People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 187; Wu Xie, Mrs. Huo, light the sky lantern 2

Chapter 187; Wu Xie, Mrs. Huo, Light the Sky Lantern II


The man asked in surprise; "Wu Xie?"

"When did you come to Yanjing? Why don't you tell me, I'll pick you up myself!"

The man looked very happy.


Seeing that the man's face overlapped with his childhood face, Wu Xie blinked, and said uncertainly, "Xiao Hua?"

Immediately, he looked at the woman beside him, "Xiuxiu?"

This person is Xie Xiaohua, and Huo Xiuxiu is next to her. The two have known each other since childhood, and they often go out in pairs. I heard that Mrs. Huo has acquiesced in their relationship.

As long as Mr. Su, the master who solved Xiaohua, nods, the two of them will be able to achieve a positive result.

Xie Xiaohua was a little unhappy, and hammered Wu Xie's chest, "You don't even recognize me, but I recognized you at a glance..."

Wu Xie was embarrassed. She was very familiar with her when she was a child, but she hadn't seen her for several years. It was said that the girl's college had changed, but Xie Xiaohua's temperament had also undergone a huge change.

Nearly 1.8 meters tall, he looks very thin, but his sharp eyes are piercing, and his whole figure is like a sharp knife that can only be drawn at any time.

There was a vague sense of oppression on his body, which was exactly the same as Su Mo some time ago.

"Master Hua..."

Seeing this old master of the nine sects, Master Su's only disciple, the fat man had a flattering expression on his face, "Master Hua, I'm Wang Yueban, Pan Jiayuan's curator of antiques..."

The young man in front of him is the most famous rich second generation in Yanjing City, and those who have good deeds will include him as the first of the four young people in Yanjing.

And compared to the other three young masters, Xie Xiaohua is really superior.

Throwing away the identity of the head of Xie's family, Xie Xiaohua was fostered in Panjiayuan Su's shop when she was a child, and was accepted as a disciple by Master Su!
Moreover, he is the only disciple!

The only disciple, these words carry too much weight!

Too big to be described by any money or honor, Master Su has no son, the little princess of the Su family knows that Master Su does not want her to get involved in the fight, therefore, Xie Xiaohua is Master Su's only successor.

Wang Yueban took the initiative to approach her: "I used to see you often at Panjiayuan..."


Because of martial arts, Xie Xiaohua often travels between Xie's family and Panjiayuan. This is not a secret. Xie Xiaohua nodded and didn't care too much.

Huo Xiuxiu asked puzzledly, "Why are you here?"

Huo Xiuxiu, the granddaughter of Mrs. Huo, is the future head of the Huo family in name.

Just as Wu Xie was about to organize his words, Wang Yueban, who was next to him, had already explained the reason for his visit.

When Huo Xiuxiu heard this, her brows stood on end, "You guys are late, my grandma went to the Crescent Hotel..."


Wu Xie was suddenly surprised. Doesn't this mean that this trip was in vain.


Xie Xiaohua said: "I thought what was going on, let's go, I'll take you to the Crescent Hotel..."

Wu Xie, Fatty was overjoyed to hear that, Xie Xiaohua's identity is there, with him leading the way, who would dare to stop them?
"Good good..."

Wu Xie nodded repeatedly.

Xie Xiaohua said: "Let's go..."

Everyone drove to the Crescent Hotel, Xie Xiaohua was the head of the Xie family, so the staff of the Crescent Hotel naturally didn't dare to say anything, and brought everyone into it with a smile.

Xie Xiaohua personally led Wu Xie and the others to Mrs. Huo's auction house on the second floor.

Just as the door was about to open, a servant from the Crescent Hotel came over, "Master Hua..."

The woman whispered a few times in Xie Xiaohua's ear, Xie Xiaohua raised her eyebrows with surprise on her face.

Xie Xiaohua asked the woman to leave first, and then said to Wu Xie: "Grandma Huo is inside, you can just go in, Xiuxiu and I have some things to do, so I can't go in with you..."

Although I don't know what happened, but Mrs. Huo was in the house, and the secret of the snake-browed copper fish was about to be revealed. Wu Xie didn't think much about it, and let Xie Xiaohua leave directly, while he pushed the door open and entered.

Xie Xiaohua pulled Huo Xiuxiu into another box.

"Hey... little flower..."



No one in the box called "Master Hua", they all acted like elders, but Xie Xiaohua couldn't say anything, so he could only salute one by one.

"Uncle Hu!"

"Fat Uncle!"

"Uncle Zhang!"

"Sister Yingzi, baby girl!"

Huo Xiuxiu also saluted.

Yingzi covered her mouth and chuckled, "Xiaohua has grown taller again, she was a crybaby back then..."


The eccentric girl couldn't stop laughing, "Mom, can you save some face with Brother Yuchen, he is not a slug raised by you now, he is now the head of the Xie family..."


Xie Xiaohua is speechless, who doesn't save face for me, you brat, you have revealed everything about me.

Seeing the person at the front, Xie Xiaohua shouted respectfully again: "Master!"

Outside the house, it was Su Mo's family of three, Lao Hu, Zhang Yingying, and Fatty. They came to the Crescent Hotel when they had nothing to do. They didn't expect to see Xiaohua and others here.


At this time, people from the Crescent Hotel opened the door and entered, moved two more benches, and motioned for Xie Xiaohua and Huo Xiuxiu to sit down.

Su Mo didn't turn his head back, and said lightly; "Xiuxiu sit down, Xiaohua should stand up first, I think your breath is too sharp, you don't know how to restrain yourself, sharpen your interest!"


Xie Xiaohua nodded, naturally she didn't dare to say anything more, but Huo Xiuxiu was in a dilemma, her relationship with Xiaohua was extraordinary, if Xiaohua didn't sit down, how could she do it?
Besides, these people are Xiaohua's elders, sitting next to them feels like sitting on pins and needles.

Thinking of this, Huo Xiuxiu didn't dare to sit down anymore, and obediently stood beside Xie Xiaohua.

Su Mo asked again: "Wu Xie is here?"

The master actually knew Wu Xie?

Although Xie Xiaohua was a little surprised, she still said respectfully, "Yes, I just came, and I have already entered Grandma Huo's room..."


Su Mo nodded slightly, "You are here today, no matter what happens, don't go out..."

What do you mean?
Could something happen to Wu Xie and the others?
Xie Xiaohua immediately froze in place.


Another person entered Su Mo's room, two women.

"Master Su..."

An elderly woman at the head laughed, "What wind blows you to the Crescent Hotel..."

This person was the head of the Yin family back then, and beside him was his daughter, Yin Nanfeng, the current owner of the Crescent Hotel.

And the reason Patriarch Yin let his daughter show his face in front of Su Mo was that he wanted to complete the transition from old to new at the New Moon Hotel under the witness of Su Mo.

In the future, when Yin Nanfeng encounters troubles, Su Mo, as an elder, you should help him more.

This is almost what the head of the Yin family meant.

Su Mo knew all of this.

However, from Su Mo's point of view, the head of the Yin family is completely unfounded. With Zhang Rishan, the New Moon Hotel can remain invincible in Yanjing.

Su Mo smiled mysteriously, "Boss Yin! Su Mou wants to congratulate you in advance..."

The two heads of the Yin family were stunned at the same time, "Master do you like it?"


Su Mo laughed loudly, "Someone will light the sky lantern soon, isn't that a great joy?"

Of course, Su Mo didn't say a word. Although the man lit the sky lantern, he didn't give money at all!
Hey!It's just prostitution!

(End of this chapter)

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