Chapter 295
As soon as these words came out, Gu Ting immediately jumped up from the chair, his eyes were about to spit out will-o'-the-wisps, "Gu Xiao! This is the board of directors, not a place for you to avenge yourself! Why should I take the blame and resign?"

The other directors didn't agree, and there was a lot of noise in the meeting room for a while.

Gu Xiao just watched them quarreling coldly. When they were tired, he picked up the document and threw it on the table. With full aura, he tapped on the folder with one hand and said in a deep voice, "I'm not talking to you guys. Discuss, I'm just notifying you."

"Mr. Gu, I own 51% of the shares, and Gu Ting probably holds less than 20% of the shares."


The directors fell silent, took the documents and began to browse.

Gu Xiao straightened up and looked at Gu Ting across the long table, "As the largest shareholder and actual controller of the Gu Corporation, I have the right to deal with the small directors who endanger the development of the Gu Corporation."

"The reasons are as follows."

Gu Xiao tapped on the table with his fingers, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"First, Gu Ting failed to deal with family and work in a timely manner, because family issues have caused a series of negative impacts on Gu, and caused a certain blow to partners."

"Secondly, Gu Ting's private life is chaotic, which has endangered Gu's current and future reputation in the hearts of the people all over the country."

"Third, Gu Ting's business has had problems many times, and the company has come forward several times to solve them."

"In view of the above three points, I ask Gu Ting to apologize publicly and resign."

What Gu Xiao said was well-founded, and Gu Ting didn't know where to start when he wanted to refute.

The directors were silent for a while, and Gu Xiao released another big move: "Of course, he alone can't quell the anger of the public. I will hold a press conference and face the reporters with him."

The directors discussed together and finally agreed to Gu Xiao's plan.

Gu Ting was kicked out.

As soon as Gu Xiao pushed open the door of the conference room, he asked Assistant Lu for his mobile phone, and sent a message to Lan Shuang: 【It's done. 】

Lan Shuang returned to the crew to film today. She just finished two scenes and they went well. When she came down to rest, Xiao Xu came over with her mobile phone in her hand: "Sister Shuang, your WeChat!"

"Thank you." Lan Shuang had a faint premonition in her heart, and when she got the phone, she saw that it was Gu Xiao's news, and immediately smiled.

Haha: [It's done. 】

Lan Shuang suppressed her excitement, called out what she had recorded with a hair recorder, listened to it, and sent it out after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it.

Weibo was about to be paralyzed, and Lan Shuang also released a new recording, which completely exploded Weibo.

But there are still many netizens with quick eyesight and quick hands who saved the recording and listened to it for real.

The staff worked overtime and rushed to make repairs, which can be regarded as the first mouthful of fresh and hot melons for netizens.

Then the Weibo of Lan Shuang, Gu Ting and Bai Moran went viral.

[Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!I'm sorry, I really don't know what to say other than shit.]

[Gu Ting!My day you Immortal Banban!I thought you were just a bit of a scum, but I didn't expect you to be a scum at all. It turned out that you were the one who approached him first. You are a married man, do you want to lose face?If something goes wrong, hide behind the woman and act like a coward!I'm really blind to see you!Off powder!nausea! 】

[Is this recording real?If it's true, my filter for Gu Ting is really broken, it's so disgusting, vomit! 】

[I don’t talk about my hidden marriage, lie to other people’s little girls, use money and power to suppress people when something happens, and let people recognize it, damn it, it’s too scary, right?And Bai Moran, this couple is really not a family and does not enter the family. One deceives Lan Shuang and fans, and the other guides netizens to rape Lan Shuang. I really feel sorry for Miss Lan Shuang. How has she lived all these years? 】

[Scum, apologies!Retire! 】

[The upstairs is full of sailors that Lan Shuang is looking for, right?What happened to the recording?What if it is fake?Lan Shuang is really unscrupulous in order to be popular, she dares to forge the recording, just wait for the situation!Rubbish!Must be confused! 】

Fans and passers-by were arguing fiercely, and even though the evidence was in front of them, there were still those brainy people who were trying to clear Gu Ting's name, mobilizing fans to accuse and criticize.

However, this time the incident was too big and the impact was too bad. It wasn't just the inside of the fan circle who were tormented. A large number of passers-by and netizens ate melons and joined the scolding battle. They occupied the entire hot search list.

This battle was much more severe than when he scolded Lan Shuang back then.

Gu Ting's word-of-mouth and image plummeted, and the brands who heard the news issued a statement of termination of the contract one after another, unilaterally drawing a line with Gu Ting.

A large number of fans turned off and turned back. In a few hours, Gu Ting's fans evaporated by [-]+.

Lan Shuang watched this scene with her mobile phone in her hand, her face was expressionless, but her heart was terribly happy.

"The resentment value of the female supporting role is reduced by ten."

"The resentment value of the female supporting role is reduced by [-]."

"The resentment value of the female supporting role continues to decline..."

Although 888 is gone, the system is still there, so there are still system broadcasts, but not as vivid as 888.

Soon, Bai Moran was photographed at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, seemingly going through divorce procedures.

When Lan Shuang saw this photo, her resentment value dropped to the bottom all of a sudden.

"The hostess' resentment value is reduced by [-], leaving [-]. Congratulations to the host!"

"Twenty left."

Lan Shuang murmured, what Gu Ting and Bai Moran did was exposed on the Internet, Lan Xue is at home well, logically the resentment value should be cleared, but there are still [-] left, it should be for her to achieve the last goal ——Take the actress.

This is not difficult at all.

Lan Shuang already had a plan in her heart, so she just had to follow the steps.

She stood up and stretched herself, feeling good.

"Xiao Xu, I will invite everyone to drink milk tea after the show tonight! Please don't be polite!"

"Sister Shuang is arrogant, I'm going to order takeaway!" Xiao Xu also knew about the Internet, and seeing Lan Shuang wash away her grievances for many years, she was also happy for her from the bottom of her heart.

Lan Shuang watched Xiao Xu go out happily, and was about to call Gu Xiao when Qin Shou's call came in first.

She paused and still answered, "Hello, Brother Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Shou was smoking outside, and his voice sounded a little far away, "Yes, Lan Shuang, you are doing well, you have held back such a big move, and you don't even talk about talking to me in advance, the company's phone will be blown up Already!"

"I'm sorry, Brother Qin, I didn't bother you because I was afraid you were busy, and this is my private matter. I didn't want to involve the company."

Lan Shuang said without sincerity.

"Why is this bothering you? You are my artist. How can I not care about such a big incident?" Qin Shou changed his usual casual tone to a serious one.

If Lan Shuang didn't know the nature of his pimping, he would almost believe it.

"Brother Qin, if you have something to say, just say it, I have something to do here."

"Okay." Qin Shou took a sharp puff on his cigarette, "The company means to let you write a small composition, sell it while it's hot, abuse fans, stir up the heat, and then it will be good for you resource."

(End of this chapter)

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