Chapter 264

Zhu Fu Jingguang breathed a sigh of relief without getting an order like 'show me your phone'.

Toru Amuro sat behind the driver's seat. He opened the rear door and sat in.

When he sat in, Toru Amuro, who was also sitting in the back seat, looked up, exchanged a glance with him, and looked away with a normal expression. He also sat down with a normal expression, and put the white shopping bag he was carrying next to the seat.

When doing this series of actions, his expression was very normal, and he didn't touch his pocket from the beginning to the end.

In his pocket was the mobile phone he had just called, which was used to contact the police.

Gin did call to reprimand him, but it wasn't the call when he 'suddenly met Hinata's reasonable eyes', but the call Zhu Fu Jingguang received before he went shopping.

The car continued to drive, and Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes turned around inside the car, looking at the front seat.

In the passenger seat, Hyuga Ryo still kept his posture lying on the car window, and continued to stare at the street outside. The wind slid past the window along the arc of the car, and also blew his hair slightly. The green eyes of the human and the face resting on the arm were impassive, unmoved by the wind.

He tilted his head slightly, quietly observing the passers-by on the street.

Zhu Fu Jingguang followed his line of sight to look out, and saw a couple carrying shopping bags in front of them, talking and laughing as they just finished shopping. The young student who was rushing, in contrast to the group of lively young students, was a silent and somewhat withdrawn person.

As the car moved forward, they were thrown from the front of the car to the back of the car, from only seeing cheerful or quiet backs, to being able to see faces with different expressions clearly.

The speed of the car was very fast, and when it passed another intersection, a young woman on a bicycle subconsciously braked suddenly.

She raised her face and looked towards the car. Her untied long hair was particularly messy. The wind blew past her, causing her black hair to float and half cover her face, showing a bit of a hazy feeling. Those eyes Shiny with anger.

Hinata tilted her head reasonably, and met her gaze.

Zhu Fu Jingguang watched helplessly as the young woman swallowed back the swear words that were about to blurt out, and forced a smile, those bright eyes were bent, from 'unlucky to the point of being almost caught by a car' Hit,*****' became 'Thumping, ***'.


He withdrew his gaze and looked at Hyuga Ryo. He was hindered by the seat and car frame. He couldn't see Hinata Ryo's expression too clearly, but he didn't need to see too many detailed expressions and reactions. His expression was basically the same, nothing changed, he was still quietly looking out the window.

What is there to see outside the window?

It's just some ordinary passers-by, ordinary daily scenes, and Belmode is driving, so he doesn't have to stare at any men, women, or children like an enemy, and be wary of someone stabbing him suddenly.

Is that watching the route?

'Icewine' is very famous in Tokyo. Zhu Fu Jingguang has heard the 'legend' that this ice blade without a scabbard turns into a machine and smashes missions neatly.

He doesn't think that Hinata Ryo did all of those tasks, but Hinata Ryo has definitely done some of them, and he has definitely been bloodied and killed some people, that is, he has experience in doing tasks.

Then this kind of behavior of quietly observing the car window may be used to record the route map and analyze the situation, and it can be used when doing tasks or evacuating to this area in the future.

If this is the case, either Hinata Reasonable is a mature hunter, or Hinata Reasonable is in a state of extreme vigilance, and any trouble will make him immediately launch a counterattack or run away directly.

Intellectually, Zhu Fu Jingguang thinks there should be both.

But inexplicable, very inexplicable, Zhu Fu Jingguang thinks neither.

It may be a kind of intuition, or it may be a kind of tacit understanding...or a kind of resonance.

It's like Toru Amuro reluctantly relayed "Mrs. Hinata tried to tease Ryo Hinata to restore his ability to speak" without any emotion, revealing that after the death of his mother, Hinata Ryo was autistic and aphasic for a period of time.

Or before sniping, he used his almost numb hands to feel the rough ground, the icy wind, the heated barrel and every detail of the operation of the sniper rifle, and he also used his ears to feel the changes in the sound that sounded close to his ears, It was no longer calm, but the sound of breathing overlapped with his breathing frequency.

In short, it was a very subtle feeling, like curling up in a small and dark place, and it was impossible to describe whether it was safe or dangerous, and it was not just a matter of safety or danger.

He felt that Hyuga Ryo was just observing the world very carefully, like a newborn who just opened his eyes, for the first time.

With the progress of this observation, Hyuga Ryo is quietly breathing the air of this world, and the blood of this world is also flowing in his body. They are mixed together, driven by the heart to vibrate, and send out deafening thumps sound.

Zhu Fu Jingguang paused for his breathing.

Then, very abruptly, Hyuga Reasoni, who was lying on the front window, suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

They stared at each other silently for a few seconds.

Hyuga looked back rationally and nonchalantly, staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar street outside, and opened his mouth to make a calm voice, "Did you order that big restaurant with lots of green plants?"

After passing a fork in the road, the car turned to the left very naturally.

"Yes," Belmode replied easily, "what's the matter?"

"The time you set is coming soon, isn't it still a lot of time?" Hinata asked rationally again.

Belmode glanced at the time and replied again, "There are still 5 minutes until the meal time, and it should be a little later to arrive at the restaurant."

Hinata said reasonably: "It's not too late, just turn right at that intersection, and you can get to that restaurant in 3 minutes."

New York is Belmode's permanent residence. She must be familiar with this place. Even if she doesn't recognize the map subjectively, she will be familiar with it in missions again and again. The probability is not that she doesn't know the shortcut, but deliberately takes a long way up.

So the question is, why did Belmode take a long way?

He maintained his posture leaning against the car window, "What's on the street on the right?"

"Are you familiar with New York?" Belmode glanced at him in surprise before replying, "In the past few days, a homicide occurred over there, and the scene is more suitable for where we are going next, so the police are on the lookout. The enemy and FBI agents are also involved in the case investigation.”

So, she said: "Turn around now, you may meet someone from the FBI."

It turned out to be the case.

After that, actions should not be based entirely on memory, but also take into account more issues that need to be considered in a peaceful world, such as the FBI.

Hinata thought about it rationally.

...Forget it, let’s act as usual, just add one more mission objective when encountering a living FBI, anyway, as long as no living humans see him, it is considered a perfect successful infiltration or evacuation.

He nodded seriously, "I see."

Then continue to lean on the window.

Now that the car has been driving away from that intersection for a long time, even if you tilt your head to look at it, you can't see the situation on the street there. Hinata rationale thought about the possible situation on that street, then took out his phone and sent a message to Gin.

[Is there enough bombs/bombs in Tokyo? 】

He took out another mobile phone specially used to communicate with the police and started to turn it on.

While turning it on, he estimated how long he hadn't turned on the phone, and silently prepared to listen to the ringtone music.

Sure enough, the moment the screen was displayed on the desktop, there was a notification that a new message had been received, and there was a ringtone.

But unexpectedly, the bell didn't ring for long, and after thinking about it for more than ten seconds, it fell silent.

Huh, something is wrong, if Matsuda Jinhei is performing normally, this is only for 1 minute... The premise is that the other party really has so many urgent messages to notify.

Hinata rationally followed the timeline and began to check the information.

The first batch of messages came shortly after the sniping incident. Matsuda Jinpei reacted sharply and sent a message asking if the sniping incident had anything to do with him.

Of course, on the surface, he was saying that the group of black guys who had a grudge against the FBI came out to take revenge, told him to be careful, and asked him what was going on now and whether he was safe.

The second batch of messages is Matsuda Jinpei's test again after he hasn't responded to the message for a long time. Of course, on the surface, it is a slight complaint and he will start the hard overtime era, and ask him about his current situation.

At that time...

Hinata stared rationally at the time when he received the message, and recalled what he was doing at that time, and found that he was also working hard at that time, holding the heavy dog ​​head of the guy who was hunted down by the FBI.

The third batch of messages was sent last night, and the content was similar to the previous two. They were all of the same type.

When he finished checking the message, the organization's mobile phone vibrated, and he received a crisp reply from Gin Jiu.

[There are many more, I sent members of the organization to deliver bombs/bombs, and I forwarded the time and place to you.


You haven't slept yet. Isn't this too hard?
Hinata made a reasonable comparison with himself, and felt that he could no longer fish like this, and should continue to recognize that gentleman as his immediate boss, and then diligently help him solve problems and complete various cleaning tasks.

If there is no cleanup task, take other tasks as cleanup tasks. If there is no task, then create a task!
When he motivated himself, the two mobile phones in his hand vibrated at the same time.

On the left, Gin sent a message with the time and place, and also marked that there must be a difference between bombs/bombs that have not undergone additional processing and have been reasonably processed by Hyuga.

On the right, the fourth batch of messages from Matsuda Jinpei popped up. The other party was very restrained, only sending a new message every ten seconds.

Hinata took a reasonable glance and directly extracted the key points of each message:
1.【How come there is no reply for such a long time, are you okay?Is it safe now? 】

2. [After the sniping incident, the whole of Tokyo became tense, and all police members began to work overtime. No matter day or night, there were police officers patrolling the streets. 】

And an additional message: Matsuda Jinping didn't get off work until after two o'clock in the morning, and now he arrives at his post after seven o'clock Tokyo time.

The curly-haired police dog does not feel pain at all, but feels very happy.

Rational Hinata: "..."

The police officers are horrible.

Certain group members, like Gin, are also scary.

How come so many people love their work!

Hinata reasonably asked himself, he actually doesn't love the organization that much, especially now that he finds out that if there is no accident, he can basically be picked up, and he just happens to fight face-to-face with the protagonist.

Even when he didn't know it, when he was extremely ambitious and worked hard every day to do tasks, what he thought in his mind was not 'for the sake of organization, I have to work overtime', but task points.

The other part is habit, he has already engraved it into his DNA to do whatever he wants, and besides killing other people, he doesn't know any skills, so he just continues to carry out this skill smoothly.

He has also been clocking in to work, and he will only perform tasks during working hours. He goes to bed early and gets up early every day, and never stays up all night for the sake of the organization. He regards the members of the organization as a normal job.

But what about gin and Matsuda Jinpei?

Hinata pondered rationally tactically.

This, presumably, is to love the job and work, and have a dream in mind.

He continued to watch.

3. [Matsuda Jinpei has been promoted, and now the police department is filling in. 】

Rational Hinata: "!"

What, is Matsuda Jinpei really promoted?

The curly-haired police dog has bitten too many bombs, and in contrast to his vigorous and jumping figure is the indifferent police.

The police didn't seem to find that a bomb disposal officer had too much work and solved too many things, so he should have been promoted.

Hyuga Ryo had already regarded stuffed bombs/bombs as daily dog ​​food, but unexpectedly, Matsuda Jinpei was quietly promoted!
You can actually get promoted!

He glanced at the information related to promotion, and found that Matsuda Jinpei explained in a large article that because of special reasons, he was not a police officer on the surface, but was only promoted to the patrol chief, and explained various positions, occupational groups and non-professionals. Occupational groups, what positions should each age hold and so on and so forth.

Hinata rationally fell into thinking.

Hinata is thinking rationally.

Hinata gave up thinking reasonably.

...Why is there a subtle sense of familiarity?

This self-contained rule of seeing a large blockbuster makes my brain hurt even at a glance.

He tried his best to recall, and found that a long time ago, when he was nibbling gin every day, he got a mission. There was a relevant description in that mission, but it was not a police position, but a police faction.

Compared with the mission introduction, these explanations of Matsuda Jinpei are all good, at least these explanations do not have the kind of concealed arrogance of "I understand everything I know, I don't understand what I don't understand", and I won't let him take a look. They all want to crash people directly.

After the judgment is completed, it is something that does not need to be understood and can be solved directly with a gun.

As long as they are all killed, there is no difference in age, faction, origin, etc... At most, there is a difference between killing one with one shot, two with one shot, or three with one shot.

Rationally, Hyuga exited the interface for viewing messages neatly, first found the contact information of Kenji Hagiwara on his original mobile phone, and then entered the mobile phone used to contact the police.

He solemnly pressed the phone button: [Hi, Officer Hagiwara, please forgive me for interrupting...]

To get rid of a police dog, it will be completely wiped out in one shot and two scattered for the time being, and there is only one more, and it can be completely wiped out in one shot!
Officer Hagiwara, are you ready to be promoted to the Police Department?
(End of this chapter)

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