Chapter 204
The gorgeous and magnificent frame starts from Xianyang City again, passes through Hangu Pass, goes eastward from Luoyang City, and heads towards the old land of Qiluo. The first emperor will once again carve stones among the famous mountains and rivers in the east to record his achievements.

Looking at the mountains that kept going away behind him, the first emperor recalled the achievements of his life. Although it was nothing to pacify the Seven Kingdoms, he made the whole country counties and counties, and all the people in the world were Qin people. Points, this is my own merit.

Attacked the Huns in the north and conquered Baiyue in the south. Although Baiyue had not been completely defeated, there were countless dead barbarians. One-third of the year, and I have only used it for a few years.

Thinking of this, even the first emperor couldn't help but feel a little bit of color on his face. This is the powerful force that the county system and the Qin system can unleash.

For the current Emperor Shihuang, the most important thing is not to expand the territory or to reform the system, but to obtain the elixir and obtain longevity.

As long as he can live forever, he will be able to create countless achievements in the world, presumably thousands of capitals in the world will rejoice, after all, he can live under the rule of the Holy King.

Zhao Gao came over to pass on the news to the first emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, we are about to arrive at the old site of Zhaocheng in Luo Kingdom."

Although the first emperor ordered the whole world not to talk about words and news about Luo, it was obvious that it was only part of the policy of obscuring the people against the head of Guizhou. Zhao Gao and the nobles still had no scruples.

Qin Jun crossed the river, and then a city appeared in front of everyone. This is an abandoned city. There is not a little bit of the prosperity of the past, but sharp-eyed people can still see some bits and pieces of sacrificial offerings. Pin appeared under the broken city wall, which made Li Si look serious. He didn't expect that someone would risk being beheaded to sacrifice to the Luo Kingdom when the imperial court clearly forbids anyone from approaching this old city.

There are so many cases of prohibition, what if there is no prohibition?

Is Daqin unpopular so far?Doesn't that mean that I, the prime minister, can't do a good job?Li Si's face was very ugly, and he said to the first emperor: "Your Majesty, please thoroughly investigate these rebels from Luo Kingdom. If they refuse to obey the control of Daqin, they may have rebellious intentions. They must be relocated again."

Luo people not only migrated on their own initiative, but also migrated Luo people after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty. They migrated to the old places of Zhao, Wei, Han and Qi and Yan, and many of them migrated to Huaisi. They rushed to the door and rose up to rebel. Although the Luo people had preferential policies, they were closely monitored.

The first emperor was naturally unhappy when he saw this scene. He has benefited the Luo people for so many years, and there are still so many people who cherish their homeland.

But thinking about the treatment given to them by the Luo government in the past, the first emperor naturally understood why.

So he said in a cold voice: "It's understandable. When the tour is over, I will deal with Luo's affairs again. Make sure they feel at ease as Qin people."

As the chariot approached, he saw the desolate Zhuzi Temple at a glance.

In fact, the temple of the philosophers in the past has been moved to Xianyang City of Qin State, and the thoughts of hundreds of schools in Xianyang City are still very active.

Confucianism thinks that the Qin Dynasty was too cruel. The most important thing is that the first emperor did not change. After a group of people died, the first emperor did not compromise at all. Then they went to find the first son of the first emperor, but the eldest son Fusu they taught was also killed by the first emperor. The direct allocation made many people despair and became more and more dissatisfied with the Qin Dynasty.

"Li Qing, why do you think that the old Luo government built such a holy temple? Most of the theories in this world are harmful to people, such as Confucianism's rhetoric and Mohism's incitement to rebellion.

As one of the most honorable nobles in Bangzhou, why does Luo Guogong promote those students of a hundred schools who hold heterogeneous theories?

In particular, Luo Guo doesn't like the legalists but tolerates the emergence of the legalists. Shang Jun walked out of the academy in the past. "

This is something that the First Emperor never understood.

Even though Luo Guo didn't like the idea in it, he still let him exist, and even asked other people to argue with him, saying that "the reason is not clear."

There is nothing to debate about this. The first emperor believed that the monarch should do the right thing, and the promotion of legalism is the most correct.

As a Legalist, Li Si naturally did not understand the same. One thought is one of the underlying theories of Legalism. If the thoughts are not unified, disputes will erupt, everything will fall into disputes, and the country will be chaotic. This is an indisputable fact. .

The silence of the two made Hu Hai, who followed the first emperor, a little unhappy. He was an annoying brat, but the first emperor liked him very much, as if he was raising a pet. Hu Hai yelled, "Father, this ruined city What's there to see? Why stop here?"

He finally went out to tour the world with Emperor Shihuang, and naturally he wanted to visit all the interesting places, so it was a worthwhile trip.

The first emperor laughed loudly when he heard the words, "You boy, this is not a ruined city. In the past, this city was even more majestic than Xianyang City. People from all over the world gathered here. You boy don't like reading, you are used to playing around. I don’t even know Zhaocheng’s name.”

However, the first emperor didn't care about Hu Hai who was ignorant and inexperienced. He never thought of letting Hu Hai succeed him. What he cared most about was Fusu.

Hu Hai said unhappily when he heard the words: "In the past, Luoyang City in Bangzhou was not as majestic as Xianyang City, and the palaces in Luoyang City could not be compared with Xianyang Palace. Well, father, you must be deceiving me when I am young."

If it is calculated based on the tens of thousands of palaces, Zhaocheng really cannot be compared with Xianyang. After all, since the establishment of Bangzhou, which king can allocate 10 people to build a palace for himself?
Hearing what Hu Hai said, the first emperor was very happy, so he said: "Since this kid doesn't want to stay longer, let's go to Qidi. This kid should like that prosperous place. Go to Jiaodong first, and then go to Huaihe." Si."

Qin Jun quickly embarked on a journey that no one expected to end.

(End of this chapter)

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