Chapter 203 Han Xin
The grassroots of the Qin Dynasty is collapsing at an unimaginable speed. In order to avoid corvee and military service, countless Guizhou heads fled, causing bandits to flourish. However, these bandits are not successful, have no organizational program, and are purely chaos. The first emperor is still alive. The hearts of the people in the world are not in chaos, and it has not been ten years since the unification of the world. The Qin army was elite, and even the county soldiers in various places were not comparable to these peasants who did not even have weapons and armor, so they were easily wiped out by the county guards.

However, these signs of chaos basically still appear in the relatively remote countryside. In the cities with relatively strong dynasties, there is no problem in maintaining order. After all, the tyrants in various places have not yet tried to resist the Qin Dynasty, and they are all waiting and watching With the changing situation.

Although many Chu people were conscripted into corvee, thanks to the relatively large population, the streets are still prosperous and not too depressed.

There was a young man in the crowd with a sword on his waist. He was tall and looked a bit downcast. The clothes on his body seemed to have not been changed for a long time, and his eyes looked a little shabby.

He wanted to go back after shopping today, but he didn't expect to meet the butcher who had always been at odds with him, a person who was extremely stupid and had no brains.

"Han Xin."

The butcher, who was tall and thick, with a butcher knife on his waist, called his name in a mocking tone, "You wear that rusted sword again, do you think you are a warrior with a sword?
You are a cowardly coward, I humiliate you like this, don't you still dare to stab me with the sword in your hand? "

Han Xin frowned deeply, clutching the hilt of his sword tightly, wishing he could draw his sword and kill the ostentatious idiot in front of him, but finally gave up.

Everyone around was booing, and the butcher felt very complacent when he saw this, and laughed loudly: "I knew you, a coward, would not dare to swing a sword. If you don't get under my crotch today, I won't let you go!" You leave easily."

The onlookers were in an uproar, the humiliation of the crotch was too cruel, everyone thought that Han Xin would never be able to bear it this time, if he endured it, how would he see others in the future?

Being ridiculed when you meet Have you ever been humiliated by a butcher?
Han Xin's face turned red in an instant, but he still didn't draw his sword. He is a man of great ambition. In this situation, if he kills the butcher, he will become a desperado. If he is lucky, he can escape the law and become a bandit. If he is lucky If it's not good, then it will be caught and snapped off by the government directly.

It’s not enough to just turn around and leave. The butcher Han Xin on the opposite side is very clear. He is a typical example of no brains and force. He boasted in front of so many people. If he leaves like this, the people around him will definitely ridicule him. People will definitely be angry, and they will even rush to kill themselves. To die in the hands of such an incompetent and humble villain, Han Xin feels aggrieved when he thinks about it. He has the talent and ambition to help the world, and he died like this before he had time to display it Who can be willing?
Among the onlookers, there was a group of people, dressed in rough linen clothes, their faces looked dirty, and they looked no different from the surrounding Qianshou, but if someone pays a little attention, they can see the calluses on the hands of a group of big men , This is a group of soldiers who are good at fighting, and judging from the slightly raised muscle lines, each one's force value is not low.

However, one of them was quite thin. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell it was a woman. Her face was covered with ashes, but she could still see the delicate skin, and her bright eyes were shining. Seeing this scene, she asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you think that Han Xin will be humiliated by his crotch?"

Luo Yi shook his head and said: "Of course I don't know, A Cai asked, so it seems that he can guess it?"

Luo Cai smiled and said: "Brother is good at teasing, completely different from elder brother."

Luo Yi smiled and said: "Brother is the head of the family, the ancestor King Su chose to revive the Luo family, how can I compare with him?

It's my younger sister, who is talented and intelligent, but unfortunately she is not a man, if it weren't for my elder brother, she would be called the Luo family's double jade. "

Luo Cai patted Luo Yi lightly, and rolled his eyes at his brother's ridicule.

Although she thinks she is not weaker than most men in the world, but the eldest brother is not an ordinary person, he can make her dizzy with just a few words.

"That Han Xin, although angry on his face, gradually dissipated the anger in his eyes and became very clear. He was holding a sharp sword tightly in his hand, and there was no fear in his eyes, but there was no murderous look on his body. He was enduring , although I don’t know what his talents are, but his character is really extraordinary, and he can remain calm in the face of this situation, he is a good character.”

Luo Cai admires this kind of forbearance very much, and believes that this is an indispensable quality for achieving great things.

Luo Yi heard her praise Han Xin, so he shook his head and said: "A man wants to be happy with his hatred, if I would definitely kill this butcher on the spot, and then walk away, where can I not be accommodated in the world?

In the vast land of Chu and Jiangdong, there are countless outlaws. Does the world of Great Qin still lack such a ranger? "

Luo Cai said sternly: "It's good to be happy, but if you don't have a family background like ours, and you don't have friends with hands and eyes, then you are looking for death.

Only like him can preserve a useful body, if one day rides the wind, today's humiliation may still be a good story that can be recorded in the annals of history. "

Luo Yi was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and slowly said: "Cai'er, you are right, are you going to talk to that person? Giving this jade to him is compensation for the slip of the tongue just now. The gentleman is careful and alone. I just spoke for my brother." Inappropriate."

The idea of ​​the same thing is completely different, naturally because of the different personalities of the two, but Luo Yi soon realized his mistake, Luo Cai smiled and held the jade in his hand.

In front of everyone, Han Xin was about to kneel on the ground. The butcher laughed loudly. Everyone around him laughed at Han Xin for being timid. The butcher was flattened in pain. Although he didn't die, he was basically dead.


Facing the sudden murder of several big men, the crowd dispersed at once, Han Xin was dumbfounded, not knowing why these people helped him, and then saw a woman coming in front of him, smiling at him and saying: "You Do you want to endure, and you still have unfulfilled ambitions in your heart, and you don’t want to get entangled with such a rascal? I happen to have nothing to do, so I will help you so that a future hero will not suffer such a great humiliation.”

Han Xin didn't expect that when everyone was mocking him, there would be a woman who could guess his mind and take the initiative to help him avoid being insulted by bullies. He is a person who pays for every favor, and immediately stood up and saluted: "I don't know which noble girl it is, but the elders of the lady's family are here. Please leave your name and surname. I believe that I will repay you heavily in the future."

Although Han Xin is a person with low emotional intelligence, he still has basic eyesight. Of course, he would not think that the woman with ashes on her face in front of him is really a peasant woman. .

Luo Cai blinked and said playfully, "Are you confident to be a prince and general?"

Princes and generals?

Han Xin was taken aback when he heard the words, the first emperor had no land to seal, and the king was naturally useless. As for the position of Marquis Che, the last one was Wang Jian. Given the difficulty of Qin's military achievements, this is undoubtedly a dream.

There is hope for the general and the prime minister, but although Han Xin is confident in his talent, the problem is that there are many talented people in the world who are more noble than himself. These positions can only be achieved by people born with noble species. How could he be able to do so? What about extravagant expectations?
Luo Cai knew what he was thinking when he saw his expression. She had an intuition that this person in front of her was extraordinary, and said immediately: "If you really have the talent to rule the world, don't you still worry about being trapped?" Is it in the shallows?
Since ancient times, who has achieved great success has not gone through hardships? In the past, the Yili doctor in the Qin State was just a slave, but in the end he became the Prime Minister of the Qin State. The two great powers, Qin and Chu, listened to his opinions. Don’t you? Is his birth lower than that of a slave?
At the time of Lord Luo Wen's regent, Marquis Nanshen was just a villain in the Luo clan, his status was so low that he was only a little better than a slave, even worse than the most ordinary people in the country, but in the end he was ranked among the consorts of Hanyang, Becoming the lord of the Shen Kingdom can be recorded in the annals of history, isn't your background higher than Nanshenhou? "

Han Xin had a shy expression on his face when he heard it. This noble lady in front of him is really unusual. Han Xin has heard about the matter of Yili, but he really doesn’t know about Nanshen Hou. After all, he has never read this book. A period of history books, especially after the first emperor ordered the destruction of the world's history books, these things are even more beyond the knowledge of ordinary people like him.

Han Xin covered his face with his hands and said, "It's Xin's fault, you shouldn't underestimate yourself."

Seeing that Han Xin cheered up, Luo Cai smiled with satisfaction, "It's not that I'm good at being a teacher, it's that you said that you want to repay me, and you want to repay me, only princes and generals are qualified."

Han Xin was taken aback when he heard the words, only princes and generals are qualified to repay the little lady in front of him?
Which noble lady is this?

Even the first emperor's princess dared not say such arrogant words.

Han Xin's expression made Luo Cai feel very interesting, and everything that came out this time made her feel very interesting, she laughed and said, "You think I'm talking big?

If you are really talented, I am afraid that you will be able to see you in the world when the wind is surging in the future, and then you will know that what I said is not half false.

My name is Cai, and that is my elder brother, I also have a elder brother's mausoleum that is destined to be famous all over the world. As for the family name, it is inconvenient to say.

When you meet again by fate in the future, you will naturally know.


I hope to see you again in the future, and I hope you are already famous all over the world.

By the way, this jade was given to you by my elder brother. He said that you should kill the butcher happily. After being persuaded by me, I admitted that I was wrong, so I wanted to use this beautiful jade to express my apology to you. "

Han Xin took Meiyu in a daze.

After Luo Cai finished speaking, he ran towards Luo Yi, and Han Xin's gaze followed him involuntarily, and then he saw the man standing not far away. He was tall and straight, and looked very heroic. From the shape of half the face, it can be seen that it should be a handsome person.

The man nodded slightly to him, Han Xin touched the fine jade in his hand, it felt like a dream, he gave such a precious jade casually, it seemed that he was really a son of a great noble family, such an approachable noble, and also Speaking words to encourage himself, Han Xin felt a little outrageous, he naturally didn't know that what happened today was just because of Luo Cai's sudden intuition and she was too free.

Luo Yi and Luo Cai's group left here soon, and started the next stop of the tour.


Xin was crossing the city with a sword in his hand, and a butcher insulted Xin, causing Xin to come out of his crotch. He refused to change, and believed in his desire to obey. Everyone in the city laughed at Xin, thinking that he was timid. Those who can't bear it can be a real man, and this is no mediocrity!" It is a gift of jade and goodness, and it begins with faith and obedience. ——"Historical Records Huaiyin Marquis Family"

 It's too late, it's almost tomorrow, sleep, to prevent sudden death.

(End of this chapter)

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