Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 396 The Creator's Position

Chapter 396 The Creator's Position
"Little Carl, would you mind explaining the definition of a spiritual creature to me first?"

The vice-principal scratched his messy hair. To be honest, he took Uesugi Yue to drink vodka to appreciate his collections last night, but he was forcibly dragged out of the bed by his dear son the next morning. The reason was that the equipment department needed Instructor Flamel's attainments in the field of alchemy to cooperate with the experiment.

"This is our newly invented vocabulary. It's no problem that human beings have stagnated in the exploration of the spiritual field in recent decades, let alone the discovery of spiritual creatures." Deputy Minister Carl said proudly, "You can understand it as fantasy The lich in the novel."

"A lich?" the vice-principal pondered, "That kind of fantasy creature that transforms itself into an undead creature with the help of black magic, stores its soul in a phylactery, and won't die even if its body is destroyed?
Damn, this sounds exactly like Dragonborn, I don't think there's anything wrong with replacing the phylactery with eggs. "

He looked at Deputy Minister Carl with a look of surprise, "Could this author be a mixed race?"

Deputy Minister Carl frowned and nodded slowly: "It's very likely."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Do you dare to go further on this topic?

"So black magic corresponds to alchemy?" The vice principal gasped, and said solemnly, "Damn it, those American agents guessed it right. We really have been researching black magic!"

Deputy Minister Carl comforted: "It's okay, we are not going to open the door to another world."

Lu Mingfei seemed to see two bullfrogs chasing each other among the lotus leaves.

"So little Carl." The vice-principal said slowly, "What is the basis of your judgment on spiritual creatures? Are the spirits strong enough to a certain threshold, or can they survive without the body?"

"We believe that pure-blooded dragons can completely live without their bodies, and their spiritual power is already enough to shake the material world." Deputy Minister Carl said seriously.

"You mean to influence the outside world with spirit? But we can all do this. The most intuitive thing is the spirit of speech."

"Mr. Vice President, do you know Warlock?"

The vice-principal was taken aback, and muttered, "I'm not interested in fantasy novels."

"This is not a novel, it's a game setting." Deputy Minister Carl shrugged, "In a certain version of the game setting, warlocks are considered to have dragon blood. Innate, you can often release magic without learning, and you don't even know the principle."

"There is another thing called the magic net. The gods created the magic net to become a bridge between the caster and the magic. All magic is closely connected with the magic net, but the conditions for different spells are different. These conditions have long been set. It’s settled. To cast advanced magic, you need to reach a certain level, or pay a certain price.”

"And where the magic net is damaged or blocked, the effect of magic will become unpredictable, and the most likely is to disappear completely."

"The god who masters the magic net is the GM of the game. If you are unhappy, he will kick you offline and make you lose the ability to link with the magic net."

The deputy minister raised his hand to interrupt Deputy Minister Carl's eloquence, and he said thoughtfully: "I probably understand what you mean, you mean that the mixed race is a warlock, and the spirit of speech is magic.

We seem to influence the outside world with the spirit of speech, but this is not the proof that the spirit is instigating the material world. It is just that our blood is born with the key to open the door, and behind the door is the door to another world.Without this key, we cannot mentally interfere with the material world, such as bending a spoon. "

Deputy Minister Carl nodded and said: "Long Wen is the key, the spiritual resonance of the mixed race is actually connected to the magic net."

"Clear and easy to understand." The vice principal paused, "Continue to talk about your spiritual biology."

"It's over." Deputy Minister Carl said in surprise, "Didn't you just listen?"

"What the hell did you say?"

"It is to live without the body, and pure spiritual power can affect the operation of the material world."

Deputy Minister Carl picked out his ears, and looked at the vice principal as if to say whether the old guy was deaf or forgetful.

"No more?" The vice-principal was startled, "How dare you define a brand new species based on this discovery and deduction?"

Deputy Minister Carl rolled his eyes, raised his head and pointed his nostrils at him, as if he didn't bother arguing with a heretic like him.

The vice-principal began to roll up his sleeves, and got up angrily, as if he wanted to do something. Lu Mingfei, who was watching, was full of surprise. He didn't expect that there would be a fist-to-body action movie in the boring academic discussion.

It's a pity that someone kicked him violently, as if reminding him to control the situation, so he had to hypocritically grab the corner of the vice-principal's clothes with two fingers, and persuaded, "Vice-principal, bear with it, don't talk to the equipment department." A lunatic usually cares about it."

Unexpectedly, the vice principal gave a lot of face today.

He sat down again cursing, with a face full of "I must give you face, otherwise it will be difficult for anyone to come today!"

Lu Mingfei began to think about who kicked him just now.

After this incident, Deputy Minister Carl seemed to realize that the old guy in front of him was not his son, so he cleared his throat and said softly:
"We all know that the Philosopher's Stone is highly poisonous to the dragons, but we can't explain why, but what if the dragons are spiritual creatures? They do need a body. A strong body can be the best carrier for the spirit, and they can play Stronger power, but the physical body is not fatal to them, and the mental attack may be the most deadly!"

"From this perspective, the effectiveness of the Philosopher's Stone can be well explained."

Although I really wanted to scoff, but this kind of statement really made sense, the vice principal frowned.

Deputy Minister Carl continued: "Second point, if dragons are spiritual creatures, then what is the significance of dragon blood to dragons? We are stuck on this point, because spiritual creatures do not need such things as blood, and the body is just a vehicle , The school manager explained this to us."

Lu Mingfei nodded and said: "The so-called nobility of blood is something that only mixed-races and dragons that have degenerated after three generations have to consider. All three generations and above are pure blood. But pure blood also has its own advantages and disadvantages. This gap is reflected in the spirit. , or in terms of the personality of the soul.”

"We accept this statement." Deputy Minister Carl said seriously: "The genes of the dragon race are very strange. As species in the fourth domain, their blood can assimilate creatures from the other three domains, and no one will fall from animals to plants. This ability comes from Due to the power and invasiveness of their genes, no species of genes can compete with them, which is also the reason why hybrids will get out of control when they break through the critical blood limit."

"The hybrid relies on the key in the dragon's blood to cast the spirit of speech, just like the ability of a warlock comes from the inner nature, so if the Philosopher's Stone is aimed at the key hidden in the dragon's blood?"

"This is our two inferences on why the Philosopher's Stone can poison dragons to death for the time being—spirit or dragon blood, and the two do not conflict. The loss of a spiritual creature's body is equivalent to death once."

Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows and said: "I can understand it as a 'special effect bullet' for the spirit, but you still think that, as the crystallization of pure spiritual elements, it can be effective against the dragon's blood, thereby killing the dragon clan? What is this guess based on? "

Deputy Minister Carl smiled and said: "Strictly speaking, the second type is actually our main research direction now."

"The first type can't be tested, and there is nothing to experiment with, just like the 'special effect bullet' you mentioned, a bullet that specifically targets spiritual creatures. And the second type..."

Deputy Minister Carl stood up, showing a strange smile.

"Two, please follow me, this is our ultimate goal today."

"We agree that this discovery is the best proof that the world really exists."

Lu Mingfei and the vice principal looked at each other, got up and followed Vice Minister Carl to the depths of the laboratory of the equipment department.

Deputy Minister Carl, who was walking in front, said slowly:

"You two, have you ever thought that the world we live in is actually a fake? Just like the famous 'brain in a vat', how do you ensure that you live in the real world?
Einstein once had a theory that the gravitational force of the earth is so strong that it causes the curvature of space-time, and we are enclosed in the curved space-time repeatedly going back and forth.And our cognition of everything is often limited by our own cognition, which can easily create a closed loop, and eventually evolve into 'what we think we see is real', just like..."

"Word Spirit."

Karl pushed open the deepest door, as if opening the door to the truth.

At that moment, the dazzling flames swept out from behind the door, engulfed the figure of Deputy Minister Carl, and attacked them mightily.

The vice principal jumped up like a rabbit whose tail had been stepped on, and hid behind Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei just stared blankly at the flames that engulfed him head-on.

At that moment, he felt a familiar breath.

He ended up doing nothing but throwing his head back, closing his eyes, and it felt like nothing had happened but a breeze was blowing across his face.

"What is this, a virtual image?" The vice-principal stared in astonishment at the fire that engulfed him, but had no heat or texture.

It seemed that what engulfed them was only a shadow, not a real fire.

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes, snapped his fingers, and a scalding heat hit his face in an instant. The flame that was originally just light and shadow turned into bloody flames and rushed out of the equipment department, gushing out from the well in front of the Hall of Valor. .

The vice-principal stared blankly at the bloody flames that circled them. If it weren't for the scalding heat that he could still feel a meter away, he couldn't believe that the flames that he thought were virtual images suddenly turned into real flames.

Deputy Minister Carl squinted at Lu Mingfei's movements, and gestured behind him.

The flames gushing from behind the door gradually subsided.

"Are you... that meteorite?" Lu Mingfei said softly, "I seem to have misread it. What did you find out of it?"

Deputy Minister Carl, who was standing in front of the door, turned sideways. He smiled and said, "The world is true."

Lu Mingfei raised his foot without hesitation, walked past him, and stepped into the world inside the door.

At that moment, lights of countless colors bloomed in front of his retina, and finally merged and merged into one, and a white light fell from the top of his head.

The meteorite was slowly rotating above their heads, breaking away from the gravitational force that could bend time and space in Einstein's eyes, and the four-color light flashed alternately around it.

"We originally thought that the magnetic field emitted by the meteorite would put the surrounding elements into a state of sleep, thus creating the same effect as [Discipline], but then we found out that we were wrong."

"The element was not forced to sleep, maybe it just returned to its original posture, or it disappeared directly."

"This discovery started with that earlier little story about the Nibelungs."

"Alchemy believes that the element exists in everything in the world, just like in the Nibelung everything is dead, and the fire is cold and blue, because the fire element has been killed, and the water cannot flow or float. nothing, for the water elemental was killed too."

"Then according to this theory, after the element falls asleep, the same, or at least a similar situation should appear."

"But around the meteorite, we can still have a warm orange fire, water can flow, and the soil can still grow seeds."

"So who was wrong? The alchemist? No, maybe the world, or the elements themselves, are wrong."

"From another perspective, in the world where everything is dead, there are a lot of spiritual elements, and the four elements are all dead. Why are the spiritual elements so special?"

"Maybe because it's the source of everything."

"Perhaps the four elements of wind, fire, earth, and water do not exist in this world. From beginning to end, there is only the fifth element—spirit."

Lu Mingfei silently looked up at the meteorite above his head, which performed the light and shadow of four-color elements.

Where did this meteorite come from, which distant and strange galaxy did it come from, and what supported it to travel through the infinite distance that would take light years to reach this planet?
He suddenly remembered that not long ago in his hometown, he and Eri Yi secretly ran above the sea of ​​clouds, looking up at the starry sky close at hand.

The comet, like an upside-down badminton, passed through the dark and icy universe. When it passed the sun, the surface was vaporized due to heat, and the comet that entered the long sleep during the long journey has since entered the active period of life. .

Is traveling for thousands of years just to feel the warmth of that moment?
Seeing that he was silent, Deputy Minister Carl continued:

"School Manager Lu, the equipment department received a letter some time ago. The person who wrote the letter claimed to be 'Ouroboros', the magic snake that represents cycle and restart in alchemy. She wrote in the letter about A lot of information about this meteorite, and the reason why our experiment can be carried out so smoothly and quickly, all benefit from this letter."

"At the end of the letter, she asked us to bring you two sentences."

Speaking of this, Deputy Minister Carl took a deep breath and said in a low voice:
"The reality and falsity of the world are always only in the Creator's thought."

"If you dare not become the Creator, then please move your position."

(End of this chapter)

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