Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 213 The Food of the Night

Chapter 213 The Food of the Night
Caesar looked from the side, and the blue light in the water tank illuminated the side face of Yuan Zhinv. From this side, he looked feminine and charming, but from a slightly different angle, he looked like a child who went to the aquarium alone to watch the white whale .

"There is a bloody smell in the air, be careful around. Do you have a way to deal with these monsters? This is not something that the explosives from the equipment department can solve. We can't blow up the glass wall and let them out."

Caesar asked, tapping on the glass wall.

In the dark environment, he drove the [Sickle Weasel] to the extreme, but besides the heartbeats of the three of them, there was only the slight to inaudible sound of water.

He reckoned that the glass wall in front of him was at least half a meter thick, and the material was extremely special, otherwise it wouldn't be able to contain the hungry monsters inside.

Their eyes suddenly brightened, and the lights in the house turned on.

Chu Zihang stood in front of a switch.

"Nice job." Caesar whistled.

The light illuminated the research room located at an unknown number of meters underground. Caesar looked around and his eyes stayed on the left side.

After turning on the light, they realized that it was a room full of tools. On the left side was an iron operating table with spots of iron, sharp props, gears for cutting bones, and iron hooks hanging from the air. With the smell of blood in the air, this place looks like a slaughterhouse at all.

"These things were raised. You see, there are fish, cattle and sheep bones in the water tank. The whole large animals should be thrown in as their food. The bones are gnawed clean, and these things eat even their own kind .”

Yuan Zhinv was still standing in front of the breeding pond, her gaze was gloomy,
"This should be the bottom floor of the building. The volume of this breeding pond is comparable to the giant fish tank in the aquarium. The general water supply pipeline cannot provide enough water at all. It is connected to the Iron Dome Temple and gets water from the sewer. No matter what Whether this building or the Iron Dome Temple is the work of Maruyama Construction under the family."

Chu Zihang frowned and said, "You mean, this is the masterpiece of Maruyama Construction?"

"No." Yuan Zhinu said calmly, "Maruyama Construction can indeed build this breeding pond, but they do not have the management rights of this building, and they will be discovered after it is completed and delivered."

"There are only a few people in the family who can build this breeding pond and run it quietly for so many years, and there are only a handful of people who can give orders to Maruyama Construction and also have the management rights of this building."

Yuan Zhinv pointed to the white bones visible to the naked eye at the bottom of the breeding pond: "To feed these monsters, more than ten tons of food needs to be transported in every day. That person transported the whole cattle and sheep into the ground and then threw them into the pool inside."

"Whole cows and sheep? This is too obvious...I see, they were brought in from the Iron Dome Palace by submarine!"

Guessing the truth did not inspire Caesar, instead he was silent for a moment before asking, "Does Brother Ni know all this?"

"Of course I don't know." Yuan Zhinv shook her head without hesitation, and said with a strange smile, "Brother, if he knew that there are such a group of monsters on the bottom floor of the building where he lives, he would have blown up the place long ago. He even the brother who is suspected of being a ghost If you can’t even tolerate it, how can you tolerate these man-made monsters?”

Caesar nodded in relief.

In the future he saw, in the original operation, he and Chu Zihang first encountered Yuan Zhisheng and had a big fight, and then were besieged by Deadpool who broke through the defense.

The three of them resisted with all their strength and escaped from danger. Among them, Yuan Zhisheng was in the most dangerous situation. Judging from that guy's performance, he really didn't know that this group of monsters came from the bottom floor of the building.

"He is the emperor, if you don't even know him, then the person who controls this place is..."

Caesar stared at the hideous and ugly monster in the breeding pond, and the answer came to his mind quietly.

"It's that patriarch." Chu Zihang answered, "The Patriarch of the Tachibana Family, Masamune Tachibana, the Patriarch of the Sheqi Ba Family, is the most suspected person."

"I remember...that guy was half-Russian?" Caesar said suddenly.

"Yes, when we first met, he admitted that he is half Russian." Chu Zihang nodded, "Misaku also said that he is actually a half Japanese."

"Lenin." Caesar said these three words slowly, and said with sharp eyes, "I had this suspicion before, but I'm not sure, after all, the fact that he has Russian blood is far from inferring that he is related to the Lenin." Related, Japan and Russia once fought in Northeast China, and there were quite a lot of Japanese-Russian mixed race after World War II.”

"And at that time he seemed very frank, he didn't seem to be hiding any secrets, but..."

Caesar looked around the underground research institute, took a deep breath and said, "Sure enough, people can't be judged by appearances. Who would have thought that the head of the Snake Ba Family would open such a dirty research institute at the bottom of this building?" ?”

"As I said, he is the best actor in the world." Yuan Zhinv said coldly, and then smiled, "Have the two teachers watched the video?"

"You sent the video?" Chu Zihang suddenly realized, "What is your relationship with Lu Mingfei?"

He did not forget the person who came to deliver the video tape at that time, claiming that it was a gift from his boss to Mr. Lu.

"Mr. Lu and I are friends, very good friends, and the video tape is my meeting gift to you all." Yuan Zhinu smiled lightly.

"When was the last time you saw Lu Mingfei?"

"I just met a few days ago, and he still wants to visit the next two teachers when he has time."

"..." Chu Zihang rubbed his temples and said, "Where is he now?"

"He should be with that girl named Uesugi Erika right now?" Caesar asked enthusiastically, "Did he take that girl?"

"I met Mr. Lu on the road, and I don't know where he is going." Yuan Zhinv looked at Chu Zihang apologetically, indicating that she couldn't help him, and then looked at Caesar and said, "It's not so much about taking him down." That girl, it's better to say that Lu Jun has already been taken down by her."

Caesar beamed and said, "Our student union is indeed a good man!"

Chu Zihang was expressionless. As an old enemy, he knew exactly what this guy was thinking.

If it was Lu Mingfei who took the girl, then the good man here refers to Lu Mingfei who inherited his superb girl-picking skills.

On the contrary, it fully proves that the boys in the student union are pure and single-minded good men, and only such good men will be turned against by girls.

Yuan Zhinv smiled dumbly and said, "Teacher Basara King is indeed interesting. Now that you have watched the video tape, have you ever wondered where the video tape came from when the Lenin sank?"

Caesar said solemnly: "There is only one explanation, that is, there were survivors on the Lenin at that time, and this survivor escaped from the Lenin and brought this video tape to Japan."

Chu Zihang stared at Yuan Zhinv and said, "I'm curious, where did you get this videotape from?"

"From an old friend." Yuan Zhinv smiled, "Mr. Basara King's guess is correct. Tachibana Masamune has something to do with the Lenin, or the Lenin is his plan."

"You mean, Tachibana Masamune is the mastermind behind the scenes?" Chu Zihang said in surprise, "But if his purpose is to awaken the gods, then why did he send us to Gaotianyuan with the nuclear bomb?"

"It's very simple. You just need to confirm that God has awakened and left Gao Tianyuan early." Caesar said lightly.

He looked at Minato, and asked: "You said earlier that there is a devil hiding beside your brother, and this person is Tachibana Masamune?"

"Yes, he is the culprit of everything." Yuanzhinv slowly closed her eyes, as if she was suppressing some emotion.

"Then why don't you try to kill him directly? Then all problems will be solved."

"He can't be killed." Yuanzhinv shook her head and said, "He never acted with his real body, and I don't know where his real body is hidden. To kill him, we must wait for him to expose himself."

"real body?"

"It's not that I haven't tried to kill him, but every time I kill him, he reappears the next day." Yuan Zhinv said quietly, "He has many puppets, and no one is sure where his real body is hidden. place."

"Then how can we determine his real hiding place?"

"Everything he does is to get the flesh and blood of King Bai, and when the treasure of 'God' is divided up, no matter how deep he hides, he will show up." Yuan Zhinv said solemnly, "At that time, it will be me The moment to kill him with your own hands."

"Before then, we all have to stand still?" Caesar frowned.

"...I hope the two teachers can keep today's matter a secret and don't tell my brother." Yuan Zhinv said softly, "Lu Jun and I will solve all problems."

Chu Zihang said concisely: "The reason."

"Let Lu Jun give the reason to you two. Lu Jun said that he will go to Gao Tianyuan to visit you two in a few days."

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other, wondering how much they could believe the words of the man in front of them.

Between gazes—

[In the timeline you saw, is there a man named Yuanzhinv? 】

[No, the last picture I have seen so far is that we escaped from Genji Heavy Industries smoothly. 】

[How much do you think he can believe? 】

[I think there is still some credibility, and more will be said after meeting Lu Mingfei. 】

"Cough." Caesar cleared his throat, "Let's discuss how to deal with this place first."

"Our bomb reserves are not enough." Chu Zihang expressed his attitude succinctly.

"The 15-pound C4 bomb is far from useful in this environment." Caesar said helplessly, "We can blow up this cage at most, and it is difficult to hurt the Deadpool in the breeding pond."

In fact, he still has two "burning blood" rounds hidden in the cavity in the hilt of his Diktado.

This is the Philosopher's Stone extracted from the bones of the dragon king Constantine. It is a pure fire element bomb, and when it hits the target, it will ignite the most violent combustion in the world.

But in this environment, Burning Blood cannot play its due role.

"Maybe..." Yuan Zhinv narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly, "I can send them to where the fallen ones should go."



The blonde girl with a high ponytail put her hands in her pockets, looking leisurely strolling on this rainy night.

Under such heavy rain, she didn't hold an umbrella, and the torrential rain actively avoided her. Whether it was the rain falling from the sky or the accumulated water on the ground, they kept a "clear" distance from her.

A tall man stood at the entrance of the street, looking around.

"Have you found little Caesar?"

"No, the rain was too heavy, and it blocked his breath. Let the rain stop for a while." The man said in a muffled voice.

"Let this heavy rain stop for a while?" Freya tilted her head and said with a sneer, "I don't have the ability, this rain should have fallen in the early morning, but someone forcibly delayed the rain for more than ten hours. Now it's a torrent, unstoppable."

"As the king of ocean and water, you can't even control the rain?" the man squinted.

"I am the ocean and water, not the sky and the wind!" Freya rolled her eyes, "The elements above this city are in such a mess, the sky is useless. Oh, he dare not come at all Here, even the aura of the second generation of Bai Wang makes that guy daunting."

Just as the man was about to say something, his expression changed abruptly, with blazing golden lights streaming from his pupils, he looked around in surprise.

"This is... that Nibelungen?"

Freya also changed her expression greatly: "This rainstorm is the medium between the food of the night and the present world!"

"It hasn't been fully opened yet. If the gate is completely opened, the whole of Tokyo will be covered by the Nocturnal Food." The man said in a deep voice, "We must find Caesar as soon as possible. I don't want to enter the Night Food and face the white emperor."

"He is half dead now, why are you so afraid of her?" Freya said dissatisfied.

"The secret hidden behind the gate of the demons is worse than you think." The man hesitated, "When necessary, we will take Caesar and evacuate directly. He can't die."

"Who did you say opened the Food of the Night?" Freya asked curiously.

"Besides the White King himself, there is also a Japanese hybrid who has inherited his flesh and blood." The man suddenly frowned, "It seems to be the summoning of the blood, someone used the blood to attract the food of the night." door."

The two looked at the street entrance on the left at the same time,
On this rainy night that should have been quiet and deserted, countless shadows wandered in the dark alley.

They felt the ground shake slightly, the heavy footsteps of those distant shadows.

"It's an unsightly scene." The man said softly, and turned his back, "Let's go, keep going."



Dongda Back Street.

Yuan Zhisheng and Uesugi Koshi stood up at the same time, they seemed to have sensed something, their faces were dignified and solemn.

"What's the matter with you two?" Ange asked in surprise.

Uesugi Yue didn't answer him, but looked at Yuan Zhisheng, and said in a deep voice, "You also sensed it?"

"Yes." Yuan Zhisheng said solemnly, "Dare to ask senior, what is this?"

"...The food of the night, you can also call him the gate of the demons, only the emperor's blood is qualified to sense it, it seems that you really have the emperor's blood."

"Food of the Night?" Anger frowned, "How many things have you been hiding from me, old man?"

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a moment, and said: "It turns out that this is the Gate of the Demons. I have felt its existence before, but that was usually when I was in a nightmare or when I was in a bad state of mind. Today is my first formal contact with it." Food of the Night."

"The essence of the food of the night is the Nibelungen. If you want to enter the Nibelungen, you need a mark, and the royal blood... is our mark."

Uesugi lifted up the cloth cover and watched the heavy rain fall outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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