Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 73 Hunter Website

Chapter 73 Hunter Website

no matter how powerful
"One person きりじゃ闘えない"

You can't fight alone

"Strong く Future を Ask めても"

Even if we strongly pursue the future

"One person きりじゃかない"

It can't be done alone

Let's break this sad sky (Note)

Xia Mi let go of his hand suddenly, and there was the sound of a tone-deaf hum from the junior brother behind him, and the sound of the suitcase rolling past the carriage.

It's that Tiga ending song again...

"Oh! I finally found you guys! Brothers, you guys can really run, let's just run, why don't you bring your luggage? I almost died of exhaustion!"

The younger brother not only came, but also took all the luggage in a housekeeping manner. At this moment, panting and humming, the whole person directly slumped on the seat.

"Hey, our captive hasn't woken up yet?"

Lu Mingfei suddenly jumped up again, looking viciously at 001 who was unconscious,

"Xiao Mizi, fetch water quickly!"

"Hey! Let's fetch water for Eunuch Lu!" Xia Mi turned around and saluted, and trotted all the way to the bathroom in the cubicle.

"Eunuch, the water is coming!"

"Give me water on him!"

"Hey, good!"

A basin of ice-cold water was poured directly from head to toe, and 001 was completely drenched.

001 shivered, and woke up slowly from the coma.

He opened his eyes bewilderedly, in front of him was a ferocious man and a fierce and cute girl.

Such a combination made him wonder whether he came to heaven or hell.

Could it be that this is the junction of heaven and hell, where angels and demons are deciding where he belongs?
The brain woke up instantly, and 001, with tears in his eyes, stretched out his hand to grab Xia Mi, and tremblingly said: "Angel save me!"

"Bang!" Xia Mi put a basin on his head with a dark face, "Who is your angel! Don't shout!"

Lu Mingfei stroked his sleeves and said with a smirk, "This benefactor, are you going to recruit the truth or wait for me to serve you?"

001 raised his water glass with trembling hands, and forced a smile: "Everyone is Chinese, and Chinese don't beat Chinese! Don't worry, I hate hard-talking guys the most. I can relax my mouth! You ask What can I answer!"

When the other party opened his mouth, 001 noticed it. He speaks authentic Chinese Mandarin with a southern accent, fellow!
Lu Mingfei pinched his knuckles and said with a sneer, "Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people. If you dare to lie to us... I'll let you hehehe!"

In the meaningful laughter, 001 wiped off his sweat, and said with a mournful face: "Don't just threaten, you should ask!"

"What's the name!"

"Jiang Liu!"

Lu Mingfei was stunned: "Jiang Liuer? Are you the one who plays chess, or the one who learns from scriptures?"

Jiang Liu said awkwardly: "There is no 'son', the surname is Jiang Mingliu."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Mingfei suddenly lost interest, "Where are you from?"

"Zhejiang people from Zhejiang!"

"Yo, fellow countryman."

"Don't dare, you are also from Zhejiang? My little brother will be the host in another day, please have a good meal!" 001 said with a shy face.

Lu Mingfei sighed quietly: "Another day? I'm afraid you won't be able to change it."

001 shivered, and said with a bitter face: "If you have something to ask, just ask, don't scare me, I'm timid, and I'll tell you everything I have to say!"

"what occupation?"

"Hunter, uh...you may not be clear, it's just...it's just...a mercenary! You just understand it as a mercenary! The employer spends money on the Internet to post tasks, and we take the tasks and work."

Jiang Liu held back for a long time, and a mercenary came out.

"Hunter?" Chu Zihang walked out of the cockpit, frowning and asked, "Hunter website?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Jiang Liu's eyes lit up, "You always travel together? This time it was purely a flood that flooded the Dragon King Temple, what a misunderstanding!"

"It's close!" Lu Mingfei glared at him, "Tell me what mission you took."

Jiang Liu shrank his head and said in a low voice: "I like to run around the world. I have no other skills, but I am lucky, so I have been to many hidden tombs. This time I took a job as a tomb explorer. The employer said There may be a coffin buried in the ground of an old castle, and I was asked to dig it out for him. I often do this kind of work, and I took it without thinking. I will lead a team to catch someone back for him."

His face suddenly changed, and he cried aggrievedly:

"Although we say that we have a lot of tomb robbers, we have never done kidnapping before. I also want to refuse, but you have seen the big guys in front of me. The employer sent such a group of people to follow me, saying that it is to let I help him catch people, but I always feel like I sent them to catch me!"

Lu Mingfei squinted his eyes, and thought to himself, you are so fucking right!

Li Wuyue said something earlier, and he cared about it until now, that is, let him hand over those two people.

Two people?which two?Senior brother and Xia Mi?
He can understand catching senior brother, but Xia Mi can't understand. Could it be that Odin has already seen through Xia Mi's identity?
But after carefully looking at the guy in front of him, Lu Mingfei had an answer in his heart.

The people the other party wants are Chu Zihang and Jiang Liu!

But after the answer came out, he became more and more confused.

He had been thinking about a question before, what hole card did "Odin" plan to use to kill himself?

When he saw Li Wuyue, he thought he had the answer.

As the king of the sky and the wind, what Li Wuyue masters is power, and his power is far superior to that of his elder brother.

In addition, Li Wuyue, who has been resurrected for more than 100 years, is far more powerful than the group of hip-pull dragon kings represented by Lao Tang in the previous life.

He previously thought that Li Wuyue was "Odin"'s hole card against him.

But after getting a new message from Lu Mingze and confirming that Jiang Liu had the mark of Nibelungen on his body, he remembered a possibility that had been overlooked——

Is Li Wuyue really with these people?
"Who is your employer?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Employer?" Jiang Liu stammered, "We can't see the specific information of the employer, only the ID of the employer when he posted. You can log in to my hunter account directly!"

Lu Mingfei and his senior brother looked at each other, Chu Zihang took out the tablet from his bag and checked the signal situation.

"There is a signal." He handed the tablet to Jiang Liu.

Since the battle started, the signal has been blocked by something, and they haven't contacted the school yet.

It's a matter of life, Jiang Liu dared to be negligent, and quickly and smoothly entered the website of Hunter.com.

The refreshed one is an animation website, of course this is just a disguise.

Immediately afterwards, he entered 001's ID account number and password, and clicked Login.

"User '[001,]' has been logged out."

Jiang Liu stood still on the spot.

He looked at the prompt words on the tablet in disbelief, and there was nothing wrong, [001,] was his account number, because 001 had been preempted a long time ago, so he specially added "," at the end.

"This...I...no, it's impossible! I didn't lie to you!"

Jiang Liu jumped up in shock, shouting incoherently like a madman.

Unprecedented fear and anxiety flooded the river like a tide.

 Note: This lyrics is too appropriate
(End of this chapter)

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