise the genetic disease will break out, such as anger and happiness."

He bit down on the word, "or down."

Another point is very important.

Gin's tone was even more flat, "I personally suggest that he should not be allowed to stay in a state of boredom for a long time, or you will bear the consequences."

Gin doesn't know much about the former, nor does he know what the so-called genetic disease is or what the consequences will be.

But the latter, how serious the consequences are, can be seen clearly.

"No," Belmode lazily retorted, "Maybe at the beginning, he will be very resistant because it is a task related to interpersonal communication and social relations, but as long as he has been in contact with the training plan for a while, he will understand it. This is training a tool man for himself, and he will..."

Instant energy and interest.

No shepherd dog can refuse a group of looking up and bleating, as if they will obediently obey the tamed lamb as long as they bark low.


At that time, even if Belmode struggled to cover Hinata's reasonable eyes and ears, and closed the window by the way, so that the distance between him and the group of lambs passing by outside the car window was as high as possible, he would not give up.

This is a question of instinct.

Belmode smiled, "Don't think he hates interpersonal communication, but the communication skills are actually very powerful."

Does he hate human interaction?
No, Qin Jiu thinks that guy likes to communicate with people very much, and prefers to step on his tail if he sees through human beings, so that he can only hold back when he is surprised. If that person is close to him, it will be even more Well, instead of pretending to step on your tail unintentionally, you can step on your tail on purpose.

Whether it's with those police officers, or with those members of the 'auto-refreshable consumable items' organization, Hyuga Ryo has never been very repulsive, especially the latter.

He especially likes to interact with "consumable items that can be automatically refreshed" during missions, which refers to the interaction where one party releases bullets or physical strength, and the other obediently surrenders his life.

...the social sheepdog.

Qin Jiu didn't refute, just said lightly: "Really?"

Belmode raised her eyebrows. Just as she was about to speak with a smile, she suddenly warned of a crisis and subconsciously turned her head to look.

At some point, there was a man standing at the door of the kitchen.

A black-haired and green-eyed man, with some immaturity left on his face, he looks like a minor. His hair is already a little long and messy, and part of the line of his jaw is covered by the hair hanging down from his ears. Stopped, the messy hair reduced his coldness.

It is day-to-day reasonable.

Hyuga rationally looked at her quietly, her green eyes were calm and the pupils were round.

Belmode met his green eyes, which had been watching quietly.

On the other end of the phone, Gin frowned and asked, "Bermode?"

"Yes," Belmode said slowly, "I am here."

She leaned against the cooking table with her back, didn't retreat, and didn't avoid her eyes, just like facing a lone wolf on the prairie, she continued to look at Hinata reasonably.

The other end of the phone sensed something was wrong, and immediately fell silent.

After looking at each other for more than ten seconds, Belmode asked: "What's wrong?"

Why look at her with such eyes that want to attack her?Did she do nothing?

'The Lone Wolf on the Grassland' moved her ears, first glanced at the cell phone she was holding, and made a faint voice, "If you want a cat, I can also go to the neighbor's house to borrow the cat for you to take with you. Let's go for a walk with cats."

Belmode: "?"

What?Why are you suddenly involved with cats?
"The steak is done," Hyuga Ryo continued to say quietly, "Three-point burnt."

Now there are two steaks on the plate, which are very typical medium-rare. Hinata reasonably does not eat this kind of under-cooked food. It is obvious who owns the three-point steak in the pot.

His tone continued to be quiet, "Thank you, I like it very much."

(End of this chapter)

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