What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 612 Bat-Mite: What you should do now is get married on the spot. Batman:?

Chapter 612 Bat-Mite: What you should do now is get married on the spot. Batman:?

The Laughing Bat heard the Bat-Mite making retching sounds.

The fifth-dimensional energy cage he had prepared in advance to trap Bat-Mite seemed to be of no use at all. At this time, he was wearing normal Batman's clothes, without even the dark goggles full of spikes, and his mouth was not raised, but these did not seem to fool Bat-Mite at all.

"Oh, I'm so disgusted. The Laughing Bat is simply the most disgusting character. Apart from being a nesting doll and a disgusting person, this meaningless empty guy, get away from me right now!"

The bat mite appeared in midair with a bang, and then spat a large amount of vomit directly onto the ground. It then disappeared from the spot while cursing, and then reappeared in another slightly farther place:
"The appearance of this character is simply challenging the bottom line of all readers. To be honest, you were not a piece of shit at the beginning. At least in the early days of your appearance, you were still able to satisfy the original purpose of your existence - Batman's worst nightmare. But now you are only a nightmare - ugh!"

"No, I have to get away from you. Staying with you all the time is a blasphemy to my imagination. Ugh! Goodbye!"

There was another popping sound, and the Laughing Bat stood there expressionlessly. Seeing the bat mite he summoned disappear, it was impossible to tell what emotion it felt.

"I have anticipated this situation." He whispered to himself, "Everything... everything is still within my plan."

You see, this is why the Laughing Bat disgusts Bat-Mite.




Chen Tao knows that he is Batman.

A super…super serious Batman.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, a large amount of emotional energy provided by other Bruces was almost forming a substance. Chen Tao knew that as these energies became more active, if his guess was correct, the Laughing Bat should also be performing a magic ritual to summon the Bat Mite.

He has made a simple deal with the Reverse-Flash and the Parallax Mohal behind him, and things are temporarily under control.

After being strengthened by those drugs, Diana from Queen Hekate's world was barely able to fight against Wumin Iron Fist and buy time for Chen Tao.

Reverse Flash is now ready. Chen Tao knows that the Laughing Bat will definitely summon Bat-Mite later, and since he has the ability to summon Bat-Mite, he must have a way to defeat and imprison the opponent.

This sounded like a fantasy. Even when he told this conjecture to Parallax Hal and Reverse-Flash, they both didn't think that an ordinary person like the Laughing Bat who was slightly strengthened by Barbatos had the ability to imprison a five-dimensional creature. However, Chen Tao forcefully pushed forward this plan.

The "he can" inference must be made about the Laughing Bat.

With the help of Hal the Parallax Demon, Reverse-Flash, who is already a master at playing with time, can run at super-speed through a particle accelerator and, from now on, continue to steal the time that exists in reality.

This would allow Bat-Mite to have "time" to escape the moment he was summoned. Chen Tao said that he was a serious Batman, and everything he did was based on seriousness...

Chen Tao blinked his eyes, and found that he was transferred to Gotham City without knowing when. Chen Tao used the Dark Multiverse Dragon's status to check and found that he was still in the Gotham City of the Reverse Flash universe. In the last second, he was even observing the data on the dashboard of the Reverse Flash moving at high speed.

There is only one group of creatures in the entire multiverse that can move a quarter of the dark multiverse dragons to such a location without them being able to react.

"Come out, Bat-Mite. The fact that you can do this means that you have escaped from the Laughing Bat."

Chen Tao stood on the street, ignoring the passers-by, and shouted loudly to the sky: "So what are you waiting for? I have something to talk to you about!"

This is good.

Chen Tao knew that his plan had been successful. Bat-Mite was not caught by the Laughing Bat, and the worst situation had not occurred. What he had to do next was to warn Bat-Mite immediately, to let him know the dangers of the Emperor Clown, and how dangerous the troublemaker who had given 99.9% of his power to the Emperor Clown was.

Once the Emperor Clown comes down from the Super Time Stream, the first person he will look for is the Troublemaker. If his power is also taken away by the Emperor Clown, then the opponent's power will be so strong...

Chen Tao did not wait for Bat Mite's answer, but soon he heard gunshots in a store on the street.

Hell, in fact, in the current timeline, in the universe of Reverse Flash Swan, the shadow of war is already very serious, and the social atmosphere is generally chaotic, so this kind of robbery will occur openly in broad daylight.

After Reverse Flash Swan tried hard to curb this situation in the first few reincarnations, he has become completely accustomed to and immune to such things in the later reincarnations. Anyway, if he restarts history, all the people who died in the robbery will be resurrected, so why should he waste time and energy to save those people?
But it is difficult for Chen Tao to do so.

His X-ray vision had already seen that an armed gangster in the store had pointed his gun at the owner.

For Chen Tao, sometimes he was busy with other more dangerous things and had no time to pay attention to situations like robberies in his world. Such things did happen.

But there was no way he could remain indifferent to the events happening right under his nose.

He flashed and appeared directly in the store, easily taking the bullets shot by the two gangsters at the store owner.

"Holy shit Batman!" The three gangsters were horrified when they saw Batman.

The two black men who had just been smiling and buying things for free on the shelves immediately put on bitter faces and put all the things back on the shelves as if they were lying down. The store owner, who had been standing there with his hands raised and eyes closed, also opened his eyes, and when he saw Batman, he immediately smiled.

Chen Tao glanced at the alarm under the store owner not far away. Was it because the convenience store owner tried to press the alarm after being robbed that the robbers killed him? How stupid. What's the point of pressing the alarm at this time? It would only anger the robbers and not bring any support.

He was about to say something when he heard a voice like a comedy narrator saying, "Suddenly, a figure appeared dramatically at the door. It was the Dark Knight!"

"I don't need a live storyline commentary, Bat-Mite, stop playing and show up in front of me."

Chen Tao's face turned dark, and the three robbers became even more frightened when they saw Batman talking to himself like a madman.

"We surrender, we surrender Batman, we know how powerful you are."

"What? No! That's too easy! Get your gun out and shoot him!"

Chen Tao heard the sound of bat mites, and as he expected, the next second the two prisoners who had surrendered due to the fright of old man Thomas Wayne, immediately dropped all the valuables in their hands uncontrollably, and then took out their guns and cannons from their waists and fired a burst of bullets at Chen Tao.

"No, did I do this? What on earth is going on?" The poor robber screamed, and then was knocked unconscious by Chen Tao's hammer the next second.

"I believe you."

"I'm so... so sorry. Please don't throw me off the building. I just..."

But before the unfortunate robber could finish his words, Bat-Mite's voice rang out again: "Why apologize? Just rush up and beat him up. He's Batman, he can take it!"

"You two rush up and knock Batman down!"

"We surrender!" The three robbers raised their arms in unison.

"Oh, come on, guys, you won't even try?"

"Bat-Mite!!! I told you to stop playing around. Do you really think you can escape from the Laughing Bat without my help..." "I'm upping the ante!"

The next second, reality was instantly distorted. Under the influence of the bat mite's power, one fully armed bandit after another was transferred in front of Chen Tao with a confused look on their faces. Then the next moment, their entire set of weapons was also delivered to them by the bat mite.

Most of the gang members were controlled by the bat mites without even figuring out what was happening, and they pointed their guns at Chen Tao and started shooting.

"Enough!" Chen Tao didn't even try to dodge.

His Kryptonian physique allowed him to ignore the hail of bullets, and he could accurately use his thermal vision to burn the guns in the hands of every gangster who shot at him.

"Wait, this Batman can use heat vision and has the physique of a Kryptonian. Is this true?"

Just as Chen Tao was about to speak, he saw the gangsters in front of him suddenly turned into roaring Doomsdays in a flash of light.

Chen Tao's hands also lit up, and soon, he held a kryptonite spear in each hand.

"You'd better hurry up, this spear is very sharp."

The next second, Chen Tao was pinned down by dozens of Doomsdays that pounced on him, his whole body covered with huge monsters.


The portal of the Red of All Living Things suddenly opened, and Chen Tao broke free from the encirclement of so many Doomsdays, and then kicked them all in. Anyway, the universe he was in now was not known how far away from his original universe. Even if he used the Red of All Living Things in this universe as a trash can, these monsters would not run back to his universe.

"Wow, how come you have all these moves? They're not like Batman at all, but unexpectedly they look like the methods Batman would prepare!"

"Enough of the games, show yourself, Bat-Mite."

Then he heard Bat-Mite say, "Then it's as you wish."

Then, all the enemies disappeared, including those who were driven into the Red of All Beings by Chen Tao, those who had not yet entered, and the surrounding streets. When Chen Tao came to his senses, he found himself standing on top of the gargoyle of Wayne Building in Gotham City.

He turned his head, and accompanied by bursts of smoke appearing out of nowhere, there was a loud bang in the sky, and the bat mite made a brilliant appearance.

Chen Tao saw a mini version of Batman floating in the air. He had a child's upturned nose and was wearing a full Batman uniform. His left bat ear was drooping. At this moment, he was holding his belly and doing somersaults happily in the air.

A five-dimensional creature with great abilities, but not much responsibility.

"Oh my god, Batman, I'm your biggest fan!"

“I know you’re a fan.”

"Number one!"

Chen Tao wanted to interrupt, but Bat-Mite was completely immersed in his own world. He flew over and threw a long string of rainbow farts at Chen Tao:

"Oh my god, I've long thought that the Justice League is just a long list of accessories for Batman. Their existence is completely a meaningless burden, not even worthy of sharpening batarangs for you. I'm so excited to meet you. You know I've always wondered what would happen if Batman had all the superpowers, and you are my favorite superpower Batman. The last superpower Batman I liked so much was Speed ​​Bullet, but now you're a combination of them. This is even more perfect!"

"Yes, yes. First you listen to me."

"And the way you dealt with those Doomsdays was so cool! You even have superhuman abilities. No wonder they say Batman always has a plan!"

Seeing that Bat Mite was getting more and more high, to the point where communication was impossible, Chen Tao hurriedly used the serious matter of being a troublemaker to give the other party's desperately divergent and tumbling imagination an anchor point so that he could return to normal sanity.

"You can contact the troublemaker, and you know how to bring him here."

"Uh, sure?"

"Don't do that." Chen Tao said, "Our most important question now is how to restrict the Laughing Bat and the Emperor Clown."

He said in a kind voice: "Since you are my number one fan, you must want to solve this with me and complete this great adventure, right?"

He fully considered the five-dimensional little devil bat mite's unusual thinking mode and spoke to it in a tone of coaxing a child. The other party had been making trouble for such a long time, and it was reasonable that he should have lost interest.

But the fifth dimension is the world of imagination, and the most obvious characteristics of imagination are unpredictability and wild imagination.

Chen Tao heard Bat-Mite say, "What, a great adventure?"

"Yeah, great adventure."

"No, what you should do now is get married!"

"What?" Chen Tao didn't react in time. The next second he found himself changing into a groom's suit and appearing on the streets of Gotham. Then after a puff of smoke, Diana from his universe had already changed into her wedding dress. Bat-Mite moved all the Justice League and the entire family and friends group from his universe over. The streets of Gotham had become a wedding scene. This nonsensical development made Chen Tao's cerebellum shrink.


"Batman, why are we suddenly..."

Most of the family and friends were forced to change into formal clothes, and the Rogues and the villains subdued by Chen Tao also came, and some of them even looked like they were still asleep. Chen Tao did not take them with him when he left his universe, so they still had their own lives to live, maintaining justice, and at the same time guarding the anti-Barbatos fortress he built with two universes according to Batman's instructions.

But before they could react, bat mites pulled them here across infinite dimensions.

Mixed in with the group of relatives and friends was a guy who was a little bit more eye-catching.

Chen Tao was surprised: "Merciless Iron Fist???"

Wuqing Iron Fist was also surprised: "Batman's Dragon???"

Then Wumin Tiegan saw Wonder Woman Diana standing next to him in a wedding dress. She had just been pulled over from the post left behind in Chen Tao's universe by Bat-Mite and was still in a daze.

Merciless Iron Fist, who was standing at the wedding scene of Wonder Woman and Batman, felt terrible. Fortunately, Bat-Mite arranged his position in the "I was here first" position. Chen Tao saw that his eyes under the helmet turned a little red.

Then, he raised his head to the sky and roared: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Bat-Mite was still talking nonsense next to him: "In principle, I support Cat-Bat, but there seems to be no Selina in your universe, and SW and BW are also unpopular CPs that many people support, so in line with the principle of respecting and blessing your idols, I decided to add fuel to the fire of your relationship..."

Wumin Tiequan pounced on him with the force of a mad tiger. Chen Tao originally didn't want to waste time with Wumin Tiequan, so he went to find Wonder Woman from Queen Hecate's world to deal with him. Now all the efforts were in vain!

The bat mite MC was still shouting with satisfaction: "The wedding starts now!"

(End of this chapter)

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