Chapter 1011 Crisis
A gust of evil wind started from the Jiangnan Province and swept across the entire republic at an unimaginable speed.

The big businessmen's factories were working at full capacity, producing materials almost frantically, but giving so little to the employees that the products could not be sold. Under such circumstances, it was only a matter of time before a crisis of overproduction broke out.

The collapse of the stock exchange happened in an instant, and then quickly led to the collapse of all financial industries, with banks being the first to be hit. No one knew how many people went bankrupt. Soon after, factories went bankrupt and employees lost their jobs.

Within just a few months, the more developed the industrialization was, the more miserable the scene became. Almost everyone was stunned by this sudden scene.

In fact, this problem has been predicted long ago. There are many capable people in this world, and especially it has been predicted in books.

“Businessmen’s reluctance to pay their employees more is not only a moral issue, but also a socio-economic issue.

Give employees more wages so that they have enough money to buy the various goods they need, so that production and consumption reach a balance to maintain the normal operation of the economy.

But under the current system, this is impossible. The unrestrained exploitation of the surplus value of employees makes this theory exist only in fantasy.

Every businessman would not want this kind of profit-giving behavior to happen to him, and it is not even determined by his own morality. This is alienation. "

The opinions in these books were disseminated in countless areas, including dilapidated factories, refugee gathering places, schools and other places. Members of the Mohist Party in various regions were explaining why they had fallen into this situation.

There is only one reason, that is, the big businessmen and bureaucrats will not give them a way to survive.

These words do not mean to shift the blame at all, because the reason is this: with the productivity brought by the electrical age, on average, it is enough to free people all over the world from hunger. But in fact, some people live like pigs, while others are tired of all the delicacies from land and sea.

The Mohist Party had already prepared for the outbreak of this crisis. Although they had branches in various provinces, their headquarters was in Hebei Province. Today, Hebei Province is quite large. The vast areas east and north of the Yellow River are all part of Hebei Province, basically including the former Hebei Province and Hedong Province of the Tang Dynasty.

“Back then, the Roman Republic, relying only on its tiny territory, was able to fight back and forth with the unreformed Tang Empire, and even won the war. This was not because the Romans were some kind of divine army sent from heaven, but because their system was more advanced and because of the advantages of a nation-state.

Could the New Learning Party be our opponent?
Is it just relying on those big businessmen, landlords, bureaucrats, those aristocratic families, and those they bribed with money? "

Luo Qingyun's voice echoed in the ears of everyone present, "We don't need to try to get close to those dirty people in order to test whether our warriors are pure and untainted.

We must resolutely cut off all ties with the old world and burn it to ashes. This is our mission.

Keep it pure!

It is to maintain our fighting power." Luo Qingyun is not only the party whip, he is also the person in charge of ideological control and other aspects.

In the Mohist Party, what is the most important thing? Theory, theory, and always theory. It is not that one can be promoted simply by having the ability to govern.

A person who has the ability to govern, even if he has the ability to be a famous prime minister throughout history, can only be the second-in-command, or an assistant, if his theoretical level is not good enough.

The top leader must always pass the test of theoretical knowledge. Any promotion requires training, and after the training there are exams. It can be said that it is a lifelong exam.

Especially for mid-level cadres who want to make the step to senior level, Luo Qingyun will test them personally. If they are found to be not up to standard, there will be problems.

Therefore, many members of the Mohist Party do not want to go down this path.

But if you don't take this path, then at any level of government, the second-in-command is the top. Most of the time, you can't even reach this step, and people with higher ambitions are naturally limited.

Facts have proved that the Mexican Party is not just talking nonsense. With the propaganda machine fully mobilized, the areas dominated by the Mexican Party are thriving in a way that is rarely seen in other places, and are in sharp contrast with other regions.

In battle, the fighting power that erupts is even more shocking. A soldier's strongest state is when he knows why he is fighting and believes in it unwaveringly.

The military factories controlled by the Mohist Party were no worse than those of the government army in Hebei Province. Especially during the economic crisis, the Mohist Party's organization easily rebuilt the internal economy, and a large number of unemployed workers were brought under the Mohist Party's rule.

Does the central government in Luoyang know about this?
Of course they knew, but the economic crisis made them overwhelmed. The financiers behind each faction had the same goal, which was to get the central government to use money to save their industries.

The bankruptcy of a large number of small and medium-sized banks has made everyone uneasy.

At this time, who has the time to pay attention to the war in Hebei? Everyone is busy saving themselves.

At this time, most people turned their attention to Luo's Bank. Among all the banks in China today, perhaps only Luo's Bank suffered the least damage and could still redeem money normally to the people who came to withdraw money. After the initial rush to redeem money, most people deposited their money back after seeing that Luo's Bank had no problems at all. Therefore, Luo's Bank had a large amount of liquid funds that could be used to rescue factories.

But Luo's Money House ruthlessly decided against the government officials who came to negotiate!

(End of this chapter)

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