What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 264 Atrocitus is extremely scared (a 6000-word chapter, I’m so awesome! I want to read it!)

Chapter 264 Atrocitus is extremely scared (a 6000-word chapter, I’m so awesome! I want to read it!)


all family die?
It doesn't matter, what's there to be angry about?

At this moment, there was only peace in Atrocitas's heart, with a Zen feeling like an old monk in meditation - what a ghost!

As soon as he saw Batman in front of him, he was furious. The other party had deceived his trust and actually used him as a tool to attract the blood of the Red Lantern Corps Lantern Beast to slaughter the bull!
"How dare you - how dare you -"

At this moment, Atrocitus has completely transformed into the host of the Blood Slaughterer Ox, and has become as powerful as the Ghost of God's Vengeful Spirit.At this time, he was furious and was about to pour out this rage on Batman.

This is one of the most important characteristics of the Blood Slaughter Cow: he can completely arouse the host's anger, and make this anger start to burn regardless of anything, so that the Blood Slaughter Cow can eat by himself.Before absorbing the anger, Blood Slaughter Ox certainly hopes that the anger will be as big as possible, right?

Just like Atrocitus.

Chen Tao had clearly said "for the cause of justice" to Atrocitus before. According to common sense, if he was thinking normally, he should have realized by now that Batman was deliberately irritating him again.

The Lord of the Red Lantern Corps is not someone who cannot control his anger. On the contrary, when it comes to emotional management, Atrocitus is the best among the Seven Lantern Corps.

After all, not everyone can be so organized when wearing a red lantern ring. Hal Jordan wore a red lantern ring in the comics, which was much more insane than Atrocitus, who directly thrust Sinestro into the electric chair.

Atrocitus, on the other hand, can control his emotions very well. Although the red light ring will cause the user to fall into a rage forever, Atrocitus is undoubtedly an exception.

In the early stages of the comics, he was even the only red lantern in the Red Lantern Corps who could speak normally. For a long time, the Red Lantern Corps in the comics were basically a group of howling madmen.This situation did not improve until later on when Atrocitus used a thing called a blood pool to restore the sanity of other legion members. The outermost layer of the emotional spectrum has a greater impact on the user's mind. This is not an exaggeration.

But now Atrocitus has completely fallen into a mode of indiscriminate rage inspired by the blood slaughter. He can't use rational thinking to think about whether this was done intentionally by Batman. This is purely a blood massacre. In order to obtain more anger for himself to eat, the cow is deliberately affecting the mind of Atrocitus as the host.

All in all, Atrocitus was now going crazy.

He jumped up on the spot, no matter what attack method he used, he simply got down on all fours, opened his fangs and opened his mouth like a beast, and was about to bite Chen Tao in one bite.


Hearing only the sound of iron chains, Atrocitus lowered his head and saw countless red light energy transformed into red chains coming from the center of the red light central energy battery he had just cast next to him, following the path that Batman had just cast on the ground. The trajectory of the magic circle traced out tightly entangled him.

The next second, the chain of red light energy collapsed into pieces when Atrocitus, who was possessed by the Blood Slaughter Bull, exerted force.

Atrocitus stared at Chen Tao with a pair of red eyes: "Batman, you..."


There was just a soft sound, and the newly born anger of Atrocitus, who was about to rush in front of Batman, was directly sucked into the stomach by the Blood Slaughter Bull.

The red lantern beast made a climax-like sound:

"Yummy! So delicious! I've never had such delicious anger!"

Although it was possessed by Atrocitus at this time, Blood Slayer still used blood-red energy to condense a small version of himself on the opponent's back.

Its cow face showed a look of human satisfaction, and then its whole body began to shake, and it kept stamping its front hooves, and the whole cow began to boil like boiling water.

It’s so delicious that you’ll be stomping your feet!Great!

The angry Atrocitus was not so comfortable after being eaten away. He stood there with his body still in a forward posture, but he looked as peaceful as the Indian Buddha Sakyamuni.

Atrocitus's mind was at peace.

Everything in the heaven, earth, universe, and the dark and yellow world is so quiet, so peaceful, and full of quiet natural beauty.

The world is so beautiful, why am I so irritable?

Then he saw Batman in front of him, after a burst of silver-white particles, transforming into Red Light Batman [Battocitus].


What the hell, since when did Batman wear a red light ring?

I do not know how?
Atrocitus' mood fluctuated a little, and then he heard Batman say to Bloody Bull:

"I am the leader of the Red Lantern Corps! Blood Slaughterer, come in obediently..."

Atrocitus didn't hear what Batman said next, and his words "I am the Lord of the Red Lantern Corps" kept echoing in his mind.

I am the leader of the Red Lantern Corps!it's me!it's me!Not you! ! !

The majestic anger once again erupted like a volcano. The Blood Slaughter Cow lay down at the mouth of the volcano and ate so much that the whole cow was about to fly away.

What is a buffet?The hosts he found in the past shriveled up after being absorbed by him once. If he wanted to continue absorbing the anger, he needed it to keep repeating things like "Your whole family was killed" and "Your wife cheated on you" in his ears. "You're a cuckold" and "Hey hey hey you're an orphan" are whispers in the ear that can make people continue to be angry, but even so, he will soon have nothing to suck again and can only leave the host, leaving a peace in the place. creature.

(For details, please refer to DC Comics "The Whitest Day")
But what is the situation today?There was no need for him to take action at all. The host named Atrocitus in front of him began to continuously produce anger, which was equivalent to someone feeding food directly to his mouth. This was so comfortable!
Originally, he had discovered the strange magic circle at his feet and the red light central battery next to it, and knew that it was another stupid creature that wanted to capture him.

He has seen this kind of thing in different civilizations and races during the hundreds of millions of years he has been wandering in the universe, but no one can catch him.However, being entangled is always troublesome and will delay his search for food, so he just turned around and patted the cow's butt before running away after he had finished eating Atrocitus' anger.

But who would have thought that the host named Atrocitus he possessed at this time would turn out to be such a treasure boy?
Xue Tu Niu was reluctant to leave immediately.

After all, it is one of the seven lantern beasts split into by DC's Light of Creation. As a representative of the emotional energy of anger, if a mere magic circle could restrain him, he would have been trapped during his long wandering. Someone else captured it, right?
So this kind of magic circle shouldn't work on him. He can completely ignore this weird magic circle and the strange red stove next to it, and continue to happily absorb the energy of Atrocitus, right?
Moreover, the magic circle and the furnace had shown their power just now, but there was nothing they could do against him and Atrocitas.

So there is no need to worry.

Xue Tu Niu thought so, but he soon discovered that he was wrong.

When the red chain in the central energy battery of the red light was controlled by Chen Tao who transformed into [Red Light Batman Bat Tositas], it was combined with the magic circle engraved by him before he transformed into [Bat Mage], and possessed The blood-slaying bull on Atrocitus finally felt something was wrong.

But now he still has a chance, he can still leave...

Chen Tao used blood magic in front of Atrocitus. [Red Lantern Batman Bat Atrocitus] is almost a bat version of Atrocitus in a parallel universe. I even used blood magic to fuse the two of them. The blood magic the product displayed was no worse than Atrocitus's, but when Atrocitus saw the other party using blood magic, his whole body exploded on the spot.

"Where did you learn blood magic?"

"From your wife, who you just killed, to your partner who rebelled against the Gang of Five."

To a certain extent, Chen Tao's words were not lying. The blood magic and blood prophecy of [Batositas] were indeed learned from the rebel Gang of Five in the Dark Multiverse, and there was nothing wrong with them at all.

Uh... Atrocitus, who had been calm for a few seconds, was furious again, and Chen Tao was used to it.Being the host of a blood-slaughtered cow is like this. It can get angry at every little thing, and then provide the cow with its anger.

He stared closely at the Blood Slaughter Bull. The focus was no longer on Atrocitus, but on the other party.

Now Xue Tu Niu is no longer willing to leave.

He had wanted to leave just now, but Atrocitus started to get angry again. This new anger was like a hot grilled steak - well, maybe this metaphor is not appropriate and a bit hellish. Let's change it - just like The freshly cut grass is fatally attractive to the blood-slaughtering cattle.

Of course, if he turns around and leaves at this time, ignoring the temptation at all, Blood Slaughterer Cow can certainly walk away, but if he has this kind of anthropomorphic self-control, then he is not an entity with energy like anger. .

All of Xue Tu Niu's actions are based on the instinct to absorb more anger with angry energy, and he cannot resist the call of this instinct.

So he continued to stay obediently on Atrocitus's body without moving.


While Atrocitus was once again sucked away from his anger and turned into a reincarnated living Buddha, the magic that Chen Tao had prepared for a long time was ready.

Accompanied by the roar of the Blood Slaughter Cow, the central energy battery of the red light and the magic circle that Chen Tao had carved on the ground worked together, directly sucking the Blood Slaughter Cow in while still chewing the anger of Atrocitus.

Xue Tu Niu was right. As the materialization of emotional energy like anger, most methods were useless to him.

But just as the Yellow Lantern Corps’ lantern beast [Paralax] will be captured by the Little Blue Man, the Guardian of the Universe and stuffed into the Green Lantern’s central energy battery, the Green Lantern Corps’ lantern beast [Ion Shark] will also live in the battery. Like this kind of lantern beast, The resistance to the energy of the lamp itself is not at the same level as the resistance to other energies or means.

The Blood Slaughterer was too greedy for the anger in Atrocitus, so he was immediately caught red-handed, and the whole beast was stunned.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't resist the suction of the energy battery in the center of the red light. He was quickly sucked in and obediently became Chen Tao's prisoner.

Seeing that the last ray of blood of the slaughtered cow was sucked into the battery, Chen Tao relaxed, desynchronized, and lay on the ground panting.

The continuous synchronization of [Red Light Batman Bat Tositas] just now, and there was no Flash to help him share it, made him exhausted, but fortunately the result was good.With Blood Slayer, the last piece of the puzzle that caused Superboy-Prime to lose his mind has been put together - in a sense, Superboy-Prime has almost no weaknesses and is the perfect Superman.

A mere red light ring can have a very limited impact on it. Only the materialization of angry energy like Blood Slaughter can truly affect Superboy-Prime's mind.

To a certain extent, Chen Tao's desire to "make Superboy Supreme angry and lose his mind" and Blood Slaughterer's desire to "make Superboy Supreme angry and create more anger for him to eat" can coexist. This is the basis for cooperation.

Chen Tao got up from the ground very weakly, and Atrocitus, who had escaped the control of the Blood Slaughter Bull, also got up very weakly. He stared at the bull's eyes, looked at Chen Tao, and couldn't help but feel angry.

Then he glanced at the central energy battery of the red light and shuddered in fear.

The blood slaughter turns all your emotions into anger, then swallows it with a gulp, and then you become the reincarnated Buddha. This experience is so terrible that Atrocitus does not want to enjoy it for the second time in his life. .

"Sorry." Chen Tao shrugged: "It's not that I didn't want to inform you in advance, but if you knew about it, you wouldn't be angry, and the bloody cow slaughter wouldn't come, and the plan would be fundamentally ruined."

Atrocitus understood...but was still angry!

"I will help you kill the Meditation Mite, and then send William Hand to you." Chen Tao said concisely and concisely: "Don't worry, our cooperation is a righteous connection. I am of great use to the Blood Slaughter Cow, don't worry, the same It is a just cause, and I need to use it to protect my planet. And you wiped away the darkness in William Hand's heart, and other things have nothing to do with you, right?"

Atrocitus stopped talking. Batman was right. That was all he wanted anyway, and there was no need to talk nonsense.

He said: "Then..."

"Sorry." Chen Tao said.

Atrocitus was stunned. Batman actually knew how to apologize. This made his attitude slightly better, but there was not much difference in his external performance.

"Then let's go back to Earth together." He said: "Open your portal, and then we will study how to deal with the Meditation Mites."

"No." But his words were rejected by Batman: "Don't tell the two followers I brought here that you and I are on the same team now."

"Huh? What do you mean? Why? Hiss... wait, you suspect that one of them is a Meditation Mite? Just the two Kryptonians you brought?" Atrocitus didn't react at first. But after understanding Batman's thoughts, he was shocked.

"It's not that one of them is wrong." Chen Tao corrected: "It's that both of them are suspicious."

He said: "And this is also the reason why I will not let you return to Meditation Mite as an undercover agent, otherwise the probability of exposure will be too great. If you die in the hands of Meditation Mite due to exposure, things will completely collapse. .”

"But you didn't bring those two Kryptonians. You should have had great faith in them..." However, Atrocitus couldn't continue mid-sentence.He looked into Batman's eyes:

"Okay, I get it, I get it. Batman doesn't trust anyone. But with Meditation Mite, I've read about everyone under your command, even the dog from Krypton. So. That’s the part I don’t quite understand right now.”

Atrocitus said: "Why do you doubt those two Kryptonians?"

"If you've read enough information from the Meditation Mites, you should understand what kind of crisis the Earth is facing, Atrocitus."

Atrocitus looked at Batman, who turned sideways, and a large shadow suddenly appeared on his face.

Even though the light on the Ismot star they are standing on is not dim at the moment, and is also illuminated by the light of the central energy battery of the red light, Batman is just standing there indifferently, but it seems that there is some living darkness. Same on him.

"Combined with the series of steps he took to make Thunder Shazam's missions repeatedly fail and kill civilians, and then used his biological father to coax Billy, I have long felt that there was a spy in my team."

"Darkseid's brain control of Kryptonians is almost a traditional skill. There must be some connection between Meditation Mite and Mechanical Superman. So I think Super Girl Kara and Super Boy Connor are both suspects. Both of them may have been influenced by Darkseid." Said’s control—certainly only possible.”

"No, if Superboy Connor joined your team after Billy's father had stolen the power of Shazam, then he should not be suspected." Atrocitus said.

"What if Darkseid wants you to think so?" Chen Tao glanced at him: "Using an exposed spy Supergirl Kara to cover up Superboy Connor? So to be on the safe side, I will hide it from both of them. . And why do you think I left the two of them alone on Earth? From just now to now, I have been monitoring them, which is a test in itself."

"Then the Kryptonian dog that was first put under your command would be more suspicious..."

"So I asked the super dog Krypton to guard the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic, that Superman's spaceship." Chen Tao said:
"Clark Kent himself handed over the highest authority of that ship to me, and I modified it and secretly placed tons of kryptonite and red sun weapons against Kryptonians inside."

"Do you believe that if the dog behaves strangely, the Fortress of Solitude will immediately become its tomb as soon as it closes the kryptonite-encrusted door? The kryptonite door is usually hidden and will not appear. Normal visitors can only see the normal door, but at the critical moment, you will catch a turtle in a jar."

Chen Tao said: "Only humans need my efforts to identify them. I am always ready to kill animals, not counting humans, to eliminate danger."

Atrocitus winced when he heard this.

Is this really something people can do?
"So your mission is to pretend to be imprisoned by me on the planet Ismot, become a prisoner again, and never intervene in the disputes on the earth." Chen Tao said: "Whether it is Super Boy, Super Girl, or Seth Nestor and Hal, you will be in this state."

Chen Tao synchronized Green Lantern Batman [Dark Knight] in front of Atrocitus, and then continued:

"You have to hide the red light central energy battery underground. I will tamper with Sinestro and Hal's rings. If they come to see if you are really imprisoned, the green light ring will not be scanned. Red light battery underground.

Of course, the first priority solution is for me to influence them not to come see you. The one just now is just a backup plan. "

Chen Tao said: "And you who are hidden will become a sharp blade to pierce the situation at the critical moment!"




More than 10 minutes later, Atrocitus, who had finished the short skit "Atrocitus was imprisoned again on the planet Ismot" with Batman, sat in front of the red light central energy battery that he had made.

What Batman just said to him was not just a plan to tell him, it was a display of strength and intimidation in itself.

Atrocitus knew that after Batman said so much, there was only one subtext:
If you still want to lose your conscience, think that it is easier to get William Hand by following the Meditation Mite, and want to backstab my old bat, then you should consider whether you have been guarded by me like my other teammates. Will he lose miserably in the end?
Although Atrocitus himself has no intention of continuing to hang out with the Meditation Mites, he has fully received Batman's subtext.


Atrocitus touched the red light battery, with a thoughtful look on his red-faced and fanged face:

"There is a blood-slaughtered cow in this battery... This thing seems to be very important to Batman's plan. He really just left me alone with this thing? He trusts me so much?"

"Hiss... He won't have any backup plans, right?"

Forget it.

Atrocitus shook his head.Anyway, he didn't think about betrayal. If Batman had a back-up, he could just have a back-up. Anyway, his goal was only William Hand, as long as his goal could be met.

All for a just cause!




And far away on earth...

Half of Chen Tao's head turned into the ferocious appearance of [Red Lantern Batman Bat Tositas]. Through thousands of rivers and mountains, he used the red lantern ring and the metal spirit magic of the nanorobots left in the central energy battery to establish a connection. Silently monitoring Atrocitus who was standing in front of the red light battery.


This guy simply stood in front of the battery for a while.

It's not about destroying the battery and slaughtering the cow with blood.

It's not that he wants to usurp the power of Blood Slaughter Ox.

It’s not that I want to contact Meditation Mite to betray myself.


Then why stand in front of the battery when you have nothing to do?You made me think you were going to stab me in the back. Do you know that this can easily cause misunderstanding?
Chen Tao cursed in his heart and hurriedly dispersed the charged magic cannon that had been prepared in the magic array that had been engraved in the battery in advance.

If Atrocitus really wanted to do something just now, he would have gone out with this shot. If he was caught off guard, he would definitely blast half of the opponent's body to hold him up until Chen Tao arrived to put down the rebellion.

"Really, one by one. If you don't want to do bad things, don't make misunderstandings..."

(End of this chapter)

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