Wulin martial arts hegemony record

Chapter 122 Landing Battle (1)

Chapter 122 Landing Battle ([-])

Feeling uneasy, Leng Yuntian immediately asked the second scout team to rush back to the river beach and report the abnormal situation to Jiang Shijia.Then he himself led the rest of the scout team and ran towards Liangjiang Town, wanting to get closer to the main gate of Liangjiang Town and see if there was anyone he knew among the rebels.

However, the archers of the rebel army gathered together, and under the command of the leader, they shot arrows all over the sky, and some rebel infantry also approached the scouts.

Leng Yuntian didn't dare to take any risks, so he immediately led his team to retreat.

At this time, the Qiang leader standing at the forefront of the rebel team said to a Qiang guard in ordinary clothes beside him: "Father, although the enemy's scouts were forced to retreat, they did not go away. We must send troops to drive them out completely." go?"

"As I told you, the captain of the Martial Patrol Division's scout team is Leng Yuntian from the Hanshan Sect. He won't be scared off easily. Don't waste your efforts. Even if we let them watch from the side, we won't be able to discover our plan." The person in question is Miao Wuhen, the head of the Iron Sword Sect, but at the moment he is dressed in a Qiang costume. Not only is he bare-chested and barefoot, he has also shaved off his beard, put on big earrings, and wrapped his head in a mask. Thick cloth towel, the whole person is more than ten years younger, if you don't get closer and take a closer look, you can't tell that this is the head of the Iron Sword Sect who was once famous in Bashu and wealthy.

"Father, thanks to your preparations, I would never have thought that the Great Zhou army would let those Jianghu people take the lead!" the leader of the Qiang people looked down at the river bank and said with admiration.

"I didn't expect the Dazhou army to attack like this, nor did I expect them to land so quickly and in such a good weather. It's just that I have developed the habit of keeping a hand in everything." Miao Wuhen Not only was he not complacent, but he said with a dignified expression: "Although I don't know if your younger brother pretended to be me before and could really confuse the scouts of the military inspector, but what I'm most worried about now is whether he can lead the reinforcements from Leqiang City to arrive in time! "

"Brother Haojie will definitely try his best to lead the army here!" The leader of the Qiang people responded firmly, but then expressed his concern: "But will Zhao Chen be able to arrive at Le Qiang City in time?"

"Zhao Chen is the best lightness kung fu besides me." Miao Wuhen reminded with a frown, "Don't always look at Zhao Chen differently, he hates Da Zhou no less than you."

"But he's a Han after all—" the leader of the Qiang people said this, and seeing Miao Wuhen's face darken, he quickly changed the subject: "Father, when we attack later, I want to be by your side!"

"Didn't it be agreed just now?" Miao Wuhen pointed forward and said in a deep voice that could not be refused: "You must lead our archers to occupy the high place on the river beach, and attack the landing enemies condescendingly, especially those who are patrolling. Disrupting the ranks of Jianghu people organized by Wu Si will help me lead the army to defeat them faster, do you understand?!"

"Understood." The Qiang leader replied weakly.

Miao Wuhen looked at him, and his lips moved slightly: "Haojun, if the situation changes and the situation is not good for us, don't worry about me or those soldiers, call your younger brother immediately, and flee back to Leqiang City!"

The leader of the Qiang people didn't expect Miao Wuhen to say such a thing to himself through sound transmission, and he was stunned: "Father, why-"

Miao Wuhen looked serious, and interrupted him again with voice transmission, but his tone softened: "Haoxuan fell into the enemy's hands, and I have blamed myself for a long time! It is important to seek revenge from Da Zhou, but your lives Safety is more important, as long as we live, it will always be a nightmare for the Han people! You and Haojie don’t have to worry about my safety, as long as the situation is not good, I will leave early, with my martial arts, they can’t keep me! So ~ remember! Remember!" He said, and he patted the leader of the Qiang people on the shoulder vigorously.

The Qiang leader hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly.


"Master, the rebels are on the move!" A disciple of the Hanshan faction of the scout team shouted nervously.

Leng Yuntian looked at the mountainside in the distance, and the black and dense rebel army marched towards the river bank at a relatively slow speed in a loose formation. He also felt nervous: "Can you see how many people the rebel army dispatched?"

To be a good scout in the army, one must be proficient in arithmetic.However, for the martial arts army organized by the Patrol Division, the requirements are of course not that high. Let Leng Yuntian be the captain of the scout, because he is the leader, has prestige, is calm in doing things, and is easy to manage his subordinates. It is impossible to ask him to strengthen the study of arithmetic.

Among the scouts, those with good arithmetic received military training a few times a year. They had never seen so many enemies before, and they were a little confused when they saw such a messy formation.

Just when they were too ashamed to face Leng Yuntian, a voice rang out: "The rebels dispatched about 4500 people. If the information given to us by the Patrol Division is accurate, there are 500 rebels staying in Liangjiang Town. There were about 450 rebels who were split from the main force."

All eyes suddenly focused on Xue Chang.

"Are you sure?" Leng Yuntian asked in a deep voice.

"Generally, it's not wrong." Xue Chang said confidently: "My basis——"

Leng Yuntian waved his hand to interrupt Xue Chang: "As long as you are sure, the situation is urgent now, we must go back with all our strength, and let Mr. Jiang get ready!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in performing lightness kung fu and flew towards the river beach, followed by everyone.

Leng Yuntian was not curious, but someone was.Tang Tianshu rushed to Xue Chang's side and asked, "How did you figure it out?"

"Although the ranks of the rebels are very long, we can't see the exact number of people, but we can roughly know that its length is about the same as the length of the southern wall of Liangjiang Town, and we all know the situation of Liangjiang Town beforehand. The edge of the rebel formation We can clearly see the number of people in the row. Since they stand loosely, let’s count as six feet per person. In this way, we can roughly know the width of the array. Then multiply the length and width , Calculate the area of ​​the entire array, and then take the area occupied by a rebel soldier about two square meters as the standard, and remove the entire area..."

Xue Chang talked eloquently, but Tang Tianshu was in a daze. He was confused by the unfamiliar terms, and looked at Xue Chang with a complicated expression: "I didn't expect you to have the energy to study arithmetic after practicing martial arts. thing!"

Xue Chang rubbed his nose and said immodestly: "Life has a limit, but learning is endless. If you have spare time, don't throw it lightly. It is always good to learn more."

"Excellent." Tang Tianshu gave a thumbs up.

Xue Chang accepted it bluntly. In fact, he didn't have the heart to look at the ancient arithmetic. It was just the result of his 13 years of school career.

The two talked while running, but they didn't notice that the priestess and priestess who was not far from them heard their conversation clearly. ’ gave her some touch.

At this time, the river is no longer a small boat that shuttles in the wind and waves, but dozens of huge Mengchong fighting ships, they are sailing steadily to the river bank in the rushing river...

There were already many Dazhou soldiers along the six-mile-long river bank, which made the originally desolate river bank noisy and noisy, and the team officers were screaming hard, trying to gather the soldiers who had been scattered by the landing.

The troops with the largest number of formations along the banks of the river are undoubtedly the martial arts troops from Bashu and Jinghu.When Leng Yuntian reported the military situation to Jiang Shijia, they had already seen the rebels coming down from the mountain. Accompanied by the rhythmic drums and shouts of the leaders, those Qiang people were able to walk at a leisurely pace. A loose but not scattered array is maintained, as if a row of big waves is slowly rushing towards the river bank.

This kind of invisible pressure made the martial arts people who experienced this kind of scene change for the first time.

Even Jiang Shijia cursed nervously: "Damn! When did the Qiang people learn to fight in formations!"

"There is nothing to worry about!" Luo Dahammer, who was in front of Jiang Shijia and at the rear of the center of the array, shouted like a bell: "The number of rebels is only 4000, and they are only five to one compared with us. They are all Ordinary people, can't we martial arts practitioners be defeated by one against five!"

If you think about Luo Dahui's words carefully, you will know that what he said is wrong. A one-on-five fight alone and a battle with a large army are completely different things.

But Jiang Shijia was reminded by Luo Dachui, and immediately realized that not only could he not show his cowardice at this moment, but he had to find a way to boost the morale of these martial arts people as soon as possible.

So he sank into his dantian, exhaled and said: "My fellow martial artists, don't look at the number of rebels, they will never be your opponent! You have practiced martial arts for decades, and today you finally have a great opportunity to make great achievements! Defeat the enemy in front of you, win the glory and wealth, and become famous all over the world!"

Its voice was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, echoing clearly in everyone's ears, making their blood boil: "Master Jiang, what are you waiting for, let us go up to fight!"

"The rebel army looks scary, but as long as we charge to kill them, they will have to flee!"

"Master Jiang, don't hesitate, if you wait any longer, other troops will come up to take credit from us!"


Seeing the people scrambling to fight, Jiang Shijia immediately ordered: "Form up immediately!"

The order is issued, and everyone returns to their positions.

Jiang Shijia whispered to Bian Jinlin: "Old Bian, the rebel formation is too long to allow them to surround us from the two wings. I think the infantry should be stretched and the swordsmen should be added to the two wings. What do you think?" "

"Doing this...will the formation be too thin?" Bian Jinlin was a little worried.

"They are not ordinary soldiers, I think they can withstand it." Jiang Shijia said in a deep voice.

"Then let's do it this way." Bian Jinlin immediately agreed, because there was no more time for them to discuss in detail.

And just as the Wulin army began to change formation, the leader of the Qiang people had already rushed to the highest point not far from the river beach with the Qiang people's archers.

The Qiang people were originally mountain people, and hunting was their main occupation, so their archery skills were not bad. However, in the past few decades, the Qiang people had flooded into the plains along the river and changed hunting to farming. Naturally, archery skills were wasted, but these hundreds of The famous archers are all Qiang, and they still maintain the tradition.At the order of the leader, they held strong bows and shot hundreds of arrows at the same time, like a torrential rain, concentrated on the martial arts army.

Immediately, the entire martial arts army faced the rain of arrows. The Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers. The infantry team raised their shields to defend, the light infantry team shot down the arrows shooting at themselves with hidden weapons, and the sword soldiers waved their weapons to defend themselves. airtight.

The scout team that Xue Chang was in was assigned to the rear of the left wing of the queue. Like the others, he drew out his back knife (this was specially exchanged with the transport team after he joined the martial arts army), and saw the arrow coming. With a lightning-like swing, it was cut into two sections.

"Good knife skills!" Tang Tian praised.

"It's not as accurate as Brother Tang's hidden weapon." Xue Chang replied.

The two smiled at each other.

"The whole army is advancing!" Jiang Shijia's voice came clearly.

Xue Chang suppressed his smile, held the knife, and walked forward with his teammates slowly.

Running on the slippery ground has no effect on them, but it is more difficult for the infantry who are wearing armor and have low martial arts skills. In order to maintain the formation, Jiang Shijia did not order to speed up.

The same is true for the rebel army, but when the distance between the two armies was getting closer, Miao Wuhen took out a gold ring with a few colorful feathers from his bosom, and put it on the top of his head.

The long and fluttering colorful feathers are extremely eye-catching, and no matter where the Qiang people are, they can see them. Immediately, cheers rang out like a mountain roaring and a tsunami: "Hoo hoo!!! Hoo hoo!!!..."

Jiang Shijia saw that the enemy's momentum on the opposite side suddenly rose, and immediately ordered: "Light infantry attack!"

More than 20 Tang Sect disciples performed lightness kung fu, leaped over the infantry in front, and rushed towards the opposite enemy line without stopping. When they were only 40 meters away from the enemy line, they rushed up, ready to take out the rainstorm pear blossom needles in their arms.

The reason why they have to jump into the air when launching hidden weapons is because they will be blocked by enemy infantry with shields on the ground, but the area covered in the air is large, it is not easy to guard against, and the lethality is stronger.

Miao Wuhen pulled out the short ax pinned to his waist and threw it out.

Under the blessing of Miao Wuhen's strong inner strength, the ordinary ax used for chopping wood was as fast as lightning. Before the disciple in front of him had time to dodge, he was hit and fell down with a scream.

At the same time, nearly a hundred soldiers dressed as Qiang people at the forefront threw their hidden hatchets as if they were ordered. Although the strength was not as strong as Miao Wuhen's, it was far better than ordinary soldiers.

The disciples of the Tang Sect who were in mid-air were obviously unprepared for the sudden change, and one person had to dodge several hatchets at the same time. Except for Tang Fangtao, Tang Fangyuan, and Tang Fangjun, the three elders who managed to dodge, the others People were knocked down one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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