Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 90 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Li Zeyu had just taken two steps, but the voice of the guard sent by Feng Minghan suddenly came from behind him, looking at Li Zeyu, someone dared to break in here.

Then, Li Zeyu saw a strange man walking towards him with a weapon in his hand.

Li Zeyu looked at the person coming, frowned, and then stepped forward without fear, and then, he saw Yang Wei who was looking at him with a shocked face in the basement.

Really, Yang Wei is here!

Then, seeing Yang Wei in such a place, Li Zeyu's heart suddenly felt distressed, Feng Minghan must have done all of this.

The person in front of him must also be a guard sent by Feng Minghan, Li Zeyu judged.

Then, Li Zeyu looked at Chao who came by himself, guarding the key on his waist, this must be the key to lock Yang Wei's room!

Therefore, Li Zeyu stepped forward and kicked the criminal with a sweeping kick. Years of fighting with criminals made his body extraordinarily tough, and he kicked the criminal's life in one fell swoop.



The guard who was successfully kicked passed out from the pain of the kick.

Li Zeyu hurried forward and took off the key from the guard's waist.

Then, Li Zeyu opened this small prison-like room, and as soon as he entered, he hugged Yang Wei tightly in his arms.

"Xiao Wei, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Seeing that Yang Wei could be in this kind of place, Li Zeyu hated him, he hated himself for finding Yang Wei so late, he was really sorry.

"I'm fine, how did you find here?"

Just now Yang Wei was idle in the room playing with his watch, but unexpectedly, the watch suddenly got a signal again.

Before she had time to be pleasantly surprised, she quickly connected to the signal to report the situation to Li Zeyu, and she saw the elevator in the basement ringing, and then, she saw Li Zeyu's figure.

She was held in Li Zeyu's arms and spoke to him softly.

"I found it all the way here, Xiaowei, you have suffered, Feng Minghan did all of this, right? I'm going to bring him to justice now, I don't care."

When Yang Wei was involved, Li Zeyu's only sanity was lost, so what the hell, if there is not enough evidence, he will arrest him.

"If it wasn't for Feng Minghan, if he hadn't deleted the text message from back then, maybe we're all married now, Xiaowei, I'll take you away, okay?"

Thinking of Feng Minghan, Li Zeyu's hand that was holding behind Yang Wei was tightly clenched into a fist, tightly clenched, with stubborn eyes.

Thinking of the past, the current Yang Wei and the previous Yang Wei should have belonged to him in the first place, Feng Minghan was just interfering, what right did he have to own Yang Wei.


"No! No!"

Knowing that Li Zeyu loves him, indeed, the beginning between himself and Feng Minghan was a complete misunderstanding, and it was he who deleted Li Zeyu's text message that night that caused their wrong start.

So now, although Yang Wei feels very comforted, she has not forgotten her rationality.

This guy Feng Minghan planted a bomb in City A to kill all innocent people!
In particular, he had clearly stated that the first bomb was at Li Zeyu's place!
She was worried that she couldn't find a chance to tell Li Zeyu that Feng Minghan had planted a bomb in their place, but Li Zeyu found it by himself.

So now, absolutely do not act rashly!


"Why, Xiaowei?"

Li Zeyu panicked, he thought that Yang Wei would not fall in love with this scumbag, so he would be reluctant to leave with him.

For a moment, his heart was pierced like a knife. If so, it would be worse than killing him!
"Zeyu, what I'm telling you now is very serious, you need to listen carefully."

Li Zeyu let go of Yang Wei and looked at her.

"Okay, I'm listening."


"Feng Minghan, he has lost his mind. He has planted bombs in many places behind City A, and is going to detonate all the bombs next Wednesday to kill everyone!"

Yang Wei's words, for a moment, made Li Zeyu, who was not so serious before, relaxed, and Yang Wei didn't fall in love with that scum.

Then, he heard that Feng Minghan had lost control to such an extent, he frowned.


Li Zeyu confirmed the information.

The first bomb turned out to be in his own place. This scumbag, Feng Minghan, is really crazy!
Pure anti-social personality, for the safety of all the people of City A, he must be brought to justice as soon as possible!
"Of course, so right now, I can't go with you. Let's break Feng Minghan's plan together, and we can't let City A die in his hands like this."

Yang Wei nodded, her expression also very serious.

"So now, you hurry up, I will continue to stabilize him, and then I will find a way to let him take me to the place where he planted the bomb, I will drop the signal device, and you can follow the signal device to find someone to dismantle the bomb, can you. "

This was Yang Wei's plan made early in the morning after she knew Feng Minghan had planted the bomb, and she told Li Zeyu about it.

"Hurry up, Feng Minghan will be back soon."

Yang Wei glanced at the time by the way, Feng Minghan would be back almost at this time, she hurriedly urged Li Zeyu to leave quickly.

"Then Xiaowei, be careful."

Seeing Yang Wei's efforts to help him complete the plan, Li Zeyu felt really distressed.

"it is good."

After Yang Wei finished speaking, even though Li Zeyu was reluctant to give up, he still put the overall situation first. He hurriedly put the key back on the waist of the fainted man, and hurried out.


Sure enough, half an hour later, the sound of Feng Minghan's car came from outside.

And the guard also woke up, and the moment he woke up, there was a sharp pain in his lower body.

"What's wrong with me, did someone break in?"

Just after waking up, the guard lost his memory and stood up while leaning on the wall.

"You accidentally hit the wall and fainted, did you forget?"

When Yang Wei talked nonsense, his face turned red and his heart skipped a beat.


The guard was obviously suspicious, but even more suspicious of himself.

At this time, Feng Minghan also came in. It was difficult to move during the day, so he didn't go to bury him. When it got darker at night, he could move.

"You're back."

Seeing Feng Minghan coming, Yang Wei took the initiative to greet him today.

"You go, I have something to say to my man."

In order to dismiss the guards and prevent him from confessing Li Zeyu, he really wanted to tell Feng Minghan that Yang Wei beckoned the guards away the moment Feng Minghan came over.

"You, what can you tell me?"

For the first time, I was a little surprised, didn't Yang Wei hate herself, and even teamed up with Li Zeyu to lie to herself.

Now what, I have something to say to myself.

"I, Ming Han, I was wrong!"

Suddenly, Yang Wei stepped forward and hugged Feng Minghan. This attitude was completely different from the previous two days!

The moment he was embraced by Yang Wei, Feng Minghan frowned, presumably he hadn't foreseen Yang Wei's move.

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