Wulin martial arts hegemony record

Chapter 123 Landing Battle (2) Heavy Armor Showcase

Chapter 123 Landing Battle ([-]) Heavy Armor Showcase

The screams pierced the hearts of the three elders. They pressed their fingers angrily, and the rainstorm pear blossom needle in their hands made a slight "buzz", and hundreds of fine needles came out of the honeycomb-shaped mouth of the needle cylinder. It sprayed out, like a big net suddenly opened, covering the Qiang people in front.

And after throwing the short axe, Miao Wuhen immediately drew out the Qingtian treasured knife, using all his internal energy, he shouted loudly: "Attack!"

The surrounding Qiang soldiers responded in unison and ran forward following him, so no one raised their shields to defend against the hidden weapons. During the roar, the fallen Qiang people were quickly trampled down by the excited and fanatical teammates, just like the waves in the Shu River, they disappeared in a blink of an eye, without any impact on the morale of the entire rebel army.

On the contrary, these three elders of the Tang Sect dared to shoot hidden weapons again, hurriedly helped the injured disciple who fell to the ground, and ran away in a hurry.

It's just that each of them can only take away two disciples at most. When the screams of other disciples came from behind again, the three elders were all in tears.

Jiang Shijia never imagined that after he gave the order of "light infantry attack", the light infantry composed of elite disciples of the Tang Sect would be almost wiped out within a short period of time.

But at this moment Jiang Shijia has no time to regret, the rebel army has already launched a charge, like a roaring huge wave, trying to drown the martial arts army led by him.And the blue sword in the hand of the leader of the Qiang people with ridiculous chicken feathers was so eye-catching, which made him suddenly realize: Miao Wuhen is not in Le Qiang City at all, he is just opposite!The killers he trained should also be on the opposite side!Miao Wuhen, plus dozens of subordinates with good martial arts skills, and 4000 rebel soldiers, his strength has already surpassed his own army. However, it is impossible to avoid the battle at this time, and he can only fight head-on!

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Bian Jinlin: "Old Bian, you immediately go to Ning Mingkuo (Li Bosong asked the deputy general Ning Mingkuo to lead 2500 soldiers to land after the Wulin army), and said that Miao Wuhen and his men were rebelling. In the army, let him quickly lead troops to support! "

"I'm going right away." Bian Jinlin said solemnly, "Until I come back, you have to persevere!"

"En!" Jiang Shijia nodded heavily.

The martial arts people silently stared at the elders of the Tang Sect who fled back in embarrassment. Many of them had experience in killing people, but at this moment they witnessed with their own eyes that more than 20 Tang Sect disciples were submerged by the turbulent crowd in just a short moment. The cruel picture made them suddenly realize the real horror of war.

After this brief silence, Jiang Shijia shouted: "Prepare to defend!"

Then there was Luo Dahammer's bell-like roar: "I will never retreat in a deadly battle! I am invincible!..."

"Never retreat! I am invincible!!..." Blood cook Geng Po, leader of Danshan Gang Li Changle, deputy leader of Flying Fish Gang Han Yibo, Iron Fist Lin Lei and other heavily armored soldiers also shouted.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Ye Ziqiong, the leader of the Iron Blood Changhe Gate, such shouts resounded throughout the army, and even many beautiful women roared angrily regardless of their appearance, because only in this way can the fear in their hearts be dispelled and the pride in their hearts aroused .

Xue Chang turned his head to look at Tang Tianshu, whose face was extremely ferocious due to anger.

Tang Tianshu grinned, showing his white teeth: "Xue Chang, today I'm going to start a killing spree."

Xue Chang raised the big knife in his hand: "I will accompany you."

"it is good."

The roar of the soldiers, the sound of rumbling footsteps, even the screams of falling due to slippery roads made Miao Wuhen extremely excited, and seeing the familiar faces among the enemies ahead made him feel extremely angry , although he didn't understand why his elder son didn't follow the plan in advance, let the archers shoot arrows at the enemy and disrupt their formation when he led the army to charge, but the enemy was already close at hand, and he no longer cared about other things. , the only way to defeat the enemy in front of you is first.

At this moment, his feet seem to be carrying a thousand catties of strength. Every step he takes, splashes into the sky and leaves deep footprints. He holds up the blue sky sword that he has cherished for more than 30 years with both hands, and roars: "The road to Shu is difficult to go to the blue sky!" !"

The true energy of the whole body poured out with the fierce slashing of the precious sword. Although the members of the Danshan Gang who faced him were holding iron shields to defend, they were split in half by him with the shield, and the pouring out of the sword He actually pierced the soldiers behind him with their shields.

At the same time, nearly a hundred Qiang apprentices who were at the forefront like Miao Wuhen and who had been trained by him all used this move. was shattered by the impact.

Miao Wuhen held the saber and continued to move forward. He wanted to penetrate all the opponent's formations in one fell swoop, and let the Qiang soldiers behind rush in, completely dividing and surrounding this Da Zhou's martial arts army. Now, even if the martial arts are as high as Ye San and Dugu Changhui, there is still the possibility of falling.

"Dang!" With a muffled sound, Miao Wuhen swung his saber vigorously and was blocked by an iron shield almost as tall as a person and as thick as a fist. The sharpness of the precious saber only left a white mark on the dark shield. .

And the person holding this huge shield is Luo Dahammer. At this time, he is wearing an iron helmet and iron armor. Standing behind the giant shield, it is half chest higher than the giant shield, like a standing iron tower.

Luo Dachui grinned and said: "That day in Iron Sword Villa, I didn't bring all the guys, let's have a good fight today." After finishing speaking, he swung the weapon in his right hand and threw it at Miao Wuhen.

It was an iron hammer about 4 feet long, with an iron rod the size of a wrist, and a hammer head the size of a watermelon. It looked like it weighed [-] to [-] kilograms, but Luo Dahammer could easily swing it with one hand, hitting Miao Wuhen's movements. It's like whack-a-mole, no tricks, but surprisingly powerful.

Miao Wuhen couldn't dodge, because there were people all around, and there was no space at all, so he could only use his internal strength to block with his knife.

The iron hammer hit the Qingtian treasure knife firmly, making a dull sound, and sparks flew everywhere.

Miao Wuhen only felt his right wrist tremble, and the precious saber trembled violently, which made him very worried that it would be damaged, but the blade soon returned to normal, still extremely sharp, and no gaps or cracks could be seen.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Luo Dahammer say: "That's right, give me another hammer!"

The hammer contained a strong force, and it hit again.

He could only raise his knife to block it again.

Luo's sledgehammer smashed with a hammer, and he blocked it with a knife.

He wanted to take advantage of the opponent's change of hammer and swung his knife to fight back, but was blocked by the giant shield, and that giant shield also blocked his way forward.

He has a strong inner strength and the combination of the two factions, but he is trapped in this square and cannot use it. He regrets it very much: in the past, he actively participated in military training and secretly studied military books. He thought he was proficient in military affairs, but he Then there is the city mansion, after all, it is the first time to experience war, he has not thought that he will fall into such a predicament leading troops into the battle, and the reputation of not breaking the long wall is indeed well-deserved!

However, he immediately cheered up, thinking: After all, there is only one person who can't break through the long wall. With him here to restrain him, his apprentices can break through this array from other weak points.

But what he didn't expect was the huge impact on the other martial arts members of the Wulin army after joining the heavy armored infantry team of the Wulin army.Originally, they were unwilling to wear heavy armor and hold heavy iron shields in their annual military training, because this would affect their martial arts performance, but under the personal demonstration and persuasion of two senior masters, Luo Dahui and Geng Po, , They all changed their habits one after another. For example, Li Changle, the leader of the Danshan Gang, was originally good at using an iron rod, but now he is wearing heavy armor and holding an iron shield, and now he has replaced it with a short-handled mace; Lei used to only use two fists, but now he also holds a shield in one hand and a knife in the other... This heavy armored infantry team composed of nearly a hundred martial arts masters (some are even heads and elders of various sects) is this martial arts army formation. The last line of defense in the middle, they built a strong dam with their deep internal strength and thick equipment, which forcibly blocked the fierce impact of the large number of rebels.

Out of the corner of Miao Wuhen's eyes, he recognized that the armor-wrapped enemy soldier who looked like an iron ball diagonally across from him was Geng Po. He was once the head of the Iron Sword Sect. The iron-blooded old man of Changhe Gate in Longmen Town.At that time, in his eyes, this bloody chef who once shook the world was dressed as a chef, his face was full of oil, his body was fat, and he spoke harshly and philistinely. Where did he still have the prestige of the past, he was just an old man on the verge of death.

However, what shot out from Geng Po's small eyes at this time was a murderous aura. He used an iron shield to hold back his opponent, and the moves of the thick-backed broadsword were extremely concise, but it forced his opponent to parry. There is no way to fight back.

You must know that he is one of Miao Wuhen's Qiang apprentices who has excellent martial arts skills, but this person obviously cannot adapt to the primitive style of fighting in a small space where he cannot move and can only slash, and he is not wearing any armor. He shrank back from the fight with a lot of apprehensions. Not long after, his right hand was cut off by Geng Po, and he was knocked down violently by the iron shield under severe pain. out of breath...


Compared with the current center array that focuses on defense, the loose formation of the sword soldiers on the two wings determines that they cannot be passively beaten, so when the rebels are about to rush to the front, the sword soldiers immediately attack.

Ye Ziqiong sternly rejected Liu Yining's request to let her supervise the battle in the rear, and took the initiative to stand at the forefront of the right wing, and took the lead in charging the rebels.

The Qiang soldiers on the opposite side saw a stunning beauty disguised as a man rushing towards him, half of her bones were brittle, and they actually wanted to capture her alive. Unexpectedly, the long sword that Ye Ziqiong swung suddenly made a thunderous sound, which made Qiang The soldiers lost their minds, and then turned into three or four sword shadows, piercing the throats of three adjacent Qiang soldiers at the same time.

I think Ye Ziqiong was taken to Kunlun Mountain when she was very young. According to the agreement reached between the Kunlun School and the Jagged Changhemen, she not only had to learn the martial arts of the Kunlun School, but also received training from the elders of the Jagged Changhemen. Li Wugui from the door.Everyone taught each other everything, and she was very talented in learning swords, and she learned a lot of swordsmanship very early, and mastered them well.In terms of swordsmanship alone, Ye Ziqiong is already the best of the Kunlun School and the Iron Blood Changhemen.

Following Ye Ziqiong's attack, Shangguan Yi and Liu Yining on her left and right also followed closely. They shouldered important missions, even if they risked their lives, they would never let Ye Ziqiong get hurt.

Nearly twenty other iron-blooded Changhemen also attacked the rebels. Except for Tang Fangzhuo's disciple Gao Shiqiang (after Tang Fangzhuo arrived in the Western Regions, he went alone and did not accept apprentices, and he changed his mind when he was old). They are all children and disciples of the iron-blooded Changhemen old man, who are not much different in age from Shangguan Yi, and their martial arts are only slightly inferior. Such a powerful force rushed forward, instantly knocking down a row of rebels.

The performance of Jagged Changhemen boosted the morale of the heroes of Jinghu, and they all fought bravely to be the first, and rushed forward to fight with the rebels.

The front row on the left wing of the martial arts army is dominated by disciples from the Qingcheng and Emei sects.

The leader of the Qingcheng faction is Lu Changcai, who had previously led a team to the Southwest Jili Prefecture to investigate. Because he was alert and discovered some clues in advance, he only drank two glasses of water and wine at the banquet held by the patrol division, so he did not have a chance of winning the gold medal. The poison of Yulu, but the subsequent chaos caused by the Qiang people made him fled back to Rongzhou in embarrassment.

As the elder of the largest sect in Bashu, when did Lu Changcai be so useless, not to mention that the two inspectors who followed him died in Jimi Prefecture, so he was ashamed and angry and never returned to Chengdu. Now he finally waited for the opportunity to avenge his shame. He will really let it go!
Not only him, but the entire Qingcheng faction had already forged a deep hatred with Miao Wuhen after the Iron Sword Villa poisoning incident. Of course, this blood debt should also be charged to these rebels. Like bolts of lightning, piercing the Qiang soldier's chest.

Elders such as Jing Yu and Jing Chen of the Emei Sect did not have the murderous intent of the Qingcheng Sect, but they knew that no mercy could be tolerated at this moment, and in order to protect the delicate disciples behind them, they also shot with all their strength.With their role models, Jin Shuirong, Yang Xiuling and other disciples dared to be cruel.

"Scouts come with me!" Leng Yuntian shouted, and rushed to the outside of the left wing first.

There were many rebels, and the chaotic formation was longer than that of the martial arts army. The Qiang soldiers on the outer edge of the formation attempted to encircle them, and the scouts behind the left wing had to rush forward to block them.

Xue Chang, who was following Leng Yuntian, held the handle of the knife tightly with his right hand, and he was inevitably a little nervous. After all, this was not a gang fight on a university campus, but a battlefield of life and death.

But as the speed of running accelerated, Xue Chang became more and more excited. The Qiang people rushing towards him in his field of vision had ferocious faces, howling like wild animals, and the animal skins they wore were not enough to cover their strong muscles. , waving a big knife with his strong right hand, slashing towards Xue Chang violently, the momentum is quite scary.

(End of this chapter)

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