Chapter 1010 Party Whip
[“It was already the middle of April in the lunar calendar. It was a quarter past four in the morning when the morning star disappeared from the slowly moving light clouds. The creatures in the honeycomb-like latticework were already wriggling.

"It's time to tear down the shop! Get up!" The man, who was wearing a silk shirt and trousers that didn't suit the season, shouted angrily, "Reeds and sticks, go make a fire! Damn it, you're still lying there, you pig!"

Downstairs of the workshop, which was seven feet wide and twelve feet deep, there were sixteen or seventeen "pigs" lying in all directions. Following this powerful shout, in the air filled with the stench of sweat, feces, and moisture, they soon became agitated like a disturbed beehive.

"Well written."

Luo Qingyun waved the manuscript in his hand excitedly and joyfully, "Such a good article should be published in all newspapers and periodicals we can mobilize. It is much more useful than my purely theoretical books.

It seems that there are capable people in Hebei.”

Not only Luo Qingyun was sitting in the room, there were also several people wearing plain robes, both men and women, three in total.

If there is one thing that the three of them have in common, it is probably that they all have thick calluses on their hands, which shows that they have been working hard for many years.

"Mr. Qingyun's book is truly thought-provoking, but this article can really make our blood boil, better than thousands of swords and guns."

"You three are here not just to bring me this, right? You must have something important to discuss with me?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then the middle-aged man with a slightly darker complexion clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Qingyun.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty abdicated, and the world fell into the hands of the New School Party. King Luo died, and the situation in the world gradually became chaotic and the oppression became increasingly severe.

Many of the things you predicted have become reality, and we are unwilling to submit to the oppression of this still corrupt central government.

Hope to build a new country, a country without oppression and exploitation.

Let the hired workers and farmers who are treated like cattle and horses no longer suffer the oppression they are experiencing today.

We want to establish a party with a purpose that is completely different from all the new learning parties and use your theory as our party platform.

So I hope to invite you to join. Since you call your own learning Mohism, then our new party will be called the Mohist Party. "

It turned out that he was invited to join the party. Luo Qingyun was no longer a simple figure. He had a high reputation, although in the eyes of the government, this reputation was not good.

"Mr. Qingyun, we hope to invite you to serve as the party whip.

Responsible for monitoring discipline and corruption within the party, checking the implementation of the party's policies and guidelines, and monitoring the personal conduct of party members.

The only woman in the trio looked to be around thirty years old, with thin cheeks and a determined look in her eyes.

After she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth and said, "This includes the duty of supervising the party leader. As long as you think there is a violation of party discipline, you can enforce the party constitution and party rules."

Luo Qingyun raised his eyebrows. He didn't know the internal organizational structure of the Mo Party, but just by listening to these few words, he could tell that this was a very tightly organized political party. "Tell me in detail the internal structure of the party you want to form."

The trio felt relieved, and then told Luo Qingyun in detail about the political party they wanted to build. Luo Qingyun knew that his estimate was correct. It was indeed an extremely tight internal organization, far exceeding any new party at present. No wonder it was called the Mohist Party, it really had the style of ancient Mohists. After the trio finished speaking, they waited for Luo Qingyun's response. After Luo Qingyun pondered for a moment, he slowly said: "I have a few words to say. If you three want to listen, then listen. If not, don't worry too much."

Luo Qingyun was a great master of theory, so the three of them naturally wanted to hear his opinion, and hurriedly said, "Sir, please speak."

"Do you know what the biggest problem is for political parties in the world today? There is a mixture of good and bad, and when a political party reaches this point, it has no cohesion, and it is internally attacking each other, especially when there are a lot of people with ulterior motives among them. I don't need to say much about what the future will be like.

Therefore, we must strictly control the number of members and their quality. Since this is a political party that uses theory to govern, we must focus on learning theory.

A small but powerful team is always the most effective.

Our Xia nation has thousands of years of history, and all kinds of ruling techniques have been written down in classics. If one day our members start using these things, there will be problems.

You want me to be the party whip, you must have seen this thing, so you hope that I can take care of this aspect, you are not only interested in me as a person, but also in the thousand-year-old brand of the Luo family. "

After Luo Qingyun said this, the three of them suddenly felt embarrassed.

Luo Qingyun waved his hand and smiled, "You are doing the right thing. You have a deep understanding of what 'practice is the only criterion for testing truth' means.

If I serve as the party whip, I will enforce the law impartially, and the committee under my command will become a sharp sword to intimidate all members, hanging over their heads at all times.

The fact that you were willing to let me take on this position shows that all three of you are selfless people.

Then I have something to say. You want the party and the country to be one, which is fine, but this requires a higher level of internal review and cooperation from external judicial authorities. You have to consider who is the leader and who is the follower.

We should establish a system that can operate stably and fairly for at least 50 years. After 50 years, I believe the world will be very different again, and productivity will be greatly improved again. By that time, perhaps many problems can be solved. "

As a theoretical master, Luo Qingyun believes that true universal participation in politics can only be achieved by freeing humans from heavy physical labor. Only when people no longer have to struggle for survival can they pay attention to metaphysical things.

In this process, theoretical education is needed from generation to generation to form a consensus, rather than just saying, "Does this have anything to do with the 30 cents you earn a month?"

When the three heard Luo Qingyun say "we", they immediately knew that Luo Qingyun agreed to join the party, but the specific details and the transformation of the party still needed to be discussed.

If it were anyone else, the three might not agree, but this might be Luo Qingyun. If it were a few hundred years earlier, he would be a sage who could enter the Temple of the Philosophers.

"Mr. Qingyun, is there anything else you need to clean up in Xiqin? The three of us can help."

The three of them were already impatient to return to Hebei Province to announce the good news to all their comrades.


The appearance of a Luo family always brings out other people!

(End of this chapter)

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