Chapter 308 See God Three Realms

With a terrifying bang, the magic circle closed by the Daomaguan was shattered, cracks appeared in the tens of feet high city wall, and cracks spread rapidly. A place in the middle collapsed directly, and huge bricks and stones rolled down, splashing dust all over the sky.

Countless streams of thick smoke rose and floated toward the blue sky, covering the flying snow. It wasn't that Daumaguan was on fire, but that a corner of the city wall had collapsed and a corner of the city wall had collapsed. ,

On the city wall, many White Lotus Sect soldiers rolled down, and the boulder hit with a dull thunderous crash, and then with blood and muddy corpses,
The miserable cries and howls of the White Lotus Sect soldiers could be heard everywhere, but they were covered by the sound of the city wall collapsing.

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was shocked.

Someone can break through with a fist!

" this still human?"

"Warrior... a martial artist, An Neng has such great power?"

"how can that be?"


Not to mention those ordinary soldiers or ordinary martial arts masters, even those land gods in the Cave Heaven Realm are all unbelievable.

Someone really can break through with one punch,
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be impossible for anyone to believe it. It's a ridiculous joke, but it happened for real!
"It happened!"

The three sages of the white lotus all changed their expressions drastically when the horse was turned back.

"Quick repair magic circle!"

Xuansheng let out a loud roar, and immediately pinched the spell, drew a weapon, and shouted at Miaosheng and Juesheng: "I'll stop Gu Zhan, you guys hurry up and form an formation!"

Immediately, Xuansheng jumped down the city wall, and at the same time, a group of White Lotus Sect masters attacked Gu Zhan together. In an instant, the ground collapsed, and dazzling rays of light rushed out, each of which was as thick as a bucket and unparalleled in sharpness. , rushing towards Gu Zhan like dragons, all invincible.

And at this moment, those masters of the White Lotus Sect also took action immediately to repair the magic circle on the city wall.

This Daomaguan is the last barrier of the White Lotus Sect.

They are qualified to negotiate with the imperial court, but relying on Daomaguan, the imperial court has no way to break through it in a short time, and the land gods on the court side dare not attack the city desperately. After all, the land gods have restrictions. With only spiritual power, even breaking the city is meaningless.

But now it's different,
Gu Zhan broke the magic circle with his own power, if they don't repair it in time, the imperial army will swarm in, and they will lose any advantage.

And at this time,
On the side of the imperial army, Ji Fu and the others were terrified and knew that the opportunity must not be missed, and immediately ordered a charge, and a mighty army of hundreds of thousands rushed towards Daomaguan.

in the army,

Monk Huaisu and Tai'an Shenni looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes, and they all shot towards Daomaguan.

turn the horse off,

After Gu Zhan smashed down a corner of the city wall with one punch, he landed on the ground in an instant, directly stepping on a huge deep hole in the ground.

And at this time,
More than [-] supreme masters, grand masters and a land god came to kill with a joint attack formation.

Gu Zhan didn't dodge,

On the contrary, a look of joy erupted in his eyes, he stepped down, soared into the sky, and directly bumped into a supreme grandmaster head-on, he punched violently, and the supreme grandmaster was smashed into a cloud of blood mist with his weapon.

At the same time, several top masters joined forces to kill.

Gu Zhan swung his bow left and right, his fists were like sickles for life, whoever touches them will die.

"Dang!" Someone swung a big knife, which was knocked away and broken by Gu Zhan. Flipping his hand, he punched out with a click, and at the same time, a purple lightning flew out, splitting the opponent into coke.

"Puff puff"

As his fists crazily smashed out, he rushed forward, bloody, killing several people at once, and all of them exploded.

During the siege, Xuansheng's eyes were red, his eyes were about to burst, and he held a bright long knife in his hand. When he swung it, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the murderous aura surged, rushing like a stormy sea. It fell towards Gu Zhan's head.

However, just as he was about to touch the top of Gu Zhan's head,

Gu Zhan slammed his fist into the sky suddenly, sparks splashed everywhere, and the bright long knife shattered directly.

Xuansheng was startled suddenly,
He is a land immortal of the second realm of the cave, and the power of the cave is far from comparable to that of the monks of the first realm. He dared to bring a group of martial arts monks to surround and kill Gu Zhan, because he was confident that he could rely on the second realm of the cave. Gu Zhan, but it should be possible to delay for a while.

After all, the scope and strength of the second-level cave are far from comparable to the first-level cave. Although Gu Zhan has a record of breaking the cave, it is not impossible to delay a little time.

But now,
he panicked,
It was hard for him to imagine that Gu Zhan was able to break through his cave with one punch, making it impossible for his cave to bind Gu Zhan.

Immediately, Xuansheng quickly condensed a spiritual force, turned it into a shield to block in front, and could withstand Gu Zhan's fist.

However, even though Gu Zhan's punch was only [-] to [-]% of the power it had when it landed, it was still an unimaginable terrifying force.

one punch down,
Xuansheng vomited blood directly, and the shield condensed with spiritual energy was torn apart, fortunately at this time.A few martial arts masters from the White Lotus Sect rushed over quickly, and cooperated to block Gu Zhan.

Xuansheng retreated in a hurry, and shouted: "Master Gu, there is no mortal enmity between you and me. You are already feared by the court. The stronger you behave, the more you will be feared. Sooner or later, you will be suppressed and liquidated by the court. Why do you do this? We The White Lotus Sect can support you..."


With a cold snort, Gu Zhan directly tore a supreme grandmaster to shreds, then crushed a supreme grandmaster's head with one foot, swooped down to Xuansheng, and said coldly, "You are the only ones worthy of supporting me!"

Gu Zhan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he punched out, the sound of the terrifying dragon's chant sounded, and the rays of light were dazzling, and he rushed forward.

Facing Gu Zhan's full-strength punch,
Xuansheng didn't dare to take it hard at all, and retreated in a panic. However, Gu Zhan's speed was so fast that he didn't have much time to escape.

Seeing a punch fall,
Xuansheng gritted his teeth, ready to fight to the death.

At this moment, there was a sound of bowstring ringing in the sky.

An iron arrow seemed to fly from outside the sky, faster than lightning, like an eternal celestial light, it was too terrifying, the void collapsed and exploded!

The iron arrow hit Gu Zhan's fist, making a loud buzzing sound.

However, the iron arrow's arrowhead melted into a lump and fell to the ground, but it couldn't even break Gu Zhan's skin.

at this time,

Miao Sheng, who flew down from the city wall holding a bow, was full of horror in his eyes.

Although she shot the arrow hastily just now, no matter how hastily she is, she is also a land god, and the arrow shot with the power of the cave couldn't even pierce Gu Zhan's skin.


On the other side, Juesheng also swooped in, holding a long sword in his hand, and together with Miaosheng, he quickly appeared in front of Xuansheng.

Juesheng hurriedly said: "Master Gu, we don't want to have a death feud with you, and now we don't want to die anymore, we just want to leave..."

"It's so beautiful!"

Gu Zhan shot with a bang, swift as a thunderbolt, the golden fist smashed the sky and the earth, and he was in front of Juesheng in no time.

The three sages were shocked, and they attacked at the same time. The three of them burst out with powerful spiritual power to block Gu Zhan's full strength, bursting out with immeasurable light.

The sound of bone cracking came out,
The three saints kept retreating,

Combined the power of the three of them to force this punch, all three of them were injured. Immediately, their faces changed drastically.

At this time,
In the drowsy sky, three beams of light flew over quickly.

The faces of the three saints of Bailian all changed drastically.
After fighting the imperial army for so long, they naturally knew that there were three land gods on the opposite side, and two of them were the Huaisu monk and the Tai'an god nun who had already reached the Three Realms Cave Heaven.

For so long, they have been relying on the power of Daomaguan to make the monk Huaisu and others afraid, and they have never dared to make a move, but it does not mean that they can face the two land gods from the holy land of martial arts, let alone, now There was a Gu Zhan who, with his own strength, overwhelmed the three of them.

If those three come to help again,
They must fall into desperation!

In an instant, the faces of the three saints of Bailian turned pale, and a sense of sadness rose in their hearts, probably because there was no chance of escape.

However, at this time,

Several people were surprised to find that,
The three land gods didn't mean to besiege and kill them. Instead, they rushed directly towards Daomaguan.

But now that the magic circle is broken, and there is no Daoma Pass guarded by the land gods, for the land gods, it is like walking on flat ground, without any hindrance, they directly enter the pass.

"Okay, they are going to deal with Tianmu!"

After a moment of astonishment, the three of them immediately realized that the goal of the three land gods was to target the real master of the White Lotus Sect.

"Go, help Tianmu!"

Miao Sheng gave a low cry and was about to leave immediately.

Both Xuansheng and Juesheng urged their energy to escape at that moment.

Gu Zhan didn't give them a chance to leave at all.
with a bang,
Gu Zhan grabbed a top grandmaster who wanted to entangle him with one hand, pinched the necks of the two, and bumped their heads together forcefully. With a loud bang, the heads of the two top grandmasters were directly blown into blood mist and sprayed.

boom! boom! boom!
Then Gu Zhan threw his fists one after another, like lightning moving, and instantly threw them at the Three Saints.

three punches in a row,

The three land gods who were about to escape all flew upside down like ordinary sandbags, smashing down a city wall.

"Run away!"

With a loud shout, the three land gods ran in three directions. At the same time, a large group of martial arts masters from the White Lotus Sect rushed over to stop Gu Zhan, trying to fight for the three land gods to escape. time.

Gu Zhan snorted coldly, looked at a large group of grandmasters, great grandmasters, and a small number of top grandmasters who came to kill, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to the sky,
"Boom" "Boom"

Immediately, thunderbolts came together and exploded in an instant. The sea of ​​thunder filled the air, instantly smashing a large area of ​​martial arts masters, and all of them were reduced to ashes in the air.

Gu Zhan's footsteps did not stop at all, he aimed at the Xuansheng with the highest cultivation, quickly chased him, stretched out his hand to draw the horizontal knife, and threw it hard at Xuansheng.

Gu Zhan's power is so great,

The thing he threw with all his strength was faster than the sound, and it appeared behind Xuansheng in an instant, directly pierced his hole, and killed Xuansheng's back.

Xuansheng was shocked,

Hastily turned around, using spiritual power to resist,
The tip of the knife pierced the spiritual energy condensed from Xuansheng's hands, and the terrifying impact pushed Xuansheng's body directly into tall and strong towers.

"Gu Houye, the people in the imperial court didn't regard you as their own. Why did you fight for them? You also saw that you were besieged by besieging the city alone, and none of the land gods came down to help you." You, Gu Hou Ye, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold... ah!"

At that moment, Gu Zhan descended from the sky and stepped on Xuansheng's chest. Terrifying power splashed in all directions, and the gravel waves surged to the sky, rolling more than ten feet high, submerging the surrounding broken towers, billowing dust and sand, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. , all around is a piece of yellow mist.

[Experience value + 40 billion]

Gu Zhan snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, took out the horizontal knife, dragged Lei Ting with one hand, and went straight towards the city wall. In an instant, there was endless wailing, and many soldiers of the White Lotus Cult died tragically.

At this time, the imperial army had rushed over and began to attack the city in an all-round way, and the war was imminent.

However, it is basically a unilateral crush,
Daomaguan was shattered in several places by Gu Zhan, and the guarding soldiers on the city wall were also disrupted by several thunderbolts from Gu Zhan, and their morale was low. At the same time, many masters were killed, and the Sansheng Bailian died. If you die, you escape.

A sea of ​​thunder blasted on the city wall, Gu Zhan turned around and chased towards Dauma Pass, the wonderful second saint of Bailian Sansheng was rushing in the city. , the two had already fled without a trace.

However, Gu Zhan was not worried about letting him go,

Because, at this time, there is a big battle going on in Daoma City, even if it is tens of miles away, Gu Zhan can feel the strong fluctuations there.

After killing a group of people quickly, Gu Zhan quickly headed towards the city.

Information obtained from the Gu family,

The real controller of the White Lotus Sect is the White Lotus Heavenly Mother behind the Three Saints of the White Lotus.

There are many legends about this white lotus goddess,
And the most outrageous, but also the most likely to be true, is that the White Lotus Heavenly Mother has lived for more than 300 years.

Breaking through the cave-heaven realm can increase one's lifespan, which is a well-known thing, but according to records, the longest-lived land immortal was more than 240 years old.

And this Bailian Tianmu may have lived for more than 300 years, which is simply shocking!

However, the authenticity of this matter is difficult to determine.

However, just now seeing the land gods of the imperial court directly rushing into the city regardless of the Daomaguan battlefield, Gu Zhan can basically conclude that this matter is true in all likelihood.

Afterwards, the Three Saints of the White Lotus also desperately wanted to escape back to the city, and there was a high probability that they would go back to support the mysterious White Lotus Heavenly Mother.


In Daomaguan City, a glorious city, a terrifying battle is erupting at this time, the energy fluctuations are turned upside down, and tall buildings are collapsing and shattering.

The wonderful two saints are rushing quickly in the city,

"Junior Sister!"

Juesheng suddenly sent a voice transmission to Miaosheng, saying: "No matter what, we must try our best to hold Gu Zhan back. This son is cruel and has no spiritual restraint. If he rushes, Tianmu will be in danger!"

"I understand, I will lure him away, and you will support Tianmu!"

Miao Sheng immediately pinched a spell, and the bow and arrow in his hand burst out with terrifying energy, and his figure disappeared instantly.

At this time, in Daoma City,

Gu Zhan was looking for the crazily fluctuating energy place, while running, he slowly opened the system page, checked the experience value,
Originally, he had almost 30 billion experience points, and a Miaosheng, who was a second-level cave, directly contributed 40 billion experience points. He killed many top masters and great masters in the battle of Daomaguan. Including those soldiers who were killed sporadically, the number has exceeded 100 billion.

He immediately chose to add points:
[Use 100 billion experience points]

[Big Yellow Court upgraded to the eighth floor]

[The current realm has been upgraded to the three realms of seeing God]


At that moment,

The divine power in Gu Zhan's body instantly increased a lot,

24 rays of divine light wandered in his body, and he could clearly perceive that he was now like a god wearing 24 colors.

And the previously closed Eight Gods of Lower Scenery, namely the stomach, poor intestines, large and small intestines, trunk, chest diaphragm, and two flanks, are also opened at this moment, and wisps of divine power are swimming in the blood, which are white gods. The light, accompanied by the wandering in his blood marrow, appeared among the 24 gods.

At the same time, Gu Zhan can clearly feel the changes in his physical quality, which is completely different. Every state has raised his physical quality to a new world.

24God is the twenty heavens and the earth,
It's just that, relying on the system, he directly refined the twenty worlds into three worlds, and the eight gods are one world, so every time he breaks through, he can feel the earth-shaking changes very clearly and intuitively.

Then, Gu Zhan looked at the system page:

Player: Gu Zhan

Boundary: three realms of seeing God

Title: Martial Arts Pioneer

Note: 1. Wearing the title of Martial Arts Pioneer will gain the ability to deduce. You only need to use experience points to deduce skills in the same realm.

2. Wearing the title of Martial Arts Pioneer, you will gain the ability of being invincible in martial arts and becoming stronger when you are stronger. The peak of martial arts is created by me, and I am invincible.

Cultivation method: Big Yellow Court (eighth floor 0/2 billion)

Imperial Water Technique (Dacheng)

Calling Rain (Dacheng)

Thunder Slash (Dacheng)

Tiangang Golden Body (Dacheng)
Elephant Armor (Dacheng)

Experience Points: 6 billion


The moment Gu Zhan put away the system page,

He stopped suddenly, his body was floating in the air, and then fell rapidly, crashing to the ground.

At that moment,

Feathers of light came from all directions like a net from heaven and earth, turning into divine arrows one after another, like sparks falling into a frying pan and igniting instantly.Dense like heavy rain pouring down.

Gu Zhan punched out, and his divine power surged like a vast ocean. The sky exploded, and the surrounding buildings were collapsing and burning, and the void was turbulent.

However, right after this blow, there was no movement,
Gu Zhan is now in the third realm of seeing gods, with 24 fully activated, and his perception is already extraordinary like a fairy god. He instantly sensed the Miaosheng who was hiding in the dark not far away, waiting for an opportunity.

Immediately, Gu Zhan immediately reacted,
This Miao Sheng should want to pester him, delay time, and win a chance for the Mother of Heaven over there.

Gu Zhan also understands the plan of this Miaosheng. After all, Daoma City is the headquarters of the White Lotus Sect and has the home court advantage. All kinds of formations and the general trend of the world are on the side of Miaosheng. However, they are secretly using these advantages to delay time.

"It's a good idea!"

Gu Zhan sneered, and suddenly stomped his feet hard. In an instant, all the buildings with a radius of several tens of feet exploded in an instant, the sky was filled with dust, and endless ruins overflowed, turning into chaos.

At this time, Miao Sheng, who was hiding in an inconspicuous small building and observing, frowned slightly, she knew that Gu Zhan had seen through her plan, so Gu Zhan deliberately made such a fuss to confuse her sight.

"This young man is quite quick-witted!" Miao Sheng hunched his back, squinted his eyes slightly, and muttered: "But this is Daoma City, boy, all the buildings in the city are my home field, how could you escape? Where are my eyes?"

Miao Sheng shook his head slightly, and immediately pinched the magic spell with his hand, a magic seal appeared on her fingertips, and it was a shrunken down-horse city scene.

However, the moment Miao Sheng looked at Fa Yin, his face suddenly changed, and he froze for a moment,
And at this moment,
A cold voice suddenly came from next to her ear: "Did you notice that Ben Hou doesn't seem to have left."

Miao Sheng turned pale with fright, he didn't turn his head subconsciously, but just ran forward with his head sullen,

Although she reacted quickly, it was still too late.
Gu Zhan suddenly punched Miao Sheng's bent back,

"Crack" sounded like a bone crack.

Miao Sheng's thin and small body jumped forward, directly smashing the stone wall, and was submerged by stone bricks.

Gu Zhan stepped on the foot, soared into the sky, and then fell down instantly. He stepped on the pile of stone bricks, and there was a violent explosion sound.

In an instant, a system prompt sounded in my mind:
[Experience value + 12 billion]

Gu Zhan slowly raised his head, looked at the terrifying fluctuations in the city, and then rushed out quickly,
However, this time,
Gu Zhan did not fly in the air, but ran on the ground,
When he rushed across a long street, he saw a huge city that had been completely reduced to ruins. At this time, there was still a terrifying scene like a hurricane that was still spreading out of the city.

Gu Zhan looked at the terrifying vortex that went straight to the sky, and he knew that this was the vision caused by the all-out battle between the land gods.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and quickly walked out of the city.

Gu Zhan followed all the way, quietly hiding in the dark, never showing himself.

He watched the five land gods fighting,
They are the Huai Su Divine Monk of Guangming Temple, the Tai'an Divine Nun of Cihang Jianzhai, and the Royal Family's enshrined Master Lingquan. These three people are all acquainted by Gu Zhan, and they met each other in the military camp.

And the two besieged by the three of them, one is the Juesheng who escaped from Gu Zhan just before, and the other one has never been seen before, but you don't need to think about it, it must be the Mother of the White Lotus,
However, what surprised Gu Zhan was that the legendary White Lotus Heavenly Mother who cultivated the Three Saints of the White Lotus turned out to be a fair and beautiful young woman in her twenties. What was even more frightening was that the woman actually One person is holding down two three-level cave monks.

(End of this chapter)

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