Conan's Helping People

Chapter 265 No, No, No

Chapter 265 No, No, No
Amuro turned his head out of the window. He looked at the street scene sliding by quickly outside the window and the ordinary people on the street who didn't realize that he was passing by danger, but his attention was not on it, but on his ears.

He silently recognized the sound of pressing keys, which was very rhythmic, some were continuous, some were interrupted, and he could replay according to the human tone, and constantly scrambled and reorganized the corresponding sentences in his mind.

There are some sentences that don't need to be disturbed for too long and can be reconstructed once or twice, such as the sentence with 'bomb/bomb'.

When Hinata rationally paused for a long time and then re-arranged the sound of pressing keys, he reorganized 'Hagiwara'.

Then his eyebrows jumped uncontrollably.

'Hi, Officer Hagiwara. '

Why, there is that guy Hagiwara here...?
Not long after typing the previous sentence, the sound of pressing the key paused again, and the sound of pressing the key for deletion sounded, and then the sound of pressing the key resumed again, and then the sound of pressing the key sounded again, and then the sound of pressing the key sounded again.

Toru Amuro looked out of the car window calmly, observed his expression from the glass of the passing shop, and tried to keep his expression as calm as possible.

Why do you have to think so carefully when sending a message to Hagiwara?And I mentioned 'bomb/bomb' not long ago, and Hagiwara is now in the explosives disposal class.

Finally, after repeated deletions several times, there was no more sound of pressing keys, and Hinata turned back in deep thought, and called, "Hero."

Toru Amuro subconsciously turned his head when he heard the sound, Jingguang Zhu Fu didn't move, and continued to maintain the posture of looking at the back seat, and we responded at the same time.

"Huh?" X2
Hearing that Toru Anshi actually responded, Zhu Fu Jingguang subconsciously turned his head to look at me, and cast a blank look, "I'm calling you, what should he answer?"Is it too tight, relax a bit, if it is too tight, Icewine will care, but it is right that Heromad will catch it'.

Toru Amuro: "..."

Toru Amuro actually told Momo Kagemitsu that Hinata Ryo knew my original name and re-named me Bell with confidence, and did he tell the other party, and see Gin now. And vodka, when the two codename members called me, they also called me Bell.

Even after a long time, when Gu Xiangmod suddenly met me, he called me 'Bell'.

I tried hard to pretend to notice Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes.

Gu Xiangruoguang only cast his eyes for a moment, and then immediately looked at Hinata again.

Hinata's reasonable gaze moved under the two guys who were both looking over. I inexplicably hallucinated the two guys who heard the onomatopoeia, and immediately walked over, squatting obediently on the ground, looking up eagerly Dogs with breeders.

...Who made those two guys have the same name!

I had a vision, threw the phone to Zhu Fu Jingguang, and said very naturally: "Refer to the message he edited next time, and edit another one."

Zhu Fu Jingguang subconsciously took the thrown mobile phone, glanced at the edited content under the screen, and then silently appeared a string of ellipsis above his head, expressing eight points of opinion.

Why did it become Hagiwara again?

Hinata justifiably saw it, shook off the burden and immediately became nervous, and continued to turn his head to look into the window.

The speed of the car came up quickly, and Heromode quickly stopped the car, "Here we are."

No two staff members greeted them.

You open the door and get in the car, throw the car keys to one of the staff, and turn to look at Hinata who got in the car from the other side, "Let's go?"

The main service of that restaurant is the green plants back to the front. The green plants cover the entire restaurant lushly and squeeze out from the gaps in the building. They will separate each seat and leave a separate space for the guests. , An environment suitable for loud conversations, protecting the privacy of each guest, it is a low-end private restaurant.

Back to the previous translation: There are too few things that obstruct the line of sight and places where humanoid objects can be hidden.

Ryo Hyuga hated that very much.

I have only been there a few times, even if I clear a batch of humanoid objects every time, I can still get a surprise blind box when I retreat last time. Out of nowhere a humanoid object smelling and dancing in ecstasy will burst out.

Fortunately, when the humanoid object rushed over because of the sense of smell and opened the blind box of food, I also drove a few shots directly because of the hearing and opened the blind box of the enemy.

The eyes of the two staff members turned around below us.

Hiromod was wearing a slim off-white dress, which was a dress, and Hinata was wearing a white narrow loose clothing, which was more casual.

Toru Amuro looks like a gangster who just walked out of the white alley, this kind of bastard who can whistle and rob in a remote area, he is still white, and his body is still unharmed.Zhu Fu Jingguang is also wearing narrow and loose home clothes.

Those few people, from beginning to end, have a detail that fits a low-end restaurant.


The staff member who received the key scanned Hinata Reasonable's face, scanned it again, and scanned it again. When he passed it for the seventh time, he looked at Hinata Reasonable, who had withdrawn his gaze from looking at the restaurant.

Gu Xiangmod frowned, and said lightly: "What's wrong?"

When you came out today, you only made some minor changes under your face, making your appearance a little more immature, like a junior high school student, other than that, there are no other changes, now There is also some aura of restraint, so when he frowns, there is no sense of condescension.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kerwais," another staff member immediately stepped on his colleague's foot in a calm manner, and smiled, "Your friend is really good-looking. That guy has seen the market before, so you can laugh at him." gone."

I thought that the group of people was in line with the dress of a low-end restaurant, and I also looked at the strict etiquette rules of my own restaurant, "Please come with you, and you can tell Mr. Chef to finish the preparations."

"The ingredients are all the freshest. Do you want to go and have a look?" The staff member bent slightly to lead the way, while showing a gentle smile, "Mr. Chef is still finishing his performance today."

What is Heromad interested in, you turned your head and glanced at Hinata.

Ryo Hyuga was looking at the restaurant. Compared with the time I visited later, the greenery in that restaurant was bare...if only it were a little sparser.

The green plant restaurant outside my impression is a green vine man dumpling. Just from inside, I can feel that the vine man is much sparser. Now when I walk back to the restaurant, I can see that it is almost empty and somewhat sparse. Only after seeing the restaurant with green plants did I deeply realize that it turns out that only human beings are bald.

"It's used." Gu Xiangmod confirmed whether I had any interested reaction, only looked at Qi Zhou curiously with his eyes, and then directly rejected it, "Just be quiet later."

This is what it means to pay for the amount of items and just eat quietly.

The staff responded immediately that he understood, and continued to lead us to the reserved seats.

This location is next to the window, there are no spreading green plants under the window sill, and there are no potted spider plants hanging up in mid-air. They together decorate the window, so that when the passers-by inside look at it, they can immediately catch the guests sitting outside.

Hinata reasonably chose to sit on the inner side, and I asked Lvzhi to block myself, and observed the street inside for a while, and waited for the waiter to quietly finish the dishes and leave quietly, then looked away to look at Hiromod.

Then, I took a few glances at the people sitting under that table and suddenly realized a problem: Americans are under-concentrated.

First of all, the blond-haired Gu Xiang is definitely an American. Secondly, Heromad is now blond and blue-eyed, and he can also be an American. First, the parents of the white-haired Bell are both American. Of course, this child can also Identify as American.


I glanced at Zhu Fu Jingguang and asked Heromad, "Are there any ordinary tasks?"

So why did you ask the non-code members to have dinner together?As a non-code member outside the organization...

After going out of that door, before the little family separated and out of each other's sight, the blond Bell could even turn his head and collapse the white-haired Gu Xiang, but then changed his face and said that he believed that guy was a police officer, at least because he was outside the organization before. If your reputation is damaged a little, there will be no substantive consequences, but even less deterrent effect.

Anyway, there's nothing weird about that lineup.

If it is an important task and needs to be treated by code members, a non-code member is added. If it is a friendly exchange meeting with Chinese people, one less Hinata is reasonable. If it is a gathering of female members, one less is missing. Gu Xiangmod said that it was a gathering of fair-skinned human beings, but Toru Amuro was missing.

It's quite rare to be able to lose one person who fits in everything.

"Is there any important mission?" Hiromod raised his knife and fork, blinked his eyes, "It just seems that you trust those two guys more, and you sent us a separate mission last night, right?"

"It seems that they trust our abilities and entrust them with important responsibilities."

You saw the delicate expression of the blond code member next to you for a moment, and while cutting the steak, you explained in an understatement, "It just so happens that I don't have time tonight, so I can come out to have dinner together, so I will get to know each other again."

That explanation is so unconvincing.

Hinata thought about it, and according to the "abnormal family" logic that this gentleman has emphasized several times later, when there is no time, should the family have dinner at home or go out to eat together?

Why is it that the two of us have no time to come out, but this gentleman is still outside the house?

I thought about raising the knife and fork, and changed my face to make noise, "I, am I okay tonight?"

Since this gentleman has always been a very mysterious existence outside the organization, and there is no non-code member under the table, Hinata carefully considered the rational use of words, and chose a euphemistic, and such a euphemistic personal pronoun.

It is because we have no time, so we leave 'home', but this gentleman has nothing to do tonight, so we are 'no time'.

Heromad understood, you nodded, and said nervously: "They just arrived in New York, and I don't have a lot of business to deal with, so I won't be busy in the near future. I can accompany him in the evening." Have a meal."

This morning...

Hinata opened his mouth reasonably and was about to ask another tactful question.

"Get off early, my meal time is relatively early, and he is still awake," Gu Xiangmod predicted, "I have nothing to do at noon, and I can only relax when I am so busy."

Then he calculated with a more nervous expression, "I can go back to the front in about two or eight days."

Rational Hinata: "?"

So we can meet each other in the morning, noon and evening?Are you able to pluck the wool happily?

How can this be so? !
Fortunately, it’s only two or eight days... It’s so cute that it’s not as long as two or eight days. If I work hard, I’m sure I’ll earn [-] points a day. If I’m missing two or eight days, it’s a big loss. Seven-figure points.

Seven figures!

I immediately asked: "What type of task?"

The first is definitely probably the cleanup task.

If the cleaning task is to be performed by this gentleman himself, Hyuga Ryo wants to discriminate against any moving humanoid objects too much. When it is too peaceful, the elderly and children are definitely more advanced than special people, but this Mr. Wei is too old and too sick.

At first glance, it looks like a seriously ill old man who slides down the steps in a wheelchair and can GG without probability.

Hinata reasonably feels that I can nervously turn the joint task into a clean-up task, and this gentleman can also go back and turn the clean-up task into a cleaned-up task.

The task process for me to turn the joint task into a clean-up task is very complicated. You only need to see the task target, deal with it, and leave the scene to change the nature of the task in a hurry.

In the same way, it must be very complicated for this gentleman to turn the clean-up task into his own clean-up task.

As long as this gentleman successfully reaches the distance of the task target and pushes the wheelchair towards the task target, the task target will think that he has been hit by a reasonable old man who is looking for death, and he will shoot the reasonable old man with a backhand shot .

It can also be that the white car drove to the distance of the task target in a hurry, and the gentleman sitting in the front seat raised his hand decisively and shot, successfully killing the task target. While the gunshot attracted the attention of others and completed the task, The car immediately sped up and drove away from the scene. The gentleman was first shocked by the recoil of the gun, and then by the sudden acceleration of the car. The difference was at least or barely, and he could directly GG.

So there is a small probability that it is a joint task, or a headache file task.

"Is he helping me with the task?" After asking the nonsense just now, he waited for Hiromod to answer, and Hinata rationally asked again, using new questions to abolish the nonsense just now.

He expressed his concern again, "There are too few things to deal with. I don't even have a break. My body..."

I stopped in time, and only let the slight concern and the slight accusation of Hiromod 'he cares about this gentleman's body at all, he only cares about whether he is playing or not' permeate the air.

Heromad raised his eyebrows, and said earnestly: "Your mission is to introduce him to New York."

You blinked your eyes again, and said indifferently: "When the energetic big child's attention is on his body and exploring in the front area, the little one can worry about business."

Rational Hinata: "...?"

When he said that sentence, Heromad's tone and expression were too indifferent and subtle, adding the content of that sentence, as well as the "twenty-eight days before this gentleman is free" Day' that time.

There is no subtle overlap with the task time that made me show mercy to the members of the organization and kill them directly.

Hinata came up in reasonable silence.

...Yes, yes, yes, yes, last night I was too filial, I looked at the monitor with too much concern in my eyes and expression, and I was obsessed with whether to leave immediately for a few seconds, but it was a tentative howl that made This gentleman should stay away from me for now, right?
So afraid of me?

Hinata understands rationally, but is slightly shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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