Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 121 110. Goodbye Rotten, Create Him!

Chapter 121 110. Goodbye Rotten, Create Him!

The excited crowd rushed through the city gates and poured into the long and narrow streets, making noise everywhere.

The rotten breath entered this pure land with them.

It's a battle of ideas, and businessmen and politicians alike are watching.

Even before, the establishment of the Vine Academy outside the city had their investment.

People have long since turned away from the religion that requires abstinence and devotion, the number of believers has been decreasing year after year, the whispers in the shadows, and the wandering eyes.

Bishop Mazel stood silently on the Obelisk Square, making the final silent rebuttal.

The general situation is over, he only hopes that they can finally stop the relics of God without violence.

But he was wrong.

"Shh, be quiet."

Weird words sounded in his ears.

The bishop wanted to turn back, but found himself unable to move.

"You are dead, my dear."

The smiling face seemed to be crying and smiling, and his twisted and weird fingers brushed the bishop's neck, where a thin trace of blood appeared.

"But you have to know the truth, and you will be the first to know the truth."

"Because Ni is a cute tabloid mourning bird."

"Oh, don't cry don't cry."

The voice cooled down.

"Everything is destiny."

Mazel blinked one last time—

A stone was accurately thrown from the crowd and hit him on the forehead.

He fell and the crowd trampled over his body.

The rebellious Son of God was surrounded on the high platform.

The towering black stone obelisk is neither sad nor happy.

"Today, we will end all of this!"

"Let us lead our civilization in the light of science!"

Ribo manipulated the machine and threw it towards the obelisk——

The machinery that was originally impossible to crush the technology of the Necromancer seemed to have a mighty force, and a gap that could not be ignored appeared on the perfect geometric monument.

The hatred and resentment of the past piled up and buried in the ground.

However, the explorers who set foot on it knew nothing about it.

When the skitarii had just reached the edge of the wide square, the vision suddenly appeared.

The rotten breath lingered in everyone's nose.

The sage Kirkland stared at his psionic detector in amazement, the slender pointer frantically swinging, as if wanting to break through the limit threshold.

The sudden bell rang from the forest, the mist drifted, the birds fell hoarsely from the sky, countless moss and fungi climbed out from the cracks in the bricks, and the dim yellow putrid fog instantly enveloped the entire city.

Pus, blood, and vomit oozed from the ground and piled up to everyone's ankles in an instant.

The whole square seemed to be a pot of boiling soup.

The maggots squirmed and crazily climbed up people's calves. The skitarii without highly mechanized legs were immediately gnawed and fell into the foul-smelling mud, and were instantly submerged by dense maggots.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"

Screams and crushing electronic sounds burst from the mud.

The scene was so weird that even the logic engine couldn't think through the picture, and most of the cathars didn't even react, they could only panic and try to catch their companions who fell into the mud.


"Use fire! Evacuate!"

Wow, it really is a scam!

Shouting to tear apart the poisonous gas, Hades picked up Jin who was about to sink into the meat mud next to him with one hand, and threw him directly out of the square.

At the same time, Hades switched to a flamethrower in one hand and fired at these crazy writhing maggots!
Awakened by Hades' orders and actions, and stimulated by the desire to survive, the cathars also took out their weapons in a panic, using the flames to clean up the maggots around them to prevent themselves from falling into the mud.

Under the flames, a road leaving the square was instantly cleared.

People quickly left the range of the meat paste, and Hades stood at the back of the line, trying to find the center of the mutation.

The maggots and flesh stopped expanding for a while, and their twisting speed obviously began to slow down. Except for the few cathars who were dragged into the ground at the beginning, the entire team had no other losses.

Hades gritted his teeth, the situation is quite clear now.

cheat!This tmd is a scam!
Looking at this scene, it wasn't Nurgle who pitted him, he Hades would eat shit today!

Hades cursed secretly, and began to think crazily.

Hades glanced at the Kirkland sage who seemed to be stuck nearby.

If he guessed correctly, the follow-up support team in the forest and the shuttle have already started fighting.

They can't get in touch with them now.

Hades only hoped that the distress signal he sent the mechanical sage before was received, but now... if the subject really wants his life
Obviously, there is a high probability that they will have to do it themselves.

Moreover, relying on the infantry's Skitarii, the heavy-fire support team couldn't get here for a while.

Hades tried to contact other teams again. The good news is that, except for the Skitarii in the square, the other Skitarii exploring the city were not attacked.

However, the mud and blood that had just stagnated began to boil. They covered the entire square and began to boil like a pot of porridge.

A huge fly leg protruded from the muddy flesh, and there were barb-like thorns on the black leg.

Then the second, the third
Soon, the Rotten stood in the center of the square.

A body the size of three or four horses, half of an extremely corrupt human body was connected to the body of the fly, which swelled to the top of the limp head, and the huge compound eyes of the fly burst out on its head.

The Rot One holds a whip made of twisted vines and muscles, on which the barbs of flies glow green and purple,

Maggots crawled on it, swarms of black flies buzzed around it, and Nurgling laughed shrilly.

"Long time no see, Hades."

It speaks.

"Glad I met you."

The Rotten happily looked at the stunned mechanical sages and cathars, and couldn't help rubbing his hands.

It has won.

In the forest, the army of believers has already crushed their possibility of escape, and is moving here.

"Don't be afraid, you can kill yourself."

The Corruptor is sure to win, and if it persuades Hades to surrender, or kills him himself, the loving father will bestow more favor on it.

Hades remained silent, took the obituary silently, and shot directly at the Rotten with one hand.

"Bang! Hum!"

The bomb was stopped by the dense pile of flies around the Rotten, and there was a sound of fire, but it did not hurt the Rotten at all.

"It appears the negotiations have failed."

The wings of the fly behind the Rotten suddenly flapped, and a huge fly rose into the air!

Behind the rotting man, more and more flies crawled out of the muddy flesh, each one the size of a horse!
Heaps of flies are flying towards them at extreme speed!

Corrosive poison was sprayed on them from afar.

"Find cover and fire!"

Sporadic flares sounded, and the current rifle started to work.

wrong? !
Compared with Hades, who was conscious earlier, the people around him have no concept of understanding the picture in front of them!
Many cathars have begun to collapse, fear spread, and the hands holding the guns began to tremble. Hades immediately made a decisive decision and directly replaced the autonomous behavior of the catarillas with the management code given by the sage Kirkland, and the flames immediately poured down .

Under Hades' order, the Skitarii retreated into the alley and fired under the cover of the building.

"Then what the hell is that?!"

The sage Kirkland was obviously terrified by the current situation. The sage was trembling unceasingly, and light smoke floated from his red robe. He seemed to want to vomit, but he couldn't vomit because he didn't have an organ like a stomach.

Fear gripped Kirkland's sage's senses tightly, but the automatic offensive system still fulfilled its duty dutifully.

The diffusion ray in his hand was steady and ruthless, directly piercing a fly.

Accompanied by a puff of smoke, the black thing immediately fell into the sky.


Hades yelled, and at the same time another bomb exploded.


The voice of the sage broke directly, and the electronic sound neighed,
demon? ! ! !
How could such a thing exist.

"This should be the biological genetic weapon of this planet, right?!"

"Do you think so?!"

The Kirkland sage was completely silent now. Hades would be happy to explain to him what these things were like before, but now, he doesn't have the time and thought.

The other party was obviously coming towards him, and the swarms of flies were just a cover.

Hades swallowed, and shouted,
"This is a warp creature, sage!"

"You can call them demons!"

"That's why I, the Death Guard, have always wanted your research on anti-psychic weapons!"

The Kirkland Sage's engine was burning, and he was seeing a scene that had never occurred in his wildest dreams.

Demon, he chewed the word through the squealer.

These profane and chaotic existences, these existences completely deviate from the teachings of the God of Myriad Chances.

The existence of wanton trampling on the law.
If Hades' words are not deceiving, is it true that the anti-psychic weapons he has been researching are here to deal with them?
He. This.
Psionic creature demon This is nastier than the most profane psyker Kirkland has ever seen.

Kirkland Sage's cognition has been subverted.

He felt all his wetware trembling.

Even the laser in his hand never stopped.

"Conventional fire will work for them too, keep shooting, fighters!"

"If you don't feel at ease, sage, then you play the mechanical hymn!"

Seeing that although the sage's mental state was not stable, but there was no trace of corrosion, and he was beating quite hard, Hades decisively withdrew his attention from the sage.

Explain after the fact, let them live first!
md, the opponent can fly, how to fight this.

Hades' teeth were about to gnaw, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by the raid made him inexplicably angry.

This made him look like a clown when he was trembling before.

Facing a Great Unclean One of Nurgle, and it is obvious that the opponent is currently at his strongest state, even a slight sloppy is fatal.

Hades touched the stasis grenade on his waist, no, the opponent moved too fast and couldn't guarantee the hit rate.

At present, the entire catechist team has all retreated into the alley, and these low buildings have provided them with a certain amount of cover.

But there is a high probability that those demons cannot be prevented.

If it's just a demon around the Rotten, then he can let the Skitarii rely on the terrain to entangle the opponent.

But the existence of a great unclean person directly ended this possibility.

The gap is too large.

But the good news is that apart from the square, other grounds have no tendency to alienate, which shows that the strength of spiritual energy here can only support the current scene.

Hades took a deep breath.

Come on, it looks like he's the only one going.

You can't let the Kirkland sage rush up to fight a big demon, right?
May humanity prevail.

Hades muttered silently in his heart, while staring at the rotting man who was rushing towards him.

The Carrion raised an arm, and rotting flesh and maggots fell.

It licked its fingers with its slender tongue full of pus and yellow mucus, and then began to draw something in the air,
Blasphemous incantations hummed.

Do you think I'll let you finish?

Hades magnified his senses to the extreme, and the black field was filled with obituaries.

After precise calculations, Hades fired two explosive bombs, one of which hit the big fly in front of the rotten man. The pain made the demon flinch, and the second explosive bomb went through the group precisely. Hit the rotten ones!
The order to set fire was issued.

At the same time, Hades flashed directly behind the wall of the building, accelerated in a short distance, and jumped up suddenly!

The huge impact directly shattered the hard ground, but Hades' target was not the swarm of flies. After a brief lingering in the air, he came to the second springboard——

The tallest building in the neighborhood.

With the speed of galloping, Hades directly stepped on the outer wall of the building, jumped up again, and the original extremely fast speed suddenly accelerated again!

A figure holding a scythe flew across the air, and under the cover of the firepower of the cathars, he shot straight at the swarm of flies like a bullet!
On the ground, Kirkland Sage and Jin let out a small exclamation.

But in an instant, Hades directly approached the swarm of flies in the air.

Servo arms behind him rip side attacks and venom for him.

The leaping figure was restrained by gravity, and began to fall to the ground——

Hades hooked the scythe directly, he retracted the black area in the scythe, and the tip of the obituary stabbed deeply into a fly flying in the sky above.

With both hands, Hades pressed the fly down, and jumped up again directly by the lift of the fly!
Just before the obituary left the fly's body, Hades re-entered the black field, and a smooth, non-resistance feeling came from the sickle.

The severely injured fly fell straight down uncontrollably.

The originally neat team of the fly swarm was directly broken up, and the flies were buzzing. The Rotten did not think of Hades' behavior at all. In his calculations, there was no infantry team equipped with heavy firepower, and Hades, who could not lift into the air, had no idea about it. It is simply rotten meat at your fingertips.

But why is this obviously heavier than other space marines, and even wearing heavy armor, people with mechanic backpacks can jump so high? !

If it weren't for the space fighters equipped with jetpacks, this height would have been impossible for them to approach!

But the figure of Hades rushed over so straight.

Seeing Hades heading straight for it, the Rotten flapped its wings and instantly opened the distance between them.

Different from the last time, this time the rotten man walked from the garden into the physical world with the help of sacrifices and spells thousands of years ago.

If he was injured by this guy's sickle, or killed by him——

The rotting rarely felt fear.

no, I can not.

It should be careful, even if it is expelled or retreated now, the number of believers in the forest will be enough to summon it again.

But not by being "killed".

Creatures in the physical world can't kill demons, except for false emperors, their firepower will only make the demons' bodies fester in the physical world, but these demons will return to the embrace of the subspace, and continue to wait for the next breakthrough to enter the physical universe.

For thousands of years, no demon has truly "died".

But if killed by that guy. Killed by that spit.
That would be the real demise!

Seeing that Hades had already entered the trap, the Rotten, who was also progressing very smoothly on the Death Guard side, instantly woke up from the victory within easy reach.

However, Hades was also aware of the rotten man's plan, and he repeated his tricks. With the fall of the fly's corpse, Hades' figure advanced all the way!
The Corruptor panicked and attacked him with venom mixed with psionic energy. It sprayed out at high speed with corrosive venom, but was instantly vaporized by the plasma cutter behind Hades, and the remaining few drops of mucus splashed on the obituary. There was a wave of waves.

The figures of bone white and moss green moved rapidly, and the Seiko backpack behind them was fully unfolded, a cold light flashed through the metallic luster, and they were submerged in the dazzling light of plasma and deflagration in an instant.

Time seemed to stand still, and everyone stared in disbelief at the huge and heavy figure that seemed to have escaped gravity.

High above the sky, a scythe as dark as night swung a full moon.

At that moment, the Rotten felt for the first time, the inherent fear when facing natural enemies.

 Thanks for subscribing and happy reading. (/≧▽≦)/
  Ah, everyone’s feedback on the first few articles was not good. The author also pondered for a while, and found that these branch lines are indeed not well paved, but fortunately, the explanations that should be explained are almost the same ()

  As for multi-lines, I won’t use such confusing ones anymore (unless it’s a giant battlefield in the future, two lines will be exhausted.)
  Thanks again for your kind suggestions!
  I will try to avoid this kind of writing next time.

  Will work hard to change. (_)

(End of this chapter)

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