
Bai Mo was so angry that she lost her mind, raised her hand and slapped Lan Shuang in the face, Lan Shuang raised her hand and grabbed her wrist, pushing her back on the chair with a little force.

The commotion was a bit loud, but fortunately Gu Xiao cleared the cutscene ahead of time, except for Lan Shuang and Bai Moran, no one else was there.

Before Bai Moran could react, Lan Shuang slapped her back with the other hand.

"Ah!" Bai Moran screamed, turned his face away, and five fingerprints immediately appeared.

However, this was not over yet, Lan Shuang slapped her backhand again, giving it a symmetry.

"I gave you back these two slaps. Back then you framed me with recordings and led netizens who didn't know the truth to rape me online. I haven't settled with you yet. How dare you stretch your claws at me?"

Lan Shuang let out a bad breath, and her breathing became smoother.

Bai Moran's hair, which was already messy, was even more messy now. She stood up and stared at Lan Shuang viciously, "Lan Shuang! Don't be arrogant, you deserved it back then! You mistress, why did you have the face to see me?" ? You deserve it too?"

"I'm mistress? I didn't know that you and Gu Ting were married before I met you. I made it clear to you at the time, and you also expressed your understanding. After all, you and Gu Ting were secretly married, and you beat him back. Cut the recording into pieces, Bai Moran, you are more disgusting than me."

Lan Shuang sat firmly on the chair, and even smiled when she said this, "No, it should be said that you are quite funny. You cheated on your first love in marriage and gave Gu Ting a cuckold, but in turn stood on the moral high ground. Violent me, are you worthy? Don't you feel guilty?"

When Bai Moran mentioned this matter, she felt guilty for a while. She looked around and saw that no one was there. She lowered her voice and leaned forward viciously: "Don't lie to me, I don't believe you have evidence."

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "You don't believe me? Then I'll show you."

She took out a stack of photos from her bag and pushed them over, "Take a good look, is it clear?"

The blood on Bai Moran's face faded instantly, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

A moment later, she grabbed the photo and started tearing it up.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, not panicking at all, "Tear it up, I have backups."

Bai Moran: "..."

"what on earth do you want?"

"First, use your tuba to publicly apologize to me and explain the situation back then." Lan Shuang slowly stretched out a finger.

Bai Moran gritted his teeth and did not speak.

"Second, divorce Gu Ting."

"I don't agree!" Bai Moran didn't wait for Lan Shuang to finish, she got up and moved the chair behind her to make a piercing sound on the ground, "I will never divorce Gu Ting, you are dreaming! If you have the ability, send these things to Go online and see if the Gu family and the Bai family will let you go!"

After uttering harsh words, she fled in despair.

"Oh." Lan Shuang took out another mobile phone from her bag, looked at the skyrocketing number of people in the live broadcast room, and chuckled: "Then let's not talk about it, I didn't think she would agree."

From the very beginning, she never wanted to reconcile with Bai Moran, and all she did was to treat him in his own way.

At the beginning, she ruined Lan Shuang's future and life with the recording, but today Lan Shuang used the live broadcast to give Bai Moran a hot search for free.

Bai Moran didn't know that she was already famous on the Internet, she drove back to Gu Ting's villa, only to find that everyone looked at her strangely, as if they were watching some joke.

She felt uncomfortable being looked at.

"Look at what?"

She cried out in despair, ran into the living room, and saw Gu Ting in a silver-gray suit sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, his expression gloomy, and when he heard the voice, he raised his eyes and looked over fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow her alive .

Bai Moran's heart skipped a beat, and his footsteps stopped unconsciously.

"Honey, why... are you back so early?"

She forced a smile on her face, trying to pretend nothing happened, but forgot that she still had two slap marks on her face.

Gu Ting stood up, walked up to her step by step, and looked at her mockingly: "Husband?"

He picked up the stack of papers in his hand and threw it on her, and said coldly: "This is signed, and we have nothing to do with each other in the future, you get out of the Gu family!"

There was a buzzing in Bai Moran's ears, she didn't have time to look at the papers carefully, and grabbed Gu Ting's hand: "Honey, what did I do wrong? Why did you say this on my birthday?"

"Get out! Don't touch me with your dirty hands!" Gu Ting threw off Bai Moran mercilessly. He looked down at her, not concealing the disgust in his eyes, "Look online for yourself, the whole world Knowing that you gave me a cuckold, you still ask me what I did wrong? Bai Moran, I feel disgusted when I see you now!"

After speaking, he stretched his legs and walked away from Bai Moran.

Bai Moran's heart trembled violently, he took out his phone and looked at it, but he didn't come up and passed out directly.

#Gu Ting's wife derailed#
#兰眠is not a third party explosion#
#Gu Ting Bai Mo Ran Burst#
The three black and red explosive words immediately ignited the enthusiasm of netizens who eat melons, and the content of Lanshuang's live broadcast was also recorded and spread wildly as evidence.

Weibo seems to have a tendency to become paralyzed.

The members of the Gu family hurriedly called Gu Ting and Gu Xiao over to deal with this matter. The Gu family valued their reputation very much. Such a big incident directly affected the image of the Gu family in the hearts of the public, which was very detrimental to the development of the company.

The company held an emergency meeting to find ways to minimize the impact of this incident.

meeting room.

"I said at the beginning that Bai Moran shouldn't be allowed into the house, but now it's over, the incident has become such a big mess, and the whole world knows about our Gu family's scandal, will we still hang out in the future?"

"Second uncle, don't worry, the most important thing right now is to narrow the scope of public opinion."

Someone suggested: "Let me see, ask Bai Moran to come out and apologize immediately, and issue a statement, saying that those things are all her own ideas and have nothing to do with the Gu family!"

"I agree! This flamboyant slut actually dares to cheat in marriage!"

"Gu Ting, look at what your wife has done!"

Sitting among a group of directors, Gu Ting couldn't lift his head. His face turned green and pale, and he clenched his fists tightly, "I've already given her the divorce agreement. After the divorce, she won't belong to the Gu family. Man, this matter is entirely her personal behavior..."

Gu Xiao smiled contemptuously: "Really? I don't think so."

The directors' eyes immediately fell on him.

"Gu Xiao, what do you mean—"

Gu Xiao stood up slowly, with a hint of sarcasm in his calm eyes, "Everyone knows that Bai Moran is Gu Ting's wife, even if they divorce now, the events of the past will not be overshadowed, and it will cause public opinion to backlash."

"Have people take down all the recordings, spend money to take down hot searches! If no one discusses it, won't the popularity go down?"

Gu Xiao said coldly: "No, covering our mouths makes us more guilty. If something happens, we don't want to solve it, and just keep blocking other people's mouths. What is the best way? Do you want the Gu family to have a century-old reputation?"

"Then what do you say?"

The directors looked at each other, a little dissatisfied.

Gu Xiao curled his lips into a smile, but his eyes were as sharp as a knife. He pointed at Gu Ting, "Let him go, take the blame and resign, and make a public apology."

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