Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 72 Sorry (2 in 1)

Chapter 72 Sorry ([-] in [-])

"Brother, can you even drive this kind of antique train?" Xia Mi leaned against the gate, twirling a lock of hair with his fingers

"I am from the Department of Alchemy Machinery. The professional teacher likes old-fashioned steam machines very much. Once he asked me if I would be interested in writing a final thesis about the Victorian Steam Age. I agreed, and he showed me all kinds of old-fashioned steam machines in his collection. steam machine."

In the driver's seat, Chu Zihang adjusted the instrument panel and said softly, "You should have left first."

"What? You like to show off your heroism in front of girls so much?" Xia Mi's indifferent voice came from behind.

"No." Chu Zihang began to slow down, "At that time, one of us must survive, and only one survived can pass the news of our attack to the school, so that we won't all die in vain."

"Oh." Xia Mi lowered his head and played with the hair in his hand, and said casually, "In your world, is it women who come first at this time?"

Chu Zihang stared at the instrument intently, and said in a low voice: "You are a freshman, you have never taken formal courses, you shouldn't die here."

"Is it the tradition at Kassel College that the old die first?"

Chu Zihang was silent.

He really doesn't understand girls, but he can hear that Xia Mi's words are full of spikes, like a little hedgehog erecting its spikes all over its body.

But the hedgehog erected its spikes to protect itself, what about Xia Mi?

"Brother, do you really want to die?"

"Of course not."

"Oh, so you really like cosplay heroes?"

"No." Chu Zihang paused, and said in a low voice, "It's just because someone died behind me once before, and that time I chose to run away without doing anything, just driving forward Run... From then on, I told myself that I must not be the first to escape."

"who's that person?"

"my father."

There was an instant silence in the carriage.

Chu Zihang continued to steer the old-fashioned steam train, the corners of his lips were cold and hard.

He is stopping the train. An unmanned train is very dangerous at night, and he only knows the most basic operations.

As for the younger brother...he was actually not worried. When the younger brother stood in front of him, he felt that the younger brother could handle everything.

This time Xia Mi was silent for a long time, so long that both of them vaguely forgot the conversation just now.

Xia Mi sighed, and his voice softened: "Because I made a mistake once, are you not allowed to make another mistake? Brother, you are really extreme."

"You can only allow yourself to make some mistakes once, even if you regret it once, how dare you think about what will happen next time." Chu Zihang responded softly.

"If you always try to be brave like this, you will really die one day."

"It's okay, everyone will die, the only difference is whether the death is worthwhile."

"But what if someone doesn't want you to die?"

The fragrance of plants after the rain came from behind him again, with the breath of sunshine and rain.

The girl stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear word by word.

Once again, the car was eerily quiet.

"Actually, I was very happy when you invited me to the amusement park that day."

Xia Mi suddenly opened his mouth and broke the silence in the carriage, Chu Zihang heaved a sigh of relief, it was the first time he felt that silence could be so terrifying.

"Why?" He seized the opportunity to change the subject and change the atmosphere in the car.

"Because I thought you remembered me. As I said, I recognized you when we first met, but you didn't recognize me." Xia Mi tilted his head and said.

"...Sorry, I didn't forget you on purpose." Chu Zihang took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

He still doesn't know why he forgot a girl so completely, and suddenly recalled all the past about her on that day.

It was like... fate.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, after all, you have really worked hard." Xia Mi sighed, "Don't talk, just listen to me."

Chu Zihang closed his mouth very cooperatively.

"I was very happy that day, because it was the first time I went to the amusement park with someone. I really like the amusement park. I have been to it secretly before, but it's boring to be alone..."

Chu Zihang was taken aback.

He is now facing away from Xia Mi, and cannot see Xia Mi's expression.

But subconsciously, Xia Mi's dark pupils, which were lying on the table before, appeared in his mind.

He is a frequent visitor to the amusement park. In his stepfather's conception, the amusement park with colorful flags is the place that best reflects family affection.

For example, on TV, you can often see a silly child wearing a clown's red nose. On the left is an "elite and caring father" and on the right is a "gentle, virtuous and good mother". Take a photo with the colorful amusement park in the background.

His stepfather liked this feeling very much, so Chu Zihang would go to the amusement park with his family every year on his birthday, and take countless photo stickers.

As for the man who died six years ago, he would only take his son to the big bathing place, drink coke and soak in muddy soup, and ask Chu Zihang to wipe his back.

In his impression, Xia Mi is not like a kid from a poor family, a trip to an amusement park doesn't cost much.

And Xia Mi is very beautiful, logically there will be many boys lined up to invite her to the three holy places of amusement park, aquarium and movie theater.

He remembered very clearly that at that time Xia Mi was both the captain of the school's cheerleading team and the head of the dance troupe. Although he was still in junior high school, he was already slim and handsome.

"Are you confused?" Xia Mi asked suddenly, "You were on the Ferris wheel before, did you want to ask why I was the only one in my family?"

"Yes." Chu Zihang said honestly, "I didn't expect that this would be the first time you went to an amusement park with someone."

"To be precise, it was the boy who went to the aquarium and watched movies with him and experienced the first time in his life to go to an amusement park with someone."

The girl's lazy voice came, "Is it too convoluted?"

Chu Zihang instantly became dumb.

"I have an older brother who is demented." Xia Mi paused, "A dementia can't go to the amusement park, he can't play anything, and the staff will drive him away. Parents usually stay at home with him on weekends. I want If you go, you can only go by yourself, but what's the point of going to the amusement park alone?"

"We are twins. My elder brother was born earlier than me. Because I was too old to come out, the doctors and nurses were so anxious that they forgot to take care of my elder brother. He couldn't breathe and suffocated for a long time, so he became demented."

"So my parents said that my brother gave me the opportunity. Originally, my brother would be very smart and excellent, so I should do better than others, because I have half of my brother's share."

Xia Mi stuck out her tongue, "Are your parents attending your parent meeting?"

Chu Zihang nodded with his back to her.

"But they seldom attend my parent-teacher meeting. I have been No.1 in the class since I was a child, and they don't think it is rare anymore."

"In the first year of high school, I won the gold medal in the mathematics olympiad. I ran home happily and wanted to tell them, but when I got home, the house was in a mess. The furniture was overturned, and clothes and quilts were everywhere. Ripped cloth and cotton, no one could see, I couldn't get through to my phone, I just sat in the mess waiting for them, and finally fell asleep."

"My parents came back after dawn and said that my brother was not happy for some reason. He bumped his head against the wall and tore things randomly. They found a lot of people to hold him down and send him to the hospital. They gave him a sedative and stayed with him. whole night."

Chu Zihang's breathing suddenly became heavy.

Because Xia Mi's voice was murmuring in a trance.

"They were all sleepy after they came back, and they told me about my brother's situation and went back to their room to sleep. No one asked me how I was doing that night, and no one cared that I won an award.

"You don't like your brother?" Chu Zihang asked in a low voice.

"No, I like him very much. Because we are twins, he is very clingy to me, very clingy, very clingy, and even Mom and Dad can't make him quiet, but as long as I talk to him he will be quiet."

Xia Mi laughed,

"The reason why he lost his temper that night was because I was always tutoring during that time. He couldn't see me and thought I was hidden by my parents. It wasn't because I was sick."

"Later I went to see him in the hospital. He was lying on the hospital bed, staring at the roof, refusing to sleep, but when he saw me, his eyes changed. I held him by the hand, and he was in my hand. I sniffed it, and felt that the smell was right, it was true, my sister was right, so she held my hand and fell asleep."

"Just like a puppy, don't you like your puppy?"

Chu Zihang apologized, "Sorry, I can't keep a dog."

"Senior brother is so stupid, there is no need to apologize for this kind of thing." Xia Mi sighed, "I like my brother very much, just like he likes me."

"I hate people bullying him the most. When I was in junior high school, I took him out to buy things. Everyone looked at him with disgusting eyes, saying who is so irresponsible, let a little girl take such a Idiot out?"

"Everyone doesn't want to get close to him. Although he is stupid, he is very sensitive. He can only grab my skirt and stare at those people fiercely. I was not sensible at that time, and I felt that people looked at me. It was also very strange, and I hated him very much. On the way home, he was not allowed to follow me closely, and he was asked to walk ten meters behind me, and I ignored him when he walked in."

"He was afraid that I would ignore him, so he walked behind me. The distance of ten meters was accurate. I was upset, and I didn't look back. I walked fast. After walking for a while, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and I couldn't find it when I looked back. When I saw him, I was so scared that I ran back quickly.”

"Finally I found him in the alley. A group of people were pressing him to the ground and beating him. The leader was a boy from the school. He didn't know me well, but he wanted to chase me. When he saw me coming, he quickly said that he was passing by and saw a fool." He followed me furtively, as if he was about to do something bad, staring at my legs with a smirk on his face."

"A few of their friends wanted to push him down, but the fool was so strong that he couldn't hold him down at all. It took a lot of effort, so he didn't have time to say hello to me..."

Xia Mi said quietly, "I saw my brother in the crowd, with bloodstains and dust on his face, and I was smiling stupidly, and I had a foot on his face, so I felt so sad at that time... ...I just told my brother that I don't blame you, just beat them."

"What do you mean?" Chu Zihang asked.

"My brother is very good at fighting. He has great strength and is not afraid of anything. But I don't allow him to hit people casually. Once he hits someone, I will ignore him for a month."

Xia Mi continued, "Then he beat those boys to the ground, and I allowed him to continue to drag me by the hem of my skirt and take him home. Those idiots don't understand why my brother always looks at me legs, he actually just looked at the hem of my skirt, because he always led me by the hem of my skirt and walked with me."

"You are very kind to your brother."

"No... It's far worse than what he treated me." Xia Mi shook his head and said, "Sometimes when I look at him, I wish he hadn't been born at all, so he wouldn't have to suffer so much."

"If he can also go to the amusement park... I guess he will be very happy too?" Xia Mi murmured.

Chu Zihang was silent for a few seconds and said, "We can take your brother to the amusement park next time when we return home from vacation."

"Eh?" Xia Mi wrinkled his nose, "The staff won't let me."

Chu Zihang said lightly: "It's okay, we can reserve the venue in advance."

Xia Mi was rarely dumbfounded, and muttered in a low voice: "It's still okay? It's really your style, brother..."

"Some things really have no other way but to work hard, but some things can be done without hard work, you just need to change the angle."

Chu Zihang said calmly,

"I saved some pocket money, if you don't mind, I can take you to the amusement park next time."

Xia Mi stopped talking.

Chu Zihang didn't speak either, just thinking silently in his heart.

He remembered the absolute field in EVA, the absolute spiritual field.

Chu Zihang has always believed that everyone has such a domain, you don't want others to come in, you just want to guard this land silently.

It's like he has a Maybach full of holes in his heart.

Sometimes when he was awakened by the sound of rain in the middle of the night, he often felt that he was still sitting in that car, it was pouring rain outside, and the song was playing repeatedly on the stereo.

No one would want to enter such a bleak and sad field, and no one would want to sit in the co-pilot and accompany you to listen to the desolate sound of rain and singing, just as there is no need to share some suffering, just eat it yourself.

He used to think this way, and he did so, never inviting anyone into his world.

But recently he discovered that he was wrong.

Not only is the younger brother willing to walk into his world, willing to sit in the co-pilot and accompany him to watch the cold rainy night outside the window, but also the girl behind him is also willing...

In fact, Xia Mi didn't need to talk to him about this.

To her, these things are like the elevated road and Maybach to Chu Zihang six years ago.

Just because I shared with her a past event that had been hidden in my heart for a long time, the girl opened her heart and let him, an outsider, step into her world.

Chu Zihang suddenly thought of a sentence he had said to his junior brother, he hesitated.

He didn't know if that sentence was appropriate for the occasion.

He only said that sentence to his junior brother, and it was because of the special situation.

Chu Zihang hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to speak out.

He whispered clumsily and hesitantly: "I'm sorry, if I had been there at that time, I wouldn't have stood by and watched, so your brother wouldn't have been knocked down, and this unhappy incident wouldn't have happened."

He was touched when Xia Mi talked about this past, just like what his junior brother said, he is actually a bit of a bitch and meddles in other people's affairs.

If he had been in that alley many years ago, before a few boys dragged Brother Xia Mi into the alley, he would have stood in front of Brother Xia Mi with a cold face. If the boys wanted to do something, that would be great. Back then Chu Zihang is already a half-killed embryo.

As for why he apologized...he didn't know, maybe he wanted to comfort Xia Mi?

There was silence behind him.

Just when Chu Zihang couldn't tell whether he was relieved or disappointed.

There was a warm feeling on the back again.

Those slender and soft hands embraced him from behind again.

Xia Mi put her head on his back lightly, and murmured: "You're such an idiot, I told you not to apologize for this kind of thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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