Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 397 Energy Conservation

Hearing the familiar name "Ouroboros", Lu Mingfei's eyes were slightly turbulent.

This guy who has been hiding behind the scenes, and not long ago fully exposed the secrets of the Dragon Clan to the eyes of the world, unexpectedly began to contact them actively.

She seems to have confirmed her identity.

I don't know whether this letter should be regarded as a reminder or a warning.

There are a lot of information about "Meteorite" on it, which saves the equipment department the time of detours and greatly speeds up their research process. From this point alone, the other party seems to come here with good intentions, but the following two sentences are already He pointed to his nose and said, "Don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, you bastard".

But the fact is that the crown is not something that can be given away.

This is not a proof of the royal power symbolized on the king's head, but a restriction, a shackle, and an inescapable responsibility.

In his memory, he felt the illusory sea pressing on his head, and it was difficult for him to completely break free from that weight even if it was the him he used to be.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Lu Mingfei didn't pay much attention to Uroboros' warning.

Just exposing the secret of the dragon clan is enough for the secret party to settle accounts with it.

He looked up at the meteorite suspended in the air above gravity, and the doubt in his heart evolved from "where did it come from" to "maybe it's a fake, and it will always be a fake".

Assuming that the starting point of everything is illusory, even if it is given a real existence later, is it real or illusory?

At this moment, Lu Mingfei had to think about a question raised by the equipment department——

Are there really four elements in this world?
He thought, maybe we can evolve this question, for example, what is the foundation of the world?
Whether it is the West or the East, there are ancients who proposed that the foundation of the world is wind, fire, earth, water and other major elements. The difference is nothing more than one less and one more, and there is no difference in essence. Most of these claims are also influenced by the dragon worldview .

To put it bluntly, human civilization itself is inherited from the Dragon Clan, because most of the top-notch and those who laid the foundation for human civilization are of mixed race.

In the eyes of the Dragon Clan, everything in the world is composed of four elements.

At the level of the first generation species, you can often see four kinds of colors flowing on the sky, the earth and the ocean, red fire, blue water, black ground and white sky.

Whether it is a storm or a ground fissure, the essence is the flow of elements.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Dragon Clan, the world is naturally composed of four elements.

Or it can also be said that the former is the embodiment of the latter, and it is a representation that can be seen by everyone.

Humans can't see the flow of elements, but they can see the storm and feel the shock under their feet.

As for the spiritual elements, the spirits of the first-generation species can be so strong that they can form a barrier outside the body to automatically offset changes in elements at the same level, but they still can't see the spiritual elements flowing in the air.

Including the former four high priests.

And Lu Mingfei and the others...they do possess the spiritual elements, but they cannot see the spiritual elements flowing between the heaven and the earth.

Spiritual elements do not flow between heaven and earth, but they do exist, and the carriers that carry them are highly intelligent creatures.

Such as humans, hybrids, or dragons.

Human beings also have spiritual elements, but they are all weak to the point of insignificance.

Some guys equate the spiritual element with the soul, but Lu Mingfei thinks there is still some difference between the two.

Today, the equipment department put forward a novel point of view. There are no four elements in this world, or the four elements are all differentiated from spiritual elements.

Lu Mingfei thought for a long time, but he couldn't find any examples or evidence to deny this point.

The power of all elements starts from the elemental sea, so what is the elemental sea made of?

A purely spiritual element?

The illusory sea suppressed above his head was the beginning of everything.

But if the elemental sea is really composed of pure spiritual elements, then who exactly created it, and what is it that has supported it for thousands of years without drying up?
Regarding the former, Lu Mingfei had a vague guess in his heart, but the second doubt had not been verified.

Maybe the elemental sea itself is already strong enough to last for tens of millions of years, and there is no need for energy renewal at all.

Or is the calamity of the cycle of the era a way for it to maintain its own operation?
While Lu Mingfei was thinking, the vice-principal on the other side and Deputy Minister Carl had already discussed it.

"Do you think there are no four elements in the world?"

"Yes! The spiritual element is the most fundamental!"

"Then how do you explain that we have extracted the purest fire element from Constantine's bones? If the quantity of this thing is large enough, the explosion caused will be nuclear-level, and this is only the most superficial usage."

"Remember the point I just mentioned? Our cognition of everything is limited by our own cognition, which can easily form a closed loop, and within the closed loop, the world will really become what we imagined , so we will always live in our own world.”

"Are you talking about philosophy or science with me?" The vice-principal's eyes widened.

"There is a saying that the end of science is theology. Of course, actual theology is just a more advanced science that we can't understand for the time being. But as far as theology itself is concerned, I think it's okay to talk about philosophy." Deputy Minister Carl spread his hands.

"So you want to tell me that this world originally only has spiritual elements, but because humans believe that the world is composed of wind, fire, earth and water, the most original spiritual elements have been separated into four major elements in human cognition?"

The voice of the vice-principal was suspicious,

"Hell, what the hell is this, idealism? Aren't you a group of staunch materialist fighters?"

Deputy Minister Carl shrugged: "It would be too impolite to say that. In fact, we have a considerable number of religious believers, including Christianity, Hinduism, Chinese Taoism, Shintoism, and the FFF Heresy Inquisition...very diverse. Our Ma Tu Researcher I was once a staunch Hindu."

"Why was it once? And the member of the interrogation team is still single now, right?"

"Oh, Matur was a participant in the last Tokyo incident. I don't know who said that the last end of the world is the Christian version instead of the Hindu version. He changed his family on the spot based on his original intention to enter heaven since he was a child, so He is now a devout Christian."

"Ask him for me if he is interested in working with Satan. I happen to have a little friendship with Satan. It's a pity that people like him don't go to hell." The vice principal said with a blank expression.

As for who Mr. Satan is, God is No. 1 below, whoever is Satan is not Satan.

"Your guesses are too idealistic. According to what you said, the world may be false. It is someone's fantasy world. You are false, and I may be false. Only 'someone' is real. And he might just be an evil scientist kept in a tank filled with nutrient solution, or a student with puberty syndrome dozing off on his desk, just waiting for a piece of chalk to 'biu' hit him from the podium, The world is destroyed because he woke up."

The vice-principal whistled, vividly imitating the sound of a chalk tip "biu" hitting his head.

He suddenly froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "Wait, you guys put forward such an idealistic guess, why did you dare to say that your discovery is the best proof of the real existence of the world?"

The vice-principal raised his head and squinted at the meteorite. Kassel College had two meteorites in its hands. One was brought back from Egypt by Angers, and the other was from Pompeii.

He has also studied this thing, and another meteorite is in his exclusive research room.

But unfortunately, he found nothing, because the four elements around the meteorite have fallen into silence, and alchemy is still a "science" based on the elements.

He can only confirm that this meteorite can emit a field similar to [Commande], and he has no way to start with other aspects.

"Because of it." Deputy Minister Karl pointed to the meteorite above his head, and whispered, "In fact, it didn't suppress the four elements, it restrained the spiritual elements. It was mentioned in the man's letter that around it, The spiritual elements extracted from the carrier will automatically solidify. We used two 0.1 gram Philosopher's Stones for experiments. The solidification was completed in an instant."

The vice principal frowned and said, "Whose Philosopher's Stone are you using?"

"The ones in the academy's stockpile and those extracted from Constantine's bones." Deputy Minister Karl said, "The Philosopher's Stone extracted from Constantine's bones originally contained red impurities. You once said that it was the element of fire. It symbolizes the power of the Lord of Bronze and Fire. But after re-solidification, the red color in it disappeared, and it became the purest spiritual element."

This shocked the vice-principal.

The Philosopher's Stone extracted from Constantine's keel is actually "impure", and it is very different from ordinary Philosopher's Stones. For example, it cannot touch oxygen, otherwise everything around it will explode at a high speed. Burning, because it is mixed with the purest fire element.

Even alchemy cannot extract this pure fire element from it.

And this is also the first time that the hybrid has captured the fire element.

In the field of alchemy, alchemists have never devoted themselves to research on how to refine fire elements, because spiritual elements are more useful.

They also don't think the fire element is very useful. It exists in all kinds of flames and can be seen almost everywhere and everywhere.

But the vice-principal is very clear that any element has its role, and the above statement is just a hard-headed word from some colleagues, because the fire element cannot be captured and can be dissipated at any time.

From this point of view, maybe there are really no four elements in the world, because alchemists have exhausted thousands of years, but only found a way to refine the spiritual elements, and theoretically, the spiritual elements are still higher than the four elements.

It's as if they got it right that three times three equals nine, but didn't realize that three plus three equals six.

The sage's stone with fire element impurities extracted from Constantine's bones made them think that only the bones of the dragon king can refine such a crystal. It is not so much the fire element as the power held by the dragon kings. concept.

Neither existing science nor alchemy can fully explain it.

The only one who could explain it was the Lord of Fire, but he was dead.

So when Carl said that the Philosopher's Stone with fire element impurities was recombined around the meteorite, and the impurities in it were automatically purified, the vice-principal immediately realized the problem.

He can accept that there is something in this world that restrains the "spiritual element". The big boy in red underwear with a coquettish curly hair on his forehead is restrained by kryptonite. He just finds it hard to accept that it can be purified so easily. The fire element?

It's not that he hasn't tried, but he can't extract the pure fire element from it by any means.

Also, what do you mean by purification, that the fire element is gone?

He is a master in the field of alchemy, he follows the principle of equivalent exchange, and modern science still says that energy is conserved.

The element will not disappear, never will, it will only be lost from the current carrier, the total amount of elements is theoretically unchanged, it just ran from a to b.

"Do you have a way to verify where the fire element has gone?" the vice-principal asked, "Purification doesn't mean disappearance, maybe it's just overflowing."

The vice-principal didn't have much confidence in the latter sentence.

Because once the fire element representing the concept of burning is exposed to the air, it will automatically issue an order to burn, and it is impossible to disappear and disperse silently.

It is completely different from the same kind of fire element contained in the flame that may be lost at any time, and it is closer to the concept itself.

"We didn't say it disappeared, it was just purified. This is also reasonable evidence to prove that the spiritual element is the essence, because this Philosopher's Stone is still 0.1 grams."

Deputy Minister Carl threw out an answer that made the vice principal stare blankly, perfectly following the law of energy conservation.

The vice-principal's breath became short of breath.

This means that the fire element is indeed purified, it does not disappear, but is transformed from pure fire element to pure spiritual element.

Can elements transform into each other?
This is a big proposition in the alchemy academic circle, and no one has given a perfect answer so far.

But the equipment department seems to have given a perfect answer at this moment, at least the fire element can indeed be purified into a spiritual element.

But what is the reason?
The vice-principal suddenly felt itchy. Alchemy was one of the few things he was interested in and was passionate about. That's why the elders respected and were willing to tolerate his inconspicuous behavior.

And now before him is one of the ultimate mysteries in the field of alchemy.

In anything, the most important thing is always its most basic part.

And elements are the foundation of dragon power, whether it is speech or alchemy.

The vice-principal rubbed his hands together: "Where is the letter from Comrade Little Snake, bring it here and let me study it."

"Comrade Little Snake?"

"Isn't it the magic snake?"

"oh oh."

While Vice Minister Karl was going to get the letter, the vice principal asked in a low voice in Lu Mingfei's ear: "Mingfei, can elements transform into each other?"

"As far as I know, it can't. The Dragon Clan hasn't studied this, and it doesn't need it. If we need a certain element, it's all available in the world. Just call it directly. There is no need to seek the transformation between elements." Lu Ming Fei shook his head and said, "There is another topic that I am very concerned about, the proof of the real existence of the world, but you were led astray by him."

Yesterday I went to the temple fair during the Lantern Festival, and I came back a bit late at night, so I fell asleep before finishing coding last night. I quickly touched a fish this morning to drive this chapter out. I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival (fog)

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