Conan's Helping People

Chapter 248 3 Points

Chapter 248 Three Hundred Points
The sky has dimmed, but New York has not dimmed. The bright lights are lit up, forming a lake of stars in the whole New York.

In the brightly lit building, the atmosphere in the top-floor office eased a little. A middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s was laughing at the computer screen, having a relaxed and friendly conversation with his partner on the other end.

The secretary quietly brought a cup of coffee and put it on the table. The middle-aged man glanced at her, waved his hand casually, told her to go out quickly, and kept teasing: "Oh? You think it's been a long time since you came , the scenery in New York is much better?"

"At this time, should I humble myself and say that New York is inherently beautiful?" He smiled and picked up the coffee cup, "However, I think I should thank your child more."

After finishing speaking, he laughed again, laughing enough to echo the social etiquette, and then continued to drink the coffee.

On the computer screen in front of him, it was displayed that the caller was an old man in a black suit who looked at least 70 to [-] years old.

Because the other party is much older than him, every time he starts a video call with the other party, he will be extra lively, making this cooperation more enjoyable.

...It can also be directly and concisely expressed as: He is pleasing the other party.

No way, the middle-aged man is not very clear about who this old guy is. After more than ten years of cooperation, he just figured out that there are people like the FBI and CAI behind the other party, and someone from another country. some forces.

A cooperation in which the other party knows everything about him, but he doesn't know the other party well, is obviously not an equal cooperation, so of course we can't put on an equal attitude. It's normal to go along with the junior's identity and be lively at the right time. At least this can maintain the superficial equality of the two parties.

The old man smiled, shaking his head as if helplessly, "You."

It seems to be spoiled, but it would be nice to have one-tenth of it.

The background sound of their conversation was a low and very soft beeping sound, the sound of an ECG monitor like in a hospital. In the first few years, middle-aged men thought it was because the other party was in poor health and had a heart attack. The electric monitor was right next to him. Later, when he accidentally talked about this topic, he realized that it was not a real-time heartbeat sound, but a heartbeat recording.

It is said that the other party's child is not in good health and is not around, so the other party has the habit of listening to heartbeat recordings for a long time and feeling the healthy and lively vitality of the child.

Middle-aged men are skeptical of this statement. On the one hand, they feel that it is impossible to be so outrageous. On the other hand, they think that the other party is indeed very old, very old, and it is normal for him to care too much about his young underage children.

Above all, an old man is dying when he begins to treat small children with special kindness.

The middle-aged man also laughed. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a heavy metal sound coming from the call.

The voice was abrupt and harsh, and the middle-aged man immediately frowned.

The old man shifted his gaze and looked in the direction of the door. The false pampering of the old fox quickly became real. He shook his head helplessly, then looked away, and wrote lightly: "Oh, the children at home are cooking ,Please excuse me."

...inexplicably familiar.

The middle-aged man recalled it, and found out that before socializing with other people, when his child was running on the lawn outside the window while calling for the shepherd dog, he also shook his head and sighed helplessly.


He paused for a moment, then laughed cooperatively, wisely, he did not talk deeply about the child in front of his aging, controlling, and unpredictable partner, but changed the subject: "The incident in Tokyo was very big, Is it a headache for the FBI?"

Not only were most of the FBI dispatched privately captured on the spot, the stolen goods were captured, and they were ordered one by one, even in New York, but in Tokyo.

This is equivalent to being slapped directly on the head and face, or being slapped slapped in front of your own son, the feeling is really...

In short, the FBI guys he knows have recently either put on a straight face and pretended to be angry, or kept quiet with their tails crossed. There are also a few old foxes who are smiling and insisting that they want to bite a few pieces of meat for others. Color look.

The partner smiled slightly, and said calmly, "The child is not very happy, so the noise is a little louder, which is normal."

He said meaningfully: "I have already punished him."

Just as the middle-aged man was about to speak, he heard another heavy metal crash from the opposite side, several times louder than the one just now, and the sound was more recognizable, it was the sound of a gas tank.

"..." He swallowed back what he was going to say, and thought about it, "Just now, was that the sound of a gas tank?"

The moment the sound sounded, the old man on the screen moved his eyes again, looking out of the camera. After a few seconds, the calm smile on his face faded away.

He whispered to himself: "The sequelae of behavior modification..."

Then he raised his head and looked towards the camera, "It looks like there's a big mess down there, I'll go down and have a look."

The middle-aged man followed suit, "Okay."

He paused, "By the way, the election in a while..."

"I believe in our partner," the old man smiled again. The smile had no meaning, it was just a habitual expression, a smiling poker face. "Let's call it a day."

Video call disconnected.

The gentleman didn't act immediately. He rested his elbows on the desk and crossed his hands to cover his expression.

The sound of the heartbeat was still spreading in the room. The sound insulation in this room was so good that he couldn't hear other sounds downstairs, but he could guess that Belmode must be trying to teach Hinata to use kitchen utensils reasonably.

That child has always been smart. Normally speaking, even if no one teaches him, there will be no problems, and there will be no such movements that make him unable to hold his brows.


It's as if you can't control your own strength at all, and you will make all kinds of harsh sounds when cutting steak. When a normal person uses a knife to eat Western food for the first time, at most, he will use too much force at the beginning, and then there will be no more knives. The faux pas of sharply slashing across the plate, but Hyuga Ryo just can't learn it.

"The sequelae of behavior modification," he whispered again, repeating what he had said to himself before, "compared to indiscriminately attacking everyone in sight, refusing to listen, refusing to speak, this level is already considered a miracle."

Behavior modification, a concise understanding, is to intervene in individual behavior through external forces. Normally, almost every parent will, such as giving timely encouragement when the child does something right, and immediately punishing the child when he does something wrong. Normally speaking...

There was another sound from downstairs, this time the sound was clearer, it was really the sound of a gas tank.

The gentleman raised his face, he turned his wheelchair out the door and took the elevator down.

Unexpectedly, when he went downstairs, the downstairs didn't turn into ruins, and there was no sudden gas tank explosion/explosion in the middle. Instead, he saw a well-behaved minor sitting at the table.

There were already two steaks and red wine on the table, Belmode came out of the kitchen, put the last well-cooked steak on the table, looked up, "BOSS."

Her complexion was as usual, the living room on the first floor was also clean, and there was no obvious strange smell around her.

The black-haired minor also looked up and said in a low voice, "Father."

Hmm...very well-behaved.

The gentleman said sincerely: "I can smell the fragrance from above. Today's dinner is very rich."

As long as he doesn't enter the kitchen, he won't be able to see what the inside of the kitchen looks like now, and he won't be able to see whether the gas tank has been removed. If he rounds it up, the kitchen is unscathed, and he was hallucinating just now.

Hinata was reasonable and strictly complied with table manners. He picked up the knife and fork, pointed at the steak, and dropped the knife and fork without looking sideways.

Our table knife did not break through the thick skin of the enemy's steak.

... From another perspective, this is a good start.

He exerted his strength slowly, intending to increase his strength little by little and find that key point of skill.

However, this matter is very, very difficult just like letting him drive a car honestly on a clean and spacious road instead of running over the eaves and walls and crushing countless humanoid objects.

On the clean, spacious and empty road, the steering wheel will not be honest, the car will jump and suddenly sprint, and at this time, the knife, fork and wrist seem to have their own ideas.

After the strength was increased to a certain level, Hinata rationally and naturally used force, and a familiar piercing sound sounded.

It's dinner time now, but the living room is very quiet, there is no sound of knives and forks and plates clashing, and there is no sound of chewing or swallowing wine. Everything is silent, except for the harsh scratching sound just now.

He continued to make persistent efforts without changing his face, and made another sharper stroke.

The old man's appetite was very small, and after a few bites, the gentleman put down the tableware, Ryo Hinata also fished in troubled waters, and put down the knife and fork.

The other party glanced at him, "No appetite?"

Belmode picked up the wine glass and took half a sip, then stood up and turned to get something from the cabinet in the living room.

"I don't have much desire to eat," Hinata replied reasonably, "I'm not hungry yet."

He shifted his gaze to look at Belmode who had walked into the blind spot of his vision. The other party came back with some medical instruments and sat down next to the gentleman.

The gentleman stretched out his hand, Belmode adjusted the pulse and heart rate measuring device, and began to test.

Then he put on the stethoscope again, turned his head to give Hinata a reasonable gesture, and put the end of the stethoscope on his chest.

Rational Hinata: "..."

After a while, Belmode simply recorded it on paper, exchanged the two instruments again, and then pulled out two needle tubes, and simply and neatly completed the action of drawing blood + sticking alcohol cotton.

She reviewed the data record on the paper and handed it to the gentleman.

What is this doing?
Hinata reasonably heard that gentleman suddenly asked, "Have you not had a rest for a whole day?"

"No," he replied calmly, "there was a break."

'Rest' is different from 'falling asleep'. Simply closing your eyes and resting your mind is also resting. It's normal to be unable to fall asleep in a state of vigilance, but if you keep tense and don't take a break, you will definitely be overly tired. If you meet again To the enemy, the excessive tension before that is torturing yourself and actively jumping into the pit.

"Well," the gentleman nodded, and pondered, "You just arrived in New York, I should have let you take a good rest for a while."

"However, if you don't relax, you won't have a good rest."

This means...

Ryo Hinata immediately raised her attention and got ready to listen to the wonderful system sound.

Sure enough, while the gentleman continued to speak, a pleasant system sound sounded.

[Casual mission detected. ]
[Task name: 'Mr. A's worry'

Task description: Proper relaxation is beneficial to physical and mental health.

Task requirements: within 72 hours, break through the layers of defense of the 'Asimov Research Institute' and obtain the latest artificial intelligence research results.

Special mission requirements: carrying positioning and execution instruments

Mission reward: 100 (mission itself) + 100 (special request) points]
Hinata rationally swept over the system prompts, only looked at a rough glyph, and naturally fell on the absolute point: mission rewards.

Two hundred points.

Apart from the special Tokyo mission, this was the mission with the most points he had ever seen.

"The Asimov Research Institute specializes in robotics. There will be many high-tech products inside the research institute. Remember to be careful when the time comes," said the gentleman, and he handed over a USB flash drive. "If possible, find their Host, plug in this U disk."

The system beep appears again.

Hinata rationally skipped a series of irrelevant words and looked directly at the key point.


Mission reward: 100 points]
Add them all up, that's a total of [-] points, rounded up, it's [-] points!
Well, rounding to zero is rounding to zero, and this algorithm is correct.

He sat up solemnly and continued to stare at the gentleman.

The other party met his fixed gaze, paused for a while, and said again: "As long as it is completed within three days, the specific date depends on your own plan."

There is a clock in the living room, and Hinata looked up at the time rationally, and found that it was only seven or eight o'clock, and there were still a few hours before zero, so he had enough time to act, so he said firmly, "I'll go now."

The gentleman frowned slightly, "Don't worry too much."

No, it has to be urgent.

"This task is for you..." Hinata paused reasonably and in a timely manner, and then added very clearly, "And organization is very important, right?"

He firmly said: "I will finish it as soon as possible."

The task is not the point, absolutely not, the point must be the loyalty to the 'leader' and 'father'.

"It's just 07:30." Belmode also glanced at the time. "Some people have already arrived at the designated place, and they can be transferred directly to cooperate with the mission."

Nine o'clock is a relatively delicate time. It is the time to prepare for a break. Belmode originally set the meeting time with other organization members at this time. He planned to wait for a while and wait until eleven or twelve o'clock. Arrived, initially give a simple dismount.

But now is just right, we can transfer the group of people who arrived earlier to cooperate with the mission, and then see their performance to decide whether to praise the target, erect one or two public enemies among the group of guys, or just ignore the cold treatment, or Instead, they blamed them for still doing tasks at nine o'clock and did not arrive in time, and they also set targets.

So happy to decide!
Belmode briskly sent instructions to the guys who reported 'arrived' to get to the Science and Technology Triangle Park to stand by as soon as possible, and then moved his hands.

"Okay, let's choose a location now. What type of locator and mission execution recorder do you want?"

 Thanks to the poor and humble Hei Fengshu and the big boss of Phantom for their rewards.

  Thank you for your character rewards and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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