People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 188 The trio of Wu, Wang, and Zhang Robbery made a big fuss at the Crescent Hotel

Chapter 188
"Master Su, what exactly do you mean?"

The two heads of the Yin family became even more puzzled.


Su Mo laughed, "It's okay, I just greeted you in advance..."

"If someone messes things up in a while, don't look for me, we're here to play..."


The two heads of the Yin family looked at each other. They thought for a long time, but they couldn't figure out what Su Mo meant.

Yin Nanfeng smiled slightly, "Master Su, don't worry, President Zhang of the Nine Gates Association is here today. With him here, the Crescent Hotel will never be messed up..."

The smile on Su Mo's face was even bigger than just now, "All right, all right, let's just keep watching..."

Just when Wu Xie entered, Su Mo found that Zhang Qiling had already entered the Crescent Hotel in disguise, wearing a suit.

Su Mo estimated that with Zhang Qiling around, Zhang Rishan would never dare to make a move, or this Baisuishan would not dare to show up at all.

Although the Zhang family in the Northeast has existed in name only, but Zhang Qiling is still the head of the Zhang family. A big family like this that has been passed down for thousands of years has extremely strict rules.

Zhang Rishan's bloodline is above that of Grand Buddha Zhang, and he is the root of the Zhang family. If he is aggressive towards Zhang Qiling, he may be secretly poked in the back and scolded as an unfaithful and unfilial person.

Su Mo shouted: "Let's start the auction...don't stop!"

"A good show is about to be staged!"


On the other side, Wu Xie entered the auction room on the second floor of the old lady of the Huo family.

Mrs. Huo looked at Wu Xie with a cold expression on her face, "You are the descendant of Old Dog Wu - Little Dog Wu, I thought your Wu family was extinct..."

Even though Wu Xie was not angry, but because of the snake-browed copper fish, he could only suppress his anger and said, "Grandma Huo, the reason I came to you today is to ask you about the snake-browed copper fish..."

Snake eyebrow copper fish?

Mrs. Huo was a little surprised, she lowered her head and took a sip of tea, "Then you have made this trip in vain, who remembers the old sesame seeds and rotten can go now, say hello to your grandma for me, tell me, I am still alive and well, let her not die before me..."

There was a sourness in Mrs. Huo's words, obviously she was upset because Old Dog Wu abandoned her and chose Grandma Wu Xie.


The bodyguards of the Huo family stopped Wu Xie and motioned him to go out.

How could Wu Xie leave so easily without inquiring about the snake-browed copper fish? He sat down on the seat next to Mrs. Huo and said, "Grandma Huo, don't tell me about the snake-browed copper fish today. I won't go..."

Seeing Wu Xie sitting on the spot where the sky lantern was lit, everyone became uneasy, and everyone on the second floor looked up at Wu Xie.

"Light up the sky lantern..."

"Who is this young man? What a bold man!"

"Hey, some people are playing. After Master Zhang and Master Su, someone lit the sky lantern again. This young man looks not much older than Master Su back then!"

"Haha, what kind of character is Master Su? Master Su debuted at the age of 23, at the age of youth. You are so funny that this person can compare with Master Su!"

The whispering voices around quickly reached Wu Xie's ears. Seeing that the momentum was no longer under their control, the fat man quickly lowered his head and told Wu Xie about the lighting of the sky lantern.


Huo Xiangu smiled. "You old dog Wu's life savings may be ruined by you, anyway, if you can sit in an auction here, I will tell you..."

Sit in an auction?Doesn't it mean that this auction will be reserved by himself?

Wu Xie gritted her teeth, her expression changed, but she didn't get up.


"what happened…"

Seeing someone lighting the sky lanterns, just as Su Mo said, the two heads of the Yin family of the Crescent Hotel became anxious, "Come here, let's go and see what's going on?"

Soon, a listening slave ran over and whispered in Patriarch Yin's ear, and the faces of the two owners of the Crescent Hotel changed at the same time.

Yin Nanfeng gritted his teeth and said, "Since the young master of the Wu family wants to order, let him order it!"

Xie Xiaohua couldn't stand anymore, she got up and wanted to leave.


Su Mo said lightly: "I told you just now, no matter what happens, don't step out of this house, so impatient, how do I usually teach you, to be the boss will collapse in front of you without changing your color, and there are countless eyes below you Staring at you, you are so frivolous, how can you convince the public in the future?"

Xie Xiaohua said anxiously: "Master..."

"To shut up…"

Su Mo scolded, "Watch carefully!"

Xie Xiaohua had no choice but to stand behind Su Mo again.

Wang Kaixuan smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, why not just light the sky lanterns, your master lit the sky lanterns the first time he came to the Crescent Hotel!"

Wang Kaixuan didn't say anything, but when he talked about Xie Xiaohua, he immediately became anxious, who is his master, who is Wu Xie, and how can they compare.


"Ding, 5000!"

Wu Xie's expression turned ugly, "Wu Sanju is gone..."

"Ding, 7000!"

Wu Xie murmured, "Okay, third uncle's Changsha handicap business for many years is gone!"

"Ding, 500 million!"

Wu Xie: "Okay, the ancestral house is gone!"

"Ding, 8000!"

Wu Xie: "It's gone, it's gone, it's gone..."

Wang Yueban was terrified when he heard it, "It's so exciting, it's almost [-] million..."

Hey Shao said in the side, "The second half is planned to go to [-] million..."

Wu Xie gave Hey Young Master, Wang Yueban a look, and said in a negligible voice, "I can't even get 100 million now, it's decided, fat man, get ready, run away..."


Ting Nu in the audience suddenly glanced in Wu Xie's direction.

Wang Yueban was startled, "No way, can you hear this?"

Ting Nu raised his right hand, "They want to destroy the lights and run away, catch them..."

In an instant, dozens of stick slaves rushed to Wu Xie's private room.

Wu Xie was startled, "It happened!"

Wang Yueban signaled Wu Xie to be calm, "Don't worry, it's only a few minutes away, you sit down, Fatty will block you!"

Saying that, Wang Yueban took off his coat, walked out of the room, and wrestled with the stick slave.

It has to be said that although Wang Yueban is fat, his skill is still not considered, and five or six people are not his opponents.

However, with the continuous joining of stick slaves in the New Moon Hotel, Wang Yueban finally lost the wind, and suffered a lot of sap, which made him scream in pain.

"call out!"

A black shadow flashed past, and immediately, more than a dozen stick slaves flew out.

Wang Yueban raised her head, overjoyed, "Mute Zhang? Why are you here?"

Zhang Qiling didn't explain, he was very skillful, like the wind, constantly repelling the rushing stick slaves.


"what happened?"

Yin Nanfeng's expression changed, "Who is this little brother in black? Where is Zhang Rishan, please help him..."


A listening slave ran out, but returned it quickly, "No, Patriarch, President Zhang has locked the door, and the monitor shows that he is listening to music with earplugs inside!"

Yin Xinyue said: "This is imminent, what song is he listening to..."

Ting Nu said: "It sounds like... two butterflies!"

(End of this chapter)

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