Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 214 Nibelungen

Chapter 214 Nibelungen
"Damn, what's going on..."

Caesar looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Accompanied by the violent turbulence of the air before, it was like the hot air rising from the hot asphalt road in midsummer, and everything in sight was blurred for an instant.

A drop of water landed on his bare skin, freezing to the bone.

Caesar took a step back and looked up. The outer glass wall of the breeding pond was covered with water droplets at some point, and the water vapor in the room was suddenly so thick that it couldn't be added.

"Nibelungen," Chu Zihang whispered, "we have entered the Nibelungen!"

"Nibelungen?" Caesar was taken aback.

Strictly speaking, he is the only one of the three members of the Japanese team who has not been to the Nibelungen. As for the time under the deep sea, he is temporarily unable to judge whether it is the Nibelungen, because Gao Tianyuan is a real city.

"There is nothing but strong water vapor. Is this the Nibelungen?" Caesar stared.

"At present, there is no assertion about the Nibelungen," Chu Zihang said. "Whether it is a different dimension or an illusion, no one can tell. The Nibelungen I have been to is more like an extension of the human world."

"An extension of the human world?"

"It's very similar to the human world, but it's different in nature. For example, the Nibelungen in the BJ subway. Later, the academy found Fenrir's hidden cave. It was an abandoned military train warehouse. The one in Lu Mingfei's report The space has been destroyed, but it is intact in the real world." Chu Zihang said in a low voice, "The Nibelungen is a modified human world, a paradoxical space, between reality and fantasy, if You see rule changes around, then the Nibelungs are on."

"Like these mist?"

"One thing you may not know, some time ago, Professor Guderian put forward a new point of view on the connection between the Nibelungen and the present world."

"Really? I really don't know this!" Caesar said in surprise.

"Well, you are on equal footing with Lu Mingfei in this respect, you can escape from the class if you can, let alone the lecture." Chu Zihang said lightly,
"In that lecture, Professor Guderian believed that the power mastered by dragons is nothing more than the power of speech and alchemy, while the Nibelungen is a creation based on alchemy, and it is a distorted real world. If you want to enter or leave the Nibelung The Birongen has to go through some kind of interface, and water is a good interface, and a mirror is an excellent interface."

"There are many records in history that demons are enclosed in mirrors or that devils use mirrors as a medium to attack humans. Professor Guderian believes that these may be some kind of 'communication' between the Nibelungen and the real world through mirrors."

Caesar suddenly realized: "I see, wait..."

His face suddenly became ugly.

"Tokyo has been raining heavily during this time, could it be that..."

Chu Zihang looked at Yuanzhinv's back, and said in a low voice: "Not necessarily, all of this has something to do with him now, I think he will give us an answer."

Caesar nodded after hearing the words, and said nothing more.

They stood side by side behind Yuan Zhinv, carefully watching out for everything around them.


"Did you hear any strange noises?" Caesar asked.

Chu Zihang closed his eyes and listened carefully, but he could only hear the sound of water droplets climbing on the glass wall.

"There are footsteps all around, and something is approaching us." Caesar said with a bad expression.

He did hear it. Incredible voices were coming from all directions, including the glass wall in front of him. It seemed that the vines were growing rapidly, and the tentacle-like twigs penetrated into the wall structure, disintegrating the building.

Something is invading here, coming from all directions!

But the question is, how could there be footsteps in front of him? !

He stared at the front, the water in the pool inside the glass wall was rippling, and the dead servants in the breeding pool seemed to feel something, and they stirred up the entire water tank in shock.

How could there be such clear and close footsteps in such a glass pool full of water!
There are also noises coming from all directions, as if someone is wandering around here, but this research institute is built at least tens of meters underground, only the internal elevator can go directly, and the surrounding is surrounded by rock formations. Wandering around somewhere?

Is this the Nibelungen?

Chu Zihang is right, Nibelungen is a product between reality and fantasy, like another dimension, they overlap but do not overlap.

But now this heavy space is descending, gradually overlapping with the present world!
These footsteps undoubtedly came from the Nibelung. What is there in the Nibelung?Humanity?Or Deadpool?
Caesar was in doubt, he expanded the domain of the weasel to the extreme, and the world in his ears became more and more delicate and wider as the sound was disassembled.

His sense of hearing is extending to the invisible world.

Drops of water dripping onto the water, the restless noise of the dead waiters, and the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer, the sharp friction of the blade across the ground...

And the low, beast-like howls coming from all directions!

"What sound did I hear?" Caesar asked in a low voice.

"It's hunting, creatures between humans and dragons, you also call them deadpools. Some of them have been wandering in the food of the night for hundreds of years, some may have been thousands of years ago, and some of them have been around for hundreds of years. Some may have been demonized."

Yuan Zhinv stood in front of the glass wall and raised her head, as if golden datura flowers were blooming deep in her pupils.

"They are called 'hunters' because they only have hunting instincts left, which is determined by the bloodthirsty genes of dragons. They were all ghosts of the Sheqi Bajia during their lifetimes. The former Sheqi Bajia It is more cruel than now. Once a ghost is born in the blood, the ghost will be thrown into the food of the night. After modern times merged with the world and encountered cultural integration, there were differences within the family. In the end, this system was abandoned and the ghost was replaced. Detained in the deep mountains, although they are all captives, they have a chance of survival."

"What the hell did you open?"

"You two should have been under the deep sea and witnessed Gao Tianyuan under the sea."

"Yes, is it related to this?"

"Yo no shokuhara is the opposite of Takamahara, the city in the mirror. It is far less famous than Takamahara, but it really exists. The myth says that after Izanagi gave birth to three children, he ordered Amaterasu to guard Takamahara, and ordered Susan The place guarded by the man guarding the sea and given to Tsukiyomi's management is Yezhiyuan, which is the kingdom of night and a world without light. Anyone who has understood this myth will remember Gaotianyuan, because it is the residence of the gods and the sun The place where the sky rises, but no one will care about the food of the night, because there is no mention of the use of the food of the night in the myth. But if all the gods live in Gao Tianyuan, then live in the food of the night without light What are you wearing?"

"The world of the dead..." After a long silence, Chu Zihang whispered.

In the field of alchemy, the Nibelungen is synonymous with the world of the dead, where endless alchemy raw materials are hidden.

"Yes, the so-called food of the night is the kingdom of the dead, that is, the Nibelungen."

"You opened this Nibelungen?" Chu Zihang asked.

"To be precise, I just awakened it." Yuanzhinv said softly, "Imperial blood is a curse. Everyone who has imperial blood can communicate with the food of the night. If the history recorded by the family is correct, So what maintains this Nibelungen is neither dragons nor humans, but a huge alchemy matrix."

"Alchemy matrix?"

"Yes, it's almost the pinnacle of alchemy. The Nibelung root maintained by it will not collapse over time. It just sleeps, waiting to be opened, and the royal blood is the key to open it."

"You opened it now to exile these dead servants?" Caesar listened to the approaching footsteps, and found that the corpse guards in the breeding pond became more and more violent, even fighting each other.

"They have completely degenerated into Deadpool. There is no way to save them. I can only send them to where they should go."

Yuanzhinv turned her head and smiled, but his complexion was extremely pale.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have tried to actively communicate with the Alchemy Matrix, and the Alchemy Matrix is ​​actually responding to me..."



"Water is the medium of the eclipse of the night, and the thing that can integrate the two worlds is water. It is said in ancient books that when the eclipse of the night opens to the human world, there will be a big tide washing over Tokyo, and the moon in the sky will be black .”

"Where is the night food dream?"

"Where is Yonoshokuhara?" Uesugi Koshi smiled strangely, and pointed to his feet, "It's right here, the most dangerous and prosperous place in Japan is right under your feet."

"You said earlier that the Snake Eight Clans of the past generations imprisoned the clansmen with out-of-control bloodlines in the Night Food Plain?" Anger cursed, "How many descendants of you who have degenerated into deadpools, so many that you can use a Nibelung root as a prison?"

"" Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands? "Master Yue scratched his head and said, "Anyone with out-of-control bloodlines has been removed from the family tree, and we don't know how many people were sent to the Food of the Night before.And because of their high-purity bloodlines, most of them may not have completely died until now, but turned into walking corpse-like creatures, unconsciously killing everything they saw. "

"If the Food of the Night is completely opened, what will happen." Anger's face was already extremely ugly.

"According to the family history, once the passage between the food of the night and the human world is opened, without the guardianship of Tsukiyomi, those walking dead who yearn for flesh and loathe life will rush out like a swarm of locusts, flooding the entire Tokyo!" Uesugi The more he sighed.

Anger finally breathed a sigh of relief: "This is the first good news I heard tonight. So we only need to find Lu Mingfei, and we won't be afraid of the invasion of the Night Food."

"No, this is just the beginning." Uesugi Yue said in a deep and deep voice, "The emperor's blood can awaken the food of the night, but the only way to really open its door is to obtain the holy remains. Once the food of the night is really opened, it will be It proves that someone got the relic!"

"What exactly is a holy skeleton?"

"White King's flesh and blood, whoever gets it will gain the White King's power, but we suspect that the White King's spiritual will is also hidden in it. The last person who got the holy skeleton was Susano, who slaughtered Yamata no Orochi, Obtained the holy remains from the body of the big snake, and finally sank into the sea jointly by brothers and sisters."

"It sounds like a very dangerous thing." Ange nodded slightly, "But we are not ready for a decisive battle with King Bai. Can we postpone it?"

"This is just a sign. The White King has not really awakened yet, but you have to move quickly. Generally speaking, the blood of the emperor can indeed awaken the food of the night, but this refers to the ancestors of the first generation. Since the death of the ancient priests, No one can enter and exit the Food of the Night on their own, and the bloodline of the descendants of the emperor, not to mention opening the door, is extremely difficult to sense."

Speaking of this, Uesugi glanced at Yuan Zhisheng, and said bluntly: "Now I believe that you are the real emperor, the only thing I am curious about is who your cheap father and mother are."

Yuan Zhi gave a wry smile.

He stood up solemnly and stood in front of Angers, "Principal, even if we can't form an alliance, we can still interact at the information level and exchange information with each other."

"What capacity are you talking to me now?"

"Excellent graduates of the 03-level advanced training class come from young students."

Angers raised his eyebrows: "Now you admit that you are my student?"

"I never denied it." Yuan Zhisheng said slowly, "The time I studied at Kassel College was very short, but it was an unforgettable time for me. I also received your principal's scholarship."

"Unforgettable? Just because you stayed away from that past?" Anger shook his head and said, "After so many years, you are still being chased by the past and clinging to your righteousness. What is the difference between you and Ahe? In my eyes It’s full of kids who haven’t grown up.”

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned: "What are you... talking about?"

"Did you forget? The afternoon you were invited to tea with me, I suggested that we enjoy a little old whiskey, and we drank three bottles, and you asked me, smelling of wine, how much a man could pay for justice Woolen cloth?"

"...I don't remember." Yuan Zhisheng murmured.

Like a flash of lightning flashed across his mind in the dark night, on the train that day, what Akira Sakurai asked him on behalf of someone reverberated in his mind——

Yuan-kun, what exactly is justice?How much can a person pay to protect an important person?
He suddenly shuddered.

"Then you must have forgotten my answer, right?" Anger said indifferently.

"...Can you tell me again?" Yuan Zhisheng asked with a pale face.

"Do you really need me to say it again?" Ange said with deep eyes, "I think I've said enough tonight."

Leaving Yuan Zhisheng sitting alone at the table and meditating, Ange raised his glass to Sugigoshi, "Old bastard, isn't this land you own related to Night Food?"

Uesugi remained silent for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, the Food of the Night is actually the Nibelungen, which was built by the blood of the original White King, and the source of power to maintain it is a super-large alchemy matrix, and this The fundamental core of the alchemy matrix is ​​the holy bones in the well of bones."

"But now the holy remains in the well of skeletons have been taken away, like the food of the night, which is maintained by a giant alchemy matrix, can exist for thousands of years, but it is not eternal, and it will eventually collapse."

"During the collapse, an unstable gateway to the real world opens."

"This street is one of the passages. It is just at the intersection of the real world and the food of the night. It is the gate of the human world and the world of dragons, and the gate of the world of the living and the world of the dead."

 I'm going to adjust the update time this weekend

(End of this chapter)

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