What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 611: The strongest power leveling parallax demon Hal, the emperor clown in the Laughing Bat

Chapter 611: The strongest power leveling parallax demon Hal, the emperor clown in the Laughing Bat plan

To Chen Tao, the Parallax Demon Hal is more like a train that stubbornly moves along a predetermined track than an uncontrollable tiger.

Treating other people's suspicious glances as will-o'-the-wisp and boldly walking your own night road, this certainly sounds like a life rule for successful people, but for Hal the Parallax Demon, it has become completely insane.

Ignoring the actual situation and human ethics, and intending to put himself above all others, "I think this is good for everyone" has made him cross the bottom line of a hero and become a complete villain, but even so, there is still one thing that is certain:
Hal Jordan still thinks of himself as a good guy, which is the most essential difference between him and Emperor Joker and The Batman Who Laughs.

Therefore, although in fact Chen Tao has always been very clear that he will have to confront Parallax Demon Hal one day, at least for now, the conflict between them is not that sharp.

Chen Tao had every reason to suspect that the Laughing Bat was using him to complete his plan again.

This is exactly what the Laughing Bat likes to do the most. Chen Tao can definitely say that in this world, when the name of the Laughing Bat had not yet resounded throughout the multiverse, no one knew the Laughing Bat better than him.

He knew that this was his first real confrontation with Kuang Xiao, a true first kill. He knew a lot about Kuang Xiao, which was his biggest advantage.

The Laughing Bat always likes to use heroes to get what he wants. For example, in "Death Metal", the heroes were busy for a long time, persuading Superboy-Prime, Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor, and in the end, all the crisis force collected was swallowed by the Laughing Bat who had tampered with the Mobius Chair, directly strengthening the Laughing Bat into one of the most powerful lives in the multiverse!

Everyone stand up, see, from head to toe, everything the heroes did was in line with the plan of the laughing man, he became a god!!! Hoo hahahahaha!!!
It was precisely because he had read the comics and knew of the Laughing Bat's past that Chen Tao was able to try to speculate on the actions that Laughing Bat might take based on this behavioral pattern.

Chen Tao’s previous actions…

The signs of being guided are actually not that obvious.

The Black Death Emperor invades, and needs the spirit of existence. It is impossible to enter the world controlled by the Black Death Emperor, so a wizard is needed. The Laughing Bat suddenly finds the Horror Lantern Man and others to invade...

The development of these things seems very reasonable. No matter how a normal person thinks, it is impossible to think in the direction of what the Laughing Bat is going to do. However, if Chen Tao makes a presumption of guilt in advance and reversely deduces based on the established fact that "everything is in the Laughing Bat's plan", it is easy to see some unreasonable aspects.

For example, was it really so easy for him to invade the lair of the Laughing Bats, and then accidentally rescued so many Bruces, and then so coincidentally was he able to use their emotional energy to summon Bat-Mites?

This is such a coincidence, just like a puzzle.

Although the Batman Who Laughs seemed to have no idea that Emperor Joker had the ability to invade reality, and he did look very embarrassed, could this be an act?

Chen Tao was completely caught up in the conspiracy theory, but he actually misunderstood this point: The Laughing Bat did not expect that Emperor Clown would still have so much strength left, and he did not expect Chen Tao to be so quick. He took advantage of the extra time caused by this accident to not only rescue those Bruces, but also swept away his entire Laughing Batcave like a whirlwind.

Fortunately, the pool that produced the Laughing Robins was embedded in the ground, and the Laughing Bat had sent those Laughing Robins out to do other things in advance. The pool was a source of living water that could not be taken away by the spring, otherwise the other party might have moved the pool away, leaving a mud pit for the Laughing Bat to use as a bathtub.

So at this moment, Chen Tao was still making assumptions.

The Laughing Bat is a ruthless man. He even gambled his life to trick me. If he was caught by the Emperor Clown, the dark energy injected into him by Barbatos would indeed protect him from being killed. But the Emperor Clown buried him upstream of the super time stream, so what's the difference between that and death?
But I, Chen the Bat, have seen through everything. No matter how embarrassed the Laughing Bat behaves, all this should be part of the opponent's plan.

And if everything went as planned, then my kidnapping of these ordinary Bruces and the idea of ​​"using these Bruces to summon bat mites" were also the result of the other party's inducement.

So what is the ultimate goal of the Laughing Bat? What strategic outcome does he need to achieve with all this?
Chen Tao felt that the other party had gone to so much trouble, and taking his life was definitely one of their goals.

So if we try to reverse the process of this very likely outcome, a 1/4 Dark Multiverse Dragon like Chen Tao can no longer be dealt with by ordinary means, unless the Laughing Bat forces him to fight a life-and-death battle with Emperor Clown.

Of course Chen Tao would not accept this competition. The Laughing Bat would probably try to drag him to the front of the Emperor Clown in the Super Time Stream, but what Chen Tao wanted to ensure was...

The person who appeared in front of the Emperor Clown was not him, but a max-level booster.

"What conspiracy are you playing?" He heard the voice of Reverse Flash: "Sorry, Hal, that perfect world will definitely come. Something must have gone wrong. I will find a way to make him..."

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." But then he heard Batman say to Hal's face that appeared on the building.

"I know you, Parallax Mohal. I know your awareness. I have heard you and seen your claims to create a perfect world. You have never found me, so I can only take the initiative to find you."

Chen Tao tried to make his voice sound as sincere as possible; acting was his specialty, and in this respect he was as cunning as the clown.

"What do you want, Batman?" Parallax Demon Hal paused for a moment and asked quietly.

To be honest, he was a little uncomfortable with this kind of Batman. In his era, Batman was always the most principled person. Like Superman, he had the iron rule of not killing.

He knew that Batman Bruce Wayne would never agree to his plan to reshape the timeline and create a perfect world, but the Bruce in front of him showed such unusual enthusiasm for his plan that he almost suspected that the other party didn't understand what he was going to do.

"It's consistent with your goal. An opportunity to eliminate the dirty and evil villains." Chen Tao said.

"I have been fighting for many years, many years! And new crises will never let me go. They always drive me into it, and then it goes on and on. I'm really fed up. My world and I live on the brink of destruction every day."

“In order to solve one problem, I created a bigger problem, and then I knew I had to solve this problem myself,” Chen Tao said. “I thought I could live a quiet life in Fiji, but it wasn’t long before it was like fireworks exploding there, without a moment’s silence.”

"You ask me what I want? Like Reverse Flash, I want a perfect world for me to retire."

So far, it's relatively normal.

"Is that so? Yes, as long as I succeed..."

Parallax Demon Hal originally wanted to say: As long as I succeed, everything will be calm. All villains will be locked in a prison where they can never escape, and there will be no more crises.

But he had only said the first half of the sentence before he heard Batman's next words.

"And killing those hopeless villains is the first step to creating a perfect world!"

Chen Tao's eyes widened, and he said in an excited tone that the inspector Mohar did not agree with: "We need to capture all the villains, including the Emperor, the Joker, the Laughing Bat, and that Barbatos. We will gather them together and lock them in a sealed room, and then put toxic greenhouse gas in it, so that they will soon feel the pain that I once felt."

His expression gradually twisted, from sorrowful disgust to twisted fanaticism: "If there are still bastards who don't intend to obey our orders, we will kill them all and turn the rest into slaves!"


Then Chen Tao began to frantically steal the lines of Marvel's Punisher, an anti-hero who massacred criminals. In terms of values, his theories were even more brutal than those of DC's Red Hood.

At least the core idea of ​​the second generation Robin is that we can't kill all the criminals, so we have to control crime, but for the Punisher, there is no such thing as endless killing. There is no such thing as judgment for all crimes. Just kill them and that's it! The following are his classic quotes.

"To be honest, I really don't understand why so many people can't figure out such a simple math problem: kill a bad guy and save a good guy."

"If the evil act of killing can turn a good person into a bad person, then as long as I kill enough people, I will be the only bad person left in the world."

These words are logically self-consistent, and the actions guided by this theory seem to be correct. It is a somewhat excessive but attractive experience for Parallax Mohal.

What follows is the next sublimation plot, where Chen Tao firmly controls the emotions of the inspecting Mohar.

"Listen to me, Hal. I am a mistake, a being from the other side of darkness, and you are a god with the power to reshape reality, but you are trapped at the other end of the hyper-time stream."

"Only after you come to reality can you help my universe ascend to the positive material universe, without having to endure the sorrow brought by the innate defects and the horrific fate of the dark multiverse."

"That's enough. Stop your eloquence." Chen Tao heard Parallax Demon Hal say this.

He scolded in a low voice: "Who do you want to use me against?"

These words sounded unusually sober, but Chen Tao knew that Parallax Demon Hal's attitude had softened.

This is essentially no different from saying "I don't want to be kissed by you" in a coquettish voice during flirting. Both are hypocritical.

But there is one more thing... The language that stirs up emotions is too explicit, and the provocative meaning is too obvious. Even though Chen Tao's sincere acting has weakened some of this perception, the flaw still exists.

Chen Tao knew he needed to do something to dispel Hal's feeling of being used.

He took out the previously detached head of the Laughing Bat from the strange space opened by the Metal Spirit.

The head of the Laughing Bat was smiling unusually brightly, and Chen Tao also squeezed in and smiled.

"You are a hero, Hal. We have always known you were a hero. People of your time did not understand you. They could not recognize your determination to create a perfect world."

He looked at the face of Hal condensed on the building.

"I am just an unlucky guy with status but no power. If I could really pull you from the upper reaches of the super-time stream to the present, I swear I would have planned to do so a long time ago. Every day, every day, I work hard to protect all living beings in the dark multiverse, but things will never go as I wish."

No one knows how sincere Chen Tao's tone is, or if there is some truth in what he says?

“I feel like Sisyphus who can never get his boulder to the top of the mountain,” he lamented. “Every time I want to achieve a good ending, I have to put everything on the table, or just let it go by luck.”

"It's exhausting, it's exhausting."

He looked up at Hal.

"If the world were perfect, would I not have to bear such a heavy burden?"

He paused, and then Chen Tao counted silently in his heart.

3, 2, 1.

"What are you going to ask me to do?"

New teammates have appeared.




Upstream of the super-time flow.

"Mm, it tastes very good, my court jester."

The Emperor Joker used a sharp fork to fork off a small bowl of fruit presented to him by Lex Luthor, who had been turned into a palace by him.

In fact, if Emperor Joker wanted, he could use the power of modifying reality at any time to create a much more sumptuous fruit feast than the one Lex Luthor offered him, but he just liked to see Lex trying to do so.

Just like a monkey performance in a circus, no one really wants to know the answer to the math problem the monkey solves, they just like to watch a monkey do math problems.

Lois Lane, the Empress of the Emperor Joker, sat beside him as they watched on the TV screen Superman being hunted by numerous super villains and Bizarro, who had transformed into the true Superman.

Even in such a critical situation, Superman Clark still fought back desperately, but this counterattack was just a fun game for Emperor Joker.

What these emperor clowns want to know more than anything else is how to leave the current timeline that has already happened and been determined.

Emperor Clown had no idea how he was defeated in this timeline and lost the power of the Troublemaker. He took the initiative to erase and give up this part of his memory in order to stay as far away from the time of his failure as possible.

He doesn't have much time left to escape.

When he realized this, even the fruit offered to him by Luther didn't taste so good anymore.

But at this moment, the Emperor Clown felt that someone downstream of the super time flow was using some kind of magic ritual to communicate with him.

What's there to hesitate about? The Emperor Clown responded to the communication immediately. No matter who made the choice of communication, the Emperor Clown can exert influence on that person, unless the other party is...

"Laughing Bat, are you calling me???"

(End of this chapter)

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