What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 265 The real spy turns out to be Supergirl

Chapter 265 The real spy turns out to be... Super Girl

Batman Secret Files.

Updated on October 10 as follows:
I am Batman.

Start logging now.

Three spies are known to be lurking within the Justice League.

Mechanical Superman Hank Henshaw, codename: Pilot.

The other party's brain has been modified by Darkseid, and his free will has been distorted to some extent.

The reason I kept him was because I wanted to use him to fish out Steppenwolf.

CC Batson, father of Shazam Billy Batson.Codename: Magician

I am an ordinary person, but now I am brain-controlled by Meditation Mite. They used the Black Adam attack to steal the power of Thunder Shazam while I was dealing with matters related to the green light.

Billy Batson considered him family and gave him a share of the power of Shazam.I was also considered a family member by Billy (albeit through the use of irony magic), so Billy also gave me a share of Shazam's power.

So rounding it all off, I’m Meditation Mite’s family.

This magical connection will cause the Meditation Mite to suffer a lot. The key point is that the Meditation Mite cannot find out that Billy also shared the power of Shazam with me - I have given Billy a strong enough psychological suggestion. , and monitor him 24 hours a day to ensure that he does not leak anything.

Even if he's about to spill the beans, there's a way to remedy it. I've sent it to everyone in the league before.A remote control has many functions, one of which is to shock Billy Batson when he says something wrong...

After all, Billy is one of the people I pay the most attention to.

My energy is limited, and it is impossible to monitor everyone 24 hours a day, but only on these four people, Billy, Alfred, Lucius and Clark Kent, I spent such thoughts.

Compared to the rest of the Justice League, they are too weak and need more protection.

No. 3: Unknown.Codename: Man in the Game.

My current suspicions have been narrowed down to Superboy Connor and Supergirl Kara.

To be honest, before this, I doubted many targets: The Flash, Green Lantern... even Alfred.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I even considered the plan of directly asking Billy to share the power of Shazam modified by me with each of them to achieve the effect of controlling them.

But then I ruled out this option. The Power of Shazam involves magic. It would be too dangerous to share it rashly with people who have no understanding and control of magic.

Originally, it was very safe for Billy to share the power of Shazam because he could only share the magic with his approved family members.However, after tampering with my irony magic, although it also achieved the effect of sharing the power of Shazam, it was actually too unstable and dangerous.

I already have a synchronization object like the Bat Mage and can use irony magic at any time, so this danger is basically non-existent for me.

But if it is someone else, the level of danger is no less than letting someone without electrician training directly operate high-voltage lines.

So in the end I gave up on this option.I just want to spy on my teammates, not kill them.I'm Batman, not Constantine.And after careful speculation, some people, such as The Flash Barry Allen, their suspicions are really very low.

(Note: Constantine is a character under DC Comics and a member of the Justice League Dark. His most famous operation is to solve the crisis by trapping his teammates to death, so he is nicknamed Zha Kang among comic fans. He once killed the master of irony magic. Zatanna's father Zatara.)
Through long-term monitoring and testing, I finally eliminated all these options one by one, and finally confirmed the scope of suspicion on two Kryptonians.

But this time, taking the two of them to deal with Neptune's affairs was another test.

And now the result of the test...

I think Supergirl Kara is more suspect.

First of all, she is perfect.

How could she actually say something like "shoot you all to death with lasers" that is comparable to a native of the motherland?

This is so unusual.

She acted almost exactly according to what was written in the book "How to Be the Greatest Robin" I gave her, and everything she did tried to be completely in line with my wishes.

But she had no idea that I left a lot of traps in that book.

Some of the methods and operations I wrote about are simply not acceptable to people with normal outlook on life and mental health.

After all, this book was originally written to fool Clayface and those crazy people in Arkham. In order to fit the audience, the content of the book itself was insane.

Many things in it may seem normal to lunatics, but to normal people they will only feel shattered.

It is simply impossible for a normal person to read this book and completely follow the formal guidelines in the book, just like an ordinary person will not suddenly become a detective after reading two detective mystery novels.

A mature intelligent creature will have its own customary behavior and methods of handling accidents, and it is difficult to be affected immediately by just reading a book.

But Supergirl Kara is different.

When she arrived on Earth, she was no longer a baby, but a teenager. She should have her own most basic views.

It didn't take long for her to be promoted to the leader of the Justice League by me, but within this short period of time, she read a Bat Manual I wrote and turned into a slightly disturbed Harley Quinn?
Even producing a Harley Quinn requires a long period of brainwashing and deception. How can the character change be completed in such a short period of time?
If this happened to Clark Kent, he would just sternly refuse, even if Batman was his best friend.

His education would not allow him to use [Fatherland-style] methods to intimidate the people, even though he knew it would be more efficient.

But Super Girl did just that. There is only one answer:
With evil intentions.

She's deliberately playing the role of Batman's ideal heir.

He completely agrees with Batman's methods of doing things and carries them forward. He cooperates with Batman tacitly and does things with great efficiency and precision.

Robins of all generations would bow their heads in shame when they saw it, and then cry, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm not a good Robin."

In fact, Chen Tao really wanted such an heir.

From a long time ago, he has realized that the world he lives in now is different from the world he saw in the comics, which although dark, generally develops in the direction of light.

In such a world that wants to retire, perhaps those simple and over-the-top superheroes are not successors to whom power can be entrusted.

Super Girl is very good, she has strength and brains, and she does things like herself without going offline. Chen Tao likes her very much.

If you put some effort into teaching the other person how to laugh wildly, you will be a perfect heir.

But...this is just falsehood after all.

I don’t know why, but Chen Tao felt a little lonely.He was also reflecting on himself. Depending on his level, he shouldn't have deduced that there was something wrong with the other party's identity so late. He shouldn't have had too many expectations for Super Girl. Originally...

Chen Tao himself didn't even notice that his eyes had changed...

Becoming more vicious and indifferent, like a broken can after hope disappears in the eyes, and like a timid hero roaring decisively when he has no choice.

Chen Tao did not consider whether the current situation of Super Girl Kara was brainwashed by Darkseid before the spacecraft arrived on Earth or something else. None of this was helpful to the situation at hand.

all in all……

Following a burst of silver-white particles, Chen Tao's red light ring ignited again in his hand.

He drove the flames formed by the energy to drive out all the hidden Clayface body tissue, condensing it into a big lump in his hand.

At this time, he was standing on the planet Ismot, making final preparations before returning to Earth.

Chen Tao drove the blood-red flames formed by the energy of the red light towards Clay Face.

blah blah blah...

The big lump of clay faces piled there as if lifeless, letting his body be swallowed up by the flames transformed by the red ring.Soon it made a sizzling sound, and then the surface turned into char bit by bit. It fell from the big lump with sharp edges, exposing the body tissue protected in it, and then continued to be scorched, and the cycle continued.

Chen Tao watched until the lump of clay-faced body tissue completely turned into ashes.

From just now to now, the clay face attached to this part of his body should have witnessed the entire transaction process between him and Atrocitas, as well as the existence of Blood Slaughtered Ox.

This cannot be left.

Chen Tao has done experiments and found that there is a distance limit for Clay Face to communicate with parts of his body, which spans about tens of kilometers. If the distance exceeds these dozens of kilometers, unless there are other Clay Face limbs on the way, as "thought transmission" Station", otherwise he would be powerless.

So although Clayface seems to be everywhere on the earth and can project his consciousness at any time, in fact, it has been passed through one transfer station after another.

Therefore, when Clayface doesn't need to concentrate on the performance, he always looks dull and thinks slowly, because he really thinks slowly.

This is why Chen Tao destroyed these Clayface body tissues on Ismot. The distance was too far and Clayface himself could not control them at all. It was the best opportunity to eliminate them.

The blood slaughter of the cow was really too important, and he didn't dare to take any risks.

The only people who should know about this matter are him and Atrocitus, and there must be no third party, even the seemingly harmless Clayface.

After settling the matter with Clay Face, Chen Tao turned around and saw that Atrocitus had re-erected the cross and nailed the corpses of his companions as they were.

He took the initiative to dispel the red light uniform on his body and returned to his naked red state. Then he climbed onto the cross. Chen Tao nailed iron nails to his hands, and then used irony magic to wear iron nails on his fingertips. The ring he wore became invisible.

When everything was ready, he opened the portal created by the Death King's treasure, the Golden Ball, and appeared directly in front of Super Girl and Super Boy in one step.

He deliberately exposed himself across the doorway so that both could see Atrocitus being crucified.

Just as Chen Tao was about to say something, his eyes fell on Superboy Connor's face.

Chen Tao:?
I saw that he had just gone to the planet Ismot for a short while, and the super boy Connor, who had been jumping happily before, looked like he was about to die suddenly, his face was filled with the green color of kryptonite, and he had an unlucky look on his face. Holding his own neck.

"..." Chen Tao closed the portal behind him before making sure that both of them had seen it.

Then he looked at the chemical waste monster floating on the sea not far away.

The most important characteristic of this monster is not actually its ability to fight, but that as soon as you hit it, it will explode chemical waste and pollute the environment. Its main feature is a mental attack plus an environmental protection buff. Even for Kryptonians, it is A difficult type to deal with.

In particular, Chen Tao guessed that once the other party wanted to make some big move, he would definitely not ignore the traditional repertoire of targeting two Kryptonians. Kryptonite was inevitable.

But he didn't expect that Supergirl and Connor would resolve the matter before he came back, and the solution was this-

"Batman, I'm going to die." Superboy Connor began to express his bitterness as soon as he saw Batman:
"This crazy woman, she knew clearly that the chemical waste monster must have swallowed kryptonite, but she still tricked me into freezing him with frost breath. As a result, I was sprayed by the chemical waste monster, and she hid behind and attacked to pick peaches!"

Chen Tao looked sideways at Super Girl, "You are really trying your best to imitate my form and methods——"

But he finally chose to praise Supergirl, and revealed a new Batman from the dead chemical waste monster below:

【Chemical Waste Bat】

[Danger level: C+]

[Introduction: In the main universe, the chemical waste monster was originally the result of a chemical experiment accident.But somewhere in the dark multiverse, things went a little awry. 】

[In the most classic origin story, when Batman chased the drama actor who was pretending to be the Red Hood to participate in crimes into the ACE factory, he did not fall into the chemical waste pool alone, but with another person. Hug each other... that person is Batman. 】

[And that bucket of chemical waste did not turn the drama actor into a clown like in the main universe, nor did it turn Batman into a maniacal laugher as many people thought. Instead, it produced a scene that no one expected. Strange changes. 】

[The Joker, Batman, and the barrel containing chemical waste actually fused together in a violent explosion and turned into a monster called the Chemical Waste Bat. 】

Another strange Batman, Chen Tao put it away easily.

Then he turned his head and asked Supergirl, "How is Aquaman doing now?"

Supergirl said: "The Hairy Man passed through Atlantis and then walked back to the shore. Aquaman is being beaten crazily in order to stop him."

"How long have you been beaten for?"

"I don't know, I won't die anyway."

Hearing Super Girl's answer, Chen Tao really felt like he was talking to himself.

Why does this tone sound so familiar?

"Don't make trouble, let's go and rescue Neptune King Arthur right away."

Chen Tao said.

He hurriedly used the golden ball to open the portal, and then stepped in.

Behind the door are the Neptune with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the Hairy Man looking up to the sky and roaring.

(End of this chapter)

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